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2019-02-25 18:31:10 点击数:

*A; administrator [UNDP]; 署长
*aa; always afloat; 永远飘浮[租船合同]
*AA; assistance administrator [UNDP]; 助理署长
*AAAID; Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development; 阿拉伯农业投资发展局
*AAAS; American Association for the Advancement of Science; 美国科学促进协会(科促会)
*AAASA; Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Science in Africa; 非洲农业科学促进会(农科促进会)
*AACB; Association of African Central Banks; 非洲中央银行协会
*AACC; Airport Association Co-ordinating Council; 机场协会协调理事会(机场协调理事会)
*AACR2; Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd Edition [EDP]; 英美编目规则,第二版
*AADAA; Autonomous Customs Warehouse Administration [Bolivia]; Administracion Autonoma de Almacenes Aduaneros; 自主保税仓库管理局
*AADFI; Association of African Development Financing Institutions; 非洲发展筹资机构协会
*AAEC; Australian Atomic Energy Commission; 澳大利亚原子能委员会
*AAJ; American Association of Jurists; 美洲法学家协会;
*AALCC; Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee; 亚非法律协商委员会(亚非法协)
*AAM; Anti-Apartheid Movement, The; 反对种族隔离运动
*A and M; Department of Administration and Management (A & M; DAM); [UN Secretariat]; 行政和管理事务部
*AAPA; American Association of Port Authorities; 美洲港务局协会
*AAPSO; Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization; Organisation de Solidarite des Peuples Afro-Afriques (OSPAA); 亚非人民团结组织(亚非团结组织)
*AAR; Association of American Railroads; 美国铁路协会
*aar; against all risk (AAR) [Marine Insurance]; 全险;承保一切风险;保综合险
*AARP; American Association of Retired Persons; 美国退休人士协会(退休人士协会)
*AARRO; Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization; 亚非农村复兴组织
*AARU; Association of Arab Universities; 阿拉伯大学协会(大学协会)
*AAQS; ambient air quality standard; 环境空气质量标准
*AASM; Associated African States and Madagasgar; 联系的非洲国家和马达加斯加
*AASU; All Africa Students Union; 全非学生联合会
*AATPO; Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations; 非洲贸易促进组织协会
*AAU; Association of African Universities; 非洲大学协会(大学协会)
*AAWORD; Association of African Women for Research and Development; 非洲妇女研究和发展协会(非洲妇女研发协会)
*AB; actiebolag [Sweden]; 股份有限公司
*AB; American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) [USA]; 美国船级社;美国船舶局
*AB; countries with abnormal burden; 负担过重国家
* ABA; American Bar Association; 美国律师协会
*ABACC; Argentine-Brazilian Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear; Material; 阿根廷—巴西核材料审计及监督署
*ABAI; American Boiler and Affiliated Industries; 美国锅炉及附属设备制造商协会
*ABB; ASEA Brown Boveri (ASEA: Allmanna Svenska Elektriska AB); 瑞典通用电机—布朗·博韦里联合公司
*ABCP; Asian Buddhists Conference for Peace; 亚洲佛教徒促进和平会议(佛教徒促进和平会议)
*Abd; Abdel; 阿卜杜勒[阿拉伯人名]
*ABEDA; Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa; Banque Arabe pour le Developpement Economique en Afrique; (BADEA); 阿拉伯非洲经济发展银行(阿拉伯非洲银行)
*ABIFT; Arab Bank for Investment and Foreign Trade; 阿拉伯投资和外贸银行
*ABL; authorized budget level; 核定预算数额
*ABM; anti-ballistic missile; 反弹道导弹; ABM Treaty; Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty; Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of; Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic; Missiles System [A/C.1/1026(XXVII)]; 美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟关于限制反弹道; 导弹系统条约(反弹道导弹条约)
*ABMA; American Boiler Manufacturers Association; 美国锅炉制造商协会
*ABN; Algemene Bank Nederland NV; 荷兰银行
* AboC; Agricultural Bank of China; ; 中国农业银行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*ABP; Associated British Ports (a privatized institution which owned 19 ports; that handled more than one quarter of the national port traffic); 英国联合港口公司
*ABRI; Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indesonia [Indonesia]; 印度尼西亚共和国武装部队
*ABS; alkyl benzenesulfonate; 苯磺酸烷酯
*ABS; American Bureau of Shipping (AB) [USA]; 美国船级社;美国船舶局
*abs re; absens reo [Latin]; 被告不在;被告未到庭
* ABS; Australian Bureau of Statistics; 澳大利亚统计局 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*ABSU; All-Burma Students' Union [Burma]; 全缅学生联合会
*ABU; Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union; 亚洲及太平洋广播联盟
*AC; accion civica [Spanish]; 公民行动
*AC; anno Christi [Latin]; 公元[平常情况下应采用后者]; ante Christum [Latin]; 公元前
*AC; average cost; 平均成本
*A/C; current account (a/c; C/A); 往来帐户;活期存款帐户
*ACABQ; Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions; 行政和预算问题咨询委员会(行预咨委会)
*ACAMAR; Central American Shipowners' Association; Asociacion Centroamericana de Armadores; 中美洲船东协会
*ACAP; Association Congolaise d'Amitie entre les Peuples; 刚果争取各国人民友好协会
*ACAST; Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to; Development (ACASTD); 科学和技术促进发展咨询委员会(科技促进发展咨委会)
*ACASTD; Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to; Development (ACAST); 科学和技术促进发展咨询委员会(科技促进发展咨委会)
*ACAT ; Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture; 基督徒废除酷刑行动; IFACAT;International Federation of ACAT; 基督徒废除酷刑行动组织国际联合会; (基督徒废除酷刑联合会)
*ACBCC; Advisory Committees to the Board and to the Committee on; Commodities [UNCTAD]; 理事会和商品委员会的咨询委员会
*ACC; Accounts Division [OFS]; 帐务司
*ACC; Administrative Committee on Co-ordination [ESC]; 行政协调委员会(行政协调会)
*ACC; Arab Co-operation Council; 阿拉伯合作委员会
*ACC; Asian Coconut Community [ESCAP]; 亚洲椰子共同体
*acc; acceptance; 承兑;承兑票据;承保[保险];验收[商检]
*ACCAD; Advisory Committee for the World Climate Applications and Data; Programme; 世界气候应用和数据方案咨询委员会(气候应用咨委会)
*ACCAUD; accounting and auditing; 会计和审计
*ACCIS; Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems; 资料系统协调事务咨询委员会(资协咨委会)
*ACC-SCN; Sub-Committee on Nutrition of the Administrative Committee on; Co-ordination; 行政协调委员会营养问题小组委员会(行政协调会营养问题小组; 委员会)
*ACCT; Agency for Cultural and Technical Co-operation (ACTC); Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique; 文化和技术合作机构
*ACDA; Arms Control and Disarmament Agency [USA]; 美国军备控制和裁军署
*ACDA; Asian Centre for Development Administration; 亚洲发展事业管理中心
*ACDI; Agriculture Co-operative Development International; 国际农业合作社发展局(农业合作社发展局)
*ACE; Architects' Council of Europe; 欧洲建筑师理事会
*ACE; Community environmental actions [EC]; actions communautaires pour l'environnement; 共同体改善环境行动
*ACEFRS; Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish; 阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文
*ACEI; Association for Childhood Education International; 幼年教育国际协会(幼年教育协会)
*ACEMRR; Advisory Committee of Experts on Marine Resources Research; 海洋资源研究专家咨询委员会
*ACFOA; Australian Council for Overseas Aid; 澳大利亚海外援助理事会
*ACFOD; Asian Cultural Forum on Development; 亚洲发展文化论坛(发展文化论坛)
*ACH; automated clearing houses (ACHs); 自动化票据交换所
*ACHHRP; African Commission of Health and Human Rights Promoters; 非洲卫生和人权促进者委员会
*ACHPR; African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights; 非洲人权和人民权利委员会
*ACHR; Advisory Committee on Health Research [WHO]; 卫生研究咨询委员会
*ACI; African Cultural Institute; 非洲文化研究所
*ACI; Airports Council International; 机场理事会国际
*ACIR; Advisory Council for Industrial Research [ESCAP]; 工业研究咨询理事会
*ACIS; Advance Cargo Information System [TD/B/C.4/340, para. 110]; 货物预报信息系统
*ACJS; Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences; 刑事司法学会
*ACL; Atlantic Container Lines; 大西洋集装箱航运公司
*ACM; Arab Common Market; 阿拉伯共同市场
*ACMEL; Associated Continental Middle East Lines; 欧洲大陆中东航运公会
*ACMRR; Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research; 海洋资源研究咨询委员会
*ACMS; African Centre for Monetary Studies; 非洲货币研究中心(货币研究中心)
*ACNAT; Action by the Community relating to Nature Conservation [EC]; 共同体保护自然界行动
*ACOMR; Advisory Committee on Oceanic Meteorological Research [WMO]; 海洋气象研究咨询委员会
*ACORD; Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development; 发展合作与研究机构
*ACORD; Association de Cooperation et de Recherches pour le Developpement; [Mali]; 合作与研究促进发展协会
*ACP; African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States; Group of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries; African, Caribbean and Pacific States; (Group of the ACP; ACP Group; ACP States); 非加太集团;非加太国家;非加太国家集团; (非洲、加勒比和太平洋地区国家集团)
*A & CP; anchors and chains proved; 锚和锚链检查合格[租船]
*ACPAQ; Advisory Committee on Post Adjustment Questions; 工作地点差价调整数问题咨询委员会(调整数咨委会)
*ACPM; Advisory Committee on Programme Management [EC]; 方案管理咨询委员会(方案管理咨委会)
*ACPR; Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives; 常驻代表咨询委员会(常驻代表咨委会)
*ACRS; Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; 反应堆安全保障咨询委员会
*ACRU; Arab currency-related unit; 阿拉伯货币单位(阿币单位)
*ACS; Association of Caribbean States; 加勒比国家联盟(加勒比联盟)
*ACSAD; Arab Centre for the Study of Arid Zones and Drylands; 阿拉伯干旱地带和旱地区研究中心(阿拉伯旱地研究中心)
*ACT; Associated Container Transportation Ltd. [UK]; 联合集装箱运输公司
*ACTC; Agency for Cultural and Technical Co-operation; Agence de Cooperation Culturelle ti Technique (ACCT); 文化和技术合作机构
*ACTDG; Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and; Rail (ADG Code); 澳大利亚危险货物公路和铁路运输规则
*ACTIM; Agence pour la Cooperation Technique Industrielle et Economique; 工业技术与经济合作机构
*ACTRSWD; Asian Centre for Training and and Research in Social Welfare and; Development; 亚洲社会福利和发展训练研究中心(亚洲福利发展训研中心)
*ACTS; Advanced Cargo Tracking System; 高级货物查询系统
*ACTS; African Centre for Technologies Studies; 非洲技术研究中心
*ACTU; Australian Council of Trade Unions; 澳大利亚工会理事会
*ACU; Asian Clearing Union; 亚洲清算联盟(亚清盟)
*A/C ULD; aircraft unit load device; 航空用成组器[集装箱]; non-A/C ULD; 非航空用成组器
*ACUNS; Academic Council on United Nations System; 研究联合国系统学术委员会(联学委)
*ACWF; All-China Women's Federation; 中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)
*ACWW; Associated Country Women of the World; 世界农村妇女协会(农村妇女协会)
*AD; Administrative Commission [ICAO]; 行政委员会
*AD; Agricultural Department [FAO]; 农业司
*AD; anno Domini [Latin]; 公元
*AD; anti-dumping; 反倾销
*ADAB; Australian Development Assistance Bureau; 澳大利亚开发援助局
*ADALCo; African Deserts and Arid Lands Committee; 非洲沙漠和旱地委员会
*ADAPas; Association des Amis des Passages [France]; 自由通行协会
*ADB; Administration and Services Bureau [ICAO]; 行政服务局
*ADB; African Development Bank (AfDB); 非洲开发银行
*ADB; Asian Development Bank (AsDB; BAsD); 亚洲开发银行(亚行)
*ADC; Andean Development Corporation; Societe Andine de Developpement (SAD); Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF); 安第斯开发公司(安开公司)
*ADC; Asian Development Centre; 亚洲开发中心(开发中心)
*ADD; Association for Democracy and Development in Central America; 中美洲争取民主与发展协会
*ADEC; Asociacion de Defensa y Capacitacion Legal [Peru]; 合法辩护与权利能力协会
*ADF; African Development Fund (AfDF); 非洲开发基金(非洲基金)
*ADF; Asian Development Fund (AsDF) [AsDB]; 亚洲开发基金
*ADFAED; Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic Development; 阿布扎比阿拉伯经济发展基金(阿布扎比基金)
*ADG; Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and; Rail (ADG Code; ACTDG); 澳大利亚危险货物公路和铁路运输规则
*ADI; American Documentation Institute; 美国文献学会
*ADI; Asian Development Institute; 亚洲开发研究所
*ADIC; Asian Industrial Development Council; 亚洲工业发展理事会(亚洲工发理事会)
*ADIDA; Asociacion de Institutores de Antioquia; Teachers' Association of Antioquia [Colombia, member of CUT]; 安蒂奥基亚教师协会
*ADISP; Automated Data Interchange Systems Panel [ICAO]; 自动数据交换系统专家小组(数据交换系统小组)
*ADL; Anti-Defamation League; 反诽谤联盟
*ADLI; agricultural-demand-led-industrialization; 农业的需要带来的工业化
*ADM; Division of Administration; 行政司
*Ad Mapu; Organizacion Mapuche; 马普切人组织(阿德马普组织)
*ADN; Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst [news agency]; 德意志通讯社(德通社)
*ADN; Nationalist Democratic Action Movement [Bolivia]; Accion Democratica Nacionlista; 民族主义民主行动党
*ADP; Alianza Democratica Progresista [Equatorial Guinea]; 进步民主联盟
*ADP; anti-dumping measures; 反倾销措施
*ADP; automatic data processing; 自动数据处理
*ADPC; Asian Disaster Management Centre; 亚洲灾害管理中心
*ADR; European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of ; Dangerous Goods by Road; Accord pour le Transport de Marchandises Dangereuses par Route; 欧洲国际公路运输危险货物协定(路运危险货物协定)
*ADRA; Adventist Development and Relief Agency; 基督复临会发展与救济局
*ADRINOK; Centre d'Appui au Developpement Rural Integre du Nord-Kivu; [Rwanda]; 北基伍农村综合发展支援中心
*ADS; German General Rules of Marine Insurance; 德国海事保险总则
*ads; ad sectam [Latin]; 在(某)案中;被 .... 控告; 
*ADTEN; Fund for Adaptation and Development of Technology [Brazil]; 技术改造和发展基金
*ADVB; Association of Brazilian Sales Directors; Associacao de Dirigentes de Vendas do Brasil; 巴西商业高级管理人员协会
*AEA; Atomic Energy Authority (BAEA; UKAEA) [UK]; 原子能管理局
*AEALC; Association of Latin American and Caribbean Economists; Asociacion de Economistas de America Latina y el Caribe; 拉丁美洲及加勒比经济学家协会(拉美及加勒比经济学家协会)
*AEB; Atomic Energy Board [South Africa]; 原子能委员会
*AEC; African Economic Community; 非洲经济共同体
*AEC; Atomic Energy Corporation [South Africa]; 原子能公司
*AECA; Arms Export Control Act [USA]; 军备出口管制法
*AECI; Spanish Agency for International Co-operation; Agencia Espanola de Cooperation International; 西班牙国际合作署
*AECS; Australia-Europe Container Service; 澳大利亚欧洲集装箱联营集团
*AEDENAT; Asociacion Ecologista de Defensa de la Naturaleza [Spain]; 生态学家保护大自然协会
*AEEBC; Association Europeenne des Experts du Batiment et de la Construction; 欧洲建筑物及建筑专家协会
*AEEF; European Association of Refrigeration Enterprises; Association Europeenne des Exploitations Frigorifiques; 欧洲冷藏企业协会(冷藏协会)
*AEEW; Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith [UK]; 温弗里思原子能研究所
*AEG; Allgemeine Elektrizitas Gesellschaft [Germany]; 通用电气公司
*AEGPL; European Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association; Association Europeenne des Gaz de Petrole Liquefies; 欧洲液化石油气协会
*AEI; automatic equipment identification; 自动设备识别
*AEJI; Association of European Jute Industries; 欧洲黄麻工业协会(黄麻工业协会)
*AEL; American Export Lines; 美国出口航运公司
*AERE; British Atomic Energy Research Establishment (BAERE) [UK]; 英国原子能研究所
*AERO; Africa and Europe Regional, Area and Country Offices [UNICEF]; 非洲和欧洲区域、地区及国家办事处
*AES; Asian Environmental Society; 亚洲环境学会(环境学会)
*AESC; American Engineering Standards Committee [USA]; 美国工程标准委员会
*AETR; European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles ; Engaged in International Road Transport; [Geneva, 19 January 1962]; 欧洲国际公路运输车辆从业人员工作协定
*AEU; African Economic Unity; 非洲经济统一体
*AF; Administration and Finance Department [FAO]; 行政及财务司
*AF; advanced freight; 预付运费
*Af; Afghani [Monetary Unit of Afghanistan]; 阿富汗尼
*AFASED; African Assiciation of Education for Development; Association Africaine d'Education pour le Developpement (ASAFED); 非洲教育促进发展协会(教育促进发展协会)
*AFC; African Forestry Committee; 非洲林业委员会
*AFC; average fixed cost; 平均固定成本
*AFCASOLE; Association of Soluble Coffee Manufacturers of the Countries of the; EEC; Association des Fabricants de Cafe Soluble des Pays de la CEE; 欧洲经济共同体国家可溶咖啡生产者协会
*AFCE; Alliance Froid, Climatisation, Environnement [France]; 冷藏、空调、环境联盟
*AFCFP; Arab Federation of Chemical Fertilizer Producers; 阿拉伯化肥生产者联合会(化肥生产者联合会)
*AFCWU; African Food and Canning Workers Union (FCWU) [South Africa]; 非洲食品与罐头业工人工会
*AfDB; African Development Bank (ADB); 非洲开发银行
*AfDF; African Development Fund (ADF); 非洲开发基金(非洲基金)
*AFDI; Annuaire Francais de Droit International; 法国国际法年鉴
*AFDL; Alliance des Forces Democratiques pour la Liberation du Congo Zaire; 解放刚果—扎伊尔民主力量联盟
*AFEAS; Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study; 代用碳氟化合物环境容许程度研究
*AFEI; Arab Federation for Engineering Industries; 阿拉伯工程业联合会(工程业联合会)
*AFERNOD; Association Francaise d'Etude et de Recherche des Nodules Oceaniques; 法国海洋结核研究及勘查协会
*AFESD; Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development; Fonds Arabe pour le Developpement Economique et Social (FADES); 阿拉伯经济及社会发展基金(阿拉伯经社发展基金)
*AFF; Association Francaise du Froid; 法国冷藏业协会
*AFIA; American Foreign Insurance Association; 美国国外保险协会(国外保险协会)
*AFIDA; Association of International Fairs of America; 美国国际博览会协会
*AFICS; Association of Former International Civil Servants; 退职国际公务员协会
*AFLA; America Foreign Law Association; 美国外国法律协会(外国法律协会)
*AFM; Department of Administration, Finance and Management; [UN Secretariat]; 行政、财政和管理事务部
*AFMANENA; Agricultural Food Marketing Association for the Near East and North; Africa; 近东北非农业食品销售协会
*AFM/EDP; Electronic Data Processing and Information Systems Division; (EDP; EDPISD) [AFM]; 电子数据处理和资料系统司(数据系统司)
*AFM/IAD; Internal Audit Division (IAD) [AFM]; 内部审计司
*AFM/OFS; Office of Financial Services (FS; OFS) [AFM]; 财务厅
*AFM/OGS; Office of General Services (GS; OGS) [AFM]; 总务厅
*AFM/OPS; Office of Personnel Services (OPS; PS) [AFM]; 人事厅
*AFNOR; French Standards Institute; Association Francaise de Normalisation; 法国标准化协会
*AFORD; Action for Development [Mauritius]; 发展行动协会
*AFORD; Alliance for Democracy [Malawi]; 民主联盟
*AFP; Agence France-Presse [news agency]; 法新社
*AFP; Armed Forces of Philippines; 菲律宾武装部队
*AFPFL; Anti-Fasciat People's Freedom League [Burma]; 反法西斯人民自由联盟
*AFPLAC; Arab Fund for the Provision of Loans to African Countries; 阿拉伯向非洲国家提供贷款的基金(阿拉伯非洲贷款基金)
*AFPLAN; Regional Food Plan for Africa; 非洲区域粮食计划
*AFPTC; Agricultural and Farm Produce Trade Corporation [Myanmar]; 农业与农场产品贸易公司
*AFRA; average freight rate assessment; 平均运费率估计额(平均费率)
*AFRC; Armed Forces Ruling Council [Nigeria]; 武装部队执政委员会
*AFRDIR; Directory of Scientific and Engineering Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa; [ARCT]; 撒哈拉以南非洲科学和工程学会指南
*AFREXIM; African Export-Import Bank; (Afrexim; Afrexim Bank; AFREXIMBANK); 非洲进出口银行
*AFRICA FUND; African Action for Resisting Invasion, Colonialization and Apartheid; Fund; 非洲抵抗侵略、殖民化及种族隔离行动基金(非洲基金)
*Africare; 关心非洲社
*AFRO; Regional Office for Africa (WHO/AFRO) [WHO]; 非洲区域办事处
*AFS; Administrative and Financial Services [UNOG]; 行政和财政事务处
*AFS; American Field Service; 美国战地服务团; AFS International/Intercultural Programmes, Inc.; 美国战地服务团国际文化交流方案; (战地服务团文化交流方案)
*AFSA; Association Francaise des Societes d'Autoroutes; 法国公路协会联合会
*AFSC; American Friends Service Committee; 美国公谊会服务委员会
*AFTA; ASEAN Free Trade Area; 东盟自由贸易区;东南亚国家联盟自由贸易区
*AFTAAAC; Arab Fund For Technical Assistance to Arab and African Countries; 向阿拉伯和非洲国家提供技术援助的阿拉伯基金; (阿拉伯技术援助基金)
* AFTLD; African Top Level Domains; 非洲顶级域名 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*AFUDE; Association of Relatives of Missing Uruguayans; Agrupacion de Familiares de Uruguayos Desaparecidos; 乌拉圭失踪人士亲属协会
*AG; aktiengesellschaft [Germany]; 股份有限公司
*AGBM; Ad Hoc Group for the Berlin Mandate [FCCC]; 柏林授权特设小组
*AGC; European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines; [Geneva, 31 May 1985]; 欧洲国际铁路干线协定(铁路干线协定)
*AGETIP; Agence d'Execution des Travaux d'Interet Public contre le Sous-Emploi; [Senegal]; 促进就业公益工程局
*AGFUND; Arab Gulf Fund for United Nations Development Organizations; 阿拉伯海湾国家支援联合国发展组织基金; (阿拉伯海湾国家基金); Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development Organizations; 阿拉伯海湾国家支援联合国发展组织方案; (阿拉伯海湾国家方案)
*AGGG; Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases; 温室气体问题咨询小组(温室气体咨询组)
*AGID; Association of Geoscientists for International Development; 地球学家促进国际发展协会(地球学家促进发展协会)
*AGM; air-to-ground missile; 空对地导弹
*AGN; Advisory Group on Nutrition; 营养咨询小组
*AGN; European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International ; Importance [Geneva, 19 January 1996]; 关于具有国际重要性的主要内陆水道的欧洲协定
*AGR; advanced gas-cooled reactor; 高级气冷反应堆
*AGR; European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries; [Geneva, 15 November 1975]; 欧洲主要国际交通干线协定
*AGRHYMET; Agrometeorological and Hydrometeorological Training Programme; (AGRHYMET Programme); 农业气象和水文气象训练方案
*AGRINDEX; Agricultural Science and Technology Information Index; 农业科学和技术资料索引(农业科技资料索引)
*AGRIS; International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology; 国际农业科学和技术资料系统(农业科技资料系统)
*AGT; Convention concerning Customs Clearance of International Goods Traffic with Road Vehicles (AGT Convention) [1965]; 关于国际公路车辆货物运输的海关结关公约
*AGTC; European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport; Lines [Geneva, 1 February 1991]; 欧洲重要国际联合运输线及其有关设施协定(联合运输线协定)
*AGUIPER; Association Guinee pour la Promotion des Energies Renouvelables; 几内亚促进可再生能源协会
*ah; after hatch [Ship]; 后舱
*ah; alternis horis [Latin]; 每两小时;隔一小时
*ahl; ad hunc locum [Latin]; 在此处
*ahv; ad hanc vocem [Latin]; 见此条[字典中参阅注]
*AHWG; ad hoc working group; 特设工作组
*AI; Altrusa International, Inc.; 国际利他社(利他社)
*AI; Amnesty International; 大赦国际
*AIA; Aerospace Industries Association of America [US]; 美国航空航天工业协会
*AIAP; International Association of Art - Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Art (IAA) Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques; 国际艺术(绘画、雕塑、版画)协会(艺术协会)
*AIBD; Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development; 亚洲及太平洋广播发展研究所;亚太广播发展研究所
*AIBGA; All Island Banana Growers' Association [Jamaica]; 全岛香蕉种植者协会
*AIC; Arab Investment Company; 阿拉伯投资公司
*AICARDES; Association of Arab Institutes and Centres for for Economic and Social Research; 阿拉伯经济和社会研究所和研究中心协会; (阿拉伯经社研究所和研究中心协会)
*AICB; International Association against Noise; Association Internationale contre Bruit; 国际反噪音协会(反噪音协会)
*AICE; American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); 美国化学工程师协会
*AICF; NGO International Action against Hunger NGO Action Internationale contre la faim; 非政府组织反饥谨国际行动中心
*AIChE; American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICE); 美国化学工程师协会
*AICL; Interntional Association of Literary Critics; Association Internationale des Critiques Litteraires; 国际文学评论家协会
*AICO; Ibero-American Association of Chambers of Commerce; Asociacion Iberoamericana de Camaras de Comercio; 伊比利亚美洲商会联合会
*AICT; International Association against Torture Association Internationale contre la Torture; 国际反对酷刑协会(反对酷刑协会)
*AID; United States Agency for International Development (USAID); 美国国际开发署
*AIDAC; International Association for Community Development Association Internationale de Developpement et l'Action; Communautaires; 国际社区发展协会
*AIDC; Asian Industrial Development Council; 亚洲工业发展理事会(亚洲工发理事会)
*AIDCOM; Asian Institute for Development Communication; 亚洲发展信息交流协会
*AIDE; International Association of European General Average Adjusters Association Internationale de Dispacheurs Europeens; 欧洲共同海损理算师国际协会
*AIDESEP; Asociacion Interetnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana; 各族联合开发秘鲁热带雨林协会
*AIDMO; Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization; 阿拉伯工业发展和采矿组织
*AIDO; Arab Industrial Development Organization; 阿拉伯工业发展组织
*AIDP; International Association of Penal Law; Association Internationale de Droit Penal; 国际刑法协会(刑法协会)
*AIDR; International Association for Rural Development; Association Internationale de Developpement Rural; 国际农村发展协会
*AIDS; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; 后天免疫机能缺损综合征(艾滋病); HIV/AIDS; 艾滋病/病毒; [HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; 人类免疫机能缺损病毒(艾滋病毒)]
*AIDS; Association for Integrated Data and Documentation Systems; 综合数据和文件编制系统协会
*AIEC; Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries; Association des Pays Exportateurs de Mineral de Fer (APEF); 铁矿石出口国协会
*AIEDP; (United Nations) African Institute for Economic Development and Planning Institut Africain de Developpement Economique et de Planification; (des Nations Unies) (IADEP; IDEP; UNIDEP); (联合国)非洲经济发展和规划研究所
*AIEDP; Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning; 亚洲经济发展和规划研究所(亚洲经发规划所)
*AIEE; American Institute of Electrical Engineers; 美国电机工程师协会
*AIEE; International Association for Educational Assessment; Association International pour l'Evaluation Educative; 国际教育评价协会
*AIESEC; International Association of Students in Economics and Management; Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commercials; 国际经济学与管理学学生协会
*AIESP; Arab Institute for Economic and Social Planning; 阿拉伯经济和社会规划研究所(阿拉伯经社规划所)
*AIIC; International Association of Conference Interpreters; Association Internationale des Interpretes de Conference; 国际会议译员协会(口译协会)
*AIISUP; International Association for Educational and Vocational Information Association Internationale d'Informations Scolaires, Universitaires et Professionnelles; 国际教育和职业资料协会
*AIJ; activities implemented jointly [FCCC]; 联合开展的活动(联合活动); AIJ projects; 联合活动项目
*AIJA; Young Lawyers International Association Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats; 国际青年律师协会(青年律师协会)
*AILA; International Association of Applied Linguistics Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee; 国际应用语言学协会
*AILA; Latin American Industrialists Association; Asociacion de Industriales Latinoamericanos; 拉丁美洲实业家协会(拉美实业家协会)
*AIM; Advanced Informatics in Medicine; 先进医学信息技术[共同体计划]
*AIM; Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia; 马来西亚计划信托基金
*AIMCF; African Inter-Ministrial Committee on Food; 非洲粮食问题部长委员会(非洲部长粮委会)
*AIME; American Institute of Mining Engineers; 美国矿业工程师协会;American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers; 美国矿冶及石油工程师协会
*AIMJF; International Association of Juvenile and Family Court Magistrates (IAJFCM) Association Internationale des Magistrats de la Jeunesse et de la Famille; 国际少年和家庭法院法官协会(少年和家庭法院法官协会)
*AIMME; American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; 美国矿冶工程师协会
*AIO; African Insurance Organization; Organisation des Assurances Africaines (OAA); 非洲保险组织
*AIO; American for Indian Opportunity; 美洲人争取印第安人机会组织
*AIPO; African Intellectual Property Organization; Organisation Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI); 非洲知识产权组织
*AIPP; Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact; Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact; 亚洲土著人民同盟
*AIPYC; Ibero-American Ports and Coasts Association; Asociacion Iberoamericana de Puertos y Costas; 伊比利亚美洲港口和海岸协会
*AIR; Inter-American Association of Broadcasters (IAAB); Asociacion Interamericana de Radiodifusion; 美洲广播业者协会(广播业者协会)
*AIRMIC; Association of Insurance and Risk Managers in Industry and Commerce; 工商业保险及风险管理人员协会
*AIS; International Association of the Soap and Detergent Industry; Association Internationale de la Savonnerie et de la Detergence; 国际肥皂和洗涤剂业协会
*AISADC; Association of Insurance Supervisory Authorities of Developing; Countries; 发展中国家保险监督机构协会
*AISAM; International Association of Mutual Insurance Companies; Association Internationale des Societe d'Assurance Mutuelle; 国际互保公司协会
*AISC; American Institute of Steel Construction; 美国钢结构学会
*AISU; Arab Iron and Steel Union; 阿拉伯钢铁联盟(钢铁联盟)
*AIT; Asian Institute of Technology; 亚洲理工学院
*AIU; International Society of City and Regional Planners; Association Internationale des Urbanistes; 国际城市和区域规划人员学会
*AIWC; All India Women's Conference; 全印度妇女会议(全印妇女会议)
*AIWO; Agudath Israel World Organization; 世界以色列正教组织(以色列正教组织)
*AJED; Association des Jeunes pour l'Education et le Developpement [Senegal]; 青年促进教育和发展协会
*AKTUR; Action Front for the Maintenance of the Turnhalle Principles (National Party's electron front) [South Africa]; 维护特恩哈尔原则行动阵线
*ALA; Asia and Latin America [EC]; 亚洲和拉丁美洲
*ALACAT; Federation of National Associations of Fowarding Agents of Latin America and the Caribbean; Federacion de Asociaciones Nacionales de Agentes de Carga de America Latina y del Caribe; 拉丁美洲及加勒比全国运输代理商公会联合会
*ALACODE; Latin American Association of Development Jounalists; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Corresponsales para Desarrollo; 拉丁美洲新闻工作者争取发展协会
*ALADI; Latin American Association of Industrial Design; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Diseno Industrial; 拉丁美洲工业设计协会(工业设计协会)
*ALADI; Latin American Integration Association (LAIA); Asociacion Latinoamericana de Integracion; 拉丁美洲一体化协会(拉美一体协)
*ALAF; Latin American Railroad Association; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Ferrocarriles; 拉丁美洲铁路协会
*ALALC; Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA); Asociacion Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio; 拉丁美洲自由贸易协会(拉美自由贸协)
*ALAMAR; Latin American Shipowners' Association; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Armadores; 拉丁美洲船东协会
*ALBA; Aluminium Bahrain; 巴林铝业公司
*ALCM; air-launched cruise missile; 空中发射巡航导弹
*ALCOA; Aluminium Company of America (Alcoa); 美国铝业公司
*ALDENAVE; Latin American Association of Navigational Law and Law of the Sea; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Derecho de la Navegacion y del Mar; 拉丁美洲航行法与海洋法协会
*ALDHU; Latin American Human Rights Association; Asociacion Latinoamericana para los Derechos Humanos; 拉丁美洲人权协会
*ALECSO; Arab League Education, Cultural and Scientific Organization; 阿拉伯联盟教育、文化及科学组织(阿拉伯教文科组织)
*ALF; Arab Liberation Front [Palestine]; 阿拉伯解放阵线
*ALFA; Adriatic-Levant Freight Agreement; 亚德里亚—地中海东部沿岸运费协定
*Al Fatah; Palestine National Liberation Movement (Al Fateh; Fatah; Fateh); 巴勒斯坦民族解放运动(法塔赫)
*ALGOL; Algorithmic Language [Computer Language]; 算法语言
*ALGR; Authority for the Integrated Development of the Liptako-Gourma Region; Liptako-Gourma Integrated Development Authority (LGA); Autorite de Developpement Integre de la Region du Liptako-Gourma; 利普塔科—古尔马地区综合开发管理局
*ALIDE; Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras de Desarrollo; 拉丁美洲开发金融机构协会(开发金融机构协会)
*ALIFAR; Latin American Association of Pharmaceutical Industries; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Industrias Farmaceuticas; 拉丁美洲制药工业协会(制药工业协会)
*ALO; Arab Labour Organization; Organisarion Arabe du Travail (OAT); 阿拉伯劳工组织
*Al Saiqa; Vanguard of the Palestine Popular Liberation War; 闪电先锋队(巴勒斯坦人民解放战争先锋队)
*ALU; agricultural labour unit; 农业劳动单位
*AM; ante meridiem (am) [Latin]; 上午;午前
*A & M; Department of Administration and Management (A and M; DAM) [UN Secretariat]; 行政和管理事务部
*AMA; Agence des Musulmans d'Afrique; 非洲穆斯林机构
*AMA; American Medical Association; 美国医学协会
*AMA; Organization of Agricultural Workers [Philippines]; 农业工人组织
*AMADE; Association Malienne pour le Developpement [Mali] ; 马里开发协会
*AMADE; World Association of Children's Friends; Association Mondiale des Amis de l'Enfance; 世界儿童之友协会
*AMAP; Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme; 北极监测和评估方案
*AMAPROS; Association Malienne pour la Promotion du Sahel [Mali]; 马里振兴萨赫勒协会
*AMCD; Audit and Management Consulting Division [UNHCR]; 审计和管理咨询司
*AMCEN; African Ministerial Conference on the Environment; 非洲部长级环境会议(非洲环境会议)
*AMCFE; Association Malienne pour la Conservation de la Faune et de Son Environnement; 马里保护野生动物及其环境协会
*AMCIB; Associate Member of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers [UK]; 保险经纪人协会准会员
*AMDB; Ante-Mortem Database [Yugoslavia]; 死前资料数据库
*AMDG; ad majorem Dei gloriam [Latin]; 为上帝增光[耶稣会格言]
*AME; Andean Multilateral Enterprise; 安第斯多边计划
*AMEX; American Stock Exchange [USA]; 美国证券交易所
*AMF; Arab Monetary Fund; 阿拉伯货币基金组织
*AMI; Agence Maritime Internationale; 国际海事社
*AMPS; World Social Prospects Study Association; Association Mondiale de Prospective Sociale; 世界社会未来研究协会
*AMPTC; Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Company; 阿拉伯海上石油运输公司
*AMREF; African Medical and Research Foundation; 非洲医学和研究基金会(医学和研究基金会)
*AMRO; Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank NV (AMROBANK); 阿姆斯特丹—鹿特丹银行
*AMS; Administrative Management Service; 行政管理处(行管处)
*AMS; aggregate measure of support [UR]; total AMS; 资助总量;全部资助总量
*AMS; automated manifest system; 自动化舱单系统;自动化载货清单系统
*AMTEX; Air-Mass Transformation Experiment [WMO]; 气团变性实验
*AMU; Arab Maghreb Union; Union du Maghreb Arabe (UMA); 阿拉伯马格里布联盟(阿马联)
*AMU; Asian monetary unit; 亚洲货币单位
*ANAD; Accord de Non-Aggression et d'Assistance en Matiere de Defense; 不侵犯和协防协定
*ANAR; Association Nationale d'Action Rurale; 全国农村行动协会 [Burkina Faso]
*ANC; African National Congress of South Africa; 南非非洲人国民大会(非洲人国民大会); ANC NEC; ANC National Executive Committee; 南非非洲人国民大会全国执行委员会
*ANC; Congolese National Army; 刚果民族军
*ANCOM; Andean Common Market; Mercado Comun Andino; 安第斯共同市场
*ANEN; African Non-Governmental Organizations Environment Network; 非洲非政府组织环境网
*ANAPEVIACH; Chilean National Association of Road Construction Personnel; Asociacion Nacional del Personal de Vialidad de Chile; 智利全国道路工人协会
*ANEF; National Association of Public Employees [Chile]; Asociacion Nacional de Empleados Fiscales; 全国公务员协会
*ANIMA; Association of the Manufactures of Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment [Italy]; 空气调节和热泵设备制造商协会
*ANIS; National Organization of Indigenous Salvadorian [El Salvador]; 萨尔瓦多全国原住民组织
*ANKI; Armee Nationale du Kampuchea Independant [Cambodia]; 独立柬埔寨国民军
*ANODOS; National Association of Workers in the Public Health Administration; Asociacion Nacional de Operarios de la Direccion de Obras Sanitarias [Chile]; 全国公共卫生行政部门工人协会
*ANPPCAN; African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse; and Negligence; 防止和保护儿童免遭虐待和疏忽非洲联络网
*ANRA; Professional Association of Natural Rubber in Africa; 非洲天然橡胶同业公会
*ANRPC; Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries; 天然胶生产国协会
*ANS; American National Standard [USA]; 美国国家标准
*ANS; Armee Nationale Sihanoukiste [Cambodia]; 西哈努克民族军
*ANSA; Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata [news agency] [Italy]; 安莎通讯社
*ANSI; American National Standards Institute; 美国国家标准协会
*ANZCERTA; Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations and Trade Agreement; 澳大利亚—新西兰建立更密切经济关系和贸易协定(澳新建立更密切经贸关系协定)
*AO; administrative officer; 行政干事
*AOAD; Arab Organization for Agricultural Development; 阿拉伯农业发展组织(阿拉伯农发组织)
*AOD; argon oxygen decarburization; AOD converter; 氩氧脱碳转炉[冶金]
*AOF; l'Afrique-Occidentale Francaise; 法属西非
*AOHR; Arab Organization for Human Rights; 阿拉伯人权组织(人权组织)
*AOMR; Arab Organization for Mineral Resources; 阿拉伯矿物资源组织
*AOPTS; Asia and Oceania Postal Training School; 亚洲及大洋州邮政训练学校
*AOPU; Asian-Oceanic Postal Union [UPU]; 亚洲—大洋州邮政联盟
*AOSIS; Alliance of Small Island States; 小岛屿国家联盟
*AOYE; Arab Office of Youth and Environment; 阿拉伯青年与环境办事处
*AP; Associated Press [news agency]; 美联社
*A/P; additional premium [Insurance]; 额外保险费;附加保费;
*A/P; authority to purchase; 委托购买证;授权购买
*APA; average post adjustment; APA index; 工作地点差价调整数平均指数
*APAC; Appointment and Promotion Advisory Committee [FAO]; 任用及升级咨询委员会(任用升级咨委会)
*APAR; International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [1973; A/RES/3068(XXVIII)]; 禁止并惩治种族隔离罪行国际公约
*APC; Agreement on Minimum Requirements for the Issue and Validity ofDriving Permits [Geneva, 1 April 1975]; 关于驾驶许可证发放和合法性的最低限度要求的协定; (驾驶证最低要求协定)
*APC; All Parties Conference [Sri Lanka]; 所有党派联合会议
*APC; American President Company; 美国总统公司
*APC; aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine; 阿司匹林、非那西汀和咖啡因合剂
*APC; Association for Progressive Communications; 先进通讯协会
*APCTT; Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology; 亚洲及太平洋技术转让中心(亚太技转中心)
*APCU; Area Programme Co-ordination Unit; 地区方案协调股
*APCWD; Asian and Pacific Centre for Women and Development; 亚洲及太平洋妇女和发展中心(亚太妇女发展中心)
*APDAC; Asian and Pacific Development Administration Centre; 亚洲及太平洋发展事务行政中心(亚太发展事务行政中心)
*APDF; Africa Project Development Facility; 非洲项目发展贷款办法
*APDI; Asian and Pacific Development Institute (UNAPDI); 亚洲及太平洋发展研究所
*APEC; Antwerp Port Engineering and Consulting; 安特卫普港口工程与顾问公司
*APEC; Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Conference; 亚洲及太平洋经济合作会议(亚太经合会议); Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Forum; 亚洲及太平洋经济合作论坛(亚太经合论坛); Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Organization; 亚洲及太平洋经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)[较通用]; Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation process; 亚洲及太平洋经济合作进程(亚太经合进程)
*APEC; United Nations Action Programme for Economic Co-operation among Developing Countries (UNAPEC); 联合国发展中国家间经济合作行动纲领(经济合作行动纲领)
*APEC/TTI; the Trade, Transport and Industry Sector of the Action Programme for; Economic Co-operation; 经济合作行动纲领的贸易、运输和工业部门
*APEF; Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries (AIEC); Association des Pays Exportateurs de Mineral de Fer; 铁矿石出口国协会
*APELL; Awareness and Preparedness gor Emergencies at Local Level [UNEP Programme]; 当地一级警惕并预防紧急事件方案; Awareness and Preparedness for Industrial Accidents at Local Level; 在当地一级宣传和预防工业事故
*APEX; advance purchase tickets; 预购机票; APEX mid-week or excursion fares; 周中票或旅游票预购票价
*APG; Association of Journalists of Guatemala; 危地马拉新闻记者协会
*API; American Petroleum Institute; 美国石油学会; API baume;美国石油学会比重标(表示石油比重度数)
*APIC; Arab Petroleum Investment Company; 阿拉伯石油投资公司
*APIMONDIA; International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations; Federation Internationale des Associations d'Apiculture; 国际养蜂业协会联合会(养蜂业协会联合会)
*APL; American President Lines; 美国总统轮船公司
*APL; anti-personnel landmine (APLs); 杀伤人员地雷
*APLDC; the Asian and the Pacific Least Developed Countries (APLDCs); 亚洲及太平洋最不发达国家;亚太最不发达国家
*APLIC; Association for Population / Familily Planning Libraries and Information Centres / International; 人口协会/计划生育图书馆及资料中心/国际
*APM; Society for Threatened Peoples; Association Peuples Menaces; Gesellschaft fur Bedrohte Volker; 保护受威胁人民协会
*APMP; Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme; 亚洲及太平洋计量规划组织
*APO; Andean Pact Organization; 安第斯条约组织
*APO; Asian Productivity Organization; 亚洲生产力组织
*APO; associate professional officer; 协理专业人员
*APPA; African Petroleum Producers' Association; 非洲石油生产国协会
*APPB; Appointments, Promotions and Postings Board (APPC); 任命、升迁和派任委员会
*APPC; Appointments, Promotions and Postings Committee (APPB); 任命、升迁和派任委员会
*APPER; Africa's Priority Programme for Economic Recovery 1986-1990; 1986-1990非洲经济复苏优先方案
*APPI; International Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investments Association; Internationale d'Etudes pour la Promotion et la Protection; des Investissements Prives en Territoires Etrangers; 国际促进及保护私人国外投资协会(私资协会)
*APPROTECH ASIA; Asian Alliance of Appropriate Technology Practitioners; 亚洲适当技术使用者联盟
*APPS; automated purchase and payment system; 自动化购置和付款系统
*APPU; Asian-Pacific Postal Union; 亚洲及太平洋邮政联盟
*APR; annual percentage rate; 年率
*APR; annual post review; 年度职位审查
*APR; APR Form; Form APR; Form A of Postal Regulation; 表格 APR; 格式 APR[用于邮寄小额商品的普惠制产地证书]
*APRODEH; Pro-Human Rights Association [Peru]; 促进人权协会
*APS; American selling price; 美国销售价格
*APSO; Agency for Personal Services Overseas [Ireland]; 爱尔兰海外私人服务机构
*APT; ammonium paratungstate; 仲钨酸铵
*APT; Asia-Pacific Telecommunity; 亚洲及太平洋电信共同体
* APTLD; Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Forum; 亚洲太平洋顶级域论坛 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*APWA; All Pakistan Women's Association; 全巴基斯坦妇女协会(全巴妇女协会)
*APYF; Asian Pacific Youth Forum, The; 亚洲太平洋青年论坛(青年论坛)
*AQOCI; Association Quebecoise des Organismes de Cooperation Internationale; 魁北克国际合作组织协会
*A/R; all risks (AR); 综合险;一切险
*ARB; African Research Bulletin; 非洲研究公报
*ARC; American Refugee Committee; 美国难民委员会
*ARC; Argotechnology Resource Centre; 农业技术资源中心(农技资源中心)
*ARC; Rainbow Group in the European Parliament [EC]; Groupe Arc-en-Ciel au Parlement Europeen; 欧洲议会“彩虹”议员团[由议员中的生态学家和一些左翼小党派组成]
*ARCC; African Regional Co-ordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development; 妇女参与发展非洲区域协调委员会
*ARCO; Atlantic Richfield Corporation [USA]; 大西洋里奇菲尔德公司
*ARCT; African Regional Centre for Technology; 非洲区域技术中心
*ARCTIS; Multidisciplinary Bibliographic Data Base [ARCT]; 多学科文献目录数据库
*ARCUK; Architects' Registration Council of the United Kingdom; 联合王国建筑师注册委员会
*AREA; Alliance for Reponsible Environmental Alternatives; 促进可靠环境不同途径联盟
*ARF; Alliance of Reform Forces [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; 革新力量联盟
*ARF; ASEAN Regional Forum; 东盟区域论坛
*ARI; Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute; 空调和冷冻研究所
*ARIP; Alliance for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; 土著人民争取权利联盟
*ARIG; Arab Insurance Group; 阿拉伯保险集团
*ARION; Programme for Study Visits for Education Specialists [EC]; 教育专家考察计划;“阿里翁”计划
*ARIS; Anti-Racism Information Service; 反种族主义信息服务社
*ARKISYST; Architectural Information System [UNESCO]; 建筑学资料系统
*ARL; advances recoverable locally; 可在当地收回的垫款
*ARL; Australian Radiation Laboratory; 澳大利亚辐射实验室
*ARMSCOR; Armaments Development and Production Corporation [South Africa]; 武器发展与生产公司
*ARO; Asian Regional, Area and Country Offices [UNICEF]; 亚洲区域、地区及国家办事处(亚洲办事处)
*ARPANET; Advanced Research Projects Agency Network [USA]; 高级研究计划署计算机网络 (阿帕网)
*ARPEL; Association Mutual Assistance of the Latin American Government Oil Companies; Asociacion de Asistencia Reciproca Petrolera Estatal Latinoamericana; 拉丁美洲国家石油公司互助协会(拉美国家石油互助协会)
*ARR; assistant resident representatives; 助理驻地代表
ARR(A); assistant resident representative (administrative officer); 助理驻地代表(行政干事)
ARR(P); assistant resident representative (programme officer) 助理驻地代表(方案干事)
*ARSO; African Regional Organization for Standardization; 非洲区域标准化组织
ARSO-DISNET; ARSO Network of Documentation and Information System; 非洲区域标准化组织文献和资料系统网络
*ARTDO; Asian Regional Training and Development Organization; 亚洲区域培训合发展组织(亚洲培发组织)
*ARTEP; Asian Regional Team for Employment Promotion [ILO]; 亚洲区域促进就业小组(亚洲就业小组)
*AS; administrative support; 行政支助
*A/S; alongside [Trade]; 船边
*A/S; at sight; 即期;凭票付现;见票即付[汇票]
*ASA; American Standards Association; 美国标准协会
*ASA; Asian Students Association; 亚洲学生协会
*AsA; Associate Administrator [UNDP]; 协理署长
*ASAFED; African Association of Education for Development (AFASED); Association Africaine d'Education pour le Developpement; 非洲教育促进发展协会(教育促进发展协会)
*ASALM; advanced strategic air-launched missile; 先进空中发射战略导弹
*ASAP; Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme; 自动化船载高空探测系统
*ASAT; anti-satellite; 反卫星
*ASATRADE; Association of African Trading Enterprises; 非洲贸易企业协会
*ASBM; air-to-surface ballistic missile; 空对地弹道导弹
*ASC; N-acetylsulfanilyl chloride; N-乙酰磺胺酰氯
*ASCA; Arab Society of Certified Accountants; 阿拉伯执业会计师学会
*ASCE; American Society of Civil Engineers; 美国土木工程师学会
*ASCEND 21; Agenda of Science for Environment and Development into the 21st; Century; 科学促进环境和发展进入21世纪议程; (科学促进环发进入21世纪议程)
*ASCOBIPS; Association of Shippers' Councils of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and; Sri Lanka; 孟加拉国、印度、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡四国托运人理事会协会
*AsDB; Asian Development Bank (ADB; BAsD); 亚洲开发银行(亚行)
*AsDF; Asian Development Fund (ADF) [AsDB]; 亚洲开发基金
*ASEA; African Stock Exchanges Association; 非洲证券交易所协会(非洲证交协)
*ASEA; United Swedish Electrical Corp.; Allmanna Svenska Electriska AB; 瑞典联合电机公司
*ASEE; American Society for Engineering Education; 美国工程教育学会(工程教育学会)
*ASEAN; Association of South-East Asian Nations; 东南亚国家联盟(东盟); ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF); 东盟区域论坛
*ASECNA; Agence pour Securite de la Navigation Aerienne en Afrique et a; Madagascar; 非洲及马达加斯加航空安全局
*ASED; Association pour la Sauvegarde de l'Environnement et le Developpement [Benin]; 保护自然和发展协会
*ASF; Aviation sans Frontieres; 飞行无国界协会
*ASFA; Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts; 水生生物科学和渔业摘要
*ASFIS; Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information Service; 水生生物科学和渔业资料服务处; Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System; 水生生物科学和渔业资料系统(水生生物资料系统)
*ASG; assistant secretary-general [UN Secretariat]; 助理秘书长
*ASG/OGS; Assistant Secretary-General for General Services [UN Secretariat]; 主管总务厅助理秘书长
*ASGSPQ; Office of Assistant Secretary-General for Special Political Questions; [UN Secretariat]; 主管特别政治问题助理秘书长办公室
*ASHAE; American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers; 美国暖气及空调工程师协会
*ASHI; after-service health insurance; 离职后健康保险
*ASHRAE; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning; Engineers; 美国暖气、制冷及空调工程师协会
*ASHVE; American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers; 美国暖气及通风工程师协会
*ASI; Agenzia Spaziale Italiana; 意大利特勤处
*ASIL; American Society of International Law [USA]; 美国国际法学会
*ASIT; Advisory Services on Investment and Technology [UNCTAD]; 投资和技术服务处
*ASM; air-to-surface missile; 空对地导弹
*ASME; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 美国机械工程师协会
ASME PTC; ASME Power Test Codes; 美国机械工程师协会动力试验规程
*ASMO; Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology; 阿拉伯标准化和度量衡组织
*ASNT; American Society for Nondestructive Testing; 美国无损检验学会
*ASO; AIDS service organization; 艾滋病服务组织
*ASOINCA; Asociacion de Institutores del Cauca; Teachers' Association of Cauca [Colombia, member of CUT]; 考卡教师协会
*ASP; American selling price; 美国销售价格
*ASP; application "sur place" [Refugees]; “就地”申请者
*ASP-B; Administration of Bolivian Port Services; 玻利维亚港务局
*ASPEI; Association of South Pacific Environmental Institutions; 南太平洋环境机构协会
*ASPIP; Arab Society for the Protection of Industrial Property; 阿拉伯保护工业产权学会(保护工业产权学会)
*ASQC; American Society for Quality Control; 美国质量检验学会
*ASSEFA; Association for Sarva Seva Farms [India]; 全民合作农场协会
*ASSET; Abstracts of Selected Solar Energy Technology; 太阳能技术选萃 [联合国大学期刊]
*ASSOANE; Association des Amis de la Nature et de l'Environnement [Guinea]; 自然与环境之友协会
*ASSOCOM; Association of Chambers of Commerce of South Africa; 南非商会协会
*ASTC; Administrative Section for Technical Co-operation [UNDP]; 技术合作行政科
*ASTM; American Society for Testing Materials; 美国试验材料学会
*ASTRAP; Panel on Application of Space Techniques relating to Aviation [ICAO]; 空间技术应用于航空问题研究小组
*ASTRO; International Association of State Trading Organizations of Developing Countries; 发展中国家国营贸易组织国际协会(国营贸易组织协会)[旧名]
ASTRO; International Association of Trading Organizations for a Developing World; 发展中世界贸易组织国际协会(贸易组织协会)[新名]
*ASTT; Advisory Service on Transfer of Technology [UNCTAD]; 技术转让咨询服务处
*ASYCUDA; Automated System of Customs Data Entry, Control and Management; (Automated System for Customs Data); Systeme Douanier Automatise pour la Saisie, le Controle et la Gestion (SYDONIA) [UNCTAD Software]; 海关数据存入、控制和管理自动化系统(海关数据自动化系统)
*ATA; (AT: admission temporaire; TA: temporary admission) ATA carnets; 临时入境证[海关]
ATA Convention, 1961; 1961年货物临时入境公约
International Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods (ATA Convention); 关于货物临时入境的临时入境证国际海关公约(货物临时入境公约)(1961年货物临时入境证公约)
*ATA; African Technical Association; 非洲技术协会(技协)
*ATA; Agence Telegraphique Albanaise [news agency] [Albania]; 阿尔巴尼亚通讯社
*ATA; agency technical advisors; 机构技术顾问
*ATA; Air Transport Association of America [US]; 美国空运协会
*ATAS; Advanced Technology Assessment System; 先进技术评估系统; Advanced Technology Assessment System Bulletin; 先进技术评估系统通报[年刊]
*ATC; average total cost; 平均总成本
*ATD; aide a toutes detresses; International Movement ATD Fourth World; Mouvement International ATD Quart Monde; 第四世界扶贫国际运动
*ATFP; Arab Trade Financing Programme; 阿拉伯贸易筹资方案
*ATIS; Automatic Terminal Information Service [ICAO]; 自动终端资料服务处
*ATLAS; Association Tunisienne pour l'Auto-Developpement et la Solidarite; 突尼斯自力发展和团结协会
*ATM; air traffic management; 空中交通管理
*ATM; automatic teller machines; 自动付款机
*ATP; Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and; on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage; [Geneva, 1 September 1970]; 国际易腐食品运输及其所用特别设备协定(易腐食品运输协定)
*ATPNE; Association Tunisienne pour la Protection de Nature et de; l'Environnement; 突尼斯自然与环境保护协会
*ATPS; Agricultural Trade Policy Simulation; 农业农业政策模拟; [TD/B/CN.1/30]
*ATRCW; African Training and Research Centre for Women; 非洲妇女训练和研究中心(非洲妇女训研中心)
*ATRR; Anti-Trust and Trade Regulation Report [USA]; 反托拉斯和贸易管理报告
*ATS; air traffic service; 空运服务; ATS personnel; 空运服务人员
*ATSH; Albanian News Agency; Agjensia Telegrafike Shqiptare; 阿尔巴尼亚通讯社
*ATSIC; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission [Australia]; 土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民委员会
*ATT; American Telegraphone and Telegraph Co. (AT & T) [USA]; 美国电话电报公司
*ATTR; anti-trust and trade regulation; 反托拉斯和贸易管理
*ATUC; African Trade Union Confederation [now: OATUU]; 非洲工会联合会
*AUI; International Emergency Action (IEA); Action d'Urgence Internationale; 国际紧急行动协会
*AUPELF; Association of Partially or Wholly French-Language Universities; Association des Universites Partiellement ou Entierement de Langue; Francaise; 全部或部分以法语教学大学协会(法语大学协会)
*AustCare; Australians Care for Refugees; 澳大利亚关心难民会
*AUSTREC; Australian Science, Technology and Research Co-operation [ADAB]; 澳大利亚科学、技术和研究合作计划
*Austwheat; Australian Grain Charter Party [Chartering and Shipping]; 澳大利亚谷物租船合同
*AVANSCO; Institute for the Advancement of Social Sciences [Guatemala]; 促进社会科学协会
*AVC; average variable cost; 平均可变成本
*AVF; Afrikaner People's Front [South Africa]; Afrikaner Volkfront; 阿非里卡人人民阵线
*AVHRR; advanced very-high-resolution radiometer; 先进高分辨率辐射仪
*AVID; Audio Visual Instructional Division [SAC]; 视听教学司
*AVRDC; Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre; 亚洲蔬菜研究开发中心
*AVS; Swiss Federal Social Security System; 瑞士联邦社会保险制度
*AWB; Afrikaner Resistance Movement [South Africa]; Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging; 阿非里卡人抵抗运动[极右组织]
*AWE; Association for World Education; 世界教育协会(教育协会)
*AWEPAA; Association of West European Parliamentarians for Action against; Apartheid; 西欧议员反对种族隔离行动协会
*AWES; Association of West European Shipbuilders; 西欧造船者协会(造船者协会)[旧名]; Association of West European Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers; 西欧造船者和修船者协会[新名]
*AWG; ad hoc working group; 特设工作组
*AWHRC; Asian Women Human Rights Council; 亚洲妇女人权理事会
*AWIDE; Association of Women in Development Experts [Ghana]; 妇女参与发展专家协会
*AWLF; African Wildlife Leadship Foundation; 非洲野生生物领导基金会(野生生物领导基金)
*AWR; Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem; 世界难民问题研究会( 难民问题研究会)
*AWRIS; Arab War Risk Insurance Syndicate; 阿拉伯战争险保险财团
*AXCAP; Access to Export Capital Programme; [A financing referral service operated by the BAFT]; 获得出口资金方案
*AYC; Asian Youth Council; 亚洲青年理事会
*AYU; Arab Youth Union; 阿拉伯青年联合会
*AZACTU; Azania Confederation of Trade Unions [South Africa]; 阿扎尼亚工会联合会
*AZAPO; Azania People's Organization [South Africa]; 阿扎尼亚人民组织
*AZASO; Azania Students Organization [South Africa]; 阿扎尼亚学生组织
*AZOLCA; Association of Free Trade Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean; Asociacion de Zonas Francas de Latinoamerica y ei Caribe; 拉丁美洲和加勒比自由贸易区协会

*B; baht [monetary unit of Thailand]; 泰国铢;泰铢
*B; balboa [monetary unit of Panama]; 巴拿马巴波亚
*B; bruise [Container]; 擦伤
*BA; Bangkok Agreement; 曼谷协定
*BACAT; barges aboard catamaran; 巴卡特型载驳货船
*BADEA; Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (ABEDA); Banque Arabe pour le Developpement Economique en Afrique; 阿拉伯非洲经济发展银行(阿拉伯非洲银行)
*BAEA; British Atomic Energy Authority (AEA; UKAEA); 英国原子能管理局
*BAERE; British Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE) [UK]; 英国原子能研究所
*BAF; biological accumulation factor; 生物累积系数
*BAF; bunker adjustment factor [freight]; 燃料调整因数
*BAFIR; Bureau for Alien and Foreign Immigrant Affairs [Iran]; 外国人和外国移民事务局
*BAFT; Bankers Association for Foreign Trade; [An international association of commercial banks involved in; financing and facilitating foreign trade]; 对外贸易银行业者协会
*BAI; Bahrain Atomisers International; 巴林金属粉末国际公司
*Bakorstanas; Agency for Co-ordination of Assistance for the Consolidation of; National Security [Indonesia]; 巩固国家安全支援协调机构
*BAL; basic assistance list; 基本援助清单
*BALCO; Bahrain Saudi Alminium Marketing Company; 巴林沙特铝业销售公司
*BALEXCO; Bahrain Aluminium Extrusion Company; 巴林挤压铝制品公司
*Baltime; Uniform Time Charter [Chartering and Shipping]; 标准定期租船合同;统一定期租船合同;波罗的海定期租船合同
*BAM; Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung und -prufung [FRG]; 联邦材料试验研究所
*BAMB; Bureau of Administrative Management and Budget; 行政管理和预算局
*BAP; Biotechnology Action Programme; 生物工艺学行动纲领
*BAPMoN; Background Air Pollution Monitoring Network; 本底空气污染监测网; BAPMoN GAW; BAPMoN Global Atmosphere Watch; 本底空气污染监测网全球大气观察
*BARC; Bhabha Atomic Research Centre [India]; 巴巴原子研究中心
*BAsD; Asian Development Bank (ADB; AsDB); 亚洲开发银行(亚行)
*BASE; African Bureau of Educational Sciences; Bureau Africain des Sciences de l'Education; 非洲教育科学局(教育科学局)
*BASF; Badische Anilin- und Sodafabrik AG; 巴登苯胺苏打公司
*BAT; best available technique; 可得最佳技术
*BAWU; Black Allied Workers Union [South Africa]; 黑人联合工人工会
*BB; below bridge [Ship]; 桥楼以下(容积)
*BB; Business Bulletin; 商务公报
*bbl; barrel; 桶[石油;美制=159公升,英制=163.7公升]
*BC; before Christ; 公元前
*BCAC; Bank of Central African Countries; 中非国家银行
*BCCI; Bank of Credit and Commerce International; 国际信贷与商业银行
*BCEAO; Central Bank of West African States; Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非国家中央银行(西非中银)
*BCEOM; Bureau Central des Etudes pour les Equipements d'Outre-Mer; 海外装备设计总局
*BCF; biological concentration factor; 生物富集系数
*B/Ch; Bristol Channel [UK]; 布里斯托尔湾[航运]
*BCIE; Central American Bank of Economic Integration (CABEI); Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica; 中美洲经济一体化银行
*BCL; Bougainville Copper Corporation Limited; 布干维尔铜矿公司
*bcm; billion cubic metres [Natural Gas]; 十亿立方公尺
*BC-NET; business co-operation network; 企业合作网
*BCP; Basutoland Congress Party [Lesotho]; 巴苏陀兰国民大会党
*BCP; Black Community Programme [South Africa]; 黑人社区计划
*BCSD; Business Council for Sustainable Development; 促进可持续发展企业理事会
*BCU; Benelux Customs Union; 比荷卢关税同盟
*BCURA; British Coal Utilization Research Association; 英国煤炭利用研究协会
*BCV; Brussels Convention on Valuation; 布鲁塞尔估价公约
*B/D; bar draught; 浅滩的容许吃水;(河口)沙洲吃水
*b/d; barrels per day; 每日桶数
*BDEAC; Development Bank of Central African States; Banque de Developpement des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale; 中部非洲国家开发银行
*BDI; Federal Association of the German Industry; Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie eV; 德国工业联合会
*bdi; both dates inclusive [Chartering and Shipping]; 包括首尾两日
*BDP; Bureau for Development Policy [UNDP]; 发展政策局
*BDPA; Bureau for the Development of Agricultural Production; Bureau pour le Developpement de la Production Agricole [France]; 农业生产发展局(农发局)
*BDRCS; Bangladesh Red Crescent Society; 孟加拉国红新月会
*Bds; boards [Timber]; 木板[木材运输用语]
*BD$; Bermuda dollar [Monetary Unit of Bermudas]; 百慕大元
*BDT; Telecommunications Development Bureau [ITU]; Bureau de Developpement des Telecommunications; 电信发展局
*BDV; Brussels Definition of Value; 布鲁塞尔价值定义
*B/E; bill of entry; 报关单;进口报告书; bills of exchange (Bs/E); 汇票
*BEAC; Bank of Central African States; Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale; 中部非洲国家银行(中非国银)
*BEAMA; British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association; 英国电器制造厂商协会
*BEC; Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC Category); 按广泛经济类别分类
*BEG; Federal Indemification Law [FRG]; 联邦赔偿法
*BEIA; Ibero-American Electronic Stock Exchange [FIABV]; Bolsa Electronic Iberoamericana; 伊比利亚美洲电子证券交易所(伊美电子证交所)
*Benelux; Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg; 比荷卢(比利时、荷兰和卢森堡); Belgo-Netherlands-Luxembourg Customs Union; (Benelux Customs Union); 比荷卢关税同盟
*BER; Bureau of External Relations [UNDP]; 对外关系局
*BERER; Bureau of External Relations, Evaluation and Reports [UNDP]; 对外关系、评价和报告局
*Berne Union; International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Work; 国际保护文学艺术作品联盟(伯尔尼联盟); International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers; 信贷及投资保险人国际联盟(伯尔尼联盟)
*BESA; British Engineering Standards Association; 英国工程技术标准协会
*BESO; British Executive Service Overseas; 英国海外执行局[志愿人员机构]
*BET; basic export tonnage [Sugar]; 出口基本吨数
*BEU; Benelux Economic Union; 比荷卢经济联盟
*BEUC; European Bureau of Consumers' Unions; Bureau Europeen des Unions de Consommateurs; 欧洲消费者联盟办事处
*Bev; billion electron volts; 十亿电子伏特
*BF; Belgian franc [Monetary Unit of Belgium]; 比利时法郎
*BFA; Bureau for Finance and Administration; 财务和行政局
*BFPSA; British Fire Protection Systems Association Ltd.; 英国防火系统协会
*BG; bonded goods; 保税货物;关栈货物
*BGCS; Botanic Gardens Conservation Strategy; 植物园保护战略
*BGR; Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources [Germany]; 联邦地球科学及自然资源研究所
*B/H; bill of health [Chartering and Shipping]; 健康证明书
*BHC; benzene hexachloride; 六六六;六氯化苯;六氯环己烷; BHC technical powder; 六六六原粉
*BHP; Broken Hill Propriety ; 布罗肯希尔控股有限公司
*BHRA; British Hydromechanics Research Association; 英国流体力学研究协会
*BIA; Burma Independence Army [Burma]; 缅甸独立军
*BIAC; Business and Industry Advisory Committee to OECD; 经合组织工商咨询委员会(工商咨委会)
*BIAO; Banque Internationale pour l'Afrique Occidentale; 西非国际银行(西非国银)
*BIBL; Library/Bibliotheque; 图书馆
*BIC; Baha'i International Community; 国际泛神教联盟[Bulletin No.331/Rev.1]
*BIC; business and innovation centre; 经营与革新中心
*BIC; International Container Bureau (ICB); Bureau International des Containers; 国际集装箱局
*BICA; Bay Islands Conservation Association; 海湾群岛养护协会
*BID; Inter-American Development Bank (IADB; IDB); Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo; 美洲开发银行(美银)
*BIDS; Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies; 孟加拉国开发研究学会
*BIE; Bureau of International Exhibition; ; 国际展览局 (国展局)
*BIEM; International Bureau of the Societies Administering the Rights of; Mechnical Recording and Reproduction [Paris]; Bureau International des Societes Gerant les Droits d'Enregistrement; et de reproduction mecanique; 机械录音与复制版权管理协会国际局
*BIFA; British International Freight Association; 英国国际货运协会
*BIH; International Time Bureau; Bureau International de l'Heure; 国际时间局(时间局)
*BIM; Association for the Promotion of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute; [Yugoslavia]; 促进路德维希·博尔茨曼研究所协会
*BIMCO; Baltic and International Maritime Conference; 波罗的海和国际海运公会(波罗的海海运公会)[旧名]; Baltic and International Maritime Council; 波罗的海和国际海事理事会[新名]
*BIOMASS; Biological Investigation of Marine Antarctic Systems and Stocks; [ICSU]; 南极海洋生物系统与类族调查计划
*BIPAR; International Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Intermediaries; Bureau International des Producteurs d'Assurances et de Reassurances; 国际保险和再保险中间人协会
*BIR; International Reclamation Bureau; Bureau International de la Recuperation; 国际回收局
*BIRPI; United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property; Bureaux Internationaux Reunis pour la Protection de la Propriete; Intellctuelle [now WIPO]; 国际知识产权保护局
*BIS; Bank for International Settlements; International Bank for Settlements; 国际清算银行
*BISRA; British Iron and Steel Research Association; 英国钢铁研究协会
*BIT; International Labour Office (ILO); Bureau International du Travail; 国际劳工局(劳工局)[国际劳工组织的常设秘书处]
*BITCO; Bahamas International Trust Co.; 巴哈马国际信托公司
*BITO; Stichting ter Bevordering van Indiaans Tweetalig Onderwijs; [Netherlands]; 促进印第安人双语教育基金会
*BITS; International Bureau of Social Tourism; Bureau International du Tourisme Social; 国际社会旅游事业局(社会旅游事业局)
*BJA; Bangladesh Jute Association; 孟加拉国黄麻协会
*BJP; Bharatiya Janata Party [India]; 印度人民党
*BKA; Bundes Kartell Amt (Germany); 联邦卡特尔管理局
*bkg; breakage; 破损; lkg & bkg (leakage and breakage); 漏损和破损
*B/L; bills of lading (Bs/L) [Shipping]; 提单;提货单; clean B/L; 清洁提单; foul B/L; 不洁提单
*BLADEX; Latin American Export Bank; Banco Latinoamericano de Exportaciones; 拉丁美洲出口银行(拉美出口银行)
*BLATU; Black Trade Union [South Africa]; 黑人工会
*BLDP; Buddhist Liberal Democratic Party [Cambodia]; 自由民主佛教党[宋双派]
*BLEU; Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Uinon; 比利时—卢森堡经济联盟(比卢经济联盟)
*BLIC; Liaison Office of the Rubber Industries of the European Economic; Community; Bureau de Liaison des Industries du Caoutchouc de la Communaute; Economique Europeenne; 欧洲经济共同体橡胶工业联络局(欧经共同体橡胶工业联络局)
*BLINDOC; Information Service on the Rehabilitation and Employment of the; Visually Handicapped [ILO]; 视觉障碍者康复和就业资料服务处
*BLNS; Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland; 博茨瓦纳、莱索托、纳米比亚和斯威士兰
*BLS; Bureau of Labour Statistics [USA]; 劳工统计局
*BM; ballistic missile; 弹道导弹
*bm; board measure ; 木材计量单位[板英尺=144立方英寸]
*BMD; ballistic missile defense; 弹道导弹防御; BMD System; 弹道导弹防御系统
*BMF; Bolsa Mercadorias e Futuros [Brazil]; 商品与期货交易所
*BMI; Battelle Memorial Institute; 巴特尔纪念学社(巴特尔学社)
*BMS; Building Management Service [OGS]; 房舍管理事务处
*BMSE; Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange; Baltic Exchange Limited; 波罗的海贸易和海运交易所(波罗的海交易所)
*BMW; Bavarian Motor Works [Germany]; 巴伐利亚汽车公司
*BMW; black municipal workers [South Africa]; 黑人市政工人
*BMZ; Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit [FRG]; 联邦经济合作部
*BNA; Bureau of National Affairs; 国家事务局
*BNDE; Banque Nationale de Developpement Economique; Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico [Brazil]; 国家经济发展银行
* BNDES; Brazilian Development Bank; ; 巴西发展银行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*BNP; Bangladesh Nationalist Party; 孟加拉国民族主义党
*BNP; Basotho National Party [Lesotho]; 巴索托国民党
*BO; branch office [UNHCR]; 代表处;分办事处[难民署]
*BOAD; West African Development Bank; Banque Ouest Africaine de Developpement; 西非开发银行
* BOC; Bank of China; ; 中国银行 (中行)(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*BOD; biochemical oxygen demand; 生物需氧量;生化需氧量; biological oxygen demand; 生物需氧量
*BOLCEN; Asociacion de Bolsas de Comercio de Centroamerica; 中美洲证券交易所协会(中美证交协)
*BOO; build-own-operate scheme; 建造—拥有—经营办法
*BOM; beginning of month; 月初
*BOP; balance of payments; 国际收支;国际收支差额
*BOP; broken orange pekoe [Tea]; 碎橙黄白毫
*BOP; Bureau of Operations and Programming; 业务和方案编制局
*BOSS; Bureau of State Security [South Africa]; 国家安全局
*BOSTID; Board on Science and Technology for International Development [USA]; 国际开发科学技术委员会
*BOT; balance of trade; 贸易差额;贸易平衡
*BOT; Board of Trade; 贸易委员会
*BOT; build-operate-transfer scheme; 建造—经营—转让办法
*BP; British Pharmacopoeia; 英国药典
*BP; broken pekoe [Tea]; 碎白毫
*B/P; bill payable; 应付票据
*BPC; Black People's Convention [South Africa]; 黑人大会
*BPEAR; Bureau for the Placement and Education of African Refugees [OAU]; 非洲难民安置和教育局(非洲难民局)
*BPICA; International Permanent Bureau of Automobile Manufacturers; Bureau Permanent International des Constructeurs d'Automobiles; 国际汽车制造商常设事务局
*BPL; bone phosphate of lime; 骨质磷酸钙
*BPM; Balance of Payments Manual; 国际收支手册(收支册)
*BPMA; British Pump Manufacturers Association; 英国泵制造厂商协会
* BPO; business process outsourcing ; 业务流程外包 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*BPPE; Bureau for Programme Policy and Evaluation [UNDP]; 方案政策和评价局
*BPT; best prevailing tariff rates; 最好的通行税率
*bq; barque; 三桅帆船
*B/R; bill receivable; 应收票据
*Br; broken [Container]; 破损
*BRA; Bougainville Revilutionary Army [Papua New Guinea]; 布干维尔革命军
*BRC; British Refugee Council; 英国难民事务理事会
*BRD; Federal Republic of Germany (FRG); Bundesrepublik Deutschland; 德意志联邦共和国(德国)
*BRGM; Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres [France]; 地质矿业研究局
*BRIDGE; Biotechnology Research for Innovation, Development and Growth in; Europe; 欧洲促进革新、开发与发展的生物技术研究[共同体计划]
*BRITE; Basic Research in Industrial Technologies for Europe; 欧洲工业技术基础研究[共同体项目]
*BRRA; British Refractories Research Association; 英国耐火材料研究协会
*BS; balance sheet [Accounting]; 资产负债表;资金平衡表;决算表
*BS; boiler survey [Ship]; 锅炉检验
*BS; British Standard [UK]; 英国标准
*B/S; bill of sale; 销售证;抵押证券;动产抵押据;买卖契约; bill of store; 船上用品免税单[租船];储存单
*B$; Bahama dollar [Monetary Unit of Bahamas]; 巴哈马元; Venezuelan bolivar [Monetary Unit of Venezuela]; 委内瑞拉博利瓦
*BSA; Bosnian Serbian Army; 波斯尼亚塞尔维亚部队
*BSA; buffer stock authority; 缓冲储存主管机构
*BSA; Bureau for Special Activities [UNDP]; 特别活动局
* BSCH; Banco Santander Central Hispanoamericano; 桑坦德中部西班牙美洲银行(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*Bs/E; bills of exchange (B/E); 汇票
*BSEC; Black Sea Economic Co-operation Organization; 黑海经济合作组织
*BSF; Belgian Survival Fund; 比利时生存基金
*BSF; Border Security Force [India]; 边防保安队
*BSFF; buffer stock financing facility; 缓冲储存资金供应办法;缓冲储存贷款
*BSI; British Standards Institute; 英国标准协会
*Bs/L; bills of lading (B/L); 提单
*BSPA; Belarus State Polytechnical Academy; 白俄罗斯国立技术学院
*BSPP; Burma Socialist Programme Party [Burma]; 缅甸社会主义纲领党
*BSSSC; Baltic Sea Salmon Standing Committee [FAO]; 波罗的海鲑鱼常设委员会
*BST; British Summer Time; 英国夏季时间
*B/St; bill at sight; 即期票据;见票即付的汇票; bill of sight; 报关单;报税单
*BT; broken tea [Tea]; 碎茶
*bt; berth terms [Chartering and Shipping]; 班轮条款;泊位条件;船东装卸条件
*BTA; Bulgarska Telegrafna Agentsia [news agency]; 保加利亚通讯社
*BTAO; Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations [ESCAP]; 技术援助业务局(技援局); United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations; (TAO; UNBTAO; UNTAO); 联合国技术援助业务局(技援局)
*BTN; Brussels Tariff Nomenclature; 布鲁塞尔海关商品分类目录;布鲁塞尔税则商品分类目录
*B'Tselem; Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories; 以色列占领区人权资料中心
*BTU; British thermal units; 英热单位[约等于1055焦耳]
*BTWC; Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; 生物与毒素武器公约
*BUF; Black United Front [South Africa]; 黑人联合阵线
*BUN; BIOMASS Users Network; 南极海洋生物系统与类族调查资料使用者网络
*BV; Bureau Veritas [France]; 法国船级社
*BVMA; British Valve Manufacturers Association; 英国阀门制造厂商协会
*BWA; Baptist World Alliance; 世界浸礼会联盟(浸礼会联盟)
*BWC; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and; Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons; and on Their Destruction [A/RES/2826(XXVI)]; 关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种; 武器的公约; (生物武器公约)
*BWD; Bangladesh White D [Jute]; D级孟加拉白麻
*bx; box; 箱
* B2C; Business to Consumer; 企业对消费者(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)

*C; closure of office [UNHCR]; 关闭办事处
*C; cut [Container]; 割伤
*c; circa (ca) [Latin]; 大约[指年代,如:c 650 BC公元前约650年]
*CA; Cadmium Association; 镉协会
*ca; circa (c) [Latin]; 大约[指年代,如:ca 650 BC公元前约650年]
*C/A; current account (A/C; a/c); 往来帐户;活期存款帐户
*CAA; Commonwealth Association of Architects; Commonwealth Architects Association; 英联邦建筑师协会
*CAA; United Nations Centre against Apartheid (UN/CAA); 联合国反对种族隔离中心(反对种族隔离中心)
*CAB; Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau; 英联邦农业局; CAB International; 英联邦农业国际中心
*CABEI; Central American Bank of Economic Integration; Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica (BCIE); 中美洲经济一体化银行
*CACC; Continental Africa Chamber of Commerce; 非洲大陆商会(非洲商会)
*CACEU; Central African Customs and Economic Union; Union Douniere et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale (UDEAC); 中部非洲关税和经济联盟(中非关经联)
*CACEX; Carteira do Comercio e Exportacao, Banco do Brazil; 巴西银行对外贸易处
*CACH; Central American Clearing House; 中美洲票据交换所(中美票交所)
*CACM; Central American Common Market; 中美洲共同市场(中美洲共市)
*CACMF; Central American Common Market Fund; 中美洲共同市场基金
*CACTAL; Specialized Conference on the Application of Science and Technology; to Latin American Development; 科学技术应用于拉丁美洲发展专业会议
*CAD; command area development; 枢纽地区开发
*CADE; Administrative Council for Economic Defense [Brazil]; Consejo Administrativo de Defensa Economica; 保护经济行政委员会
*CADMIUM POLLUTION; Community Action Programme to Combat; Environmental Pollution by Cadmium [EC]; 共同体防备镉对环境污染行动计划(镉污染行动计划)
*CAeM; Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology [WMO]; 航空气象学委员会
*CAENEX; Complete Atmospheric Energetics Experiment; 综合大气能量学试验
*CAEPA; Central American Economic Plan of Action (PAECA); 中美洲经济行动计划
*CAEU; Council of Arab Economic Unity; Arab Economic Unity Council; 阿拉伯经济统一体理事会(阿经统理事会)
*CAF; Andean Development Corporation (ADC); Societe Andine de Developpement (SAD); Corporacion Andina de Fomento; 安第斯开发公司(安开公司)
*CAF; currency adjustment factors; 货币调整因素
*CAFCH; Central African Clearing House (CAfCH); 中非票据交换所(中非票交所)
*CAFGU; Citizen's Armed Forces Geographical Units [Philippines]; 公民武装力量地理区域部队
*CAFICA; FAO Advisory Group for Central American Economic Integration; 粮农组织中美洲经济一体化咨询小组
*CAFIG; Committee of International Civil Servants' Associations at Geneva; Comite des Associations de Fonctionnaires Internationaux a Geneve; 日内瓦国际公务员协会委员会
*CAFRAD; African Training and Research Centre in Administration for; Development; African Centre for Training and Research; Centre Africain de Formation et de Recherches Administratives pour le; Developpement; 非洲发展管理训练研究中心(非洲发展管理训研中心)
*CAGE; Core Advisory Group of Experts; 专家咨询核心小组
*CAI; Comite Arctique International; 国际北极委员会
*CAIE; Europe Migrants Associations Council; Conseil des Associations des Immigres en Europe; 欧洲移民协会理事会(移民协会理事会)
*CAJEA; Council of All Japan Exporter Association; 全日本输出组合协议会
*CAJSI; Internal Security Area Command [Chile]; Commandancia Area Jurisdiccional Seguridad Interior; 国内安全地区指挥部
*CALAI; Conference of Latin American Data-Processing Authorities; Conferencia de Autoridades Latinoamericanas de Informatica; 拉丁美洲数据处理管理机构会议
*CAMA; Christian and Missionary Alliance; 基督教徒和传教士联盟; CAMA Service; 基督教徒和传教士联盟服务社
*CAMAC; computer aided measurement and control; 计算机辅助测量与控制
*CAMDS; Chemical Agents and Munitions Disposal System [USA]; 化学物剂和弹药处理系统[美国陆军]
*CAMPP; Consultative Assembly of Minority Peoples of the Philippines; 菲律宾少数民族协商大会
*CAMRE; Council of Arab Minister Responsible for Environment; 阿拉伯主管环境事务部长理事会(阿拉伯环境部长理事会)
*C and F; cost and freight (C & F) [Shipping]; 货价加运费(指定目的港);离岸加运费价格
*CAN; Climate Action Network; 气候行动网
*CANDU; Canadian Deuterium-Uranium Reactor; 加拿大重水铀反应堆
*CANLA; Climate Action Network - Latin America; 气候行动网拉丁美洲分部
*Can$; Canadian dollar [Monetary Unit of Canada]; 加拿大元
*CANSAVE; Canadian Save the Children Fund; 加拿大救助儿童基金
*CAN-SEA; Climate Action Network - Southeast Asia; 气候行动网东南亚分部
*CAN-USA; Climate Action Network - United States; 气候行动网美国分部
*CANZ; Canada, Australia and New Zealand; 加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰
*CAOBISCO; Association of the Chocolate-, Biscuit- and Confectionery Industries of; the EEC; Association des Industries de la Chocolaterie, Biscuiterie-Biscotterie et; Confiserie de la CEE [formerly: Association of the Sugar ; Products Industries of the EEC]; 欧洲经济共同体巧克力、饼干和糖果业协会
*CAP; Canadian Assistance Plan; 加拿大援助计划
*CAP; Common Agricultural Policy [EC]; 共同农业政策
*CAP; convertible adjustable preferred stock; 可转换可调整优先股
*CAPAS; Co-ordinated African Programme of Assistance on Services; 援助非洲服务部门协调方案
*CAPES; Centre Africain d'Assistance et de Protection de l'Environnement au; Sahel [Senegal]; 非洲援助和保护萨赫勒环境中心
* CAPROSOFT; Camara de Productores de Software; ; 软件生产商委员会 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CAPT; Church Advisory Commission on Land Issues [Catholic; Brazil]; 教会土地问题咨询委员会
*CAR; Caribbean; 加勒比; CAR/RCU; Regional Co-ordinating Unit of the Caribbean Environment; Programme; 加勒比环境规划署区域协调股
*CAR; Central African Republic; 中非共和国
*CARAD; Centre for Action-Oriented Research on African Development; 非洲发展面向行动研究中心
*CARDIS; Cargo Data Interchange System; 货物数据交换系统
*CARE; Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc.; 美国援外合作社(援外社); CARE Deutschland; 德国援外社; CARE International; 援外社国际协会
*CARIBCAN; Canadian Special Preference Arrangement for the Caribbean and; Commonwealth Countries; 加拿大给予加勒比和英联邦国家的特别优惠安排
*CARICOM; Caribbean Common Market [formal name: Caribbean Community]; 加勒比共同市场(加共市); Caribbean Community [also: Caribbean Common Market]; 加勒比共同体(加共体)[最普通译法]
; Caribbean Community Secretariat
; 加勒比共同体秘书处
*CARIFTA; Caribbean Free Trade Association; 加勒比自由贸易协会
*CARIS; Current Agricultural Research Information System [FAO]; 当前农业研究资料系统(农业研究资料系统)
*CARISPLAN; Caribbean Information System for Economic and Social Planning; 加勒比经济和社会规划资料系统(加勒比经社规划资料系统)
*CARPAS; Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the South West Atlantic; Comision Asesora Regional de Pesca para el Atlantico Sudoccidental; 西南大西洋区域渔业咨询委员会
*CAR/RCU; Regional Co-ordinating Unit of the Caribbean Environment Programme; 加勒比环境规划署区域协调股
*CARS; Climate Applications Referral System; 气候应用查询系统
*CARTS; Cargo Tracking System; 货物追踪系统
*CAS; Comites Comunales de Accion Social [Chile]; 社区社会行动委员会
*CAS; Committee on Assurance of Supply; 供应保证委员会[核材料]
*CAS; Southern Agricultural Consortium [Chile]; Consorcio Agricola del Sur; 南方农业财团
*CASA; Citizen's Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth; 公民拯救大气层和地球联盟
*ca sa; capias ad satisfaciendum [Latin]; 对未依判决清付赔偿的民事被告所颁发的拘捕令
*CASE; Community Agency for Social Inquiry; 共同体社会调查局
*CASIN; Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations; Centre d'Etudes Practiques de la Negotiation Internationale (CEPNI); 国际谈判应用研究中心
*CASTARAB; Conference of Ministers of Arab States Responsible for the Application; of Science and Technology to Development; 阿拉伯国家主管科学和技术促进发展部长会议
*CASWANAME; Central Asia, South-East Asia, North Africa and the Middle East; 中亚、西南亚、北非和中东
*CAT; Agrarian Co-operative of Workers [Peru]; 工人土地合作社
*CAT; Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading; Treatment or Punishment [A/RES/39/46 Annex]; 禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约; Committee against Torture; 禁止酷刑委员会
*CATC; Civil Aviation Training Centre [Philippines]; 民用航空培训中心(航培中心)
*CATE; Centre for Appropriate Technology Exchange; 适用技术交流中心
*CATIE; Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Centre; Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza; 热带农业研究训练中心
*CATS; Certificate of Accrual on Treasury Securities [USA]; [United States Treasury issues which are sold at a deep discount, and; which have no coupons. The principal, plus interest, is recovered; at maturity. These are often used for educational, or retirement; funds.]
*CATS; computer assisted trading system; 计算机辅助贸易系统
*CATU; CATU Containers SA; Compagnie de TRansport et de Location de Containers [Switzerland]; 集装箱运输和出租公司
*CAUA; Central African unit of account; 中部非洲计帐单位(中非计帐单位)
*CAV; curia advisari vult (cur adv vult) [Latin]; 延期判决
*CAVOL; Centro Andino de Volcanologia; 安第斯火山学中心
*CAW; certificate of approval of works; 工程核准证明书
*CBA; cost benefit analysis; 成本收益分析
* CBC; Construction Bank of China; ; 中国建设银行; 中国建行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)

*CBD; central business district; 城中心商业区
*CBI; Caribbean Basin Initiative; 加勒比区域计划
*CBI; Centre for the Promotion of Import from Developing Countries; [Netherlands]; 促进发展中国家产品进口中心
*CBJO; Co-ordinating Board of Jewish Organizations; 犹太人组织协调委员会(犹太人组织协调会)
*CBL; Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL); [Computer Language]; 面向商业通用语言
*CBM; confidence-building measures (CBMs); 建立信任措施
*cbm; cubic meter; 立方公尺
*CBO; collective bargaining organization; 集体谈判组织
*CBO; community-based organizations (CBOs); 社区性组织
*CBO; Congressional Budget Office [USA]; 国会预算局
*CBOT; Chicago Board of Trade (CBT) [USA]; 芝加哥交易所[世界最大谷物市场]
*CBR; crude birth rate; 概约出生率(概生率)
*CBT; Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) [USA]; 芝加哥交易所[世界最大谷物市场]
*CC; Cartagena Commitment [UNCTAD VIII]; 卡塔赫纳承诺
*CC; civil commotion [Insurance]; 内乱
*CC; continuation clause [Contract]; 连续条款
*CC; current cost [Shipping]; 时价
*CCA; Caribbean Conservation Association; 加勒比养护协会(养护协会)
*CCAD; Central American Commission on Environment and Development; 中美洲环境与发展委员会
*CCAF; Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation; 加拿大综合审计基金会(审计基金会)
*CCAQ; Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions; 行政问题协商委员会(行政协商会)
*CCAQ/FB; Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions/Finance and; Budget; 行政问题(财务和预算)协商委员会
*CCAQ/PER; Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions/Personnel; 行政问题(人事)协商委员会
*CCAR; Office of Chief Commissioner for Afghan Refugees [Pakistan]; 阿富汗难民事务首席专员办公室
*CCAWU; Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union [South Africa]; 商业、饮食业及相关行业工人工会; CCAWUSA; CCAWU of South Africa; 南非商业、饮食业及相关行业工人工会
*CCB; Civil Co-operation Bureau [South Africa]; 民间合作局
*CCBE; Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community; Conseil des Barreaux de la Communaute Europenne; 欧洲共同体律师及法律学会理事会
*CCC; Commodity Credit Corporation [US Department of Agriculture]; 农产品信贷公司
*CCC; Consumers Consultative Council [EC]; 消费者协商委员会
*CCC; Customs Co-operation Council [now: WCO]; 海关合作理事会
*CCCE; Caisse Centrale de Co-operation Economique [France]; 中央经济合作金库
*CCCE; Centre Congolese du Commerce Exterieur; 刚果对外贸易中心
*CCCN; Customs Co-operation Classification Nomenclature; 海关合作理事会商品分类目录;海关合作理事会税则商品分类目; 录; Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature; 海关合作理事会商品分类目录;海关合作理事会税则商品分类目; 录
*CC: COPE; Climate Convention: Co-operation Proframme; 气候公约合作方案
*CCD; Conference of the Committee on Disarmament; 裁军谈判委员会会议(裁委会议)
*CCD; Democratic Constituent Congress [Peru]; 民主选民大会
*CCDLNE; Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Near East; 控制近东沙漠蝗虫委员会
*CCDLNWA; FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in North West; Africa; 粮农组织控制西北非沙漠蝗虫委员会
*CCDP; Croatian Christian Democratic Party (HKDS); 克罗地亚基督教民主党
*CCEAC; Committee on Economic Co-operation in Central America; Comite de Cooperation Economique de l'Amerique Central; 中美洲经济合作委员会
*CCEM; Comision Catolica Espanola de Emigracion; 西班牙天主教移民委员会
*CCET; Centre for Co-operation with Economies in Transition; 转型期经济国家合作中心
*CCF; Christian Children's Fund; 基督教儿童基金
*CCFF; Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility; 补偿和应急贷款办法;补偿和应急贷款
*CCFPI; International Civil Service Advisory Board (ICSAB); Conseil Consultatif de la Fonction Publique Internationale; 国际公务员制度咨询委员会(公务员制度咨委会)
*CCG; Control Commission for Germany; 对德管制委员会
*CCIA; Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (of the World; Council of Churches (WCC)) (CCIA/WCC); (世界基督教协进会)教会国际事务委员会
*CCIB; Chinese Commodities Inspection Bureau [China]; 中国商品检验局(中国商检局)
*CCIC; Canadian Council for International Co-operation; 加拿大国际合作理事会
* CCIPT; China Council for the promotion of International Trade; ; 中国国际贸易促进委员会 (贸促会) (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CCIR; Comite Consultatif International Radiocommunications; 国际无线电通信咨询委员会
*CCISU; Co-ordinating Committee for Independent Staff Unions and; Associations of the United Nations System (CCISUA); 联合国系统独立职工会与协会协调委员会(独立职工会协调会)
*CCISUA; Co-ordinating Committee for Independent Staff Unions and; Associations of the United Nations System (CCISU); 联合国系统独立职工会与协会协调委员会(独立职工会协调会)
*CCITT; Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique; 国际电报电话咨询委员会
*CCIVS; Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service; 国际志愿服务协调委员会(志愿服务协调会)
*CCJO; Consultative Council of Jewish Organizations; 犹太人组织协商理事会(犹太人组织协商会)
*CCL; Commonwealth Countries' League; 英联邦国家联盟
*CCLC; United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conference; (CCLC 1974) [6 April 1974; A/36/6; UNCTAD]; 联合国班轮公会行动守则公约
*CCLM; Commission on Constitutional and Legal Matters [FAO]; 章程和法律事务委员会
*CCM; Chama cha Mapinduzi [Tanzania]; 坦桑尼亚革命党
*CCN; Companhia de Comercio e Navegacao [Brazil]; 商业海运公司
*CCN; Council of Churches in Namibia; 纳米比亚教会理事会
*CCOG; Common Classification of Occupational Groups; 职业类共同分类法
*CCOL; Co-ordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer; 臭氧层协调委员会
*CCOP; Co-ordinating Committee of Popular Organizations [Honduras]; 民众组织协调委员会
*CCP; Committee on Commodity Problems; 商品问题委员会
*CCP; consultation and clarification process [Disarmament]; 协商与澄清程序
*CCP; United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP); 联合国巴勒斯坦和解委员会(和解委员会)
*CCPDH; Cuban Committee for Human Rights; 古巴人权委员会
*CCPOQ; Consultative Committee on Programme and Operational Questions; 方案和业务问题协商委员会(方案业务协商会)
*CCPS; Consultative Council for Postal Studies; 邮政研究咨询理事会(邮政研究会)
*CCPY; Comissao pela Criacao do Parque Yanomani [Brazil]; 促进设立亚诺马尼公园委员会
* CCRTU; China Central China Radio and Television University; ; 中国中央广播电视大学 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CCSQ; Consultative Committee on Substantive Questions [ACC]; 实质问题协商委员会
*CCSQ/OPS; Consultative Committee on Substantive Questions/Operational; Activities; 实质问题(业务活动)协商委员会
*CCSQ/PROG; Consultative Committee on Substantive Questions/Programme Matters; 实质问题(方案事务)协商委员会
*CCPR; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); [A/RES/2200 A(XXI)]; 公民权利和政治权利国际盟约 [联合国人权文件汇编,p.8]
*CCT; Common Customs Tariff [EC]; 共同海关关税;共同关税税则
*CCTA; Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa South of Sahara; Commission de Cooperation Technique en Afrique au Sud du Sahara; [UN]; 撒哈拉以南非洲技术合作委员会
*CCTA; Co-ordinating Committee of Technical Assistance [OAS]; 技术援助协调委员会
* ccTLDs; Country Code Top-Level Domains; 国家代码顶级域名 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CD; certificate of deposit; 存款证明;存款单
*CD; Committee on Disarmament [Old Name]; 裁军谈判委员会; Conference on Disarmament [New Name]; 裁军谈判会议(裁谈会)
*C & D; collected and delivered [Shipping]; 运费收讫和货物交毕
*CDA; Christian Democratic Action for Social Justice [South Africa]; 基督教社会正义民主行动
*CDA; Croatian Defence Association (HOS) [Croatia]; 克罗地亚国防协会
*CDB; Caribbean Development Bank; 加勒比开发银行
*CDC; Centre for Disease Control [USA]; 疾病防治中心
*CDCC; Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee; 加勒比开发和合作委员会
*CDDPH; Council for the Defence of the Rights of the Human Person [Brazil]; 保卫人权委员会
*C de PC; Code of Civil Procedure [Chile, Venezuela]; Codigo de Procedimiento Civil; 民事诉讼法
*C de PP; Code of Penal Procedure [Chile]; Codigo de Procedimiento Penal; 刑事诉讼法
*CDERA; Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency; 加勒比灾害紧急应变机构
*CDF; United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) [UNDP]; 联合国资本发展基金(资本发展基金)
*CDFC; Commonwealth Development Finance Co.; 英联邦开发金融公司
*CDI; Centre for Development of Industry; 工业发展中心[非加太国家]
*CDI; Christian Democrat International [formerly: CDWU]; Internationale Democrate-Chretienne (IDC); 基督教民主党国际
*CDI; Cotton Development International; 国际棉花发展组织
*CDM; Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa; 西南非洲统一钻石矿场
*CDP; Committee for Development Planning [UNDP]; 发展规划委员会
*CDP; Croatian Democratic Party; Hrvatska Demokratska Stranka (HDS); 克罗地亚民主党
*CDPL; Cransfield Disaster Preparedness Centre; 克兰斯菲尔德灾害防备中心
*CDPPP; United Nations Centre for Development Planning, Projections and; Policies (UNCDPPP) [ESA]; 联合国发展规划、预测和政策中心
*CDPU; Career Development and Placement Unit [Refugee]; 职业发展和工作安插股
*CDR; Centre for Documentation and Research; 文献和研究中心[现名]; ; Centre for Documentation on Refugees [UNHCR] [formerly: IRIRC]; 难民文献中心[旧名]
*CDR; Coalition pour la Defense de la Republique [Rwanda]; 保卫共和国联盟
*CDR; Lebanese Council for Development and Reconstruction; 黎巴嫩发展和重建理事会(发展和重建理事会)
*CD-ROM; compact disk read-only memory; 只读光盘
*CDSD; countries with debt service difficulties; 偿债困难国家
*CDTU; Career Development and Training Unit [Refugee]; 职业发展和培训股
*CDU; Christlich-Demokratische Union [Germany]; 基督教民主联盟
*CDU; Croatian Democratic Union; Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednika (HDZ); 克罗地亚民主联盟
*CDU-BH; Crotian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina; 波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那克罗地亚民主联盟; (波黑克罗地亚民主联盟)
*CDV; current domestic value; 现行国内价值
*CDWU; Christian Democratic World Union [now: CDI]; Union Mondiale Democrate Chretienne (UMDC); 世界基督教民主党联盟(基督教民主党联盟)
*CE; Council of Europe; 欧洲委员会
*CE; Council of the Entente; 协约理事会
*CE; European Community (EC); Communaute Europeenne; 欧洲共同体(欧共体)
*CEA; Canadian Electrical Association; 加拿大电气协会
*CEA; Chinese Economic Area; 中国经济区
*CEA; Commodity Exchange Authority [Department of Agriculture, USA]; 农产品交易管理局
*CEA; European Confederation of Agriculture (ECA); Confederation Europeenne de l'Agriculture; 欧洲农业联合会(农业联合会)
*CEA; European Insurance Committee; Comite Europeen des Assurances; 欧洲保险委员会
*CEAAL; Latin American Council for Adult Education; Consejo de Educacion de Adultos de America Latina; 拉丁美洲成人教育理事会(成人教育理事会)
*CEAO;West African Economic Community (WAEC); Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非经济共同体(西非经共体)
*CEAPZ; Centre of Studies and Action for Peace [Peru]; 和平研究和行动中心
*CEAR;Ad Hoc Committee for Aid to Returnees; 援助返回家园者特设委员会
*CEAR;Comision Espanola de Ayudo al Refugiado; 西班牙援助难民委员会
*CEB; Chief Executives Board for Coordination; 行政首长协委会
*CEBEMO; Catholic Organization for Joint Financing of Development;Programmes [Netherlands]; Katholieke Organisatie Medefinanciering Ontwikkelingsprogrammas; 天主教联合资助发展方案组织
*CEBV;Cattle and Livestock Economic Community;;Economic Community for Livestock and Meat (ECLM); Communaute Economique du Betail et de la Viande; 家畜和肉类经济共同体
*CEC; Code of Criminal Prosecution [Venezuela]; Codigo de Enjuiciamiento Criminal; 刑事诉讼法
*CEC; Commission of the European Communities (European Commission); 欧洲共同体委员会
*CEC; Conference of European Churches; 欧洲教会会议
*CECA;European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) [EC]; Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier; 欧洲煤钢共同体;欧洲煤钢联营
*CECAF; Committee on East and Central Atlantic Fisheries [FAO]; 中东大西洋渔业委员会
*CECE;Committee for European Construction Equipment; 欧洲建筑设备委员会(建筑设备委员会)
*CECI;European Centre for International Co-operation (ECIC); Centre Europeen de Cooperation Internationale; 欧洲国际合作中心
*CECLA; Special Committee on Latin American Co-ordination; Comision Especial de Coordinacion Latinoamericana; 拉丁美洲协调问题特别委员会
*CECON; Comision Especial de Consulta y Negociacion; 协商和谈判特别委员会
*CED; Committee for Economic Development; 经济发展委员会(经发委员会)
*CEDAW; Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women; 消除对妇女歧视委员会; ; Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination;against Women; 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约
*CEDB;Central Engineering and Design Bureau [India]; 中央工程设计局
*CEDEAO; Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); Communaute Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非国家经济共同体(西非国经共体)
*CEDEFOP;European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training [EC]; Centre Europeen pour le Developpement de la Formation;Professionnelle; 欧洲促进职业培训中心[司级单位]
*CEDEP; Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Participacion [Peru]; 发展和参与问题研究中心
*CEDER; Centre pour l'Environnement et le Developpement Rural; 农村环境与发展中心
*CEDEX; ISO container equipment data exchange code [ISO 9897 standard]; 国际标准化组织集装箱设备数据交换编码
*CEDH;European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and;Fundamental Freedoms; European Convention on Human Rights;;European Human Rights Convention; Convention Europeenne des Droits de l'Homme;[4 Nov. 1950; A/33/417 Annex II]; 欧洲保护人权与基本自由公约(欧洲人权公约); [国际条约集 1950-52,p.132]
*CEDIC; Container EDI Council; 集装箱电子数据交换问题理事会
*CEDSI; Centre d'Etudes de Defense et de Securite Internationale;[Grenoble]; 国防与国际安全研究中心
*CEE; United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) [ESC]; Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe; 联合国欧洲经济委员会(欧洲经委会)
*CEE; European Economic Community (EEC); Communaute Economique Europeenne; 欧洲经济共同体(欧经共体);欧洲共同市场
*CEEA;European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC; EURATOM; Euratom) [EC]; Communaute Europeenne de l'Energie Atomique; 欧洲原子能共同体;欧洲原子能联营
*CEEAC; Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS); Communaute Economique des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale; 中非国家经济共同体(中非经共体)
*CEEC;Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs); 中东欧国家
*CEECT; Central and Eastern European Countries in Transition; 过渡时期中欧东欧国家
*CEEP;European Centre of Public Enterprises [EC]; Centre Europeen des Entreprises Publiques; 欧洲公营企业中心
*CEESTEM;Centre for Economic and Social Studies of the Third World (CESSTW); Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo; 第三世界经济及社会研究中心
* CEF; Caixa Economica Federal; 巴西联邦储蓄银行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CEFACT; Centre for the Facilitation of Procedures and Practices in; Administration, Commerce and Transport [UNCTAD]; 简化行政、商业与运输手续和工作中心
*CEFIC; European Council of Chemical Manufacturers' Federations (ECCMF); Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie Chimique; 欧洲化学品制造商联合会理事会(化学品制造商理事会)[旧名]; European Chemical Industry Council; Conseil Europeen de l'Industrie Chimique; 欧洲化学工业理事会[新名]
*CEFIGRE;International Training Centre for Water Resources Management; Centre de Formation Internationale a la Gestion des Ressources;en Eau (ITCWRM); 国际水资源管理训练中心
*CEFRS; Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish; 中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文
*CEFS;European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers; Comite Europeen des Fabricants de Sucre; 欧洲制糖商委员会
*CEFTA; Central European Free Trade Area; 中欧自由贸易区
*CEGAN; Committee of High-Level Government Experts [ECLAC]; 高级政府专家委员会
*CEI; European Confederation of Woodworking Industries; Confederation Europeenne des Industries du Bois (CEI BOIS); 欧洲木器制造工业联合会(木器制造工业联合会)
*CEI BOIS European Confederation of Woodworking Industries; Confederation Europeenne des Industries du Bois (CEI); 欧洲木器制造工业联合会(木器制造工业联合会)
*CEIP;Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; 卡内基国际和平基金会(卡内基和平基金会)
*CELADE; Latin American Demographic Centre [ECLAC]; Centro Latinoamericano de Demografia; 拉丁美洲人口统计中心(拉美人口中心)
*CELS;Centre for Legal and Social Stusies [Argentina]; Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales; 法律与社会研究中心
*CEM; combination export manager; 联合出口经理人;杂货出口经理人
*CEMAC; Central African Economic and Monetary Community; Communaute Economique et Monetaire de l'Afrique Centrale; 中非经济与货币共同体(中非经共体)
*CEMLA; Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies; Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos; 拉丁美洲货币研究中心(货币研究中心)
*CEMPE; European Mediterranean Commission on Water Planning; Commission Europe-Mediterranee de Planification pour les Probleme;de l'Eau; 欧洲地中海水事规划委员会
*CEN; European Committee for Standardization; Comite Europeen de Normalisation; 欧洲标准化委员会
*CENAPRED National Disaster Prevention Centre [Mexico]; ; 国家灾害预防中心
*CENAT; Centro de Alta Tecnologia; 西班牙高技术中心(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CENELEC;European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization [EC]; Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique; 欧洲电子技术标准化委员会
*CENSA; Committee of European National Shipowners' Association; 欧洲全国船东协会委员会[旧名]; Council of European and Japanese National Shipowners' Associations; 欧洲和日本全国船东协会理事会(船?

*D;dent [Container]; 凹损
*D;discontinuation of post [UNHCR]; 撤消职位
*D;Tunisian dinar [Monetary Unit of Tunisia]; 突尼斯第纳尔
*D;Viet-Namese dong [Monetary Unit of Viet-Nam]; 越南盾
*DA; Algerian dinar [Monetary Unit of Algeria]; 阿尔及利亚第纳尔
*DA; Democratic Alternative [Nigeria]; 民主抉择组织
*DA; Dalmatian Action [Croatia]; Dalmatinska Akcija; 达尔马提亚行动党
*D/A; documents against acceptance (d/a;DA; DAA); 承兑交单; ... days after acceptance (d/a); 承兑后若干日交款; ... days against acceptance (d/a); 若干日内承兑
*D/A; vessels must discharge afloat [Chartering and Shipping]; 船舶必须在漂浮状态卸货
*DAA; documents against acceptance (DA; D/A; d/a); 承兑交单
*DAB; Democratic Alliance of Burma [Myanmar]; 缅甸民主联盟
*DAB; digital audio broadcast; 数字音频广播
*DAC; Development Assistance Committee [OECD]; 发展援助委员会(发援委)
*DAF; Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs [OECD]; Direction des Affaires Financieres, Fiscales et Entreprises; 金融、财政和企业事务司
*DAFI;Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative; 德国阿尔贝特·爱因斯坦难民学者计划(难民学者计划)
*DAFO;Departmental Administration and Finance Office [ESA]; 部内行政和财务处
*Daker Union; Association of Export Credit Insurance Organizations; 出口信贷保险组织协会(达喀尔联盟)
*DAM; Department of Administration and Management (A & M; A and M);[UN Secretariat]; 行政和管理事务部
*DAMR;Division for Audit and Management Review [UNDP]; 审计和管理情况审查处
*DAMS;Division for Administrative and Management Services [UNDP]; 行政和管理事务处
*DAN; Development Alternatives Network [Kenya]; 不同发展途径网络
*DANIDA; Danish International Development Agency; 丹麦国际开发署(丹麦国际署)
*DAP; Democratic Action Party [Malaysia]; 民主行动党
*DAP; diammonium hydrogen phosphate; 磷酸氢二铵
*DARE;Data Rescue Project; 数据抢救项目
*DARPA; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [USA]; 国防高级研究计划局[美国国防部]
*DAS; Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad [Colombia]; 公安局
*DAS; diacetoxyscirpenol; 双乙酸基镳草镰刀菌醇;蛇形真菌毒素[镳字去掉金旁加上草头]
*DATE;duly authorized telecommunications entity; 经正式授权的电信实体
*DAW; United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (UNDAW);[UN Secretariat]; 联合国提高妇女地位司
*DAWN;Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era; 新时代妇女不同发展途径组织
*D&B; Dun and Bradstreet; ; 邓百氏咨询公司 (邓百氏) (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*db; deals and battens of timber [Chartering and Shipping]; 板条和垫板
*dbb; deals, battens and boards (DBB); 板条、垫板和薄板[租船];松板木、护舱板和仓库板[汇编]
*DBMS;Database Management System; 数据库管理系统
*DBS; direct broadcasting satellite; 直播卫星
*DC; desertification control; 防治沙漠化;控制沙漠化;治沙;沙漠治理
*DC; developed countries (DCs); 发达国家[意指“发展中国家”的可能性较大些]
*DC; developing countries (DCs); 发展中国家
*DC; development certificates (DCs) [Mauritius];(a system of DCs which provided new industries with exempt; from tax for five to eight years, eligible for long-term; loans at favourable rates and protective import duties or; quotas on competing products)
*DC; District of Columbia [USA]; 哥伦比亚特区
*D/C; Deviation Clause [Chartering and Shipping]; 绕航条款
*DCC; differentiated currency coefficients (DCCs) [Russia]; (美金兑换成卢布的)货币兑换差别系数
*DCCGS; Draft Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea; 海洋货物运输公约草案(海运公约草案)
*DCDP;Department of Constitutional Development and Planning [South Africa]; 立宪发展和计划部
*DCF; discounted cash flow; 折现现金流量;按现值计算的现金流量
*DCI; Defence for Children International;; Defence for Children International Movement; Defense des Enfants - International (DEI); 保护儿童国际(保护儿童国际运动)
*DCIS;Development Co-operation Information System; 发展合作资料系统
*DCMS; Division of the Controller and Management Services; 财务和管理事务司
*DC/PAC; Desertification Control Programme Activities Centre; 治沙方案活动中心
*DCS; Department of Conference Services [UN Secretariat]; 会议事务部
*DD; Development Decade;DD-2;The Second DD;第二个发展十年;DD-3;The Third DD; 第三个发展十年
*DD; Development Department [FAO]; 开发司
*D/D; demand draft; 即期汇票;票汇(方式)
*D/D; delivered at docks [Chartering and Shipping]; 码头交货
*D/d; ... days ofter date; 到期后 ... 日; 开票后 ... 日
*DDA; la Co-operation au Developpement et l'Aide Humanite [Switzerland]; 发展与人道主义援助合作组织
*DDA; United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs (UNDDA);[UN Secretariat]; 联合国裁军事务部(裁军部)
*DDF; Field Programme Development Division; 外地计划发展处
*DDM; Division for Data Management [UNCTAD]; 数据管理司
*ddo; dispatch discharging only [Chartering and Shipping]; 速遣费仅在卸货时计付
*DDS; Direction de la Documentation et de la Securite [Chad]; 档案和安全局
*DDS; Domestic Development Services [UNDP]; 国内开发事务处
*DDSI;Directorate of the Defence Services Intelligence [Myanmar]; 军事情报处
*DDSMS; United Nations Department for Development Support and Management;Services (UNDDSMS) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国发展支助和管理事务部(发展部)
*DDSR;debt and debt service reduction; 债务和减轻偿债负担
*DDT; 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane;; dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane; 滴滴涕;2,2-双(对氯苯基)-1,1,1-三氯乙烷
*DE; Special District [Colombia]; Distrito Especial; 特别区
*DEAP;Division for Economic Analysis and Projections [ECE]; 经济分析和预测司
*DEC; Division for Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States [UNDP]; 欧洲独联体司司长
*DECARP; Desert Encroachment Control and Rehabilitation Programme; 沙漠扩侵控制和治理方案(沙漠控制方案)
*DED; German Development Services; Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst; 德国发展服务社
*DEFIS; Developpement Environnement Formation Insertion Sociale ;Sahel DEFIS: Developpement Environnement Formation Insertion; Socile [France];萨赫勒的挑战:发展、环境、培训和融入社会组织
*DEI; Defence for Children International;; Defence for Children International Movement (DCI); Defense des Enfants - International; 保护儿童国际(保护儿童国际运动)
*DEL; defined event list; 界定事件清单 [裁军]
*DEMYC; Democratic Youth Community of Europe; 欧洲民主青年社团(民青社团)
*DEPALINDO; Indonesian National Shippers' Council; Dewan Penakai jassa Angkutan Laut Indonesia; 印度尼西亚全国托运人理事会
*DEPOS; Democratic Movement of Serbia; Demokratski Pokret Srbije; 塞尔维亚民主运动
*DER; Division for External Relations [UNDP]; 对外关系司
*DES; dietary energy supply; 食物能源(食物能)
*DESA; Department of Economic and Social Affairs (ESA) [UN Secretariat]; 经济和社会事务部(经社事务部)
*DESA; Drought Emergency in Southern Africa Programme; 南部非洲干旱紧急方案(南部非洲干旱方案)
*DESCO; Centre for the Study and Promotion of Development [Peru]; Centro de Estudios y Promocion del Desarrollo; 研究和促进发展中心
*DESCON; Consultative Group for Desertification Control; 防治沙漠化协商组(治沙协商组)
*DESCONAP Desertification Control in Asia and the Pacific; 亚洲及太平洋区域防治沙漠化(亚太治沙)
*DESCONF;United Nations Conference on Desertification; 联合国沙漠化问题会议
*DESD;Department of Economic and Social Development (UNDESD);[UN Secretariat]; 经济和社会发展部
*DESI;Division for Economic and Social Information [DPI]; 经济和社会新闻司
*DESIPA; Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis; 经济及社会资料和政策分析部(经社分析部)
*DESIS; Desertification Information System; 沙漠化资料系统
*DEVSIS; Development Science Information System; 发展科学资料系统
*DEXSA; Defence Exhibition of South Africa; 南非国防工业展览会;DEXSA-92; 92年度南非国防工业展览会
*DF ; Dengue Fever ; 登革热
*df; dead freight [Chartering and Shipping]; 空舱费
*DFA; Draft Final Act of the Uruguay Round Multilateral Trade;Negotiations; 乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判最后文件草案
*DFD; Data for Development International Association; 发展数据国际协会(发展数据协会)
*DFI; development financing institutions (DFIs); 发展筹资机构
*dfir;deduction for internal reproduction; 减去内部复印(费)
*DFLP;Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; 解放巴勒斯坦民主阵线
*DFTT;double-factorial terms of trade (ref: ECDFTT); 双因素贸易条件
*DG; dalasi [Monetary Unit of Gambia]; 达拉西
*DG; Directorate-General [EC]; 总司[共同体委员会下设23个总司]
*DGIP;Division for Global and Inter-Regional Projects [UNDP]; 全球性和区域间项目处
*DGSE;General Directorate of External Security [France]; Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure; 对外安全总局
*DH; Morocan dirham [Monetary Unit of Morocco]; 摩洛哥迪拉姆
*DHA; United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs (UNDHA);[UN Secretariat]; 联合国人道主义事务部(人道部)
*DHC; deputy high commissioner; 副高级专员
* DHF ; Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
; 登革出血热
*DHL; Dag Hammarskjold Library; 达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆
*DHRM; Division of Human Resources Management; 人力资源管理司
*DHT; dehydrotestosterone; 去氢睾酮[运动禁药]
*DIE; declaration of European interest [EC]; declaration d'interet europeen; 欧洲利益声明[表明某一项目符合成员国共同利益]
*DIEC;Development and International Economic Co-operation; 发展和国际经济合作; Office of the Director-General for Development and International;Economic Co-operation (ODGDIC; ODGDIEC); 发展和国际经济合作总干事办公室
*DIESA; Department of International Economic and Social Affairs (IESA);[UN Secretariat]; 国际经济和社会事务部(国际经社事务部)
*DIF; Development Insurance Fund; 发展保险基金
*DIF; National System for the Integral Development of the Family [Mexico]; 家庭综合发展国家制度
*DIFA;Air Force Intelligence Department [Chile]; Departamento de Inteligencia de la Fuerza Aerea; 空军情报部
*DIFE; Special Forces Division [Peru]; 特种师
*DII; Directorate of Information and Intelligence [Uruguay]; Direccion de Informacion e Inteligencia; (国家)情报局
*DIN; German Industrial Standard; Deutsche Industrie Norm; 德国工业标准
*Din; dinar [Monetary Unit of Yugoslavia]; 第纳尔
*DINA;Directorate of National Intelligence [Chile]; Direccion de Inteligencia Nacional; 国家情报局
*DINACOS;National Directorate for Information Media [Chile]; Direccion Nacional de Communicacion Social; 国家新闻事务管理局
*DINCOTE; Direccion Nacional Contra el Terrorismo [Peru]; 反恐怖主义局
*DINE; Army Directorate of National Intelligence [Chile]; Direccion Inteligencia Nacional del Ejercito; 国家军事情报局
*DINTE; Army's Intelligence Directorate [Chile; Peru]; Direccion Inteligencia del Ejercito; 军事情报局
*DIR; Office of the Director-General [UNOG]; 主任办公室
*DIS; Danish International Ship Register; 丹麦国际船舶登记
*DIS; Development Information System [UN/IESA]; 发展资料系统
*DIS; draft international standards; 国际标准草案
*DISARMAMENT; Conference on Disarmament; 裁军谈判会议
*DISC;Direct International Sales Corporation [USA]; 直接国际销售公司
*DISCO; Data Interchange for Shipping Companies [project of ICS]; 航运公司数据交换计划
*DISERO; disembarkation resettlement offers [UNHCR]; 提供安置上岸难民计划
*DISH; Data Interchange for Shipping; 航运数据交换计划
*DISIP; Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services [Venezuela]; 情报和预防总局
*DISTRIPRESS; Association for the Promotion of the International Circulation of the; Press; 促进书刊国际发行协会
*DITE; Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development; (ITED) [UNCTAD]; 投资、技术和企业发展司
*DITEPER; diphtheria, tetanus and pertusis (DTP); 白喉、破伤风和百日咳; DITEPER vaccin; 白喉、破伤风和百日咳三联疫苗
*DIW; German Institute for Economic Research; Deutsches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung; 德意志经济研究所
*DKBO; Democratic Kayin Buddhist Organization [Myanmar]; 克伦民主佛教徒组织
*Dkr; Danish Krone [Monetary Unit of Danmark]; 丹麦克朗
*DLA; Defence Logistic Agency [USA]; 国防后勤局
*DLCO; Desert Locust Control Organization; 沙漠蝗虫防治组织
*dlo; dispatch loading only [Chartering and Shipping]; 速遣费仅在装货时计付
*DL/SWA; Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region;of Its Distribution Area in South West Asia; 控制西南亚分布区东部沙漠蝗虫委员会
*DM; Deutsche mark [Monetary Unit of Germany]; 德国马克
*DM6; sixth military detachment [El Salvador]; 第六军事分遣队
*DMB; Disaster Mitigation Branch; 减轻灾害组
* DMCA; Digital Millennium Copyritht Act(ICT Information ; and Communication Technologies ); 《数字千年版权法》(信息与通信技术) ; (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*DME; developed market economy;发达的市场经济(发达市场)
*DMEC;developed market-economy countries (DMECs); 发达市场经济国家(发达国家)
*DMFAS; Debt Management and Financial Analysis System; 债务管理和金融分析系统
*DMIP;dimethyl isophthalate; 间苯二甲酸二甲酯[增塑剂]
*DMIS;Division of Management Information Services (MIS) [UNDP]; 管理资料事务处
* DMO; destination management/ marketing organizations; 目的地管理/营销组织 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*DMR; Dniester Moldovan Republic; 德涅斯特摩尔多瓦共和国
*DMS; Data Management Service [UNCTAD]; 数据管理处
*DMS; Debt Monitoring System; 债务监视系统
*DMS; dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO); 二甲亚砜
*DMSO;dimethyl sulfoxide (DMS); 二甲亚砜
*DMTP;Disaster Management Training Programme; 灾害管理培训中心
*DNA; deoxyribonucleic acid; 脱氧核糖核酸
*DNI; National Direction of Investigation [Honduras]; 国家调查局
*DO; compulsory expenditure; depenses obligatoires; 必支费
*DO; dissolved oxygen; 溶解的氧气
*d/o; delivery order [Insurance]; 交货单;出货单;栈单
*DOCIP; Indigenous Populations' Research, Documentation and Information;Centre; Centre de Documentation, de Recherche et d'Information des;Populations Indigenes; 土著居民文献、研究及资料中心
*DOCPAL; Latin American Population Documentation System; Sistema de Documentacion sobre Poblacion en America Latina; 拉丁美洲人口文献系统(拉美人口文献系统)
*DOE; Department of Energy [USA]; 能源部
*DOEM;Designated Officials for Environmental Matters; 环境事务指定工作人员;环境事务指定官员
*DOESD; Designated Official for Environment and Sustainable Development; 环境和可持续发展事务指定工作人员;指定主管环境和可持续发展事务专员
*DOF; Division of Finance; 财务司;财务处[联合国开发计划署]
*DOI; Division of Information; 新闻司;新闻处[联合国开发计划署]
*DOM; overseas departments of Community member States [EC]; departements d'outre-mer des Etats membres de la Communaute; 共同体成员国海外省
*DON; deoxynivalenol (= vomitoxin); 去氧雪腐镰刀菌醇(致呕毒素)
*DOP; Division of Personnel; 人事司;人事处[联合国开发计划署]
*DOP; Declaration of Principles on Palestinian Self-Government;Arrangements (DOP PISGA) [13 Sept. 1993; A/RES/48/213]; 关于临时自治安排的原则宣言
*DOP PISGA; Declaration of Principles on Palestinian Self-Government;Arrangements (DOP) [13 Sept. 1993; A/RES/48/213]; 关于临时自治安排的原则宣言
*DP; diphtheria and pertussis (vaccine); 白喉和百日咳混合疫苗
*DP; Office for Development Research and Policy Analysis (SG/DP);[UN Secretariat]; 发展研究和政策分析厅
*DP; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Programme des Nations Unies pour le Developpement (PNUD); 联合国开发计划署(开发署);联合国发展方案(发展方案)
*dp; direct port [Chartering and Shipping]; 直接港口;直达港
*D/P; documents against payment; 付款交单;付款后交付单据;D/P after date; D/P after sight; 远期付款交单;D/P at sight; D/P sight;即期付款交单;D/P T/R (D/P - trust receipt);付款交单凭信托收据借货
*DPA; United Nations Department of Political Affairs (UNDPA);[UN Secretariat]; 联合国政治事务部(政治部)
*DPAS;Development Planning Advisory Service; 发展规划咨询处
*DPATD; Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and Decolonization;(PATD) [UN Secretariat]; 政治事务、托管和非殖民化部
*DPCP;Division for Policy Co-ordination and Procedures [UNDP]; 政策协调和程序处
*DPCSD; Department of Policy Co-ordination and Sustainable Development; (UNDPCSD) [UN Secretariat]; 政策协调和可持续发展部
*DPDSE; Division for Programme Development, Support and Evaluation; 方案发展、支助和评价处
*DPI; United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国新闻部(新闻部)
*DPKO; United Nations Department of Peace-Keeping Operations (UNDPKO); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国维持和平行动部(维和部)
*DPMNE; Democratic Party of Macedonian National Unity [Macedonia]; 马其顿民族统一民主党
*DPMP; dominant position of market power; 支配市场地位
*DPOS; Division of Programmes and Operational Support; 方案和业务支助司
*DPRK; Democratic People's Republic of Korea; 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国
*DPS; Democratic Party of Socialists [Montenegro]; Demokratska Partija Socijalista; 社会主义民主党
*DPSA;Development Projects Study Agency [India]; 发展项目研究局
*DPSC;Detainees Parents Support Committee [South Africa]; 被拘留者父母声援委员会
*DPSCA; Department of Political and Security Council Affairs (PSCA);[UN Secretariat]; 政治和安全理事会事务部
*DPT; diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (vaccine); 白喉、百日咳和破伤风三联疫苗
*D/P T/R;documents against payment - trust receipt; 付款交单凭信托收据借货
*DR; Technical Group of the European Right [EC]; Groupe Technique des Droites Europeennes; 欧洲右翼政党议员技术性工作组[欧洲议会]
*Dr; Greek drachma [Monetary Unit of Greece]; 希腊德拉克马
*DRF; Debt Reduction Facility of the IDA; 国际开发协会减少债务贷款办法(减债办法)
*DRG; Democratic Republic of Germany; 德意志民主共和国(东德)
*DRI; directly reduced iron; 直接还原铁
*DRMS; Data Resources Management System [Commonwealth Secretariat]; 数据资源管理系统
*DRP; Development Resources Panel [UNDP]; 发展资源小组
*DRR; deputy resident representative; 副驻地代表
*DRS; Debtor Reporting System (ref: ERS) [World Bank]; 债务报告制度
*DRSAP; Deputy Representative and Senior Adviser on Population; 副代表兼人口问题高级顾问
*DS; domestic savings; 国内储蓄
*DSA; daily subsistence allowance; 每日生活津贴
*DSB; dispute settlement body; 解决争端机构
*DSC; Development Support Communications [UNDP]; 发展支助通讯
*DSD; Development Strategies Division [UNCTAD]; 发展战略司
*DSE; German Foundation for International Development; Deutsche Stiftung fur Internationale Entwicklung; 德国国际发展基金会
*DSIR; Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; 科学与工业研究局
*DSIS; Development Support Information Service; 发展支助新闻处
*DSK; Democratic Alliance of Kosovo [Serbia]; Demokratski Savez Kosovo; 科索沃民主联盟
*DSP; Division Speciale Presidentielle [Army of Zaire]; 总统特别警卫师
*DSS; Dengue shock syndrome; 登革休克综合征
*DST; Division for Science and Technology [UNCTAD]; 科学和技术司
*DSU; understanding of dispute settlement; 解决争端协议
*DTA; ; Democratic Turnhalle Alliance [South Africa]; ; 特恩哈尔民主联盟
*DTCD;Department of Technical Co-operation for Development (TCD; UNDTCD);[UN Secretariat; Old Name]; 技术合作促进发展部; Division for Technical Co-operation for Development (TCD; UNDTCD);[UN Secretariat; New Name]; 技术合作促进发展司
*DTCI; Division on Transnational Corporations and Investment [UN]; 跨国公司和投资问题司(投资司)
*DTP; diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DITEPER); 白喉、破伤风和百日咳;DTP vaccin; 白喉、破伤风和百日咳三联疫苗
*DTV; Deutscher Transportversicherungs Verband; 运输保险协会;DTV Hull Clauses; 德国运输保险协会船壳保险条款
*DUF; Damara United Front [South Africa; affiliated to DTA]; 达马拉族联合阵线
*DUGM;Democratic Union of the Greek Minority [Albania]; Bashkimia Demokratik i Minoritet Grek (OMONIA); 希腊少数民族民主联盟
*DUP; theory of directly unproductive profit-seeking activities; 直接非生产性寻利论
*DVD; digital video disk; 数字视盘
*dw; dead weight; 自重[车辆];载重量[船舶]
*d/w; dock warrant [Chartering and Shipping]; 码头收货单;码头栈单
*dwc; dead weight capacity; 载重量;载重吨位[船舶]
*DWCT;dead weight cargo tonne; 重货吨位
*dwt; deadweight tons (DWT); 载重吨;载重吨位[船舶]
*DZVM;Democratic Community of Vojvodina Hungarians [Serbia]; Demokratska Zajednica Vojvodjanskih Madjara; 伏伊伏丁那匈牙利人民主团体
*E°; Chilean escudo [Monetary Unit of Chile]; 智利埃斯库多
*EA; European agreements [EC]; 欧洲各协定
*EAAP;European Association for Animal Production; 欧洲畜产协会(畜产协会)
*EAC; East African Community; 东非共同体(东共体)
*EACM;East African Common Market; 东非共同市场
*EACT;European Advisory Council for Technology Trade [formerly: ECPIT]; 欧洲技术贸易咨询理事会
*EADB;East African Development Bank; 东非开发银行
*EAEC;East African Economic Community; 东非经济共同体
*EAEC;East Asian Economic Caucus; 东亚经济核心会议
*EAEC;European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM; Euratom) [EC]; Communaute Europeenne de l'Energie Atomique (CEEA); 欧洲原子能共同体;欧洲原子能联营
*EAEG;East Asian Economic Grouping; 东亚经济集团(正在酝酿)
*EAFORD; International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of;Racial Discrimination; 国际消除一切形式种族歧视组织(消除种族歧视组织)
*EAGGF; European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund [EEC]; Fonds Europeen d'Orientation et Garantie Agricole (FEOGA); 欧洲农业指导和保证基金
*EAI; Enterprise for the Americas Initiative; 美洲事业计划
*E and S; Economic and Social Information [UNDP]; 经社资料
*EAN; International Article Numbering Association;[formerly: European Article Numbering Association]; 国家物品编码协会
*EANPC; European Association of National Productivity Centres; 欧洲国家生产力中心协会(生产力中心协会)
*EAP; enlarged access policy (ref: EAR) [IMF]; (使需要资金的国家更容易得到国际货币基金组织资源的政策)
*EAPPCED;East Asia and Pacific Parliamentarians' Conference on Environment;and Development; 东亚及太平洋国会议员环境与发展会议
*EAR; enlarged access resources (ref: EAP) [IMF]
*EARO;East Asia Regional Office [UNICEF]; 东亚区域办事处
*EATJ; European Association for the Trade in Jute and Related Products; 欧洲黄麻和有关制品贸易协会
*EATJP; European Association for the Trade in Jute Products; 欧洲黄麻制品贸易协会
*EB; economic blocade; 经济封锁
*EBA; ECU Banking Association [EC]; 银行界埃居促进协会
*EBIC;European Business Information Centre [EC]; 欧洲商业信息中心
*EBPP; Electronic Bill Payment and Presentment; ; 电子票据出示和付款 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*EBRD;European Bank for Reconstruction and Development [EC]; 欧洲复兴开发银行
*EBU; European Broadcasting Union (EUROVISION); 欧洲广播联盟(广播联盟)
*EBUV; Unified Buddhist Churches of Vietnam; 越南统一佛教会
*EC; East Caribbean; EC dollars; 东加勒比元
*EC; European Commission [European Union]; 欧洲联盟委员会
*EC; European Community; Communaute Europeenne (CE); 欧洲共同体(欧共体);EC Commission; 欧洲共同体委员会;EC official;欧洲公务员;欧洲共同体公务员;EC 92 Programme; 欧洲共同体92年方案
*EC; Executive Committee (EXCOM) [UNHCR; WHO]; 执行委员会
*ECA; United Nations Economic Commission for Africa [ESC]; 联合国非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)
*ECA; European Confederation of Agriculture; Confederation Europeenne de l'Agriculture (CEA); 欧洲农业联合会(农业联合会)
*ECA; export credit agencies (ECAs); 出口信贷机构
*ECAC;European Civil Aviation Conference [EC]; 欧洲民用航空委员会
*ECAFE; United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East;[Now: ESCAP] [ESC]; 联合国亚洲及远东经济委员会(亚远经委会)
*ECAS;Euro Citizen Action Service; Euro Citoyen Action et Service; 欧洲公民行动服务组织
*ECB; Environment Co-ordination Board [UNEP]; 环境协调委员会(环境协调会)
*ECB; European Central Bank [EU]; 欧洲中央银行
*ECC; End Conscription Campaign [South Africa]; 废止征兵运动
*ECCAS; Economic Community of Central African States; Communaute Economique des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale (CEEAC); 中非国家经济共同体(中非经共体)
*ECCE;European Committee of Construction Economists; 欧洲建筑经济学家委员会
*ECCM;East Caribbean Common Market; Mercado Comun del Caribe Oriental (MCCO); 东加勒比共同市场
*ECCM;electronic counter-counter-measures; 电子反干扰
*ECCMF; European Council of Chemical Manufacturers' Federations; Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie Chimique (CEFIC); 欧洲化学品制造商联合会理事会(化学品制造商理事会)[旧名]; European Chemical Industry Council; Conseil Europeen de l'Industrie Chimique; 欧洲化学工业理事会[新名]
*ECCO; European Commission Communications Office [EC]; 欧洲共同体委员会通讯处
*ECCO; European Council of Conscripts Organizations; 应征士兵组织欧洲理事会
*ECCP;east coast coal port [Chartering and Shipping]; (英国)东海岸煤港
*ECCP;European Co-ordination Committee for NGOs on the Question of;Palestine; 关于巴勒斯坦问题的非政府组织欧洲协调委员会
*ECD; Division for Economic Co-operation among Developing Countries;; Economic Co-operation among Developing Countries Division;(ECDC) [UNCTAD]; 发展中国家间经济合作司
*ECDC;Division for Economic Co-operation among Developing Countries;; Economic Co-operation among Developing Countries Division;(ECD) [UNCTAD]; 发展中国家间经济合作司; economic co-operation among developing countries; 发展中国家间经济合作(经合;发展中国家经合)
*ECDFTT; "employment-corrected" double factorial terms of trade (ref: DFTT); “经就业率修正的”双因素贸易条件
*ECDIN; Environmental Chemical Data and Information Network; 环境化学剂数据和资料网
*ECE; United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) [ESC]; Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE); 联合国欧洲经济委员会(欧洲经委会)
*ECFMG; Education Council for Foreign Medical Graduates [AMA, USA]; 外国医科毕业生教育委员会
*ECG; Ecosystem Conservation Froup; 生态保护组
*ECGD;Export Credits Guarantee Department [UK]; 出口信贷担保司
*ECGE; Export Credit Guarantee Co. of Egypt; 埃及出口信贷担保公司
*ECGF;Export Credits Guarantee Facility; 出口信贷担保设施
*ECGLC; Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries; Communaute Economique des Pays des Grands-Lacs (CEPGL); 大湖国家经济共同体
*ECHO;European Community Humanitarian Office; 欧洲共同体人道主义事务处(欧共体人道处)
*ECIC;European Centre for International Co-operation; Centre Europeen de Cooperation Internationale (CECI); 欧洲国际合作中心
*ECIP;Economic Community Investment Partners Facility; 欧洲共同体投资伙伴贷款办法(欧共体投资伙伴办法)
*ECLA; European Clothing Association; 欧洲服装协会
*ECLA;United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America [ESC]; Comision Economica de las Naciones Unidas para America Latina;(CEPAL); 联合国拉丁美洲经济委员会(拉美经委会)[旧名]
*ECLAC; United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the;Caribbean [ESC]; Comision Economica de las Naciones Unidas para America Latina;y el Caribe (CEPAL); 联合国拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会(拉加经委会)[新名]
*ECLAT; Evolution du Climat et de l'Atmosphere; 法国气候和天气改变研究方案
*ECLM; Cattle and Livestock Economic Community; Economic Community for Livestock and Meat; Communaute Economique du Betail et de la Viande (CEBV); 家畜和肉类经济共同体
*ECMA; European Computer Manufacturers Association; 欧洲计算机厂商协会(计算机厂商协会)
*ECMC; European Container Manufacturers' Committee; 欧洲集装箱制造商委员会(集装箱制造商委员会)
*ECMM; European Community Monitoring Mission [Yugoslavia]; 欧洲共同体监察团
*ECMS; European Community Member States; 欧洲共同体成员国
*ECMT; European Conference of Ministers of Transport [EC]; 欧洲运输交通部长会议
*ECO; Economic Co-operation Organization; [Members: Iran, Pakistan, Turkey]; 经济合作组织(经合组织)
*ECO; electronic checkout; 电子检查[仪器]
*Eco; eco-region; 生态区域
*ECOBANK; ECOWAS Bank (Ecobank); 西非国家经济共同体银行
*ECOCEN; Economic Co-ordination Centre for the Asian and Pacific Regions; 亚洲及太平洋地区经济协调中心(亚太经济协调中心)
*ECO-ED; Education and Communication on Environment and Development; [Canada]; 环境和发展教育及交流组织
*ECOFIN; ECOFIN Council; Council (Economic and Financial Affairs) [EC]; 财经理事会;财政与经济事务理事会; [成员国财政经济部长参加的会议]
*ECOMOG; Economic Community of West African States' Military Observer Group; [ECOWAS]; 西非国家经济共同体军事观察团(西非国经共体军观团); [监督利比里亚停火问题]
*ECOPETROL; Empresa Colombiana de Petroleos; 哥伦比亚石油公司
*ECOR; Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources; 海洋资源工程委员会(海洋资源委员会)
*ECOSOC; Economic and Social Council (ESC) [UN]; 经济及社会理事会(经社理事会)
*ECOTASS; Economic News - Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza [USSR]; 塔斯社经济新闻
*ECOWAS; Economic Community of West African States; Communaute Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO); 西非国家经济共同体(西非国经共体)
*ECPA; Expert Committee on Post Adjustments; 工作地点差价调整数问题专家委员会(调整数专家委员会)
*ECPAT; End the Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism; 根除亚洲旅游业童妓组织; International Campaign to End the Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism; 根除亚洲旅游业童妓国际运动
*ECPC;Enlarged Committee on Programme and Co-ordination [UNDP]; 方案和协调扩大委员会
*ECPIT; European Centre for the Promotion of Innovation Technologies; 欧洲促进革新技术中心; [now: EACT]; European Centre for the Promotion of Technological Innovations; 欧洲促进技术革新中心;[wrong version]
*ECRE;European Consultation on Refugees and Exiles; 欧洲难民与流亡问题协商会议
*ECS; (EC: echantillons commerciaux; CS: commercial samples); 商业货样;ECS carnets;商业货样手簿
*EC$; East Caribbean dollar; 东加勒比元
*ECSC;European Coal and Steel Community [EC]; Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier (CECA); 欧洲煤钢共同体;欧洲煤钢联营
*ECSWPR; European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research;[formerly: ECSWTR]; 欧洲社会福利政策和研究中心
*ECSWTR; European Centre for Social Welfare Training and Research;[now: ECSWPR]; 欧洲社会福利训练和研究中心
*ECTS;European Community Course Credit Transfer System [EC]; 欧洲共同体学分转校制度
*ECU; Emergency Co-ordination Unit; 紧急情况协调股
*ECU; European Currency Unit (ECUs); 欧洲货币单位(埃居)
*ECWA;United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia;[Now: ESCWA] [ESC]; 联合国西亚经济委员会(西亚经委会)
*ED; European Democratic Group [EC]; 欧洲民主党议员团[欧洲议会]
*EDA; Excess Defense Articles Programme [USA]; 多余国防物品处理计划
*EDACRA; Ethiopian, Djibouti and Aden Continent Rate Agreement; 埃塞俄比亚、吉布提、亚丁、欧洲大陆运费率协定
*EDB; environmental database; 环境数据库
*EDC; European Documentation Centre [EC]; 欧洲文献中心
*EDF; Environmental Defense Fund [USA]; 环境保护基金
*EDF; European Development Fund [EC]; Fonds Europeen de Developpement (FED); 欧洲开发基金(欧洲基金)
*EDI; Economic Development Institute [World Bank]; 经济发展学院(经发学院); EDI World Institute; 世界经济发展学院
*EDI; economic diversification index; 经济多样化指数
*EDI; electric document interchange; 电传文件交换(系统); electronic data interchange; 电子数据交换(系统)
*EDIAC; Spaces for Total Development [Mexico]; 完全发展空间
*EDIFACT; Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and; Transport (UN/EDIFACT); 管理、商务和运输电子数据交换系统; EDIFACToring; [An EDI-based information and telecommunications system; developed by Factors Chain International for use by member; factoring companies and their clients.]
*EDIMAR; Electronic Data Interchange Marine Manuel; 电子数据交换海事手册
*EDM; Executive Direction and Management [UNCTAD]; 行政领导和管理
*EDNICA; Educacion con el Nino de la Calle [Mexico]; 街头儿童教育组织
*EDP; Earthquake Data Reports; 地震资料公报
*EDP; electronic data processing; 电子数据处理; Electronic Data Processing and Information Systems Division;(AFM/EDP; EDPISD) [AFM]; 电子数据处理和资料系统司(数据系统司)
*EDP; extended delivery points (EDPs) [Refugees]; 分运点
*EDPIS; Electronic Data Processing and Information Systems Service; 电子数据处理和资料系统处(数据系统处)
*EDPISD; Electronic Data Processing and Information Systems Division;(AFM/EDP; EDP) [AFM]; 电子数据处理和资料系统司(数据系统司)
*EDR; Earthquake Data Reports; 地震资料公报
*EEA; European Economic Area [formerly EES--European Economic Space]; 欧洲经济区
*EEA; European Economic Association; 欧洲经济协会
*EEA; European Environment Agency [EU]; 欧洲环境署
*EEB; European Environmental Bureau; 欧洲环境局
*EEB; European Export Bank; 欧洲出口银行
*EEC; European Economic Community [EC]; Communaute Economique Europeenne (CEE); 欧洲经济共同体(欧经共体);欧洲共同市场
*EEI; Edison Electric Institute [USA]; 爱迪生电气研究所
*EEIG;European economic interest grouping; 欧洲经济利益集团
*EEP; Export Enhancement Programme [USDA]; 出口振兴计划
*EES; European Economic Space; European Economic Zone [now: EEA]; 欧洲经济区;欧洲经济空间
*EESI;Environmental and Energy Study Institute; 环境和能源研究学会
*EEZ; exclusive economic zone; 专属经济区
*EFA; Federation of European Accountants; Federation des Experts-Comptables Europeens (FEE); 欧洲会计师协会
*EFCA;European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Organizations; 欧洲工程顾问组织联合会
*EFCT;European Federation of Confederation Towns; 欧洲会议城镇联合会(会议城镇联合会)
*EFDITS; Expansion of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade in Services; 扩大外国直接投资和服务贸易项目[贸发会议项目]
*EFF; Extended Fund Facility; 展期资金设施;中期基金贷款办法
*EFIL;European Federation for International Learning; 欧洲促进文化间了解联合会(文化了解会)
*EFSS;Emergency Food Supply Scheme [WFP]; 紧急粮食供应计划(紧急粮食计划)
*EFTA;European Free Trade Association; 欧洲自由贸易联盟(欧洲自贸联) [小自由贸易区]
*e.g.;exempli gratia [Latin]; 例如
*EGL; Energy Organization of the Great Lakes Countries; 大湖国家能源组织
*EGP; Guerrilla Army of the Poor [Guatemala]; Ejercito Guerrillero de los Pobres; 穷人游击队
*EHC; Environmental Health Criteria; 环境卫生标准
*EI; Education International; Internationale de l'Education (IE); 教育国际
*EIA; environment impact assessment; 环境影响评估
*EIB; European Investment Bank; 欧洲投资银行
*EIDC;experimental international data centres (EIDCs) [Disarmament]; 实验性国际数据中心
*EIF; enter into force; 生效
*EIFAC; European Inland Fisheries Advissory Commission; 欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会
*EIGA;European Industrial Gases Association; 欧洲工业气体协会
*EIIA;European Information Industry Association; 欧洲信息工业协会
*EIL; Experiment in International Living, The; 国际生活实验组织
*EINECS; European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances; 欧洲现有化学商品清单
*EIP; World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace; Association Mondiale pour l'Ecole Instrument de Paix; 学校促进和平世界协会(学校促进和平协会)
*EIPP; Electronic invoice Payment and Presentment; 电子; 账单生成和支付合成 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*EIS; Environmental Information System; 环境资料系统
*EIU; Economist Intelligence Unit; 《经济学家》杂志信息股
*EJC; Engineers Joint Council; 工程师联合协进会(工程师协进会)
*ELC; Environmental Liaison Centre; 环境联络中心(环联中心)
*ELCI;Environmental Liaison Centre International; 环境联络中心国际(环境中心国际)
*ELEC;European League for Economic Co-operation; 欧洲经济合作联盟(经合联盟)
*ELF; Eritrean Liberation Front; 厄立特里亚解放阵线
*ELF; Essence et Lubrifiants Francais [France]; 法国汽油润滑油公司;埃尔富石油公司
*ELI/PAC;Environmental Law and Institution Programme Activity Centre; 环境法和机构方案活动中心
*ELMA;Empresa Lineas Maritimas SA [Argentina]; 海上运输公司
*ELN; Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional [Colombia]; 民族解放军
*ELOC;Evangelical Lutheran Ovambokavango Church [South Africa]; 福音路德教派奥万博卡万戈教会
*ELS; extra-long staple cotton; 特长纤维棉花
*ELTAC; European Largest Textile and Apparel Companies; 欧洲最大纺织品和服装公司协会
*EM; emerging markets (EMs); 新兴市场
*EMA; applied monetary gap; ecart monetaire applique; 应用差价[实际差价减去免税部分]
*EMA; European Monetary Agreement; 欧洲货币协定
*E-Mail; electronic mail; 电子邮件
*EMAO;Eastern Mediterranean Area and Country Offices [UNICEF]; 东地中海地区及国家办事处
*EMAS; Eco Management and Auditing Scheme [EU]; 生态管理和审计办法
*EMASAR; ecological management of arid and semi-arid rangelands; 干旱和半干旱牧地的生态管理
*EMBL;European Molecular Biology Laboratory; 欧洲分子生物学实验室
*EMC; Executive Management Committee; 执行管理委员会
*EMCF;European Monetary Co-operation Fund; 欧洲货币合作基金
*EMCO;International Board of Co-operation for the Developing Countries; 国际发展中国家合作委员会(发展中国家合作委员会)
*EMDN;National Defence General Staff [Chile]; Estado Mayor de la Defensa Nacional; 国防总参谋部
*EMEP;Co-operation Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the;Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe; 欧洲空气污染物远距离飘移监测和评价合作案;(污染物远距离飘移监测和评价方案)
*EMERTEC;Emergency Management-Environmental Risks-Technological and;Education Centre; 紧急情况管理--环境风险--技术和教育中心
*EMF; European Monetary Fund; 欧洲货币基金
*EMG; Environmental Management Guidelines [UNDP]; 环境管理准则
*EMI; European Monetary Institute [EU]; 欧洲货币机构
*EMINWA; environmentally sound management of inland waters; 内陆水域的环境无害管理(内水环境管理)
*EMIT;Working Group on Environmental Measures and International Trade;[GATT]; 环境措施和国际贸易工作组
*EML; Environmental Measurements Laboratory [USA]; 环境测量实验室
*EML; estimated maximum loss; 估计最大损失
*EMP; electromagnetic pulses; 电磁脉冲
*EMPRETEC; Entrepreneurship Development Programme [UNCTAD]; 经营技术发展方案(经营技术方案)
*EMPSA; Ecumenical Monitoring Programme in South Africa; 普世教会监视南非方案
*EMR; Military Detention Establishment [Uruguay]; Establecimiento Militar de Reclucion; 军人监狱
*EMRO;Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean (WHO/EMRO) [WHO]; 东地中海区域办事处
*EMS; European Monetary System [EC]; 欧洲货币体系
*EMs; emerging markets (EM); 新兴市场
*EMTP;Emergency Management Training Programme [UNHCR]; 应急管理培训方案(急管培训方案)
*EMU; economic and monetary union; 经济货币联盟
*EMU; European Economic and Monetary Union [formal form]; 欧洲经济和货币联盟(欧币盟); European Monetary Union; 欧洲货币联盟(欧币盟)
*EN; Energy Division [ECE]; 能源司
*ENCD;Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (ENDC); 十八国裁军委员会
*ENCONA; Environmental Coalition for North America; 北美环境联盟(环境联盟)
*ENDA; environmental development action; 环境发展行动
*ENDA; Environment and National Development in Africa; 非洲环境和国家发展组织; Environment and Development in the Third World (ENDA-TM); Environnement et Developpement du Tiers-Monde; 第三世界环境与发展组织; ENDA Inter-Arabe; 阿拉伯国家环境与发展组织
*ENDA-TM; Environment and Development in the Third World (ENDA); Environnement et Developpement du Tiers-Monde; 第三世界环境与发展组织
*ENDC;Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (ENCD); 十八国裁军委员会(十八国裁委会)
*ENEA;Europe Nuclear Energy Agency; 欧洲核能机构
*ENEL;National Electricity Utility [Italy]; Ente Nazionale per l'Energia Elettrica; 国营电力公司
*ENG; electronic news gathering; 电子新闻搜集
*ENHS;Environment and HUman Settlements Division [ECE]; 环境和人类住区司
*ENI; National Hydrocarbon Company [Italy]; Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi; 国营碳氢化合物公司
*ENLACE; Latin American Agency for Science and Business; 拉丁美洲科学与商业事务局
*ENMOD; Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use;of Environmental Modification Techniques;;Environment Modification Convention; ENMOD Convention;[A/RES/31/72] [Geneva; 18 May 1977]; 禁止为军事或任何其他敌对目的使用改变环境的技术的公约;(改变环境公约;改变环境技术公约); [1976年联合国裁军年鉴第一卷,附录 8,p.283]
*ENS; European Nuclear Society; 欧洲核学会
*ENSO;El Nino/Southern Oscillation [Meteorology]; 厄尔尼诺/南方涛动
*Enviro-Protect; International Association for Environmental Protection in Africa; 国际非洲环境保护协会
*EOC; Economic Option Committee; 经济选择委员会
*EOD; entrance on duty; 起职日期
*E & OE; errors and omissions excepted [Chartering and Shipping]; 错误和遗漏不在此限
*EOQC;European Organization for Quality Control; 欧洲质量控制组织(质量控制组织)
*EOSG;Executive Office of the Secretary-General (SG/Exec Off);[UN Secretariat]; 秘书长办公厅
*EOTC;European Organization for Testing and Certification [EC]; 欧洲验证组织
*EP; established post [UN]; 常设员额
*EP; European Parliament; 欧洲议会
*EPA; Environment Protection Agency [USA]; 环境保护局(环保局)
*EPC; Convention on the Grant of European Patents; European Patent Convention; 给予欧洲专利权公约(欧洲专利公约)
*EPC; European Plastics Converters (EuPC); 欧洲塑料加工协会
*EPC; European Political Community; 欧洲政治共同体; European Political Co-operation [EC]; 欧洲政治合作
*EPC; export price check; 出口价格管制; EPC price; 出口价格管制制度价格[黄麻]; EPC system; 出口价格管制制度[黄麻]
*EPF; Established Programmes Financing [Canada]; 固定方案融资计划
*EPFL;Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne [Switzerland]; 洛桑联邦理工学院
*EPI; Expanded Programme on Immunization [WHO]; 扩大免疫方案
*EPI; Institute of Professional Representatives before the European;Patent Office; 欧洲专利局事务业务代理人协会
*EPIC;Export Payment Insurance Corporation [Australia]; 出口支付保险公司
*EPLF;Eriterean People's Liberation Front [Ethiopia]; 厄立特里亚人民解放阵线
*EPLIB; Environment Programme Library; 环境署图书馆
*EPM; equivalent per million; 百万分之一当量
*EPO; European Patent Office [EC]; 欧洲专利局; European Patent Organization [EC]; 欧洲专利组织[即“欧洲专利局”]
*EPOC;The ESCAP Pacific Operation Centre; 亚太经社会太平洋活动中心(太平洋活动中心)
*EPOCH; European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazards (1989-1992);[Commission of EC]; 欧洲气候学和自然灾害方案
*EPOS;Environmental Policy and Society [Sweden]; 环境政策与学会
*EPP; Group of the European People's Party [EC]; 欧洲人民党议员团[欧洲议会]
*EPPG;United Nations Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Group; 联合国(机构间)应急备灾防灾小组
*EPPO;European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization; 欧洲和地中海植物保护组织
*EPRO; Emergency Preparedness and Response Officer [UNHCR]; 备急应急干事
*EPRS; Emergency Preparedness and Response Section [UNHCR]; 备急和应急科
*EPS; Public Fishing Company; 公营渔业公司
*EPTA; European Foundation for Environmental Protection; 欧洲环境保护基金会
*EPTA; European Portable Tank Association; 欧洲便携罐协会
*EPTA; United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance [UNDP]; 联合国技术援助扩大方案
*EPU; European Payments Union; 欧洲支付联盟
*EPU; European Political Union; 欧洲政治同盟
*EPU; European University Centre for Peace Studies; 欧洲大学和平研究中心
*EPZ; export processing zones (EPZs); 出口加工区
*EQUIPRO; Technical Co-operation Equipment and Subcontracting Branch [ILO]; 技术合作设备和分包组
*ER; emergency room [Hospital]; 急救室
*ERASMUS; European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University; Students [EC]; 欧洲共同体促进大学生流动行动计划
*ERC; Emergency Relief Co-ordinator; 紧急救济协调员
*ERDF;European Regional Development Fund; 欧洲地区发展基金
*ERG; Bibliographic Data Base on Energy [ARCT]; 能源文献目录数据库
*ERM; Exchange Rate Mechanism [EC]; (欧洲货币)汇率机制
*ERNK;National Front for the Liberation of Kurdistan; Enlya Ruzgariya Netwa Kurdistan; 解放库尔德斯坦民族阵线
*EROPA; Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration; 东方区域公共行政组织(公共行政组织)
*EROS;earth resources observation satellite; 地球资源观测卫星
*ERP; People's Revolutionary Army [El Salvador]; Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo; 人民革命军
*ERS; Expanded Reporting System (ref: DRS) [World Bank]; 扩大的(债务)报告制度
*ERT; Emergency Response Team [UNHCR]; 应急小组
*ERTS; Earth Resources Technology Satellite; 地球资源技术卫星
*ERU; emergency Response Unit [IAEA]; 紧急情况反应股
*ERU; emission reduction units (ERUs); 排放减少单位
*E & S; Economic and Social Information [UNDP]; 经社资料
*ESA; Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) [UN Secretariat]; 经济和社会事务部(经社事务部)
*ESA; environmental study area; 环境研究区
*ESA; European Space Agency; 欧洲航天局(欧航局)
*ESA; European System of Integrated Economic Accounts [EC]; 欧洲经济帐目一体化制度
*ESA; Secret Anti-Communist Army [Guatemala]; Ejercito Secreto Anticommunista; 秘密反共军
*ESAF;Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility [IMF]; 扩充的结构调整贷款办法(扩充结调贷款)
*ESA/Human Env; United Nations Conference on the Human Environment; 联合国人类环境会议
*ESA/ISU;Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Information System Unit; 经济和社会事务部/资料系统股(经社事务部/资料系统股)
*ESAMI; Eastern and Southern African Management Institute; 东部和南部非洲管理研究所
*ESAPTA; Project of the Eastern and Southern African Preferential Trade;Area; 东部和南部非洲优惠贸易区项目
*ESA/Pub Finance; Division of Public Finance and Financial Institutions; 公共财政和金融机构司
*ESA/Res and Trans; Resources and Transport Division (RTD); 资源和运输司
*ESARIPO;Industrial Property Organization for English-Speaking Africa; 非洲英语地区工业产权组织
*ESC; Economic and Social Committee of the European Union; Comite Economique et Social de l'Union Europeenne (CES); 欧洲联盟经济和社会委员会(欧盟经社委员会)
*ESC; Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) [UN]; 经济及社会理事会(经社理事会)
*ESC; European Shippers' Councils [formerly: European National Shippers';Councils; National Shippers' Councils of Europe]; 欧洲托运人理事会
*Esc; Portuguese escudo [Monetary Unit of Portugal]; 葡萄牙埃斯库多
*ESCAP; United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the;Pacific [Formerly ECAFE] [ESC]; 联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)
*ESCB;European System of Central Banks [EC]; 欧洲中央银行系统[由“欧洲中央银行”和各成员国中央银行组成]
*ESCOM; Electricity Supply Commission [South Africa]; 电力供应委员会
*ESCWA; United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia;[Formerly ECWA];[ESC]; 联合国西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)
*ESD; Electronic System Division [IAEA]; 电子系统司
*ESES; environmentally (safe and) sound energy systems; 对环境(安全和)无害的能源系统
*ESF; Ecoles san Frontieres; 无国界学校组织
*ESF; Emergency Social Fund; 紧急社会基金
*ESF; European Science Foundation; 欧洲科学基金会
*ESF; European Social Fund [EC]; 欧洲社会基金
*ESMA;Naval Engineering College [Argentina]; Ecuela de Mecanica de la Armada; 海军工程学院
*ESMACO; General Staff [Uruguay]; Estado Mayor Conjunto; 总参谋部
*ESN; Food Policy and Nutrition Division [FAO]; 粮食政策及营养处
*ESPM;European South Pacific and Magellan Conference; 欧洲南太平洋及麦哲伦航运公会
*ESPO; European Sea Ports Organization; 欧洲海港组织
*ESPRIT; European Strategic Programme for Research and Development in;Information Technologies [EC]; 欧洲信息技术研究与开发战略计划
*ESRF;European Synchrotron Radiation Facility; 欧洲同步加速辐射设备
*ESRI;Environmental Systems Research Institute; 环境系统研究所
*ESRO;European Space Research Organization [EC]; 欧洲空间研究组织
*ESS; Eastern Seaboard Services; 东方海运公司
*ESS; Statistics Division [FAO]; 统计处
*ESSA;English-Speaking South-African; 讲英语南非人
*ESSA;Environmental Science Services Administration [USA]; 环境科学管理局
*ESSI;European System of Social Indicators [EC]; 欧洲社会指标体系
*EST; environmentally sound technologies (ESTs); 无害环境技术
*ETA; estimated time of arrival; 预定抵达时间
*ETA; European Tugowners Association; 欧洲拖船船东协会(拖船船东协会)
*et al; et alia [Latin]; 及其他事务; et alibi (and elsewhere) [Latin]; 及其他地方; et alii (and others) [Latin];... 等(合著);及其他人
*ETC; European Tea Committee; 欧洲茶叶委员会(茶叶委员会)
*etc; et cetera [Latin]; 等等
*ETE; Special Task Force [Argentina]; Fuerzas de Tarea Especial; 特别警察部队;特警部队
*ETE 21; Energy, Technology and the Environment; 能源、技术和环境组织
*ETEX;European Tracer Experiment [WMO]; 欧洲示踪剂实验
* ETIM;the East Turkistan Islamic Movement; 东突伊斯兰运动
*ETO; European Transport Organization; 欧洲运输组织
*ETONU; United Nations Technical Team; 联合国技术队;ETONU-MEX;United Nations Technical Team in Mexico;联合国进驻墨西哥技术队
*ETS; economic time series; 经济时间序列[经济参数按时间次序列出]; Economic Time Series Data Bank; 经济时间序列数据库
*et seq; et sequentia [Latin]; 及其后;及以下各页(各段);... 页(段)起
*ETSI;European Telecommunications Standards Institute [EC]; 欧洲电信标准化研究所
*ETUC;European Trade Union Confederation; 欧洲工会联合会
*EU; European Union; Union Europeenne (UE); 欧洲联盟(欧盟)
*EUA; European Unit of Account [EC]; 欧洲记帐单位
*EUCRAR; European Consortium for the Responsible Application of;Refrigerants; 欧洲促进可靠应用制冷剂联合会
*EUI; European University Institute; 欧洲研究生院
*EuPC; European Plastics Converters (EPC); 欧洲塑料加工协会
*EUPR;European Union of Public Relations - International Service;Organization; 欧洲公共关系联合会—国际服务组织(公共关系联合会)
*EURAG; European Federation for the Welfare of the Elderly; 欧洲老年人福利联合会(老年人福利联合会)
*EURATEX; Eiropean Apparel and Textile Organization; 欧洲服装和纺织品组织
*EURATOM;European Atomic Energy Community (or EAEC; Euratom) [EC]; Communaute Europeenne de l'Energie Atomique (CEEA); 欧洲原子能共同体;欧洲原子能联营
*EURCO; European composite unit (Eurco); 欧尔康;欧洲货币合成单位
*EUREKA; European Programme for High Technology Research and Developmnt [EC]; 欧洲高技术研究与开发计划;尤里卡计划; European Research Co-operation Agency [EC]; 欧洲研究合作局
*EURES; European Employment Service System; 欧洲职业介绍系统
*EURIMA; European Insulation Manufacturers Association; 欧洲绝缘材料制造商协会
*EURO;Regional Office for Europe (WHO/EURO) [WHO]; 欧洲区域办事处
*Euro; Euroband;欧洲汇率幅度;Eurobank;欧洲银行;Eurobonds; 欧洲债券;Eurocard;欧洲信用卡;Eurocheque; 欧洲通用支票;Euroclear; 欧洲票据清算所;Eurocracy; 欧洲共同市场行政体系;Eurocrats; 欧洲共同市场官员或行政人员;Eurocredit; 欧洲信贷;Eurocurrency; 欧洲货币;Eurodollar; 欧洲美元;Euroexecutive; 欧洲共同市场高级官员;Euroissue; 欧洲证券;Euroloan;欧洲货币贷款;Euromarket; 欧洲市场;Euromart;欧洲共同市场;Euromoney; 欧洲货币;欧洲通货;Euronote;欧洲期票;Europatent; 欧洲专利权;Europol; 欧洲刑警署;Eurosterling; 欧洲英镑;Euroyen; 欧洲日元
*EUROCHAMBRES; Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry; Association des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie Europeennes; 欧洲工商会协会(欧洲商会); [formerly: CPCCI]
*EUROCOOP European Community of Consumer Co-operatives; 欧洲消费合作社集团
*EUROCORD Federation of Western European Rope and Twine Industries; Federation des Industries de Corderie-Ficellerie de l'Europe;Occidentale; 西欧缆绳和网丝工业联合会(缆绳和网丝工业联合会)
*EURODAD;European Network on Debt and Development; 欧洲债务和发展网络
*Eurodicautom; Multi-Lingual Terminology Data Bank [EC]; 欧洲多语种词汇库
*EUROFER;European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries; Association Europeene de la Siderurgie; 欧洲钢铁工业联合会
*EURONET;Community Data-Transmission Network [EC]; 欧洲共同体数据传输网
*EUROPACE European Programme of Advanced Continuing Education; 欧洲高等教育进修计划[在尖端科技领域,高校与企业合作进行]
*Europol;European Police Office; 欧洲刑警署;Europol Drugs Unit; 欧洲刑警署毒品组
*EUROSPACE; European Industrial Space Study Group; Groupement Industriel Europeen d'Etudes Spatiales; 欧洲工业界空间研究小组
*EUROSTAT; Statistical Office of the European Communities (SOEC); 欧洲共同体统计局[总司级单位]; Statistical Office of the European Union (SOEU); 欧盟统计局;欧洲联盟统计局[总司级单位]
*Eurostep European Solidarity towards Equal Participation of People; 欧洲支持人民平等参与组织
*EUROTRA  European Economic Community Research and Development Programme      
for a Machine Translation System of Advanced Design; 欧洲经济共同体研究与开发先进机器翻译系统计划
*EUROVISION; European Broadcasting Union (EBU); 欧洲广播联盟(广播联盟)
*EURYDICE Eucation Information Network in the European Community [EC]; 欧洲共同体教育信息网
*EUW; European Union of Women; 欧洲妇女联合会(妇女联合会)
*EV; eingetragener verein [Germany]; 注册社团 [正式注册登记的协会或学会]
*EVI; Ex-Volunteers International; 退休志愿工作者国际组织(退休志愿工作者组织)
*EWG; EDIFACToring Working Group [a group of factoring experts working;under WEEB-MD4 to develop messaging formats for the factoring;industry]
*EWL; European Women's Lobby; Lobby Europeen des Femmes (LEF); 欧洲妇女游说团
*EWR; early-warning radar; 早期警戒雷达
*ex; examined; 验讫; exchange; 汇兑;兑换;交易所; excluding;除外; executed; 已执行
*EXCOM; Executive Committee (EC; ExCom) [UNHCR; WHO]; 执行委员会
*EXIM;Export-Import Bank of the United States (Eximbank); 美国进出口银行
*Eximbank Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM); 美国进出口银行
*ExO; executive order [USA]; 行政命令
*ex rel; ex relatione [Latin]; 根据 .... 告发
*EYF; European Youth Foundation [EC]; 欧洲青年基金会

*F;Dutch florin (or guilder) (FL) [Monetary Unit of Netherlands]; 荷兰盾;
*F;funding source changed [UNHCR]; 资金来源变动
*FAA; Federal Aviation Administration [US Department of Transportation]; 联邦航空局
*faa; free of all average [Chartering and Shipping]; 一切海损均不赔偿
*FAAFI; Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants;(FAFICS); Federation des Associations d'Anciens Fonctionnaires Internationaux; 退职国际公务员协会联合会(退职国际公务员协联)
*FAC; Fonds d'Aide et de Cooperation [France]; 援助合作基金会
*fac; fast as can [Chartering and Shipping]; 尽快
*FACS;Federation of American Controlled Shipping; 美国控制航运联合会
*FADES; Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD); Fonds Arabe pour le Developpement Economique et Social; 阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金(阿拉伯经社发展基金)
*FADH; Force Armee de Haiti; 海地武装部队
*FADM;Mozambique Defence Force; 莫桑比克国防军
*FAFD;Federation des Associations du Fouta pour le Developpement; 富塔发展协会联合会[富塔人是西非民族之一]
*FAFICS; Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants; Federation des Associations d'Anciens Fonctionnaires Internationaux;(FAAFI); 退职国际公务员协会联合会(退职国际公务员协联)
*FAI; Broad Left Front [Chile]; Frente Amplio de Izquierda; 左派广泛阵线
*FAIR;Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers; 亚非保险商和再保险商联合会(保险商和再保险商联合会)
*FAK; freight all kinds; FAK rate [Shipping]; (不分货类)同一运费率;综合运费率
*FALPRO; Special Programme on Trade Facilitation;; Trade Facilitation Programme; 贸易手续简化问题特别方案;贸易手续简化方案
*FANAF; Federation of African National Insurance Companies; Federation des Societes d'Assurances de Droit National Africaines; 非洲国家保险公司联合会
*FAO; Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations; 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)
*FAP; Food Aid Programme [Division of Food and Nutrition, WHO]; 食物援助方案股
*FAPLA; Forcas Armadas Populares de Libertacao de Angola [Angola]; 安哥拉人民解放武装部队;
*faq; fair average quality [Chartering and Shipping]; 中等货;平均中等品质
*FAR; Andean Reserve Fund; Fondo Andino de Reservas; 安第斯储备基金
*FAR; Federal Aviation Regulation [US]; 联邦航空条例
*FAR; final average renumeration; 最后平均薪酬
*FAR; Rebel Armed Force [Guatemala]; Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes; 起义军
*FARC;Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia; Revolutionary Forces of Colombia [a Colombian guerrilla group]; 哥伦比亚革命武装部队
*FARN;Fundacion Ambiente y Recursos Naturales [Argentina]; 环境与自然资源基金会
*FAS; free alongside ship (fas); 船边交货价格
*FASA;Arab Special Fund for Africa; 阿拉伯援助非洲特别基金
*FASC;Federation of ASEAN Shippers' Councils; 东盟托运人理事会联合会
*FASREP; Food Availability Status Report; 粮食供应情况报告
*Fatah; Palestine National Liberation Movement (Al Fatah; Al Fateh; Fateh); 巴勒斯坦民族解放运动(法塔赫)
*FAVDO; Forum for African Voluntary Development Organizations; 非洲志愿发展组织论坛
*FAWO; Film and Allied Workers Organization [South Africa]; 电影及相关行业工人组织
*FB; finance and budget; 财务和预算
*FBARS; Field-Based Registration System; 因应外地需要的登记制度
*FBCN;Fundacao Brasileira para a Conservacao da Natureza [Brazil]; 巴西自然保护基金会
*FBL; FIATA bill of lading (FB/L); 国际运输商协会联合会提单(运协提单)
*fbp; final boiling point; 终沸点;干点[石油]
*FBR; fast breeder reactor [Nuclear Energy]; 快中子增殖反应堆
*FBu; Franc Burundi [Monetary Unit of Burundi]; 布隆迪法郎
*FC; Finance Committee [FAO]; 财政委员会(财委会)
*FC; fixed cost; 固定成本
*FC; foreign capital; 外资;外国资本
*FC; fluorocarbons (FCs); 碳氟化合物
*FC & S; free of capture and seizure clause (fc & s);[Chartering and Shipping]; 不保捕获和扣押条款
*FCA; Federation of Commodity Associations; 商品协会联合会
*FCCC;United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); 联合国气候变化问题框架公约(气候公约);INC/FCCC;Intergovermantal Negotiating Committee for a FCCC;气候变化问题框架公约政府间谈判委员会
*FCCE;Overseas Economic Co-operation Fund; 海外经济合作基金
*FCD; Community Development Fund [CFA]; 共同体发展基金
*FCFA;African Financial Community Franc; African Franc; Franc de la Communaute Financiere d'Afrique (CFAF); 非洲金融共同体法郎(非洲法郎)
*FCI; Factors Chain International;[a multinational network of factoring companies]; 帐务代理连锁国际
*FCL; full container load (ref: CL) [Container]; 整箱货
*FCSC;Foreign Claims Settlement Commission [USA]; 涉外理赔事务委员会
*fcsrcc; free of capture, seizure, riots and civil commotions;[Chartering and Shipping]; 不保捕获、扣押、暴动和内乱条款
*FCT/L; FIATA combined transport bill of lading [Chartering and Shipping]; 国际运输商协会联合会联运提单(运协联运提单)
*FCWU;African Food and Canning Workers Union (AFCWU) [South Africa]; 非洲食品与罐头业工人工会;
*FD; free discharge (fd) [Chartering and Shipping]; 船方不负担卸货费用
*F & D; freight and demurrage [Chartering and Shipping]; 运费和延滞费;运费加滞期费
*FDA; Food and Drug Administration [USA]; 食品和药物管理局
*FDCR;Frente Democratico contra la Represion [Guatemala]; 反迫害民主阵线
*FDI; foreign direct investment; 外国直接投资(直接外资)
*FDI; International Dental Federation; Federation Dentaire Internationale; 国际牙科联合会(牙科联合会)
*FDR; Frente Democratico Revolucionario [El Salvador]; 民主革命阵线
*FEA; Federation of European Aerosol Associations; 欧洲烟雾剂协会联合会
*FEANI; European Federation of National Associations of Engineers; Federation Europeenne d'Associations Nationals d'Ingenieurs; 欧洲各国工程师协会联合会(工程师协会联合会)
*FEANTSA;European Federation of National Organizations Working with the;Homeless; Federation Europeenne d'Associations Nationales Travaillant avec;les Sans-Abri; 各国无家可归者工作组织欧洲联合会
*FEB; Final Event Bulletin [GSE]; 最后事件公报
*FEC; foreign exchange certificate [China]; 外汇兑换券;外汇券
*FECODE; Colombian Teachers' Association; 哥伦比亚教师协会
*FECS; Federation of European Chemical Societies; 欧洲化学学会联合会(化学学会联合会)
*FED; European Development Fund (EDF) [EC]; Fonds Europeen de Developpement; 欧洲开发基金(欧洲基金)
*FEDECOOPADES; Federation of Associations of Agricultural Production Cooperatives of; El Salvador; 萨尔瓦多农业生产合作社协会联合会
*FEDEFAM; Latin American Federation of Associations of Relatives of Disappeared; Detainees; Federacion Latinoamericana de Asociaciones de Familiares de; Detenidos-Desaparecidos; 拉丁美洲失踪的被拘禁者亲属协会联合会
*FEDEORAMA; Federacion de Organizaciones para el Futuro de Orinoquia y Amazonia; 奥里诺科和亚马孙未来计划组织联合会
*FEDEPRICAP; Federation of Private Businesses of Central America and Panama; Federacion de Entidades Privadas de Centroamerica y Panama; 中美洲和巴拿马私营企业联合会(中美洲巴拿马私企联)
*FEE; Federation of European Accountants (EFA); Federation des Experts-Comptables Europeens; 欧洲会计师联合会
*FEF; Friedrich Ebert Foundation; 弗里德里希·埃伯特基金会(埃伯特基金会)
*FEFC; Far Eastern Freight Conference [Shipping]; 远东货运公会
*FELACUTI; Latin American Federation of International Transport Users' Councils; Federacion Latinoamericana de Consejos de Usuarios del Transporte; Internacional; 拉丁美洲国际运输使用者理事会联合会
*FEMA; Federal Emergency Management Agency [USA]; 联邦紧急措施署
*FEMFM; Federation of European Manufacturers of Friction Materials; 欧洲摩擦材料制造商联合会(摩擦材料制造商联合会)
*FENATEX;National Textile and Garment Workers Federation [Chile]; Federacion Nacional Textil y del Vestuario; 全国纺织服装业工人联合会
*FENSIMET National Federation of Metallurgical Unions [Chile]; Federacion Nacional de Sindicatos Metalurgicos; 全国冶金工会联合会
*FEOGA; European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) [EEC]; Fonds Europeen d'Orientation et Garantie Agricole; 欧洲农业指导和保证基金
*Fesco; Far Eastern Shipping Company (Fesco Line) [USSR]; 远东航运公司
*FEU; forty-foot equivalent unit; 40英尺标准箱[集装箱]
*FEUU;Federation of University Students of Uruguay; Federacion de Estudiantes Universitarios del Uruguay; 乌拉圭大学生联合会
*FF; Franc Francais [Monetary Unit of France]; 法国法郎
*FF CC; Combined Forces [Uruguay]; Fuerzas Conjuntas; 联合武装部队
*FFHC; Freedom from Hunger Campaign [FAO]; 免于饥饿运动
*FFT; flow-of-fund table; 资金流动表
*FGM; female genital mutilation; 女性外阴残割
*FHF; For Humanity's Future; Association for Humanity's Future;为人类未来协会
*FHI; Food for the Hungry International; 粮食救济饥民国际协会(粮食救济饥民协会)
*FI; financial institution; 金融机构
*fi; free in [Chartering and Shipping]; 船方不负担装货费用
*FIA; International Automobile Federation; Federation Internationale de l'Automobile; 国际汽车联合会(汽车联合会)
*fia; full interest admitted; 承认全部可保权益
*FIABV; Ibero-American Federation of Stock Exchanges; Federacion Iberoamericana de Bolsas de Valores; 伊比利亚美洲证券交易所联合会(伊美证交联)
*FIAF;International Federation of Film Archives; Federation Internationale des Archives du Film; 国际电影档案馆联合会(电影档案馆联合会)
*FIAN; Foodfirst Information and Action Network; 粮食第一—信息和行动网; FIAN International; 粮食第一—信息和行动网国际协会; International Human Rights Organization for the Right to Feed Oneself; 争取粮食权利国际人权组织
*FIAPA; International Federation of Associations of the Elderly; Federation Internationale des Associations de Personnes Agees; 国际老年人协会联合会
*FIARP; Inter-American Federation of Public Relations Associations (IFPRA); Federacion Interamericana de Asociaciones de Relaciones Publicas; 美洲公共关系协会联合会(公关协联)
*FIAT; Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino [Italy]; 意大利都灵汽车制造厂;菲亚特汽车公司
*FIATA; International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations; Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimiles; 国际运输商协会联合会
*FIB; Freight Investigation Bureau [India]; 运费调查局
*fib; free into bunkers [Chartering and Shipping]; (燃料)交到船上燃料舱价格(到舱价); free into barge [Chartering and Shipping]; (燃料)交到油驳的价格(到舱价)
*FIBV;International Federation of Stock Exchanges; Federation Internationale des Bourses de Valeurs; 国际证券交易所联合会(国际证交联)
*FICCI; Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry; 印度工商会联合会
*FICE;fonds d'investissement des capitaux etrangers; 外国资本投资基金(外资基金)
*FICE;International Federation of Children's Communities; Federation Internationale des Communautes d'Enfants; 国际儿童团体联合会[旧名]; International Federation of Educative Communities; Federation Internationale des Communautes Educatives; 国际教育团体联合会(教育团体联合会)[新名]
*FICPI; International Federation of Industrial Property Attorneys; Federation Internationale des Conseils en Propriete Industrielle; 国际工业产权事务律师联合会
*FICSA; Federation of International Civil Servants Associations; 国际公务员协会联合会(国际公务员联会)
*FID; International Federation for Information and Documentation; Federation Internationale d'Information et Documentation; 国际信息和文献联合会
*FIDEF; International Federation of French-Speaking Accountants; Federation Internationale des Experts-Comptables Francophone; 国际法语会计师协会
*FIDES; Fonds d'Investissement pour le Developpement Economique et Social;des Territoires d'Outre-Mer [France]; 海外领地经济及社会发展投资基金
*FIDES; Inter-American Federation of Insurance Companies; Federacion Interamericana de Empresas de Seguros;[formerly: Hemispheric Insurance Conference]; 美洲保险公司联合会
*FIDH;International Federation of Human Rights; Federation Internationale des Droits de l'Homme; 国际人权联合会(人权联合会)
*FIDI;International Federation of International Furniture Removers; Federation Internationale des Demenageurs Internationaux; 国际家具搬运公司国际联合会
*FIDIC; International Federation of Consulting Engineers; Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils; 国际顾问工程师联合会
*FIDUROP;Comite Marche Commun des Industries de Fibres Dures et de Coco; 共同市场硬质及椰子纤维工业委员会
*FIEJ;International Federation of Newspaper Publishers; Federation Internationale des Editeurs de Journaux; 国际报刊发行人联合会
*FIELD; Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development; 国际环境法和发展基金会
*FIEO;Federation of Indian Export Organizations; 印度出口组织联合会
*fi. fa.;fieri facias [Latin]; 扣押并拍卖债务人动产以抵偿债务的执行令;扣押债务人动产令;财物扣押;令
*FIFARMA;Latin American Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industry; Federacion Latinoamericana de la Industria Farmaceutica; 拉丁美洲制药业联合会(制药业联合会)
*FIG; International Federation of Surveyors; Federation Internationale des Geometres; 国际测量工作者联合会(测量工作者联合会)
*FIGO;International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; Federation Internationale de Gynecologie et d'Obstetrique; 国际妇产科联合会(妇产科联合会)
*FIJET; International Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers; 国际旅游新闻工作者和旅游作家联合会;(旅游新闻工作者和旅游作家联合会)
*FIJM;International Federation of Musical Youth; Federation Internationale des Jeunesses Musicales; 国际青年音乐家联合会
*FILDIR; Federation Internationale Libre des Deportes et Internes de la;Resistance; 国际被放逐者和抵抗运动被拘禁者自由联合会
*FILP;Fiscal Investment and Loan Programme; 财政投资及贷款方案
*FIM; International Federation of Musicians; Federation Internationale des Musiciens; 国际音乐家联合会(音乐家联合会)
*FIMARC; International Federation of Rural Adult Catholic Movements; Federation Internationale des Mouvements d'Adultes Ruraux; Catholiques; 农村成年人天主教运动国际联合会(农天联合会)
*FIMITIC;International Federation of Disabled Workers and Civilian;Handicapped; Federation Internationale des Mutiles et Invalides du Travail et;des Civils; 国际残疾工人和残障平民联合会
*FIMS; Financial Implementation Management Services Unit [UNIDO]; 财务支付管理股
*FIN; Financial Service [UNOG]; 财务处
*FINAPRI;Financiera de Preinversion; 投资前基金
*FIND;Families of Victims of Involuntary Disappearances; 非自愿失踪受害者家属协会
*FINEP; Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos [Brazil]; 研究和计划基金
*FINIDA; Finnish International Development Agency (FINNIDA); 芬兰国际开发署
*FINM;National Federation of Mine Workers [Chile]; Federacion Industrial Nacional Minera; 全国矿工联合会
*FINNFUND Finnish Fund f Iorndustrial Co-operation; 芬兰工业合作基金
*FINNIDA;Finnish International Development Agency (FINIDA); 芬兰国际开发署
*FINUL; United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL); Force Interimaire des Nations Unies au Liban; 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队
*FIO; International Olive Growers Federation [Old Name]; International Olive Oil Federation [New Name]; Federation Internationale d'Oleiculture; 国际橄榄种植者联合会(橄榄种植者联合会)[旧名];;国际橄榄油联合会[新名]
*FIO; free in and out (fio) [Chartering and Shipping]; 船方不负担装卸费用
*FIOCES; International Federation of Organizations of School Correspondence;and Exchanges; Federation Internationale des Organizations de Correspondence et;d'Exchanges Scolaires; 国际学校通信和交换组织联合会
*FIOS;free in and out and stowed (fios) [Chartering and Shipping]; 船方不负担装卸及理舱费用;船方不负担装卸及积载费用
*FIOST; free in and out, stowed and trimmed (fiost);[Chartering and Shipping]; 船方不负担装卸、理舱及平舱费用
*FIOT;free in and out and stowed (fiot) [Chartering and Shipping]; 船方不负担装卸及平舱费用
*FIP; International Pharmaceutical Federation; Federation Internationale Pharmaceutique; 国际药剂业联合会(药剂业联合会)
*FIPLV; World Federation of Foreign-Language Teachers Associations; Federation Internationale des Profrsseurs de Langues Vivantes; 世界外语教师协会联合会(外语教师联合会)
*FIPOI; Fondation des Immeubles pour les Organisations Internationales; 国际组织不动产基金会
*FIPP;International Federation of the Periodical Press; Federation Internationale de la Press Periodique; 国际期刊业联合会(期刊业联合会)
*FIR; International Federation of Resistance Movements; Federation Internationale des Resistants; 抵抗运动国际联合会(抵抗运动联合会)
*FIS; Islamic Salvation Front [Algeria]; Front Islamique du Salut; 伊斯兰拯救阵线
*FISE;World Federation of Teachers' Union; Federation Internationale Syndicale de l'Enseignement; 世界教师工会联合会(教师工会联合会)
*FISMIL; Office of the Military Prosecutors (FIS MIL) [Chile]; Fiscaria Militar; 军事检察院;军事检察部;军事检察署
*FIT; International Federation of Translators; Federation Internationale des Traducteurs; 国际翻译工作者联合会(翻译工作者联合会)
*FITAC; Inter-American Federation of Touring and Automobile Clubs; Federacion Interamericana de Touring y Automovil Clubes; 美洲旅游与汽车俱乐部联合会(旅游与汽车俱乐部联合会)
*FITAP; Federation Internationale des Transports Aeriens Prives; 国际私营空运公司联合会
*FITDH; International Federation Terre des Hommes (IFTDH); Federation Internationale Terre des Hommes; 地球社国际联合会
*fiw; free in wagon [Chartering and Shipping]; 船方不负担装入货车费用
*FJ; fangzhibu biaozhun [China]; 纺织部标准
*FL; Dutch florin (or guilder) (F) [Monetary Unit of Netherlands]; 荷兰盾;
*fl; florin; (1849年以来英国银币,价值二先令)
*FLACSO; Latin American Social Science Faculty [Chile]; Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; 拉丁美洲社会科学学院
*FLASH; feeder lighter aboard ship [Shipping] (ref: LASH); 支线拉西型载驳货船;拉西型载驳集散船;载驳集散船
*Flat-tainer; Container base and end bulk heads, with or without tail door,;rigid or foldable, topless or sideless or loose stanchions;and runners for sides notwithstanding.
*FLN; National Liberation Front [Algeria]; Front de Liberation Nationale; 民族解放阵线
*FLNFM; Frente de Liberacion Nacional Farabundo Marti (FMLN) [El Salvador]; 法拉本多·马蒂民族解放阵线(革命组织)
*FMACU; World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations; Federation Mondiale des Associations et des Clubs UNESCO; 教科文组织俱乐部和协会世界联合会
*FMAP;Division of Financial Management and Administrative Policy [UNDP]; 财务管理和行政政策处
*FMC; Federal Maritime Commission [USA]; 联邦海事委员会
*FMCT; Fissionable Material Cut-Off Treaty; 裂变材料停产条约
*FMDH; Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights; 马兰戈普洛斯人权基金会
*FMEM;World Federation for Medical Education; Federation Mondiale pour l'Enseignement Medical; 世界医学教育联合会(医学教育联合会)
*FMF; Foreign Military Financing Programme [USA]; 对外军事融资计划
*FMG; franc malgashe [Monetary Unit of Madagascar]; 马达加斯加法郎
*FMIS;Financial and Management Information System; 财务和管理资料系统
*Fmk; Finnish markka [Monetary Unit of Finland]; 芬兰马克
*FMLN;Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front [El Salvador]; Frent "Farabundo Marti" para le Liberacion Nacional; 法拉本多·马蒂民族解放阵线(反政府武装组织)
*FMO; Netherland Financing Company for Developing Countries; 荷兰发展中国家资金供应公司
*FMS; foreign military sales; 对外军售
*fms; fathoms [Timber]; 立方英寻(216 立方英尺)
*FNCD; Front National pour le Changement et la Democratie [Haiti]; 改革和民主全国阵线
*FNLA;National Front for the Liberation of Angola; Frente Nacional de Libertacao de Angola; 安哥拉民族解放阵线
*FNU; Front National de l'Unite; 民族统一阵线
*FO; field office [UNHCR]; 外地办事处
*FO; free out (fo) [Chartering and Shipping]; 船方不负担卸货费用; free overside (fo) [Chartering and Shipping]; 船边交货(价格);目的港驳船交货(价格)
*fo; firm offer; 实盘;不能撤消的发盘; for order [Chartering and Shipping]; 等待指示
*FOA; free on board airport (foa) [Chartering and Shipping]; 飞机场上交货(价格)
*FOB; free on board (fob);[A shipping term under which the price quoted applies only at; the shipping point, and the seller is responsible for all; charges only until the merchandise is loaded onto the vessel.; See also Incoterms] [Chartering and Shipping]; 离岸价格;船上交货价;船上交货价格
*FOBS; Field Office Budgeting System [UNHCR]; 外地办事处预算制度
*FOBS;fractional orbital bombardment system; 部分轨道轰炸系统
*FOC; flag of conveniences (FOCs); 方便旗
*foc; free of charge; 免费
*FOCEM; Central American Monetary Stabilization Fund; 中美洲货币稳定基金
*FOCIPE; Fund of the Inter-American Export Promotion Centre [OAS]; 美洲促进出口中心基金
*FOD; Field Operations Division [OGS]; 外勤业务司
*fod; free of damage [Chartering and Shipping]; 损害不赔
*FOE; Friends of the Earth; Les Amis de la Terre; 地球之友协会
*FOGS;Negotiating Group on Functioning of the GATT System; 总协定系统执行工作问题谈判小组
*FOLICO; Centro de Formacion y Desarrollo Juvenil; 少年教育与发展中心
*FOMC;Federal Open Market Committee [USA]; 联邦公开市场委员会
*FONASBA;Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents; 各国船舶经纪人和代理人协会联合会
*FONDEM; Inter-American Emergency Aid Fund; 美洲紧急援助基金
*FONGTO; Federation des ONG au Togo; 多哥非政府组织联合会
*FONPLATA Financial Fund for the Plata Basin Development; Fondo Financier para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca del Plata; 拉普拉塔河流域开发融资基金(普拉塔基金)
*FONUS; Forces Novatrices pour l'Union et Solidarite [Congo]; 联合和团结革新力量
*FOP; free on plane (fop) [Chartering and Shipping]; 飞机上交货(价格)
*FOQ; free on quay (foq) [Chartering and Shipping] ; 码头交货(价格)
*FOR; free on rail (for) [Chartering and Shipping]; 铁路上交货(价格)
*FORCE; Community Action Programme for the Development of Continuing;Vocational Training [EC]; Programme d'Action Communautairepour le Developpement de la;Formation Professionnelle Continue; 欧洲共同体发展持续职业培训行动计划
*FOREFEM;Forum on Refugee, Displaced and Uprooted Women in Central America; 中美洲难民、流离失所及丧失家园妇女论坛
*Forex; foreign exchange; 外汇
*FORJA; Federacion de Organizaciones y Juntas Ambientalistas de Venezuela; 委内瑞拉环境组织和协会联合会
*FORMA; Directory of Technician Training Institutions in Africa [ARCT]; 非洲技术人员培训机构指南
*FORUM; European Forum on Development Service; 欧洲发展服务论坛
*FOS; Field Operations Service; 外勤业务处(外勤处)
*FOS; Food Safety Unit [Division of Food and Nutrition, WHO]; 食物安全股
*FOS; free on ship [Chartering and Shipping]; 船上交货(价格);离岸价格
*fos; free of stamp; 免付印花税
*FOSATU; Federation of South African Trade Unions [South Africa]; 南非工会联合会
*FOSIDEC;Fonds de Solidarite et d'Intervention pour le Developpement de la;Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非经济共同体支援和参与发展基金
*FOT; free of tax (fot); 免税
*FOT; free on truck (fot) [Chartering and Shipping]; 卡车上交货(价格)
*FOW; free on wagon (fow) [Chartering and Shipping]; 货车上交货(价格)
*fow; first on water [Chartering and Shipping]; 化冻初期;开封初期;解冻后首次派船
*FP; family planning; 计划生育;家庭计划
*FP; floating policy (fp; F/P); 统保保险单;流动保险单;船名未定保险单
*FPA; free of particular average; free from particular average;[Chartering and Shipping]; 单独海损不保;FPA ab (or FPA absolutely);平安险;单独海损绝对不保;FPA unless; 只保列举的单独海损
*FPD; Foundation Paix et Developpement [Senegal]; 和平与发展基金会
*FPEI;foreign portfolio equity investment; 国外有价证券投资
*FPL; Popular Forces of Liberation [El Salvador]; Fuerzas Populares de Liberacion; 人民解放军
*FPR; Rwandanese Patriotic Front (RPF); Front Patriotique du Rwanda; 卢旺达爱国阵线
*F/R; freight release [Chartering and Shipping]; (运费在卸货港支付的)提货单;运费付讫证明;货物让渡证
*FRA; foward rate agreement; 远期汇率协议
*fr & cc;free of riots and civil commotions [Chartering and Shipping]; 暴动和内乱不保条款
*FRELIMO;Frente de Libertacao de Mocambique [Mozambique]; 莫桑比克解放阵线
*FRETILIN Frente Revolucionaria de Timor-Leste Independente [East Timor]; 东帝汶独立革命阵线
*FRG; Federal Republic of Germany; Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD); 德意志联邦共和国(德国)
*FRMES; Financial Resources Management and Electronic Service [UN]; 财务资源管理和电子处
*FRMS; Financial Resources Management Service [UN]; 财务资源管理处
*FRN; floating rate note; 浮动利率期票
*FROD;functionally related observable differences; 性能上可观察到的区别
*frof;fire risk on freight [Chartering and Shipping]; 货物火险
*FRP; fibreglass-reinforced plastics; 玻璃纤维增强塑料;玻璃钢; fibre-reinforced plastics; 纤维增强塑料
*frt; freight; 运费;货运
*FRU; Frente de Reforma Universitaria; University Reform Front [Honduras]; 大学改革阵线
*FRUD;Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy [Djibouti]; 恢复团结与民主阵线
*FRY; Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [Serbia and Montenegro]; 南斯拉夫联盟共和国
*FS; feasibility study; 可行性研究
*FS; Federal Specification [USA]; 联邦规格;联邦政府技术规格; Federal Standard [USA]; 联邦标准
*FS; Financial Service [UNIDO]; 财务处
*FS; Office of Financial Services (AFM/OFS; OFS) [AFM]; 财务厅
*F$; Fijian dollar [Monetary Unit of Fiji]; 斐济元
*FSA; Federal Security Agency [Russia; formerly KGB]; 联邦安全局
*FSB; Bolivian Socialist Falange; Falange Socialista Boliviana; 玻利维亚社会主义长枪党
*FSD; Front pour la Survie de la Democratie [Congo]; 保卫民主阵线
*FSL; field service level [GS]; 外勤人员等级
*FSLIC; Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation [USA]; 联邦储蓄及贷款保险公司
*FSLN;Sandinista National Liberation Front [Nicaragua]; Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional; 桑地诺民族解放阵线
*FSO; Fund for Special Operations [IDB]; 特别业务基金
*FSP; Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific, Inc., The; 南太平洋人民基金会(南太平洋基金会)
*FSRP; financial-sector reform programme; 金融部门改革方案
*FSSS; Field Staff Safety Section [UNHCR]; 外地工作人员安全科
*FSU; former Soviet Union; 前苏联
*ft; full terms [Chartering and Shipping];范围广的承保条件(指船舶保险或货运保险中保险责任最大的承保条件)
*FTA; free trade agreement; 自由贸易协定
*FTAA; Free Trade Area of America; 美洲自由贸易区
*FTC; Fair Trade Commission [Japan]; 公平贸易委员会; Federal Trade Commission [USA]; 联邦贸易委员会
*FTE; full time equivalent; 专职同等资历
*FTS; Financial Tracking Services [DHA]; 财务支出核实处
*FTZ; free trade zone; 自由贸易区
*FUDENA; Fundacion para la Defensa de la Naturaleza; 保护大自然基金会
*FUEN; Federal Union of European Nationalities; 欧洲各民族联盟
*FUINCA; Foundation for the Promotion of Automated Information; Fundacion para el Fomento de la Informacion Automatizada; 促进自动化信息基金会
*FUNAI; National Foundation for the Indian [Brazil]; Fundacao Nacional do Indio; 国家印第安基金会
*FUNAT; Fundo Nacional de Amparo a Tecnologia [Brazil]; 国家技术促进基金
*FUNCINPEC; National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and;Co-operative Cambodia; Front Uni National pour un Cambodge Independant, Neutre, Pacifique;et Cooperatif; 争取柬埔寨独立、中立、和平与合作民族团结阵线;(民族团结阵线;奉辛比克党)[拉那烈派]
*FUNDPAP;United Nations Trust Fund for Development Planning and Projections;(Fund for Planning and Projections; UNTFDPP); 联合国发展规划和预测信托基金(发展规划和预测基金)
*FUNDWI; Fund of the United Nations for the Development of West Irian;;Fund for West Irian; 联合国开发西伊里安基金(西伊里安基金)
*FUSNA; Marines [Uruguay]; Fusileros Navales; 海军陆战队
*FUUD;Frente Unido Universitario Democratico; United Democratic University Front [Honduras]; 联合民主大学阵线
*fv; folio verso [Latin]; 在一页的后面;在反面
*FWCC;Friends World Committee for Consultation [Quakers]; 公谊会世界协商委员会(公谊会协商委员会)
*FWD; forward; 过次页;结转
*fwd; fresh water damage [Chartering and Shipping]; 淡水损害;淡水险
*FWPCA; Federal Water Pollution Control Administration; 联邦水污染管理局
*FX; foreign exchange; 外汇
*FY; fiscal year; 财政年度(财年)
*FYROM; Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国
*g; Paraguayan guarani [Monetary Unit of Paraguay]; 瓜拉尼
* G3; Third generation mobile communications technology ; (ITU specification); 第三代移动通信技术(国际电联规范) (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*G-7; Group of Seven; 七国集团 [加、法、德、意、日、英、美]; Meeting of Ministers of Finance and the Governors of Central; Bank of the Seven Most Industrialized Countries; 七国集团最高级经济会议(七国峰会)
*G-8; Group of Eight; 八国集团[七国集团加俄罗斯]
*G-10; Group of Ten; 十国集团 [七国集团加比利时、荷兰、瑞典和瑞士共十一国,因此; 有时称十一国集团]
*G-11; Group of Eleven; 十一国集团 [见上一条]
*G-15; Summit Level Group for South-South Consultation and Co-operation; Group of Fifteen; 南南协商与合作最高级小组(十五国集团)
*G-21; Group of Twenty-One; 二十一国集团
*G-24; Group of Twenty-Four [UNCTAD]; 二十四国集团
*G-77; Group of Seventy-Seven; 七十七国集团
*GA; United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) [UN]; 联合国大会(大会)
*GA; general average (G/A); 共同海损
*GAAP; generally accepted accounting principles; 一般公认的会计原则(公认的会计原则)
*GAATW; Global Alliance against the Trafficking of Women; 反对贩卖妇女全球联盟
*GAB; General Arrangements to Borrow; 借款总安排
*GAC; ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee; 互联网指定名称号码管理公司政府咨询委员会; (政咨委); (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*GAFICA; FAO Advisory Group for Central American Economic Integration; Grupo Asesor de la FAO en Integracion Economica Centroamericana; 粮农组织中美洲经济一体化咨询小组(经济一体化咨询小组)
*GAFTA; Grain and Feed Trade Association; 谷物及饲料贸易协会
*GAIF;General Arab Insurance Federation; 全阿拉伯保险联合会
*GAIIA; Global Alliance of Information Industryss Aociations; 信息工业协会全球联盟
*GAM; Mutual Support Group for the Return Alive of Our Relatives; Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo [Guatemala]; 争取我们的亲属生还互助组
*GANUPT; United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG); Groupe d'Assistance des Nations Unies pour la Periode de;Transition; 联合国过渡时期援助团
*GAO; General Accounting Office [USA]; 总审计局
*GAP; General Analysis and Policies Division [DIESA]; 一般分析和政策司
*GAPAR; General Administration for Palestinian Arab Refugees; 巴勒斯坦阿拉伯难民行政总局
*GARD;Groupe d'Aide des Realisations du Developpement; 实现发展援助小组
*GARMCO; Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill Company; 海湾轧铝制品公司
*GARP;Global Atmospheric Research Programme [WMO/ICSU]; 全球大气研究方案(大气研究方案)
*GATE;German Appropriate Technology Exchange; 德国适用技术交流所
*GATS; General Agreement on Trade in Services; 服务贸易总协定(服贸总协定)
*GATT; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [30 Oct. 1947]; 关税及贸易总协定(关贸总协定;总协定); [国际条约集 1945-47,p.538]
*GAW; Global Atmospheric Watch; 全球大气观察
*GAWF; General Arab Women Federation; 阿拉伯妇女总联合会
*GAWU; General and Allied Workers Union [South Africa]; 普通工人联合工会
*GB; Great Britain; 大不列颠
*GB; guojia biaozhun [China]; 国家标准(国标)
*GC; gas chromatography; 气体色谱分析法
*GC; governing council; 理事会
*GCA; Global Coalition for Africa; 援助非洲全球联盟
*GCBA; General Council of Burmese Associations [Burma]; 缅甸人联合总会
*GCBS; General Council of British Shipping; 英国海运总会
*GCC; Co-operation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf; 海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会(海湾合委会;海湾合作委员会); Gulf Co-operation Council; 海湾合作委员会(海湾合委会;海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会)
*GCCC; Geneva Customs Convention in Container [18 May 1956]; 日内瓦集装箱关务公约
*GCCC; government counterpart cash contribution [UNDP]; 政府对应现金捐助
*GCG; guarantee capital and guarantees; 担保资本和担保
*GCO; greeting card operations [UNICEF]; 贺卡业务
*GCOS; Global Climate Observing System; 全球气候观测系统(气候观测系统)
*GDI; gross domestic investment; 国内投资总值(内资总值)
*GDP; general development plan; 总的发展计划;发展总计划
*GDP; gross domestic product; 国内生产总值(内产总值)
*GDPS; Global Data Processing System [IOC]; 全球数据处理系统
*GDS; gross domestic savings; 国内储蓄总值(内储总值)
*GDS; global distribution system; 全球分销系统 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*GE; General Electric; 通用电气公司; 通用电气(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*GEA; Global Education Associates; 全球教育协会(教育协会)
*GEC; General Electric Co. [UK]; 通用电机公司
*GEEP; Group of Experts on the Effects of Pollutants; 污染物效应专家组
*GEF; Global Environment Facility; 全球环境基金(全环基金); GEF Instrument: Instrument for the Establishment of the; Restructured Global Environment Facility; 建立经过改革的全球环境基金的文书(全环文书)
*GEF; Global Electronic Finance; 全球电子金融 ; 电子金融(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*GEFOP; Operation Committee of the Global Environment Facility; 全球环境基金业务委员会
*GELTSPAP; Group of Experts on the Long-Term Scientific Policy and Planning; [IOC]; 长期科学政策和规划专家小组(科学政策和规划小组)
*GEMS; Global Environment Monitoring System [UNEP]; 全球环境监测系统(环境监测系统)
*Gencon; Uniform General Charter [Chartering and Shipping]; 标准杂货租船合同
*GEO; Green Earth Organization [Ghana]; 绿色地球组织
*GEOS; Geodetic Earth-Orbiting Satellite; 大地测量地球轨道卫星
*GEOS; Geodynamic Experimental Ocean Satellite; 地球动力学实验海洋卫星
*GEPLACEA; Group of Latin American and Caribbean Sugar Exporting Countries; Grupo Especial de Paises Latinoamericanos y del Caribe Exportadores; de Azucar; 拉丁美洲及加勒比糖出口国集团
*GERMON; Global Network on Environmental Radiation Monitoring and; Emergency Response [UNEP/WHO]; 全球环境辐射监测和紧急反应网(辐射监测反应网)
*GESAMP; Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution; [IMO/FAO/UNESCO/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP]; [Vienna, 1988]; 海洋污染科学问题联合专家组(海洋污染问题专家组); Joint IMCO/FAO/UNESCO/WMO Group of Experts on the Scientific; Aspects of Marine Pollution; 海事协商组织/粮农组织/教科文组织/气象组织合设的海洋污; 染科学问题联合专家组(海洋污染问题专家组)
*GESREM; Group of Experts on Standards and Reference Materials; 标准和参考材料专家组
*GFCF; gross fixed capital formation; 固定资产累积总值
*GFCM; General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean; 地中海渔业总理事会
*GHG; greenhouse gases; 温室气体;致温室效应气体
*GHP; greenhouse warming potential (GWP) [greenhouse gases]; 温室升温潜能值
*GIC; General Insurance Corporation of India; 印度通用保险公司
*GICHD; Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining; 日内瓦人道主义排雷国际中心
*GID; Global Interdependence Division [UNCTAD]; 全球性相互依存司
*GIE; groupement d'interet economique [French]; 经济利益集团
*GIGN; Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale [France]; 国家宪兵队行动小组
*GII; global information infrastructure [ITU]; 全球信息基础设施; Regional Node; 区域中心点; Sub-Regional Node; 分区域中心点
*GILSP; Good Industrial Large-Scale Practice; 大型工业程序规范
*GIM; Geneva Informal Meeting of International Youth Non-Governmental; Organizations; 国际青年非政府组织日内瓦非正式会议; (青年非政府组织非正式会议)
*GIPME; Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment; Programme; 全球海洋环境污染调查方案
*GIPROMEZ; State Institute for Iron and Steel Works Designing [USSR]; 国家冶金工厂设计院
*GIPSY; Generalized Information Processing System; 通用信息处理系统
*GIS; Geographic Information System; 地理资料系统
*GISPRI; Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute; 全球工业和社会进步研究所
*GK; Gereformeerde Kerk [South Africa]; 尼德兰归正会[尼德兰新教第二大教会]
*GKN; Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds Ltd. [UK]; 纳铁福有限公司;格斯特—基恩—内特尔福尔兹有限公司
*GKP; Disturbance of Peace Movement [Indonesia]; Gerakan Pengacau Keamanan; 破坏和平运动
*GL; Germanischer Lloyd's [Germany]; 德国劳埃德船级社;德国劳氏船级社
*GLASOD; global assessment of soil degradation; 全球土壤退化评估
*GLBM; ground-launched ballistic missile; 地面发射弹道导弹
*GLCM; ground-launched cruise missile; 地面发射巡航导弹
*GLO; Geneva Liaison Office [UNEP]; 日内瓦联络处
*GLOBE; Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment; 争取平衡环境全球立法机构成员组织
*GLOBEX; 全球全天候交易系统[通过计算机的自动交易系统]
*GLP; Good Laboratory Practice; 实验室程序规范
*GMP; Good Management Practice; 管理程序规范; Good Manufacturing Practice; 制造程序规范
*GMT; Greenwich Mean Time; 格林威治平时
*GNG; Group of Negotiations on Goods [GATT]; 商品谈判组
*GNP; gross national product; 国民生产总值(国产总值)
*GNR; Guarda Nacional Republicana [Portugal]; 共和国国民警卫队
*GNS; gross national savings; 国民储蓄总值(国储总值)
*gns; guineas [UK]; 畿尼(旧英国金币,合21先令)
*Golkar; Functional Groups [Indonesia]; Golongan Karya; 专业集团;戈尔卡 [印度尼西亚执政党]
*GO3OS; Global Ozone Observing System; 全球臭氧观测系统
*GOS; Global Observing System; 全球观测系统
*GOUM;Government of the Union of Myanmar; 缅甸联邦政府
*GP; general programmes; 一般方案
*GPA; Global Programme on AIDS;全球艾滋病方案
*GPAFI; Provident and Insurance Group of International Officials; Groupement de Prevoyance et d'Assurance des Fonctionnaires;Internationaux; 国际公务员储蓄和保险小组
*GPALS; Global Protection against Limited Strike (US Strategy suggested by;President George Bush on 29 Jan. 1991 to substitute SDI); 全球性防备有限袭击系统
*GPS; General Preferential System;(correct version: Generalized System of Preferences; GSP); 普遍优惠制(普惠制)
*GPS; Global Positioning System [System of Satellites; Navistar]; 全球痘熄蔚统
*GR; Republican Guard [Peru]; Guardia Republicana; 共和国卫队
*GRADE; GReen trADE [now integrated into TRAINS]; 绿色贸易资料系统
*GRAIN; Genetic Resources Action International; 遗传资源行动国际
*GRAPES; Groupe de Recherche Action pour la Promotion Economique et;Sociale [Mali]; 促进经济与社会行动研究小组
*GRAS;generally recognized as safe; 一般认为安全的;additives generally recognized as safe;一般认为安全的添加剂
*GRCT;Group of Rapporteurs on Containers Transport [ECE]; 集装箱运输问题报告员小组
*GREENTIE OCED/IEA Greenhouse Gas Technology Information Exchange; 经合发组织/国际能源机构温室气体技术资料交流(方案)
*GRI; general rate increase; 一般性费率增加
*GRID;Global Resources Information Database [UNEP]; 全球资源资料数据库(全球资源数据库)
*GRIP;Guaranteed Recovery of Investment Principle [IFC]; 保证收回投资额原则
*grt; gross registered tons; 登记吨;登记吨位;登记总吨
*GS; General Schedule [USA]; 总级别表[美国公务员制度]; General Schedule of Salaries [USA]; 总薪金表[美国公务员制度]
*GS; General Services; 总务处; Office of General Services (AFM/OGS; OGS) [AFM]; 总务厅
*GS; general services staff; 一般事务人员;GS post; 一般事务人员员额
*G$; Guyanan dollar [Monetary Unit of Guyana]; 圭亚那元
*GSA; General Services Administration [USA]; 总务管理局
*GSA; UNICEF Global Staff Association [UNICEF]; 儿童基金全球工作人员协会
*GSE; Group of Scientific Experts; 科学专家小组; Ad Hoc Group of Scientific Experts to Consider International;Co-operative Measures to Detect and Identify Seismic Events; 审议关于检测和识别地震事件的国际合作措施特设科学专家小组;(地震专家小组;特设科学专家小组)
*GSETT; GSE Technical Test [Disarmament]; 地震专家小组技术试验;GSETT-2; GSE Second Technical Test;地震专家小组第二次技术试验(第二次全球联试);GSETT-3; GSE Third Technical Test;地震专家小组第三次技术试验(第三次全球联试)
*GSG; Grenzschutzgruppe (Border Protection Group); [Germany; anti-terrorist elite unit];
*GSHAP; Global Seismic hazards Assessment Program; 全球地震危险评估方案
*GSIP; Good Sampling and Identification Practice; 取样和鉴定程序规范
*GSM; Global System for Mobile Communications [ITU]; 全球机动通信系统
*GSM; Groupe Special Mobile; 特别机动小组
*GSP; Generalized System of Preferences; 普遍优惠制(普惠制)
*GSPA; Global Scheme of Payment Arrangements among Developing Countries; 发展中国家全面支付安排办法(全面支付办法)
*GSTP; Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries; 发展中国家间全面贸易优惠制度(全面贸易优惠制)
*GT; Task Force [Argentina]; Grupo de Tarea; 军种(GT1:联邦警察; GT2: 陆军; GT3: 海军; GT4: 空军)
*Gtainer; 奇泰纳箱[一种装配式集装箱]
*GTAP; Global Trade Analysis project; ; 全球贸易分析预测 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*GTC; Global Traders Conference; 全球贸易商会议
*GTFNet; Global Trade Finance Network; ; 全球贸易金融网 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*gTLDs; Generic Top-Level Domains; ; 通用顶级域名 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*GTPNet; Global Trade Point Network; 全球贸易点网络
*GTS; Global Telecommunication System [WMO]; 全球电信系统
*GTZ; German Agency for Technical Co-operation; Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technishe Zusammenarbeit; 德国技术合作局
*Guamina; 加米纳社 [Mali]
*GUAS;General Union of Arab Students; 阿拉伯学生总会
*GUCCIAAC General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture;for Arab Countries; 阿拉伯国家工农商会总联盟
*GUE; Group for the European Unitarian Left [EC]; Groupe pour la Gauche Unitaire Europeenne; 欧洲左翼政党统一议员团[欧洲议会]
*GWe; gigawatt electrical; 千兆瓦电力
*GWP; Advisory Group on Privatization [OECD]; 私营化问题咨询小组
*GWP; global warming potential [greenhouse gases]; 全球升温潜能值
*GWP; greenhouse warming potential (GHP) [greenhouse gases]; 温室升温潜能值
*GWUSA; General Workers Union of South Africa; 南非总工会
*H;hole [Container]; 破洞
*H;Medical Service; 医务处
*HABITAT;United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) (CHS; UNCHS); 联合国人类住区(生境)中心(生境中心); United Nations Conference on Human Settlements; 联合国人类住区(生境)会议(生境会议); United Nationa Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II); 联合国人类住区(生境二)会议(生境二会议)
*HAI; Health Action International; 国际保健行动
*Hamas; Islamic Resistance Movement [Lebanon]; 伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯运动;哈马斯)
*HARC;Houston Advanced Research Centre [USA]; 休斯敦高级研究中心
*HBI; hot briquetted iron; 热压铁团块
*HC; held covered (H/C) [Insurance]; 仍予负责;暂予负责
*HC; hidtorical cost; 实际成本;历史成本;过去成本;HCe; 按“发展中国家价格”计算的历史成本;HCi; 按“发达国家价格”计算的历史成本
*HCB; hexachlorobenzene; 六氯苯
*HCDCS; Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System;; Harmonized System (HS); 协调商品名称及编码制度(协调制度)
*HCFC;hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs); 氢氯氟碳化合物;氟氯烃化合物
*HCHR; United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR); 联合国人权事务高级专员(人权高专)
*HCOPIL; Hague Conference on Private International Law; 海牙国际私法会议
*HCR; High Council of Republic [Zaire]; 共和国最高委员会
*HCR; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;(UNHCR); 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)
*HDI; Human Development Index [ref: HDR] [UNRISD]; 人的发展指数(人发指数)
*HDR; United Nations Human Development Report (UNHDR) [ref: HDI] [UNDP]; 联合国人的发展报告
*HDS; Croatian Democratic Party (CDP); Hrvatska Demokratska Stranka; 克罗地亚民主党
*HDTV;high definition television; 高清晰度电视
*HDZ; Croatian Democratic Union (CDU); Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednika; 克罗地亚民主联盟
*HEAL;human exposure assessment location; 人类感染评估点
*HEKS;Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen der Schweiz; 瑞士福音教会援助工作会
*HELIOS; heteropowered earth-launched inter-orbital spacecraft; 多种动力地球发射轨道间航天器
*HELVETAS; Swiss Association for Development and Co-operation; 瑞士发展与合作协会
*HEM; harmonization of environmental measurement; 环境测量的协调;协调环境测量
*HEPA; high-efficiency particulate arrestance; 高效微粒滞留; HEPA filtration; 高效微粒滞留滤除法
*HERMES; Harmonisation des Exchanges par Reseau Multimedia dans; l'Enseignement Superieur [format]; 高等教育多媒体信息交换协调格式
*HEUNI; Helsinki Institute for Crime Prevention and Control; 赫尔辛基预防和控制犯罪研究所
*HEW; Department of Health, Education and Welfare [USA]; 卫生、教育和福利部
*HFC; hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); 氢氟碳化合物;氟烃化合物
*HFCS;high fructose corn syrup; 高果糖玉米糖浆
*HFSP;Human Frontier Science Programme; 人类尖端科学方案
*hhdw;heavy handy deadweight scrap [Chartering and Shipping]; 小型重量废铁
*HHV; high heat value; 高热值
*HIA; Hezbe Islami Afghanistan; 阿富汗伊斯兰党
*HIBOR; Hong Kong Inter-Bank Offered Rate (Hibor) (ref: LIBOR, SIBOR); 香港银行同业拆放利率(香港银行间利率)
*HIC; Habitat International Coalition; 国际生境联盟(生境联盟)
*HIPC; heavily indebted poor countries; 严重负债的穷国(重债穷国)
*HIV; human immunodeficiency virus; 人类免疫机能缺损病毒(艾滋病毒); HIV/AIDS; 艾滋病/病毒; [AIDS: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; 后天免疫机能缺损综合征(艾滋病)]
*HIVOS; Humanistic Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries; [Netherlands]; 与发展中国家合作人文问题研究所;
*HIWG; Humanitarian Issues Working Group [UNHCR]; 人道主义问题工作组
*HKDS;Croatian Christian Democratic Party (CCDP); 克罗地亚基督教民主党
*HKI; Helen Keller International, Inc.; 国际海伦·凯勒协会(海伦·凯勒协会)
*HK$; Hong Kong dollar [Monetary Unit of Hong Kong]; 港元
*HM; His (or Her) Majesty; 陛下;HM Stationery Office;皇印家务局
*HMAC;Hazardous Material Advisory Council; 危险材料咨询委员会
*HMSO;His (or Her) Majesty's Stationery Office [UK]; (英国) 皇家印务局
*HNP; Herstigte Nasionale Party [South Africa]; 再建国民党
*HNS; Croatian People's Party (CPP); Hrvatska Narodna Stranka; 克罗地亚人民党
*HNS; hazardous and noxious substance; 危险及有害物质
*HOMS;Hydrological Operational Multi-Purpose Sub-Programme; 实用水文综合次级方案
*HONLEA; European Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies; (HONLEAs); 欧洲国家麻醉品管理局首脑会议
*HOS; Croatian Defence Association (CDA) [Croatia]; 克罗地亚国防协会; Croatian Defence Forces; 克罗地亚国防军
*HPGe;high-purity germanium; 高纯度锗
*HQ; headquaters; 总部
*HQ-LAN; Headquarters local area network [Computer]; 总部局部地区网络
*HR; Hellenic Register of Shipping [Greece]; 希腊船级社
*HR; human rights; 人权; Division of Human Rights [UN Secretariat]; 人权司
*HRA; Arab Association for Human Rights; 阿拉伯人权协会
*HRA; Human Rights Advocates, Inc. [USA]; 人权倡导者协会
*HRAI;Human Rights Advocates International [USA]; 人权倡导者国际
*HRC; Human Rights and Reception of Complaints Commission of the; National Assembly [Cambodia]; 国会人权与申诉受理委员会
*HRC; Human Rights Committee; 人权事务委员会; [为执行《公民权利和政治权利国际盟约》而立的机构]
*HRD; human resource development; 人力资源开发;人力资源发展
*H Rds; Hampton Roads [United States; Shipping]; 汉普顿水道
*HRFOR; Human Rights Field Operation in Rwanda; 卢旺达人权实地行动团
*HRH; his (or her) royal highness; 殿下
*HRI; Human Rights Internet; 人权互联网
*HRP; Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training;in Human Reproduction (Human Reproduction Programme) [WHO]; 人类繁殖研究、发展及科研培训特别方案(人类繁殖方案)
*HRTF; Human Rights Task Force [Sri Lanka]; 人权问题特别工作组
*HS; Harmonized System;; Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HCDCS); 协调制度(协调商品名称及编码制度);HS Nomenclature; 协调制度商品分类目录
*HSIA;Halogenated Solvents Industry Association; 卤化溶剂工业协会
*HSL; household subsistence level; 一般生活水平
*HSLS;Croatian Social-Liberal Party (CSLP); Hrvatska Socijalno-Liberalna Stranka; 克罗地亚社会自由党
*HSP; Croatian Party of Rights (CPR); Hrvatska Stranka Prava; 克罗地亚正义党
*HSRRC; human settlement regional research centres; 人类住区区域研究中心
*HSS; Croatian Farmers' Party (CFP); Hrvatska Seljacka Stranka; 克罗地亚农民党
*HTO; Hellenic Tourist Organization; 希腊旅游组织
*HTS; Harmonized Tariff Schedule [USA]; 统一关税税则
*HUMAN RIGHTS; Centre for Human Rights; 人权事务中心
*HURIDOCS; Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems International; 人权资料与文献系统国际
*HUZA;Human Settlements of Zambia; 赞比亚人类住区组织
*HVF; high viscosity fuel oil (380 cSt; ref: IFO); 高黏度燃料油
*HVO; Bosnian Croats; 波斯尼亚境内克罗地亚人; Bosnian Croat Forces; 波斯尼亚境内克罗地亚部队
*HWWA;Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschaft-Archiv; 汉堡世界经济文献社
*HYV; high-yielding varieties; 高产品种
*IAA; International Academy of Architecture; 国际建筑学会(建筑学会)
*IAA; International Advertising Association; 国际广告协会(广告协会)
*IAA; International Association of Art - Painting, Sculpture, Graphic;Art; Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques (AIAP); 国际艺术(绘画、雕塑、版画)协会; (艺术协会)
*IAAB;Inter-American Association of Broadcasters; Asociacion Interamericana de Radiodifusion (AIR); 美洲广播业者协会(广播业者协会)
*IAAC;Office for Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination [UN Secretariat]; 机构间事务和协调厅
*IAAE;International Association of Agricultural Economists; 国际农业经济学家协会(农业经济学家协会)
*IAALD; International Association of Agricultural Librarians and;Documentalists; 国际农业图书管理员与文献管理员协会;(农业图书管理员与文献管理员协会)
*IAAPEA; International Association against Painful Experiments on Animals; 国际反对对动物进行痛苦试验协会(反对对动物进行痛苦试验协会)
*IAB; International Association of Broadcasting; 国际广播协会(广播协会)
*IABSE; International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering; 国际桥梁与结构工程协会(桥梁与结构工程协会)
*IAC; Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices; 非洲传统习俗委员会; Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the;Health of Women and the Children; 非洲影响妇孺健康传统习俗问题委员会[这两个是同一个组织]
*IAC; Inter-Agency Committee; 机构间委员会
*IACB;Inter-Agency Consultative Board [UNDP]; 机构间协商委员会
*IACC;Inter-Agency Co-ordinating Committee; 机构间协调委员会(机构间协委会)
*IACCP; Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production; Consejo Interamericano de Comercio y Produccion (CICYP); 美洲商业与生产理事会
*IACG;Inter-Agency Consultative Group; 机构间协商组
*IACGEC; Inter-Agency Committee on Global Environmental Change; 机构间全球环境变化问题委员会
*IACHR; Inter-American Commission on Human Rights [OAS]; Comision Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH); 美洲人权委员会
*IACI;Inter-American Children's Institute [Montevideo]; 美洲儿童研究所
*IACM;inter-agency consultative meetings; 机构间协商会议
*IACME; International Association of Crafts and Small and Medium-Sized;Enterprises; 国际手工业与中小型企业协会(中小企业协会)
*IAC/NAR;Inter-Agency Committee for Nuclear Accident Response (IAC/RNA); 核事故应变机构间委员会
*IACODLA;International Advisory Committee on Documentation, Libraries and;Archives [UNESCO]; 国际文件、图书和档案咨询委员会(文件、图书、档案咨委会)
*IACOMS; International Advisory Committee on Marine Science; 国际海洋科学咨询委员会
*IACP;International Association Cities and Ports; 城市和港口国际协会
*IACP;International Association of Chiefs of Police; 国际警长协会(警长协会)
*IACR;International Association of Cancer Registries; 国际癌症注册协会(癌症注册协会)
*IAC/RNA;Inter-Agency Committee on Response to Nuclear Accidents (IAC/NAR); 核事故应变机构间委员会
*IACS;International Association of Classification Societies; 国际船级社联合会(船级社联合会)
*IACSD; Inter-Agency Committee on Sustainable Development; 机构间可持续发展问题委员会
*IAD; Internal Audit Division (AFM/IAD) [AFM]; 内部审计司
*IADB;Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID); 美洲开发银行(美银)
*IADC;International Association of Drilling Contractors; 国际钻井承包商协会(钻井承包商协会)
*IADEP;(United Nations) African Institute for Economic Development and;Planning (AIEDP); Institut Africain de Developpement Economique et de Planification;(des Nations Unies) (IDEP; UNIDEP); (联合国)非洲经济发展和规划研究所
*IADIZA; Argentina Institute for Arid Zone Research;; Argentine Institute of Investigations of the Arid Zone; 阿根廷干旱地带研究所
*IADL;International Association of Democratic Lawyers; 国际民主法律工作者协会(民主法律工作者协会)
*IADP;integrated agricultural development projects; 综合农业发展项目
*IADS;International Agricultural Development Service; 国际农业发展服务处(农业发展服务处)
*IAE; International Academy of the Environment [Switzerland]; 国际环境学会
*IAE; International Association for Ecology; 国际生态协会
*IAEA;International Atomic Energy Agency; 国际原子能机构(原子能机构)
*IA-ECOSOC; Inter-American Economic and Social Council [OAS]; Consejo Interamericano Economico y Social (CIES); 美洲经济及社会理事会(美洲经社理事会)
*IAEG;International Association of Engineering Geology; 国际工程地质学协会
*IAEMS; International Association of Environmental Mutagen Societies; 环境致变物学会国际协会
*IAESTE; International Association for the Exchange of Stusents for;Technical Experience; 国际交换生增进技术经验协会(国际交换生协会)
*IAEWP; International Association of Educators for World Peace; 国际教育工作者促进世界和平协会(教和协会)
*IAF; International Abolition Federation; 国际废娼联合会(废娼联合会)
*IAF; International Aeronautical Federation; 国际航空联合会(航空联合会)
*IAF; International Astronautical Federation; 国际宇宙航行联合会(宇航联合会)
*IAFMM; International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers; 国际鱼粉制造商协会(鱼粉制造商协会)
*IAG; Inter-Agrican Group: Centre for Dialogue on Humanitarian, Peace and; Development Issues in the Horn of Africa; 非洲小组:非洲之角人道主义、和平与发展问题对话中心
*IAG; International Association of Gerontology; 国际老年学协会(老年学协会)
*IAH; International Association of Hydrogeologists; 国际水文地质学家协会(水文地质学家协会)
*IAHE;International Association for Hydrogen Energy; 国际氢能协会(氢能协会)
*IAHP;International Association of Horticultural Producers; 国际园艺产品生产者协会(园艺产品生产者协会)
*IAHS;International Association for Housing Science; 国际住房建筑科学协会(住房建筑科学协会)
*IAHS;International Association of Hydrological Sciences; 国际水文学协会
*IAIA;International Association for Impact Assessment; 影响评价国际协会(影响评价协会)
*IAIB;International Association of Islamic Banks; 国际伊斯兰银行协会(伊斯兰银行协会)
*IAIE;International Association for Integrative Education; 国际难民教育协会[帮助解决难民在新环境下的教育问题]
*IAIGC; Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation; 泛阿拉伯投资担保公司(泛阿担保公司)
*IAII;Inter-American Indian Institute; Instituto Indigenista Interamericano (III); 美洲印第安人协会
*IAIS; International Association of Insurance Supervisors; 国际保险管理人员协会
*IAJC; Inter-American Juridical (Legal) Committee; 美洲法律委员会
*IAJFCM; International Association of Juvenile and Family Court Magistrates; Association Internationale des Magistrats de la Jeunesse et de la;Famille (AIMJF); 国际少年和家庭法院法官协会(少年和家庭法院法官协会)
*IAKS;International Working Group for the Construction of Sports;Premises; 国际建筑运动场工作组
*IAL; Intensive Adjustment Lending [World Bank]; 强化调整贷款
*IALA;Inter-Agency Letter of Agreement; 机构间协议书
*IALA;International Association of Lighthouse Authorities; 国际航标管理机构协会(航标管理机构协会)
*IALI;International Association of Labour Inspectorate; 国际劳动条件检查协会(劳检协会)
*IALP;International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics; 国际言语矫正学和语音矫正学协会(言语矫正学和语音矫正学协会)
*IAMANEH;International Association for Maternal ant Neonatal Health; 国际产妇和新生儿保健协会(妇幼保健协会)
*IAMAP; International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics; 国际气象学和大气物理学协会
*IAMCR; International Association for Mass Communication Research; 国际大众传播研究协会(大众传播研究协会)
*IAMER; International Institute for Research and Advice on Mental;Deficiency; 国际智能缺陷咨询研究所(智能缺陷研究所)
*IAMLADP;Inter-Agency Meeting on Language Arrangements, Documentation and;Publications; 语文安排、文件和出版物问题机构间会议
*IAMLT; International Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists; 国际医学实验室技术人员协会(国际医学实验室技术人员协会)
*IANC;International Anatomical Nomenclature Committee;[formerly: International nomenclature Committee]; 国际解剖学名词委员会
*IAOPA; International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations; 国际飞机所有人与驾驶员协会理事会(飞机所有人与驾驶员理事会)
*IAP; International Academy of Pathology; 国际病理学学会(病理学学会)
*IAPA;Inter-American Press Association; Sociedad Interamericana de la Prensa (SIP); 美洲报业协会(报业协会)
*IAPB;International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness;(Vision International); 国际防治失明机构(防治失明机构)
*IAPCS; Inter-Agency Programme Co-ordination Section [UNIDO]; 机构间方案协调科(方案协调科)
*IAPH;International Association of Ports and Habours; 国际港埠协会(港埠协会)
*IAPIP; International Association for the Protection of Industrial;Property; 国际保护工业产权协会(保护工业产权协会)
*IAPO;International Association of Physical Oceanography; 国际物理海洋学协会
*IAPSO; Inter-Agency Procurement Service Office; 机构间采购事务处(采购处)
*IAPSO; International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean; 国际海洋自然科学协会
*IAPSU; Inter-Agency Procurement Services Unit [UNOG]; 机构间采购事务股
*IAP-WASAD; International Action Programme on Water and Sustainable;Agricultural Development [FAO]; 关于水与可持续农业发展的国际行动纲领
*IARA;Islamic African Relief Agency; 伊斯兰非洲救济处
*IARC;International Agency for Research on Cancer; 国际癌症研究机构
*IARC;International Agricultural Research Centre; 国际农业研究中心
*IARF;International Association for Religious Freedom; 国际宗教自由协会(宗教自由协会)
*IARIW; International Association for Research in Income and Wealth; 国际收益与财富研究协会(收益与财富协会)
*IARU;International Amateur Radio Union; 国际业余无线电联盟(业余无线电联盟)
*IASC;Inter-Agency Standing Committee; 机构间常设委员会(机构间常委会)
*IASC;International Accounting Standards Committee; 国际会计准则委员会(会计准则委员会)
*IASC;International Association for Statistical Computing; 国际统计计算协会
*IASC;International Association of Seed Crushers; 国际榨油商协会
*IASFM; International Association for the Study of Forced Migration; 国际强迫迁移研究协会
*IASH;International Association of Scientific Hydrology; 国际水文科学协会
*IASI;Inter-American Statistical Institute; Instituto Interamericano de Estadistica (IIE); 美洲统计学社(统计学社)
*IASL;International Association for the Study of the Liver; 国际肝脏研究协会(肝脏研究协会)
*IASP;International Association for Social Progress; 国际社会进步协会(社会进步协会)
*IASP;International Association for Suicide Prevention; 国际防止自杀协会(防止自杀协会)
*IASP;International Association for the Study of Pain; 国际痛觉研究协会(痛觉研究协会)
*IASPEI; International Association of Seismology and Physics of Earth's;Interior; 国际地震学和地球内部物理学协会
*IASS;International Association of Social Security; 国际社会保险协会(社保协会)
*IASSW; International Association of Schools of Social Worker; 国际社会工作学校协会(社会工作学校协会)
*IASTE; International Association for the Exchange of Students for;Technical Experience; 国际交换生增进技术经验协会
*IATA;International Air Transport Association; 国际航空运输协会(空运协会)
*IATF;inter-agency task force; 机构间特别工作小组;机构间工作队
*IATFD; Inter-Agency Task Force on Data [UNEP]; 机构间数据工作队(数据工作队)
*IATFIS; Inter-Agency Task Force on Information Exchange and the Transfer;of Technology; 资料交换和技术转让机构间工作队(资料交换工作队)
*IATM;International Association for Testing Materials; 国际材料试验协会
*IATTC; Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; 美洲热带金枪鱼委员会
*IAU; International Association of Universities; 国际大学协会(大学协会)
*IAUP;International Association of University Presidents; 国际大学校长协会(大学校长协会)
*IAUPL; International Association of University Professors and Lectures; 国际大学教授与讲师协会(大学教授与讲师协会)
*IAVCEI; International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of Earth's;Interior; 国际火山学和地球内部化学协会
*IAVE;International Association for Volunteer Effort; 国际志愿工作协会(志愿工作协会)
*IAVRS; International Audio-Visual Resource Service [UNDP]; 国际视听资料服务处(视听资料服务处)
*IAW; International Alliance of Women; 国际妇女联盟(国际妇联); International Alliance of Women - Equal Rights, Equal Responsibilities; 国际妇女权利平等责任平等联盟(国际妇联)
*IAWG;inter-agency working group; 机构间工作组
*IAWGD; Inter-Agency Working Group on Desertification; 机构间沙漠化工作组(沙漠化工作组)
*IAWGM; Inter-Agency Working Group on Monitoring; 机构间监测工作组
*IAWL;International Association for Water Law; 国际水法协会(水法协会)
*IAWPR; International Association on Water Pollution Research; 国际水污染研究协会(水污染研究协会)
*IB; infantry battallion [Philippines]; 步兵营
*IBA; Independent Broadcasting Authority [South Africa]; 广播事务独立管理局
*IBA; International Bar Association; 国际律师协会(律师协会)
*IBA; International Bauxite Association; 国际铝土协会(铝土协会)
*IBAR;Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources; 非洲动物资源局
*IBASE; Instituto Brasileiro de Analises Socials e Economicas [Brazil]; 巴西社会与经济分析学会
*IBBY;International Board on Books for Young Peoples; 国际青年读物委员会(青年读物委员会)
*IBC; intermediate bulk-containers (IBCs); 中型散装货物集装箱
*IBE; International Bureau of Education [UNESCO]; 国际教育局
*IBEC;International Bank for Economic Co-operation [CMEA]; 国际经济合作银行
*IBEMEP; Brazilian Institute of Studies on the Development of Exports of;Heavy Electrical Material; 巴西重型电机设备出口发展研究协会
*IBGE;Instituto Brazileiro de Geografia e Estatistica [Brazil]; 巴西地理与统计学会
*IBI; Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics; 政府间信息科学局(信息科学局)
*ibid;ibidem [Latin]; 同上;在同处[所引之处]
*IBI-ICC;Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics - International Computing;Centre; 政府间信息科学局--国际计算中心
*IBM; International Business Machines Corporation; 国际商业机器公司;万国商业机器公司
*IBO; International Baccalaureate Office; 国际学士学位办事处(学士学位办事处)[旧名]; International Baccalaureate Organization; 国际学士学位组织[新名]
*IBOR;inter-bank offered rate; 银行同业优惠利率;银行同业往来贷款利率;银行同业拆放利率
*IBOS;International Business Opportunities Service [World Bank]; 国际商业机会服务
*IBP; International Biological Programme; 国际生物学方案
*IBPA;(nth) infantry battallion, Philippine Army; 菲律宾陆军(第 .. )步兵营
*IBPGR; International Board for Plant Genetic Resources; 国际植物遗传资源委员会
*IBR; Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers; 锅炉及散热器制造商协会
*IBRD;International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank); 国际复兴开发银行(世界银行;世行)
*IBWM;International Bureau of Weights and Measures; 国际度量衡局
*ICA; individual commodity agreements (ICAs); 单项商品协定; international commodity agreements (ICAs); 国际商品协定; international commodity arrangements (ICAs); 国际商品安排
*ICA; International Cartographic Association; 国际制图协会(制图协会)
*ICA; International Co-operative Alliance; 国际合作社联盟(合作社联盟)
*ICA; International Council on Archives; Conseil International des Archives (CIA); 国际档案理事会(档案理事会)
*ICAA;International Civil Airports Association; 国际民用机场协会(民用机场协会)
*ICAA;International Council on Alcohol and Addictions; 国际酗酒和吸毒问题理事会
*ICAC;International Cotton Advisory Committee; 国际棉花咨询委员会
*ICAE;International Council for Adult Education; 国际成年人教育理事会(成年人教育理事会)
*ICAI;Institute of Cultural Affairs (International); (国际)文化事务学会(文化事务学会)
*ICAITI; Central American Research Institute for Industry; Instituto Centroamericano de Investigacion y Tecnologia Industrial; 中美洲工业技术研究所(中美洲工研所)
*ICAO;International Civil Aviation Organization; 国际民用航空组织(民航组织)
*ICAP; Central American Institute of Public Administration; Instituto Centroamericano de Administracion Publica; 中美洲公共行政研究所(中美行政研究所)
*ICARA; International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa; 援助非洲难民国际会议(援非难民会议); ICARA I; 第一次援助非洲难民国际会议; ICARA II; 第二次援助非洲难民国际会议
*ICARDA; International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas; 国际干旱地区农业研究中心
*ICASO; International Council of AIDS Service Organizations; 国际艾滋病服务组织理事会
*ICAT; International Centre for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training; [ILO; Tulin]; 国际高级技术和职业培训中心
*ICATS; International Centre of Advanced Tourism Studies [IUOTO]; 国际国际旅游研究中心
*ICB; international commodity body (ICBs); 国际商品机构
*ICB; International Container Bureau; Bureau International des Containers (BIC); 国际集装箱局(集装箱局)
*ICBC; Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; ; 中国工商银行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*ICBF; Colombian Family Welfare Institute; ; 哥伦比亚家庭福利委员会
*ICBM;intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs); 洲际弹道导弹;ICBM launchers;洲际弹道导弹发射器
*ICBP;International Council for Bird Preservation; 国际鸟类保护理事会
*ICC; International Association for Cereal Science and TEchnology; 国际谷物科技协会(谷物科技协会)[新名]; International Association for Cereal Chemistry; 国际谷物化学协会(谷物化学协会)[旧名]
*ICC; International Chamber of Commerce; 国际商会
*ICC; International Children's Centre; 国际儿童中心(儿童中心)
*ICC; International Coffee Council; 国际咖啡理事会(咖啡理事会)
*ICC; International Computing Centre; 国际计算中心(计算中心)
*ICC; Inuit Circumpolar Conference [Canada]; 因努伊特人北极圈会议
*ICCA;International Council for Commercial Arbitration; 国际商业仲裁理事会(商业仲裁理事会)
*ICCB;International Catholic Child Bureau; 国际天主教儿童局(天主教儿童局)
*ICCC;Inter-Council Co-ordinating Committee [UNESCO]; 理事会间协调委员会
*ICCC;International Confederation of Catholic Charities;; Caritas Internationalis; 国际天主教慈善社联合会;国际慈善社(慈善社)
*ICCD;International Convention to Combat Desertification; 防治荒漠化国际公约
*ICCDA; Inter-Regional Co-ordination Committee of Development Associations; 发展协会区域间协调委员会
*ICCET; Imperial College of Science, Technology ang Medicine, Centre for;Environmental Technology;;Imperial College Centre for Environmental Technology;[London; UK]; 帝国科学、技术和医药学院环境技术中心;帝国学院环境技术中心
*ICCH;International Commodities Clearing House; 国际商品交易清算所
*ICCICA; Interim Co-ordinating Committee for International Commodity;Agreements; 国际商品协定临时协调委员会
*ICCICE; Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Commodity Exchange; 伊斯兰工商会和商品交易所(工商会和商品交易所)
*ICCO;International Cocoa Organization; 国际可可组织
*ICCPR; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR);[A/RES/2200 A(XXI)]; 公民权利和政治权利国际盟约 [联合国人权国际文件汇编,p.8]
*ICCROM; International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and;the Restoration of Cultural Property; 国际文物保存和修复研究中心
*ICCS;International Commission on Civil Status; 公民地位问题国际委员会
*ICD; inland clearance depots (ICDs); 内地转运货场[集装箱]
*ICD; International Co-operation for Development; 国际合作促进发展组织
*ICDA; International Chromium Development Association; 国际铬开发协会(国际铬协)
*ICDA;International Coalition for Development Action; 发展行动国际联盟
*ICDC;International Cable Development Corporation; 国际电缆开发公司
*ICDDR; International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research; 国际腹泻疾病研究中心(腹泻疾病研究中心)
*ICDDRB; International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh; 孟加拉国际腹泻疾病研究中心(孟加拉腹泻疾病研究中心)
*ICDE;International Council for Distance Education; 国际远距离教育理事会(远距离教育理事会)
*ICDO; International Civil Denfence Organization; 国际民防组织
*ICDP;International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace; 国际裁军与和平联合会(裁军与和平联合会)
*ICDR;International Confederation of Drum Reconditioners; 国际圆桶容器修理商联合会
*ICDSI; Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues;(Palme Commission); 裁军与安全问题独立委员会(帕尔梅委员会)
*ICDT;Islamic Centre for Development of Trade; Centre Islamique pour le Developpement du Commerce (CIDC); 伊斯兰贸易发展中心
*ICE; International Centre for the Environment [UN]; 国际环境中心(环境中心)
*ICEF;International Children's Endowment Fund; 国际儿童捐助基金
*ICEF;International Federation of Chemical, Energy and General Workers';Unions; 国际化学、能源和其他行业工会联合会;(化学、能源和其他行业工会联合会)
*ICEL;International Council for Environmental Law; Conseil International du Droit de l'Environnement (CIDE); 国际环境法理事会(环境法理事会)
*ICEM;Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration [now: ICM]; 政府间欧洲移民委员会(欧洲移民委员会)
*ICEM; International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General; Workers' Unions; 国际化学、能源、矿业和其他行业工会联合会
*ICES; International Centre for Ethnic Studies; 国际种族研究中心
*ICES;International Council for the Exploration of the Sea; 国际海洋勘探理事会(海洋勘探理事会)
*ICESC; International Committee on European Security and Co-operation; 欧洲安全和合作国际委员会
*ICESCR; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;(CESCR); 经济、社会、文化权利国际盟约 [联合国人权文件汇编,p.9]
*ICET;International Council on Education for Teaching; 国际师范教育理事会(师范教育理事会)
*ICETEX; Instituto Colombiano de Especializacion Tecnica en el Exterior; 哥伦比亚国外技术培训协会
*ICEVA; International Council for Education of the Visually Handicapped; 视力障碍者教育国际理事会(视力障碍者理事会)
*ICF; International Federation of Chemical and General Workers' Unions; 国际化学和其他行业工会联合会
*ICF(M)A;International Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis) Association; 国际囊性纤维变性(胶稠性黏液病)协会; (囊性纤维变性协会)
*ICFTU; International Confederation of Free Trade Unions; 国际自由工会联合会(自由工联)
*ICFY;International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia; 前南斯拉夫问题国际会议
*ICFYP; International Centre of Films for Children and Young People; 国际儿童和青年影片中心(儿童和青年影片中心)
*ICG; International Co-ordination Group [UNESCO/IOC]; 国际协调小组(协调小组)
*ICGEB; International Centre of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; 国际遗传工程和生物技术中心
*ICGS;International Classificationof All Goods and Services; 一切货物和服务的国际标准分类(货物服务标准分类)
*ICHCA; International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association; 国际货物装卸协调协会(货物装卸协调协会)
*ICHDF; Integrated Civilian Home Defence Force [Philippines]; 统一民防部队
*ICHP; International Commission of Health Professionals for Health and Human Rights; 国际卫生专业人员促进卫生与人权委员会
*ICHR;International Council of Human Rights; 国际人权理事会
*ICI; Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. [UK]; 卜内门化学工业有限公司
*ICIBCA; International Council of Intermediate Bulk Container Association; 国际中型散货集装箱理事会
*ICID; International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage; 国际排灌委员会(排灌委员会); International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage; 国际排灌会议
*ICIE; International Centre for Industry and Environment; 国际工业和环境中心(工业和环境中心)
*ICIHI; Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues; International Committee for Aid to Humanitarian Organizations in; Geneva; 国际人道主义问题独立委员会;; 援助日内瓦人道主义组织国际委员会
*ICHRDD; International Centre for Humam Rights and Democratic Development; [Canada]; 国际人权和民主发展中心
*ICIIEC; Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credits; 伊斯兰投资和出口信贷保险公司(伊斯兰投资保险公司)
*ICIMOD; International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development; 国际山区综合发展中心
*ICIPE; International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology; 国际昆虫生理学及生态学中心(昆虫生理生态中心;昆虫中心)
*ICIR; International Conference on Indochinese Refugees; 印支难民问题国际会议
*ICIREPAT; Committee for International Co-operation in Information Retrieval; among Examining Patent Offices; 专利局间情报检索国际合作委员会
*ICIS;International Centre for Industrial Studies [UNIDO]; 国际工业研究中心
*ICITO; Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization [GATT]; 国际贸易组织临时委员会(贸易组织临时委员会)
*ICJ; International Commission of Jurists; 国际法学家委员会(法学家委员会)
*ICJ; International Court of Justice; 国际法院
*ICJW;International Council of Jewish Women; 国际犹太妇女理事会(犹太妇女理事会)
*ICLARM; International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management;[Manila]; 国际水产生物资源管理中心
*ICLEI; International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives; 国际地方环境行动理事会
*ICM; Intergovernmental Committee for Migration (formerly ICEM); 政府间移民问题委员会(移民问题委员会)
*ICM; International Confederation of Midwives; 国际助产士联合会(助产士联合会)
*ICMC;International Catholic Migration Commission; 国际天主教移徙委员会(天主教移徙委员会)
*ICME;International Council on Metals and the Environment; 国际金属与环境理事会
*ICMHS; International Council for Museums and Historical Sites; 国际博物馆和历史遗迹理事会(博物馆理事会)
*ICMP; International Commission on Missing Persons in the Former Yugoslavia; 前南斯拉夫失踪人士问题国际委员会
*ICN; International Council of Nurses; 国际护士理事会(护士理事会)
*ICN; internationally co-ordinated national stocks (ICNs); 国际协调的国家储存[缓冲储存]
*ICNAF; International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries; 国际西北大西洋渔业委员会
*ICO; individual commodity organizations (ICOs); 单项商品组织; international commodity organizations (ICOs); 国际商品组织
*ICO; International Coastal and Ocean Organization; 国际海岸与海洋组织
*ICO; International Co-operation Office [AfDB]; 国际合作处
*ICOLD; International Commission on Large Dams; 国际大坝委员会(大坝委员会)
*ICOMI; Industria e Comercio de Minerios SA [Brazil]; 矿产工商业公司
*ICOMIA; International Council of Marine Industry Associations; 国际海洋工业协会理事会(海洋工业理事会)
*ICOMOS; International Council on Monuments and Sites; 国际古迹遗址理事会(古迹遗址理事会)
*ICOMP; International Council on the Management of Population Programmes; 国际人口方案管理理事会(人口方案管理理事会)
*ICOSO; International Committee of Outer Space Onomastics; 国际外空专门词汇词源学委员会(外空专门词汇词源学委员会)
*ICP; Industry Co-operative Programme [FAO]; 工业合作计划
*ICP; Inter-University Co-operation Programme [EC]; 大学校际合作计划
*ICP; international comparison of prices; 国际比较价格
*ICP; International Comparison Project; 国际比较项目
*ICP; International Council of Psychologists; 国际心理学家理事会(心理学家理事会)
*ICPA;International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug;Dependency; 国际预防酗酒和药物依赖委员会(预防酗酒和药物依赖委员会)
*ICPD;International Conference on Population and Development; 国际人口与发展会议
*ICPE;International Centre for Public Enterprises in Developing;Countries; 发展中国家公营企业国际中心(公营企业中心)
*ICPEMC; International Commission for Protection against Environmental;Mutagens and Carcinogens; 环境诱变物和致癌物国际防护委员会
*ICPF;International Co-operative Programme Framework; 国际合作方案纲领
*ICPF/SARD; International Co-operative Programme Framework for Sustainable;Agricultural and Rural Development [FAO]; 促进可持续农业和农村发展的国际合作方案纲领
*ICPHS; International Council for Phylosophy and Humanistic Studies; 国际哲学与人文科学理事会(哲学人文理事会)
*ICPIC; International Cleaner Production Information Clearinghouse [UNEP]; 国际较清洁生产方式信息交换中心
*ICPMC; International Commission on Protection against Mutagens and;Carcinogens; 诱变物和致癌物国际防护委员会
*ICPO;International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL); 国际刑事警察组织(刑警组织)
*ICPRP; International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against;Pollution; 防止莱茵河污染国际委员会
*ICPRR; International Committee on Public Relations in Rehabilitation; 康复中公共关系国际委员会(康复中公关委员会)[旧名]; International Council on Public Relations in Rehabilitation; 康复工作公共关系国际理事会(康复公关会)
*ICQ; individual country quota; 个别国家配额
*ICRAF; International Council for Research in Agroforestry; 国际农林业研究理事会
*ICRC; International Committee of the Red Cross; Comite International de la Croix-Rouge (CICR); 红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)
*ICRCCM; Inter-Comparison of Radiative Codes in Climate Models; 气候模式中各种辐射数据编码的相互比较方案
*ICRISAT; International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics;国际半干旱热带作物研究所(半干旱热带作物研究所)
*ICRO;International Cell Research Organization; 国际细胞研究组织
*ICRP;International Commission on Radiological Protection; 国际辐射防护委员会(辐射防护委员会)
*ICRU;International Commission on Radiation Units Measurements [WHO]; 国际辐射单位及计量委员会(辐射计量委员会)
*ICS; Integrated Container Service; 统一集装箱运输公司
*ICS; International Centre for Science and High Technology; 国际科学和高级技术中心
*ICS; International Chamber of Shipping; 国际海运公会(海运公会)
*ICS; International Commercial Service; 国际商业服务[资料系统名称]
*ICSA;International Committee against Apartheid, Racism and Colonialism;in Southern Africa; 反对南部非洲种族隔离、种族主义和殖民主义国际委员会;(反对南部非洲种族隔离、种族主义和殖民主义委员会)
*ICSAB; International Civil Service Advisory Board; Conseil Consultatif de la Fonction Publique Internationale (CCFPI); 国际公务员制度咨询委员会(公务员制度咨委会)
*ICSC;International Civil Service Commission; Commission de la Fonction Publique Internationale (CFPI); 国际公务员制度委员会(公务员制度委员会);ICSC list; 国际公务员制度委员会职业分类表;ICSC panel; 国际公务员制度委员会小组
*ICSE;International Commission on Sedimentation and Erosion; 国际沉积和侵蚀委员会
*ICSEM; International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the;Mediterranean; 国际地中海科学考察委员会
*ICSG;International Centre of Social Gerontology; 国际社会老年学中心(社会老年学中心)
*ICSG;International Copper Study Group; 国家铜研究组
*ICSH;International Committee for Standardization in Haematology; 国际血液学标准化委员会(血液学标准化委员会)
*ICSI;International Commission of Snow and Ice; 国际冰雪委员会
*ICSID; International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes [IBRD]; 解决投资争端国际中心(解决投资争端中心)
*ICSID; International Council of Societies of Industrial Design; 国际工业设计学会理事会(工业设计理事会)
*ICSPE; International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education; Conseil International pour l'Education Physique et la Science du;Sport (CIEPS); 国际体育科学与体育教育理事会(体育科教理事会)
*ICSPRO; Inter-Secretariat Committee on Scientific Programmes relating to;Oceanography; 关于海洋学科学方案的秘书处间委员会
*ICSS;Information and Communications Systems Section; 信息和通讯系统科
*ICST;international classification of ships by type; 船舶按照类型国际分级
*ICSTI; International Council for Scientific and Technical Information; 国际科学技术资料理事会
*ICSU;International Council of Scientific Unions; 国际科学联合会理事会(科联理事会)
*ICSW;International Council on Social Welfare; 国际社会福利理事会(社会福利会)
*ICTA;International Centre for Tropical Agriculture; Centre International pour Agriculture Tropique (CIAT); 国际热带农业中心
*ICTB;International Customs Tariffs Bureau; 国际关税局
*ICTF;International Cocoa Trades Federation; 国际可可业联合会(可可业联合会)
*ICTP;International Centre for Theoretical Physics; 国际理论物理中心
*ICTR; International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda; 卢旺达国际刑事法庭
*ICTV; International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses; 国际病毒分类委员会
*ICTY; International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; 前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭
*ICU; Industrial and Commercial Workers Union [South Africa]; 工商业界工人工会
*ICUP;International Catholic Union of the Press; 国际天主教新闻联合会(天主教新闻联合会)
*ICVA;International Council of Voluntary Agencies; 国际志愿机构理事会(志愿机构理事会);ICVA Consultation;国际志愿机构理事会协商会议
*ICW; International Council of Women; 国际妇女理事会(妇女理事会)
*ICW; Inter-Sessional Committee of the Whole; 闭会期间全体委员会
*ICYO;Indian Committee of Youth Organizations; 印度青年组织委员会
*ID; identification card; 身份证
*ID; Iraqi dinar [Monetary Unit of Iraq]; 伊拉克第纳尔
*id; idem [Latin]; 同;同上;同前
*IDA; International Desalination Association; 国际海水淡化协会(海水淡化协会)
*IDA; international development assistance; 国际发展援助
*IDA; International Development Association; 国际开发协会(开发协会);IDA VI (Sixth Replenishment of the IDA);国际开发协会第六次补充资金
*IDA; Istrian Democratic Assembly [Croatia]; Istarski Demokratski Sabor (IDS); 伊斯特拉民主大会党
*IDAF;International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa; 国际南部非洲辩护和援助基金(南部非洲辩护和援助基金)
*IDASA; Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa; 南非民主途径研究所
*IDB; Industrial Development Board [UNIDO]; 工业发展理事会(工发理事会)
*IDB; Inter-American Development Bank (IADB); Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID); 美洲开发银行(美银)
*IDB; Islamic Development Bank; Islamic Bank of Development (ISDB; IsDB); 伊斯兰开发银行(伊银)
*IDBI;Industrial Development Bank of India; 印度工业发展银行
*IDC; Christian Democrat International (CDI) [formerly: CDWU]; Internationale Democrate Chretienne; 基督教民主党国际
*IDC; international data centres (IDCs) [Disarmament]; 国际数据中心
*IDC; Island Developing Countries (IDCs); 岛屿发展中国家
*IDC; International Data Corporation; ; 国际数据公司 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*IDCAS; Industrial Development Centre for Arab States; 阿拉伯国家工业发展中心(阿拉伯工发中心)
*IDCHEC; Intergovernmental Documentation Centre on Housing and Environment;for the Countries of the United Nations Economic Commission;for Europe; 联合国欧洲经济委员会成员国政府间住房和环境资料中心;(欧洲经委会住房环境资料中心)
*IDCI;Institute for the Development of International Co-operation; Institut pour le Developpement de la Cooperation Internationale; 发展国际合作学社
*ID COD; identification code; 标志
*IDDA;Industrial Development Decade for Africa; 非洲工业发展十年;Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa;第二个非洲工业发展十年(1991--2000年)
*IDE; Foundation for International Development Economics [Netherlands]; 国际发展经济学基金会
*IDEA;International Data Exchange Association; 国际数据交换协会(数据交换协会)
*IDEP;(United Nations) African Institute for Economic Development and;Planning (AIEDP); Institut Africain de Developpement Economique et de Planification;(des Nations Unies) (IADEP; UNIDEP); (联合国)非洲经济发展和规划研究所
*IDEP;International Development Education Programme; 国际发展事业教育方案
*IDF; Industrial Development Fund; 工业发展基金
*IDF; International Development Fund; 国际发展基金
*IDF; International Diabetes Federation; 国际糖尿病联合会(糖尿病联合会)
*IDF; International Diary Federation; 国际乳品企业联合会(乳品企业联合会)
*IDF; Israel Defence Force; 以色列国防军
*IDFA;industrial development field adviser; 工业发展现场顾问
*IDI; Indigenous Development Institute [Chile]; Instituto de Desarrollo Indigena; 土著发展学会
*IDI; Institute of International Law; Institut de Droit International; 国际法学会
*IDIS;Inter-Bourse Data Information System [EC]; 交易所间信息传递系统
*IDIT;Institute of International Transport Law; Institute du Droit International des Transports; 国际运输法学会
*IDN; Internationalized Domain Name; 国际化域名 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*IDNDR; International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction; Decade Internationale pour la Prevention des Catastrophes;Naturelles [UNDRO, 1990-1999]; 国际减少自然灾害十年
*IDO; integrated development operation [EC]; 一体化开发行动
*IDO; Investment Development Office [UNDP]; 投资发展事务处
*IDOE;International Decade of Ocean Exploration; 国际海洋探测十年(海洋探测十年)
*IDP; integrated development programme [EC]; 综合发展计划
*IDP; internally displaced persons (IDPs); 国内流离失所者
*IDPAD; Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development; 印度—荷兰发展途径方案
*IDRAS; Institute of Desert Research Academia Sinica; 中国科学院沙漠研究所
*IDRC;Industrial Development Research Centre [Canada]; 工业发展研究中心[在正常情况下,下一词条的可能性较大]
*IDRC;International Development Research Centre [Canada]; Centre de Recherches pour le Developpement International (CRDI); 国际发展研究中心
*IDS; international development strategy; 国际发展战略
*IDS; Istrian Democratic Assembly (IDA) [Croatia]; Istarski Demokratski Sabor; 伊斯特拉民主大会党
*IDSA;Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses [India]; 国防研究与分析研究所
*IDTC;International Driving Tests Committee; 国际驾驶考试委员会(驾驶考试委员会)
*IDTR;Institute for Demographic Training and Research; 人口统计训练研究所
*IDWSSD; International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade [WHO]; 国际饮水供应和卫生十年(饮水供应和卫生十年)[1980-1990]
*i.e.;id est [Latin]; 即;就是;换言之
*IE; Education International (EI); Internationale de l'Education; 教育国际
*IEA; International Economic Association; 国际经济协会
*IEA; International Electrical Association; 国际电机协会
*IEA; International Emergency Action; Action d'Urgence Internationale (AUI); 国际紧急行动协会
*IEA; International Energy Agency [OECD]; 国际能源机构
*IEA; international environmental agreements (IEAs); 国际环境协定
*IEA; International Epidemiological Association; 国际流行病学协会(流行病学协会)
*IEA; International Ergonomics Association; 国际人类工程学协会(人类工程学协会)
*IEC; Independent Electoral Commission [South Africa]; 选举事务独立委员会
*IEC; information, evaluation and communication; 资料、评价和通讯;IEC Division of Population Commission;人口委员会资料、评价和通讯司
*IEC; International Electrotechnical Commission; 国际电工委员会(电工委员会)
*IECC;International Express Carriers Conference; 国际快件承运人会议(快件承运人会议)
*IECP;Import-Export Co-operative Programme; 进出口合作方案
*IED; International Educational Development, Inc.; 国际教育发展会
*IEDCR; Institute of Epidemiology and Disease Control Research; 流行病学和疾病控制研究所
*IEEE;Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers [USA]; 电机和电子工程师学会
*IEEP;International Environmental Education Programme [UNESCO/UNEP]; 国际环境教育方案
*IEF; International Eye Foundation; 国际眼科基金会(眼科基金会)
*IEFG;International Enterprise Foundation of Geneva; 日内瓦国际企业基金会(国际企业基金会)
*IEFR;International Emergency Food Reserve; 国际紧急粮食储备
*IEIAS; Inter-University European Institute on Social Welfare; Institut Europeen Interuniversitaire de l'Action Sociale; 欧洲大学社会福利研究所
*IEO; Industry and Environment Office (now IEPAC); 工业和环境办事处
*IEP; International Energy Programme; 国际能源方案(能源方案)
*IEPAC; Industry and Environment Programme Activity Centre (formerly IEO); 工业和环境方案活动中心
*IEPG;Independent European Program Group; 独立欧洲方案小组
*IER; Organization for International Economic Relations; 国际经济关系组织(经济关系组织)
*IERRIS; International Emergency Readiness and Response Information System; 国际紧急情况准备和应变资料系统(紧急应变资料系统)
*IES; Inspection and Evaluation Section [UNHCR]; 检查和评价处
*IES; Institute of Environmental Studies - Free University Amsterdam; 阿姆斯特丹自由大学环境研究所
*IESA;Department of International Economic and Social Affairs (DIESA);[UN Secretariat]; 国际经济和社会事务部(国际经社事务部)
*IETC;International Environmental Technology Centre; 国际环境技术中心
*IFA; International Federation on Aging; 国际老龄问题联合会(老龄问题联合会)
*IFA; International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFIA); 国际化肥工业协会(化肥工业协会)
*IFA; International Fiscal Federation; 国际财政协会(财政协会)
*IFAA;Institute for African Alternatives; 非洲改革研究所
*IFAC;International Federation of Accountants; 国际会计师联合会
*IFAC;Interational Federation of Automatic Control; 国际自动控制联合会(自动控制联合会)
*IFACAT; International Federation of Action of Christians for the Abolotion;of Torture (International Federation of ACAT); 基督徒废除酷刑行动组织国际联合会(基督徒废除酷刑联合会)
*IFAD;International Fund for Agricultural Development; 国际农业发展基金会(农发基金)
*IFALPA; International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations; 国际民航驾驶员协会联合会(民航驾驶员协联)
*IFAP;International Federation of Agricultural Producers; 国际农业生产者联合会(农业生产者联合会)
*IFB; International Federation of the Blindness; 国际盲人联合会(盲人联合会)
*IFBPW; International Federation of Business and Professional Women; 国际商业及职业妇女联合会(商业及职业妇女联合会)
*IFBWW; International Federation of Building and Wood Workers [ICFTU]; 国际建筑和木材工人联合会
*IFC; International Facilitating Committee; 国际促进委员会
*IFC; International Finance Corporation [World Bank]; 国际金融公司(金融公司)
*IFCATI; International Federation of Cotton and Allied Textile Industries; 国际棉花和有关纺织工业联合会;[now: ITMF]
*IFCC;Intergovernmental Follow-Up and Co-ordination Committee; 政府间后续行动和协调委员会[七十七国集团的贸发会议工作协调机构]
*IFCC;International Federation of Clinical Chemistry; 国际临床化学联合会(临床化学联合会)
*IFCI;International Futures and Commodities Institute;[a Geneva based Foundation]; 国际期货与商品学会
*IFCS; Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety; 政府间化学品安全论坛
*IFCTU; International Federation of Christian Trade Unions [now: WCL]; 国际基督教工会联合会
*IFCU;International Federation of Catholic Universities; 国际天主教大学联合会(天主教大学联合会)
*IFDA;International Foundation for Development Alternatives; 国际发展途径基金会(发展途径基金会)
*IFDC;International Fertilizer Development Centre; 国际肥料发展中心(肥料发展中心)
*IFEE;Independent Forum for Electoral Education [South Africa]; 选举教育独立委员会
*IFFJ;International Federation of Free Journalists; 国际自由新闻工作者联合会(自由新闻工作者联合会)
*IFFLP; International Federation for Family Life Promotion; 国际促进家庭生活联合会(促进家庭生活联合会)
*IFG; International Federation of Genetics; 国际遗传学联合会
*IFHE;International Federation for Home Economics; 国际家政学联合会(家政学联合会)
*IFHP;International Federation for Housing and Planning; 国际住房与规划联合会(住房与规划联合会)
*IFHR; International Federation of Human Rights Leagues; 人权联盟国际联合会
*IFI; international financial institutions (IFIs); 国际金融机构
*IFIA;International Federation of Inventors' Associations; 国际发明者协会联合会
*IFIA;International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA); 国际化肥工业协会(化肥工业协会)
*IFIAS; International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study; 国际高级研究机构联合会(高级研究机构联合会)
*IFIEC; International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers; 国际工业能源消费者联合会
*IFIP;International Federation for Information Processing; 国际信息处理联合会(信息处理联合会)
*IFJ; International Federation of Journalists; 国际新闻工作者联合会(新闻工作者联合会)
*IFLA;International Federation of Landscape Architects; 国际园林建筑师联合会(园林建筑师联合会)
*IFLA;International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions; 国际图书馆协会和机构联合会(图书馆联合会)
*IFLD;Institut Francophone de Lutte contre les Drogues; 法语国家禁毒协会
*IFM; International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational;International (IFM-SEI); 国际鹰社(社会党教育国际)
*IFMA;International Federation of Margarine Associations; 国际人造黄油协会联合会(人造黄油协联)
*IFMBE; International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering; 国际医学与生物工程联合会(医学与生物工程联合会)
*IFMSA; International Federation of Medical Student Associations; 国际医科学生协会联合会(医科学生协联)
*IFM-SEI;International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational;International (IFM); 国际鹰社(社会党教育国际)
*IFMSS; International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis Societies; 国际多发性硬化病学会联合会(多发性硬化病联合会)
*IFO; intermediate fuel oil (180 cSt; ref: HVF); 中间燃料油
*IFOR; Implementation Force in Bosnia; 波斯尼亚执行部队; Multinational Military Implementation Force [Former Yugoslavia]; 多国军事执行部队
*IFOR;International Fellowship of Reconciliation; 国际和睦团契(和睦团契)
*IFORS; International Federation of Operational Research Societies; 国际运筹学会联合会(运筹学联合会)
*IFP; Inkatha Freedom Party [South Africa]; 因卡塔自由党
*IFP; Inter-Regional Fund for Programme Preparation; 方案编制区域间基金
*IFP; International Federation of Pedestrians; 国际行人联合会(行人联合会)
*IFP; International Federation of Purchasing; 国际采购联合会
*IFPAAW; International Federation of Plantation, Agricultural and Allied;Workers; 国际种植园、农业及有关行业工人联合会;(种植园、农业及有关行业工人联合会)
*IFPE;International Federation for Parent Education; 国际父母教育联合会(父母教育联合会)
*IFPMA; International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers;Associations; 国际药品制造商协会联合会(药品制造商协联)
*IFPMM; International Federation of Purchasing and Materials Management; 国际采购与物资管理联合会(采购与物资管理联合会)
*IFPMR; International Federation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; 国际理疗学与康复联合会(理疗学与康复联合会)
*IFPRA; Inter-American Federation of Public Relations Associations; Federacion Interamericana de Asociaciones de Relaciones Publicas;(FIARP); 美洲公共关系协会联合会(公关协联)
*IFPRI; International Food Policy Research Institute; 国际粮食政策研究所(粮食政策研究所)
*IFPTO; International Federation of Popular Travel Organizations; 国际大众旅行组织联合会(大众旅行组织联合会)
*IFR; International Federation of Robotics; 国际机器人工程学联合会(机器人工程学联合会)
*IFRB;International Frequency Registration Board; 国际频率登记委员会
*IFRC;International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; 红十字会与红新月会国际联合会
*IFRF;International Flame Research Foundation; 国际火焰研究基金会
*IFS; International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres;(IFSNC); 国际定居点与居民区中心联合会(定居点与居民区中心联合会)
*IFS; International Financial Statistics; 国际金融统计[期刊名]
*IFS; International Foundation for Science; 国际科学基金会(科学基金会)
*IFSNC; International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres;(IFS); 国际定居点与居民区中心联合会(定居点与居民区中心联合会)
*IFSPO; International Federation of Senior Police Officers; 国际高级警官联合会(高级警官联合会)
*IFSS;International Fertilizer Supply Scheme; 国际肥料供应计划
*IFSTAD; Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development; 伊斯兰科学、技术和发展基金会(伊斯兰科技发展基金会)
*IFSTD; Interim Fund for Science and Technology for Development; 科学和技术促进发展临时基金(科技促进发展临时基金)
*IFSW;International Federation of Social Workers; 国际社会工作者联合会(社会工作者联合会)
*IFTDH; International Federation Terre des Hommes; Federation Internationale Terre des Hommes (FITDH); 地球社国际联合会
*IFTEA; International Federation of Trade Efficiency Associations; 国际贸易效率协会联合会
*IFTRA; International Fair Trade Practices and Rules Administration; 国际公平贸易惯例和规则管理处
*IFU; Industrialization Fund for Developing Countries [Danmark]; 发展中国家工业化基金
*IFUW; International Federation of University Women; 大学妇女国际联合会(大学妇联)
*IFWL;International Federation of Women Lawyers; 国际女律师联合会(女律师联合会)
*IFWLC; International Federation of Women Legal Careers; 国际法律界妇女联合会(法律界妇女联合会)
*IG; imperial gallon [UK]; 英加仑(合4.546公升)
*IGA; International Grain Agreement [A/34/19]; 国际谷物协定
*IGAC;International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project [ICSU]; 国际全球大气化学项目
*IGAD; Intergovernmental Authority on Development; 政府间发展管理局
*IGADD; Intergovernmental Authority for Drought and Development; 政府间抗旱与发展管理局(政府间抗旱局)
*IGBP; International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme [ICSU]; 国际陆界生物圈方案(陆界生物圈方案)
*IGC; intergovernmental committee; 政府间委员会; intergovernmental conference; 政府间会议
*IGC; International Grassland Congress; 国际草地会议
*IGC; International Gate Way; 国际接口局;国际网关(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*IGCP;International Geological Correlation Programme [UNESCO]; 国际地质对比方案
*IGCESTD;Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science and Technology;Development in Africa [ECA]; 非洲科学和技术发展政府间专家委员会
*IGCSTD; United Nations Intergovernmental Committee on Science and;Technology for Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展政府间委员会(科技促发委)
*IGE; intergovernmental expert; 政府间专家
*IGF; Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG [Germany]; 法本化学工业公司
*IGG; intergovernmental group; 政府间小组
*IGGE;intergovernmental group of experts; 政府间专家组
*IGIP;International Society for Engineering Education; Internationale Gesellschaft fur Ingenieurpadagogik; 国际工程教育学会(工程教育学会)
*IGO; intergovernmental organizations (IGOs); 政府间组织
*IGOSS; Integrated Global Ocean Services System; 综合性全球海洋服务系统
*IGPIA; International Group of Protection and Indemnity Associations; 国际保障赔偿协会组织(保赔协会组织)
*IGU; International Gas Union; 国际燃气业联合会(燃联)
*IGU; International Geographical Union; 国际地理学联合会
*IGUS;International Group of Experts on the Explosion Risks of Unstable;Substances [OECD]; 国际不稳定物质爆炸危险问题专家组
*IGWG;intergovernmental working groups; 政府间工作组
*IGWGM; Intergovernmental Working Group on Monitoring; 政府间监测工作组
*IGY; International Geophysical Year; 国际地球物理年
*IHA; African Humanitarian Initiative; Initiative Humanite d'Afrique; 非洲人道主义计划
*IHA; International Hotel Association; 国际旅馆协会(旅馆协会)
*IHB; International Hydrographic Bureau [Secretariat of IHO; Monaco]; 国际航道测量局
*IHD; International Hydrological Decade; 国际水文十年(水文十年)
*IHDP; International Human Dimensions Programme; 国际人的方面方案
*IHE; International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering; 国际水利和环境工程研究所
*IHEU; International Humanist and Ethical Union; 国际人道与伦理联合会(人道与伦理联合会)
*IHF; International Hospital Association; 国际医院联合会(医院联合会)
*IHFHR; International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights; 国际赫尔辛基人权联合会(赫尔辛基人权会)
*IHHA;International Halfway House Association; 国际重返社会训练所协会(重返社会训练所协会)
*IHHSF; International Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation; 国际生境和人类住区基金会
*IHI; Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.; 石川岛播磨重工业公司
*IHO; International Hydrographic Organization [Monaco]; 国际航道测量组织
*IHP; International Hydrological Programme [UNESCO; 1974]; 国际水文方案(水文方案)
*IHRIP; International Human Rights Internship Programme; 国际人权实习方案
*IHRLG; International Human Rights Law Group; 国际人权法小组
*IHSS;Honduran Institute of Social Security; 洪都拉斯社会保险研究所
*IHT; International Herald Tribune; 国际先驱论坛报
*IIA; Information Industry Association; 信息工业协会
*IIA; Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc., The; 内部审计员协会
*IIAS;International Institute of Administrative Sciences; 国际行政学会(行政学会)
*IIASA; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; 国际应用系统分析学会(应用系统分析学会)
*IIB; International Investment Bank [OAS]; 国际投资银行(投资银行)
*IIC; Inter-American Investment Corporation; 美洲投资公司
*IIC; International Institute for Cotton; 国际棉花学会
*IICA;Inter-American Institute for Agricultural Sciences; 美洲农业科学研究所
*IICL;Institute of International Container Lessors; 国际集装箱出租商协会(集装箱出租商协会)
*IIDC;Instituto de Investigacion y Desarrollo Comunal "La Libertad";[Peru]; “自由”社区研究发展所
*IIDH;International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL); Institut International de Droit Humanitaire; 国际人道主义法律研究所(人道主义法律研究所)
*IIDM;Ibero-American Institute of Maritime Law; Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Maritimo; 伊比利亚美洲海事法学会
*IIDS;Inter-American Social Development Institute; Instituto Interamericano de Desarrollo Social; 美洲社会发展学会
*IIE; Institute of International Education; 国际教育学会(教育学会)
*IIE; Inter-American Statistical Institute (IASI); Instituto Interamericano de Estadistica; 美洲统计学社(统计学社)
*IIED;International Institute for Environment and Development; 国际环境与发展学会(环境与发展学会)
*IIEP; International Institute of Educational Planning [UNESCO]; 国际教育规划研究所
*IIFSO; International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations; 国际伊斯兰学生组织联合会(伊斯兰学联)
*IIHL;International Institute of Humanitarian Law; Institut International de Droit Humanitaire (IIDH); 国际人道主义法律研究所(人道主义法律研究所)
*III; Inter-American Indian Institute (IAII); Instituto Indigenista Interamericano; 美洲印第安人协会
*IILS;International Institute for Labour Studies [ILO]; 国际劳工研究所(劳工研究所)
*IINS; International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies; 国际不结盟研究所
*IIP; International Institute for Peace; 国际和平学会
*IIPA; International Intellectual Property Alliance; 国际知识产权联盟 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*IIPF;International Institute of Public Finance; 国际公共财政学会(公共财政学会)
*IIR; Institute for International Relations [Vietnam]; 国际关系研究所; Institute of International Relations [China]; 国际关系研究所
*IIR; International Institute of Refrigeration; 国际制冷学会
*IIRR;International Institute of Rural Reconstruction; 国际农村重建研究所(农村重建研究所)
*IISCO; Indian Iron and Steel Company; 印度钢铁公司
*IISD;International Institute for Sustainable Development; 国际可持续发展学会
*IISEE; International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering;[Japan]; 国际地震学与地震工程研究所
*IISI;International Iron and Steel Institute; 国际钢铁学会(钢铁学会)
*IISS;International Institute for Strategic Studies [UK]; 国际战略研究所
*IIST;UNU International Institute for Software Technology (UNUIIST);[Macao; UNU]; 联合国大学国际软件技术研究所
*IITA;International Institute of Tropical Agriculture; 国际热带农业研究所
*IITC;International Indian Treaty Council; 国际印第安人条约理事会(印约理事会)
*IITT;Institute of In-Service Teacher Training; 在职教师培训学院
*IIVRS; International Institute for Vital Registration and Statistics; 国际人口登记与统计研究所(人口登记与统计研究所)
*IIW; International Inner Wheel; 国际内轮协会(内轮协会)
*IJO; International Juridical Organization; 国际法律学组织(法律学组织); International Juridical Organization for Environment and;Development; 国际环境与发展法律学组织
*IJO; International teJu Organization; 国际黄麻组织
*IKr; Icelandic krona [Monetary Unit of Iceland]; 冰岛克朗
*ILA; International Law Association; 国际法协会
*ILA; International Leprosy Association; 国际麻风病协会(麻风病协会)
*ILACIF; Latin American Institute of Auditing Sciences; Instituto Latinoamericano de Ciencias Fiscalizadoras; 拉丁美洲审计科学学会
*ILAFA; Latin American Iron and Steel Institute; Instituto Latinoamericano del Fierro y el Acero; 拉丁美洲钢铁学会(钢铁学会)
*ILANUD; United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of;Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNLAI); Instituto Latinoamericano de las Naciones Unidas para la;Prevencion del Delito y Tratamiento del Delincuente; 联合国拉丁美洲预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所;(拉美预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所)
*ILAP;Latin American Plastics Institute; Instituto Latinoamericano de Plasticos; 拉丁美洲塑料研究所(塑料研究所)
*ILAR;International League against Rheumatism; 国际防治风湿病联盟(防治风湿病联盟)
*ILC; International Law Commission [UN]; 国际法委员会
*ILC; International Lifeboat Conference [now: ILF]; 国际救生船会议
*ILCA;International Livestock Centre for Africa; 非洲国际牲畜中心
*ILCE; Latin American Institute for Educational Communication; Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa; 拉丁美洲教育交流研究所
*ILCF;International Labour Compensatory Facility; 国际劳工补偿基金(A/Res/37/207)
*ILEC;International Lake Environment Committee; 国际湖泊环境委员会
*ILET;Latin American Institute for Transnational Studies; Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Transnacionales; 拉丁美洲跨国公司研究所
*ILF; International Lifeboat Federation [formerly ILC]; 国际救生船联合会(救生船联合会)
*ILGA;International Lesbian and Gay Association; 国际男女同性恋者协会
*ILHR;International League for Human Rights; 国际人权联盟(人权联盟)
*ILL; Institut Laue-Langevin [France]; 劳厄—郎之万研究所
*ILO; International Labour Office; Bureau International du Travail (BIT); 国际劳工局(劳工局)[国际劳工组织的常设秘书处]; International Labour Organization; 国际劳工组织(劳工组织)
*ILP; International Lithosphere Programme; 国际岩石圈方案
*ILPF; Internet law and Policy Forum; ; 因特网法律和政策论坛 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*ILPES; Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning (LAIESP); Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificacion Economica y Social [ECLAC]; 拉丁美洲经济和社会规划研究所(拉美经社规划研究所)
*ILRI; International Livestock Research Institute; 国际家畜研究所
*ILSMH; International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap; 国际援助智力迟钝者协会联盟(援助智力迟钝者联盟)
*ILU; Institute of London Underwriters; 伦敦保险商协会
*ILY; International Literacy Year; 国际扫盲年
*ILZRO; International Lead and Zinc Research Organization; 国际铅锌研究组织
*ILZSG; International Lead and Zinc Study Group; 国际铅锌研究小组
*IM; integrated monitoring; 综合监测
*IMAC;International Movement for the Apostolate of Children; 国际儿童使徒运动(儿童使徒运动)
*IMADR; International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and;Racism; 反对一切形式歧视和种族主义国际运动
*IMAR;Joint UNESCO/FAO/WMO/IMCO/IAEA/ICES Task Team on;Inter-Disciplinary and Inter-Organizational Data and;Information Management and Referral;教科文组织/粮农组织/气象组织/海事协商组织/原子能机构/海洋勘探;理事会合办的学科间及组织间数据和资料管理与查询问题工作组;(六组织合办的学科间及组织间数据和资料管理与查询问题工作组;; 数据和资料管理与查询问题工作组)
*IMC; Independent Media Commission [South Africa]; 新闻事务独立委员会
*IMC; International Maritime Committee ; Comite Maritime International (CMI); 国际海事委员会
*IMC; International Music Council; 国际音乐理事会(音乐理事会)
*IMCE;Mexican Foreign Trade Institute; Instituto Mexicano de Comercio Exterior; 墨西哥对外贸易研究所
*IMCO;Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization [lately IMO]; 政府间海事协商组织(海事协商组织)
*IMCOS; information management, communications and office systems; 资料管理、通讯和办公室系统
*IMCS;International Movement of Catholic Students;; International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural;Affairs (Pax Romana); 国际天主教学生运动;国际天主教知识分子和文化事务运动(大同协会)
*IMD; Interpretation and Meetings Division [DCS]; 口译和会议事务司
*IMDG;International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code);[IMO; first published in 1965]; 国际危险货物海运规则
*IME; Institution of Mechanical Engineers (I Mech E) [UK]; 机械工程师协会
*I Mech E Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IME) [UK]; 机械工程师协会
*IMEKO; International Measurement Confederation; Internationale Messtechnische Konfoderation; 国际计量测试联合会
*IMEMO; Institute of World Economy and International Relations [Moscow]; 世界经济和国际关系研究所
*IMF; International Monetary Fund; 国际货币基金组织(货币基金)
*IMIF;International Maritime Industry Forum; 国际航运业论坛
*IMIS; Unite Nations System-Wide Integrated Management Information; System; 联合国全系统综合管理信息系统(综管信息系统)
*IMO; International Maritime Organization; 国际海事组织(海事组织)
*IMO; International Meteorological Organization [lately WMO]; 国际气象组织(气象组织)
*IMP; Integrated Mediterranean Programme [EC]; 地中海综合计划
*IMPA;International Maritime Pilots' Association; 国际海上领航员协会(海上领航员协会)
*IMPACT; Initial Initiative against Avoidable Disablement; 防止可避免伤残初步倡议
*IMPACT; Plan of Action for Setting Up an Information Services Market [EC]; 建立信息服务市场行动计划
*IMR; infant mortality rate; 婴儿死亡率
*IMR; Institute for Medical Research [Malaysia]; 医学研究所(医研所)
*IMRF;International Medical and Research Foundation; 国际医学与研究基金会(医学与研究基金会)
*IMSP;International Medical Society of Paraplegia; 国际截瘫医学会(截瘫医学会)
*IMSS;Mexican Social Security Institute; Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social; 墨西哥社会保险协会
*IMTM; Institute of Tropical Medicine in Manaus [Brazil]; 马瑙斯热带医学研究所
*IMW; International Map of the World on the millionth scale; 国际百万分之一世界地图
*INA; National Insurance Institute [Italy]; Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni; 国营保险公司
*INADES; Institut Africain pour le Developpement Economique et Social;[Burkina Faso]; 非洲经济和社会发展研究所
*INARI; International Agency for Rural Industrialization; 农村工业化国际机构(农村工业化机构)
*INC; Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee; 政府间谈判委员会
*INC; Investment Negotiation Centre [USA]; 投资谈判中心
*Inc; incorporated; 组成法人团体的;社团法人;股份有限公司
*INCAE; Instituto Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas; 中美洲企业管理协会
*INCB;International Narcotics Control Board [formerly: PCNB] [ESC]; 国际麻醉品管制局(麻管局)
*INCD; Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee for the Elaboration of an; International Convention to Combat Desertification in Those; Countries Experiencing Serous Drought and/or Desertification,; Particularly in Africa; 拟订在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠; 化的国际公约政府间谈判委员会(荒漠化谈委会)
*INC/FCCC; Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework ; Convention on Climate Change; 气候变化问题框架公约政府间谈判委员会
*INCOMEX; Instituto de Comercio Exterior [Colombia]; 对外贸易协会
*Incomindios; International Committee for the Indians of the Americas; 国际美洲印第安人委员会(因科明迪奥斯委员会)
*INCORA; Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria; 哥伦比亚土地改革委员会
*INCOTERMS; International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms;[Commonly accepted definitions for trade price terms. The; International Chamber of Commerce publishes rules for; interpreting these trade terms.] (Incoterms); 国际贸易术语解释通则 [国际贸易惯例和规则汇编,p.157];INCOTERMS 1936;1936年通则;INCOTERMS 1953;1953年通则
*INDAP; Farming Development Institute [Chile]; Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario; 农牧业发展学会
*INDERENA Instituto de Recursos Nacionales [Colombia]; 国家资源委员会
*INDI;National Institute for Indigenous Peoples [Paraguay]; Instituto Nacional del Indigena; 全国土著协会
*INDIS; Industrial Information System; 工业资料系统
*INEM;International Network for Environmental Management; 国际环境管理网络
*INEM;Middle School Institute [Colombia]; 中学教育研究所
*INEN;Ecuador National Institute for Standardization; 厄瓜多尔全国标准化学会
*INEOA; International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, Inc.; 国际禁毒执法人员协会(禁毒执法人员协会)
*INES;International Nuclear Event Scale [IAEA]; 国际核事件级别
*INF; Information Service [UNOG]; 新闻处
*INF; Intermediate Nuclear Force; 中程核力量; INF Treaty (Treaty between the United States of America and the;Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of;Their Intermediate-Range and Short-Range Missiles); 中程核力量条约(美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟消除两国;中程导弹和中短程导弹条约)
*INFCE; International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation Programme; 国际核燃料循环评价方案
*INFOCLIMA; World Climate Data Information Referral Service; 世界气候数据资料查询处(世界气候资料查询处)
*INFOFISH; Assistance in Fish Handling and Processing [project]; 鱼货储运和加工援助项目(鱼货援助项目)
*INFOPECHE; African Regional Fish Trade Information and Co-operation Services; 非洲鱼类贸易资料和合作服务社
*INFOTERM; International Information Centre for Terminology [UNESCO]; 国际名词资料中心
*INFOTERRA; International Referral System for Sources of Environmental Information; [old name] [UNEP]; 环境资料来源国际查询系统(环境资料查询系统)[旧名]; International Environmental Information System [new name] [UNEP]; 国际环境资料系统(环境资料系统)[新名]
*infra dig.; infra indignitatem [Latin]; 有损尊严;有失体统;有碍观瞻
*Ing; ingeniero [Spanish]; 工程师
*INGAA; Inter-State Natural Gas Association of America; 美国州际天然气协会
*INGI;International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development [Indonesia]; 国际非政府组织印度尼西亚发展问题论坛
*INHURED; International Institute for Human Rights, Environment and ; Development (INHURED International); 国际人权、环境与发展学会
*INIS;International Nuclear Information System [IAEA]; 国际核资料系统(核资料系统)
*INISTE; International Network for Information in Science and Technology; Education; 国际科学和技术教育信息网
*INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization [A/CONF.62/L.14]; 国际海事卫星组织(海卫组织);INMARSATC;Convention on the International Maritime Satellite; Organization, 1976 [3 Sept. 1976];1976年国际海事卫星组织公约;INMARSATOA;Operating Agreement on the International Maritime Satellite; Organization, 1976;1976年国际海事卫星组织业务协定
*INP; Integrated National Police [Philippines]; 统一国家警察
*INPADOC;International Patent Documentation Centre; 国际专利文献中心
*INPEC; Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario [Colombia]; 国家感化和监狱研究所
*INPI;Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial [Brazil]; 全国工业产权协会
*INPRES; Instituto Nacional de Prevencion Sismica; 国家地震防备研究所
*INRA;Institute for Natural Resources in Africa [Lusaka; UNU]; 非洲自然资源研究所
*INRA;International Natural Rubber Agreement; 国际天然胶协定
*INRC;International Natural Rubber Council; 国际天然胶理事会
*INRES; TCDC Information Referral System (TCDC/INRES; TCDC-INRES); 发展中国家技术合作资料查询系统(技术合作资料查询系统)
*INRO;International Natural Rubber Organization; 国际天然胶组织
*INS; Immigration and Naturalization Service [Justice Department; USA]; 移民和归化局
*INSA;International Shipowners' Association; 国际船东协会(船东协会)
*INSARAG;International Search and Rescue Advisory Group; 国际搜寻和救援咨询组
*INSEE; Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques; 国立统计和经济研究所
*INSEXP; Directory of Scientific and Technical Experts and Institutions in;Africa [ARCT]; 非洲科学技术专家和机构指南
*INSIS; Inter-Institutional Information System; 机构间资料系统
*INSPEC; Information Services for Physics, Electrical Engineering and;and Computers; 物理、电机工程和计算机资料服务处(物理、电机和计算机资料处)
*INSTA; In-Service Traning Award Programme (INSTA Programme) [FAO/UNDP]; 在职训练方案(职训方案)
*INSTEAD; Information Service on Technological Alternatives for Development; 不同技术发展途径资料服务处
*INSTRAW;International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement;of Women; 提高妇女地位国际研究训练所(提高妇女地位研究训练所)
*INT; Interpretation Service; 口译处
*INTA;International New Towns Association; 国际新兴城镇协会(新兴城镇协会)
*INTAL; Institute for Latin American Integration (ref: ALADI or LAIA); Instituto para la Integracion de America Latina; 拉丁美洲一体化学会
*INTECH; Institute for New Technologies [Maastricht; UNU]; 新技术研究所
*INTECOL;International Association for Ecology; 国际生态学协会
*INTELSAT; International Telecommunications Satellite Organization; 国际通信卫星组织(通卫组织)
*INTER-ACT; Technology Development and Training Programme for; Computer-Based Systems; 计算机化系统技术开发和培训项目(技培项目)
*INTERCARGO; International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners; 国际干货船东协会(干货船东协会)
*INTERCENTER; International Centre of Sociological, Penal and Penitentiary Research ; and Studies; 国际社会学、惩罚和教养研究中心
*INTERCO; International Council on Jewish Social and Welfare Services; 国际犹太人社会和福利事业理事会; (犹太人社会和福利事业理事会)
*Intercontainer; (A co-operative formed by 19 European Railways, for the management; of international rail container traffic in Europe); 国际集装箱公司
*INTERCOOPERATION; Swiss Organization for Development and Co-operation; 瑞士发展与合作组织
*INTERGU;International Copyright Society; Internationale Gesellschaft fur Urheberrecht; 国际版权协会
*INTERMAN; International Management Developmeng Network; 国际管理技术发展网络
*INTERMET International Association for Metropolitan Research and;Development; 国际都市研究与发展协会
*International YCS; International Young Catholic Students (IYCS); 国际天主教青年学生会(天主教青年学生会)
*INTERNET [An international data communications network; translator note -;not an acronym] (Internet); 国际互联网络(互联网)
*INTERPLAS; International Plastics Exhibition in Europe; 欧洲国际塑料展览会
*INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO; Interpol); 国际刑事警察组织(刑警组织)
*INTERSPUTNIK; International Organization of Space Communications (Intersputnik); 国际宇宙通讯组织
*INTERTANKO; International Association of Independent Tanker Owners; 国际独立经营油船船东协会(独立经营油船船东协会)
*INTIB; Industrial and Technological Information Bank [UNIDO]; 工业与技术资料库
*INTN;National Technology and Standards Institute [Paraguay]; Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia y Normalizacion del Paraguay; 国家技术和标准研究所
*INTOG; - Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions (CCAQ); 行政问题协商委员会(行政问题协商会); - International Computing Centre (ICC); 国际计算中心(计算中心); - Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems (IOB); 组织间资料系统委员会(资料系统委员会); - Joint Inspection Unit (JIU); 联合检查组(联检组)
*INTOSAI;International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions; 国际最高审计机构组织(最高审计组织)
*INTRASTAT; Statistical Collection System relating to the Trading of Goods;between Member States [EC]; 成员国间货物贸易统计资料收集系统
*IO; international organizations; 国际组织
*IOA; international office assistance; 国际办公室助理
*IOAT;International Organization against Trachoma; 国际沙眼防治组织(沙眼防治组织)
*IOB; Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems; 组织间资料系统委员会(资料系统委员会); Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems and Related;Activities; 组织间资料系统和有关活动委员会(资料系统委员会)
*IOC; Indian Ocean Commission; 印度洋委员会
*IOC; Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission [UNESCO]; 政府间海洋学委员会(海洋学委员会)
*IOC; International Olympic Committee; 国际奥林匹克委员会(国际奥委会)
*IOCHC; International Organization for Co-operation in Health Care; Medicus Mundis Internationalis (MMI); 国际保健合作组织(保健合作组织)
*IOCU;International Organization of Consumers' Unions; 国际消费者联合会组织(消费者联合会组织)
*IOD; Industrial Operations Division; 工业业务司
*IODE;International Oceanographic Data Exchange [IOC]; 国际海学洋数据交换所(海洋数据换交所)
*IODFE; International Organization for the Development of Freedom of;Education; Organization Internationale pour le Developpement de la Liberte;d'Enseignement (OIDEL); 促进教育自由国际组织(促进教育自由组织)
*IOE; International Organization of Employers; 国际雇主组织(雇主组织)
*IOFC;Indian Ocean Fishery Commission; 印度洋渔业委员会
*IOI; International Ocean Institute; 国际海洋学会(海洋学会)
*IOI; International Ombudsman Institute; 国际监察员学会
*IOJ; International Organization of Journalists; 国际新闻工作者组织(新闻工作者组织)
*IOJD;International Organization - Justice and Development; 国家正义与发展组织(正义与发展组织)
*IOLM;International Organization of Legal Metrolohy; Organisation Internationale de Metrologie Legale (OIML); 国际法定度量衡组织
*IOM; International Organization for Migration; 国际移徙组织(移徙组织)
*IOP; International Organization of Psychophysiology; 国际心理生理学组织(心理生理学组织)
*IOPC; International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund (IOPC Fund); 国际石油污染补偿基金
*IOR; interim operations review; 临时业务活动审查(临时审查)
*IORD; International Organization for Rural Development; 国际农村发展组织
*IOSCO; International Organization of Securities Commissions; 国际证券管理委员会组织(证管委组织); Technical Committee; 技术委员会
*IOTDw/DS; (a tanker with an) intermediate oil-tight deck and double sides; 具有油密中层甲板及双层侧舷的油船
*IOV; inter-office voucher; 部门间列帐凭单;部门间付款凭单
*IPA; International Peace Academy; 国际和平学院(和平学院)
*IPA; International Pediatric Association; 国际儿科协会(儿科协会)
*IPA; International Playground Association; 国际游乐场协会(游乐场协会)
*IPA; International Police Association; 国际警察协会(警察协会)
*IPA; International Publishers Association; 国际出版商协会(出版商协会)
*IPA; investment promotion agencies (IPAs); 促进投资机构
*IPA; inward processing arrangements [EC]; 输入原料加工制度[自非成员国进口原料,加工产品销往非成员; 国,免征进口税]
*IPAA; International Prisoners Aid Association; 国际援助囚犯协会(援助囚犯协会)
*IPAC; Central American Institute for Public Administration; 中美洲公共行政研究所
*IPAI;International Primary Aluminium Institute; 国际原铝学会
*IPB; International Peace Bureau; 国际和平局(和平局)
*IPC; Integrated Programme for Commodities [UNCTAD]; 商品综合方案
*IPC; International Patent Classification Agreement [24 March 1971]; 国际专利分类协定
*IPCC;Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; 政府间气候变化专门委员会(气专委)
*IPCS;International Programme on Chemical Safety [WHO/ILO/UNEP]; 国际化学品安全方案(化学品安全方案)
*IPDC;International Programme for the Development of Communications;[UNESCO]; 国际交流发展计划
*IPE; International Petroleum Exchange [London]; 国际石油交易所
*IPEA;Economic and Social Planning Institute [Brazil]; Instituto de Planejamento Economico e Social (IPES); 经济与社会规划研究所
*IPEC; International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour; 废除童工国际计划
*IPED; International Panel of Experts on Desertification; 国际沙漠化专家团
*IPES; Economic and Social Planning Institute [Brazil]; Instituto de Planejamento Economico e Social (IPEA); 经济与社会规划研究所
*IPF; indicative planning figures (IPFs); 指示性规划数字(指规数); [指在一定期间内为资助国别计划和国家间计划,预期从开;发署取得的资源数额]; country IPFs; 国别指规数; illustrative IPFs; 说明性指规数; IPF add-ons; 指规数增添额; IPF expenditure ceilings; 指规数支出最高限额; non-IPF sources; 非指规数来源; revised third cycle IPFs; 订正第三周期指规数
*ipf; intaken piled fathom [Chartering and Shipping]; 装入英寻数
*IPFC; Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council [FAO]; 印度洋及太平洋渔业理事会
*IPHAE; Institute of Pre-History, Anthropology and Ecology [Brazil]; Instituto de Pre-Historia, Anthropologia e Ecologia; 史前史、人类学及生态学学会
*IPI; International Press Institute; 国际新闻学协会(新闻学协会)
*IPIC;Treaty on Intellectual Property in respect of Integrated Circuits; 关于集成电路知识产权条约
*IPIECA; International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation;Association; 国际石油工业环境保护协会(石油工业环保协会)
*IPKF;Indian Peace Keeping Force [in Sri Lanka]; 印度维持和平部队
*IPKI;Ikatan Pendukung Kemerdekaan Indonesia; 印度尼西亚独立拥护者联盟
*IPLAN; Joint IOC/WMO Planning Group; 海洋学委员会/气象组织联合规划组(联合规划组)
*IPNS;integrated plant nutrition system; 综合性植物养分系统(植物养分系统)
*IPO; import promotion office; 进口促进处
*IPO; International Progress Organization; 国际进步组织(进步组织)
*IPO; Initial Public Offer; 首次公开发行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*IPP; Improving Port Performance (Programme) [UNCTAD]; 改善港口经营(培训方案)
*IPPC; International Plant Protection Convention [Rome, 6 Dec. 1951];国际植物保护公约;International Plant Protection Congress;国际植物保护大会
*IPPF;International Planned Parenthood Federation; 国际计划生育联合会(计划生育联合会)
*IPPNW; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War; 国际防止核战争医生组织(防止核战争医生组织)
*IPR; Institute of Pacific Relations [USA]; 太平洋关系协会
*IPR; intellectual property rights; 知识产权(知产)
*IPRA;International Peace Research Association; 国际和平研究协会(和平研究协会)
*IPRA;International Public Relations Association; 国际公共关系协会(公共关系协会)
*IPS; Institute of Purchasing and Supplying [UK]; 采购和供应学院
*IPS; Inter-Press Service - Third World News Agency; 国际新闻社--第三世界新闻机构
*IPSA;International Political Science Association; 国际政治学协会(政治学协会)
*IPSEP; International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths; 国际可持续能源途径项目
*IPTC;International Press Telecommunications Council; 国际报业电信理事会(报业电信理事会)
*IPTF; International Police Task Force [Yugoslavia]; 国际警察工作队(警察工作队)
*IPU; Inter-Parliamentary Union ; 各国议会联盟(议会联盟)
*IPY; International Polar Year;[1 Aug. 1882 - 1 Sept. 1883 and 1 Aug. 1982 - 31 Aug. 1983]; 国际地极年
*IR; infrared; 红外;红外线
*IRA; individual retirement account [USA]; 个人退休金帐户
*IRA; inter-regional adviser; 区域间顾问
*IRAM;Instituto de Racionalizacion de Materials [Argentina]; 物资合理化研究所
*IRAP; International Research and Advisory Panel; 国际研究咨询小组
*IRB; International Resources Bank; 国际资源银行
*IRC; the International Red Cross; 国际红十字会
*IRC; International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply and;Sanitation; 国际社区供水和卫生参考资料中心
*IRC; international referral centre; 国际查询中心(查询中心)
*IRC; International Rescue Committee; 国际救援委员会
*IRCT;International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCTV); 酷刑受害者国际康复理事会(酷刑康复会)
*IRCTC; Information and Research Centre on Transnational Corporations; 跨国公司资料和研究中心; International Research Centre for Transnational Corporation; 跨国公司国际研究中心(跨国公司中心)
*IRCTV; International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT); 酷刑受害者国际康复理事会(酷刑康复会)
*IRCWD; International Reference Centre for Waste Disposal [WHO]; 国际废物处理参考资料中心
*IRD; Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry [Brazil]; 辐射防护和剂量测定研究所
*IRDAC; Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee [EC]; 工业研究与发展咨询委员会
*IRDO; Romanian Institute for Human Rights; Institut Roumain des Droits de l'Homme; 罗马尼亚人权研究所
*IREC;Institut de Recherche sur l'Environnement [France]; 环境研究所
*IREC;Irrigation Research and Extension Advisory Committee [Australia]; 灌溉研究和发展咨询委员会
*IRED;Development Innovations and Network; Innovations et Reseaux pour le Developpement; 发展创新和联络网
*IRENE; Industrial Restructuring Educational Network; 工业结构改革教育网络
*IRENE; International Refugee Electronic Network; 国际难民资料电子网络
*IRF; International Road Federation; 国际公路联合会(公路联合会)
*IFRS; International Financial Reporting Standards; 《国际财务报告准则》
*IRGC;Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps [Iran]; 伊斯兰革命卫队军团
*IRHA;International Rural Housing Association; 国家农村住房协会(农村住房协会)
*IRI; Institute for Industrial Reconstruction [Italy]; Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale; 工业复兴公司
*IRIFIEP;International Research Institute for Immigration and Emigration;Politics; 国际移民政策研究所(移民政策研究所)
*IRIRC; International Refugee Integration Resource Centre [now: CDR]; 国际难民安置资料中心
*IRLCO; International Red Locust Control Organization; 国际红蝗防治组织;IRLCO-CSA; IRLCO - Central and Southern Africa;非洲中南部国际红蝗控制组织
*IRO; International Refugee Organization; 国际难民组织
*IRP; innovation policy reviews (IRPs) [UNCTAD]; 革新政策审评
*IRPA;International Radiation Protection Association; 国际辐射防护协会(辐射防护协会)
*IRPTC; International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals; 可能有毒化学品国际登记中心;IRPTC/PAC; IRPTC Programme Actvity Centre;可能有毒化学品国际登记方案活动中心
*IRR; internal rate of return; 内在收益率
*IRRI;International Rice Research Institute; 国际稻米研究所
*IRS; Internal Revenue Service [USA]; 国内收入署
*IRS; international referral system; 国际查询系统(查询系统)
*IRSFC; International Rayon and Synthetic Fibres Committee; 国际人造丝及合成纤维委员会
*IRSG;International Rubber Study Group; 国际橡胶研究小组
*IRT; investment-related technologies; 同投资有关的技术
*IRTAC; International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling; 国际促进辅导工作圆桌会议(促进辅导工作圆桌会议)
*IRTU;International Road Transport Union (IRU); 国际公路运输联盟(公路运输联盟)
*IRU; International Relief Union [UN]; 国际救济联合会
*IRU; International Road Transport Union (IRTU); 国际公路运输联盟(公路运输联盟)
*IS; information system; 资料系统
*IS; Israel shekel [Monetary Unit of Israel]; 谢克尔
*ISA; Internal Security Act [South Africa]; 国内安全法
*ISA; International Schools Association; 国际学校协会(学校协会)
*ISA; International Silk Association; 国际丝绸协会
*ISA; International Sociological Association; 国际社会学协会(社会学协会)
*ISA; International Studies Association; 国际研究协会(研究协会)
*ISA; Islamic Shipowners' Association; 伊斯兰船东协会
*ISAR;Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International;Standards of Accounting and Reporting [ESC]; 国际会计和报告准则政府间专家工作组(会计准则专家组)
*ISAR;International Surveillance of Atmospheric Radioactivity; 大气层放射性国际监测
*ISAT;Information and Advisory Service on Appropriate Technology [GTZ]; 适用技术资料和咨询服务
*ISB; Inter-Departmental Information Systems Board; 部门间资料系统委员会(资料系统委员会)
*ISBA;International Sea-Bed Authority; 国际海底管理局
*ISBI;International Savings Banks Institute; 国际储蓄银行协会(储蓄银行协会)
*ISBI;International Society for Burn Injuries; 国际烧伤学会(烧伤学会)
*ISBN;International Standard Book Number; 国际标准图书编号;国际标准图书号码
*ISBO;Islamic States Broadcasting Organization; 伊斯兰国家广播组织
*ISC; International Seismological Centre; 国际地震中心;ISC Bulletin; 国际地震中心公报
*ISC; International Society of Citriculture; 国际柑橘栽培学会(柑橘栽培学会)
*ISC; International Sugar Council; 国际食糖理事会(食糖理事会)
*ISCA;International Save the Children Alliance; 国际拯救儿童联盟
*ISCA;International Senior Citizens Association, Inc., The; 国际老年公民协会(老年公民协会)
*ISCC;Information Systems Co-ordination Committee; 资料系统协调委员会(资料系统协委会)
*ISCCF; International Study Centre for Children and Families; 国际儿童与家庭研究中心(儿童与家庭研究中心)
*ISCCP; International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project [WCRP]; 国际卫星云气候学项目
*ISCD;International Society for Community Development; 国际社区发展学会(社区发展学会)
*ISCED; International Standard Classification of Education; 国际教育标准分类
*ISCG;Inter-Secretariat Consultative Group; 秘书处间协商组
*ISCMA; International Superphosphate and Compound Manufacturers';Associaton Limited (ISMA) [now: IFA]; 国际过磷酸盐和化合物制造者协会
*ISCO;International Standard Classification of Occupations [ILO]; 国际职业标准分类 [国际劳工组织编]
*ISCOS; Intergovernmental Standing Committee on Shipping; 政府间航运常设委员会
*ISDB;Islamic Development Bank; Islamic Bank of Development (IDB; IsDB); 伊斯兰开发银行(伊银)
*ISDM;International Society of Disaster Medicine; Societe Internationale de Medecine de Catastrophe (SIMC); 国际灾害医学学会
*ISDN; Integrated Services Digital Network; 国际综合业务服务网(综合服务网)
*ISDS;International Serials Data System [formerly: CIEPS]; 国际系列数据系统(系列数据系统)
*ISES;International Solar Energy Society; 国际太阳能学会(太阳能学会)
*ISESCO; Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; 伊斯兰教育、科学和文化组织(伊斯兰教科文组织)
*ISF; International Shipping Federation; 国际海运联合会(海运联合会)
*ISF; Islamic Solidarity Fund; 伊斯兰团结基金
*ISFA;International Scientific Film Association; 国际科学电影协会(科学电影协会)
*ISFC;International Society and Federation of Cardiology; 国际心脏学会和联合会(心脏学会和联合会)
*ISHAM; International Society for Human and Animal Mycology; 国际人体和动物真菌学会(人体和动物真菌学会)
*ISI; Indian Standards Institution; 印度标准协会
*ISI; International Statistical Institute; 国际统计学会(统计学会)
*ISIA;International Scholars for Indigenous Americans; 国际学者支援美洲土著居民组织
*ISIC;International Standard Industrial Classification; 国际标准工业分类(工业分类);ISIC Major Divisions;《国际标准工业分类》大类; International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic;Activities; 所有经济活动的国际标准工业分类(标准工业分类);
*ISICODEC; Institute for Scientific Co-operation with Developing Countries; 与发展中国家科学合作研究所
*ISIP;Integrated System Improvement Project; 综合系统改良项目
*ISIS;Institute of Strategic and International Studies [Malaysia]; 战略和国际问题研究所
*ISIS;Integrated Scientific Information System; 综合科学资料系统
*ISIS;Integrated Set of Information Systems; 统一资料系统
*ISIS;International Space Information System [UN]; 国际空间资料系统(空间资料系统)
*ISIS; International Women's Information and Communication Service; 国际妇女信息和通讯事务处(妇女信息事务处)
*ISMA;International Superphosphate and Compound Manufacturers';Association Limited (ISCMA) [now: IFA]; 国际过磷酸盐和化合物制造者协会
*ISMS;International Seismic Monitoring System; 国际地震监测系统
*ISMUN; International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations; 国际青年和学生拥护联合国运动(青年和学生拥护联合国运动)
*ISO; International Organization for Standardization [correct form];International Standardization Organization [wrong form];International Standards Organization [wrong form]; 国际标准化组织(标准化组织)
*ISO; International Sugar Organization; 国际糖业组织
*ISOD;International Sports Organization for the Disabled; 国际残疾人运动组织
*ISP; International Society of Postmasters; 国际邮政局长协会(邮政局长协会)
*ISP; Internet Service Provider; 互联网服务提供商 [UNCTAD/ SDTE/ECB/2];
*ISPA; International School Psychology Association; 国际学校心理学协会
*ISPO;International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics; 国际修复术与矫正学会(修复术与矫正学会)
*ISPRS; International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; 国际摄影测量和遥感学会(摄影测量和遥感学会)
*ISRA;International Society for Research on Aggression; 国际侵犯行为研究学会(侵犯行为研究学会)
*ISRIC; International Soil Reference and Information Centre; 国际土壤查询资料中心
*ISRRT; International Society of Radiographers and Radiological;Technicians; 国际放射照相员和放射技术员学会(放射照相员和放射技术员学会)
*ISS; Information Systems Support; 资料系统支助处
*ISS; International Social Service; 国际社会服务社(社会服务社)
*ISSA;International Ship Suppliers Association; 国际船舶供应商协会
*ISSA;International Social Security Association; 国际社会安全协会(社会安全协会)
*ISSC;International Ship Structure Congress; 国际船舶结构大会
*ISSC;International Social Science Council; 国际社会科学理事会(社会科学理事会)
*ISSD;International Sociy etof Social Defence; 国际社会防护学会(社会防护学会)
*ISSN;International Standard Serial Number; 国际标准期刊编号;国际标准期刊号码
*ISSS;International Society of Soil Science; 国际土壤科学学会(土壤科学学会)
*ISTAT; Italian National Statistical Institute; 意大利国家统计局 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*ISU; Information Service Unit; 资料股
*ISU; Information System Unit [ESA]; 资料系统股
*ISVS;International Secretariat for Volunteer Service; 国际志愿人员服务秘书处
*IT; information technology; 信息技术
*ITA; Institute of Air Transport; Institut du Transport Aerien; 航空运输学会
*ITA; International Tin Agreement; 国际锡协定
*ITA; International Touring Alliance; 国际旅游联谊会(旅游联谊会)
*ITA; International Tunnelling Association; 国际隧道协会(隧道协会)
*ITAA; Information Technology Association of America; 美国信息产业商会 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*ITAR;Informatsionnoye Telegrafnoye Agentstvo [news agency] [Russia]; 俄罗斯通讯社(俄通社)
*ITAR;International Traffic in Arms Regulations [USA]; 国际武器贸易条例
*ITBL;integrated transportation bill of lading [detailed form of B/L]; 综合运输提单
*ITC; Institute Time Clauses; 公会定期条款[船壳保险]
*ITC; International Tin Council; 国际锡理事会(锡理事会)
*ITC; International Trade Centre [UNCTAD/GATT]; 国际贸易中心(国贸中心); UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Centre; 贸发会议和总协定合办的国际贸易中心(国贸中心);ITC General Fund; 国际贸易中心普通基金(国贸中心普通基金)
*ITC; Inuit Tapirisat of Canada; 加拿大因努伊特塔皮里萨特组织
*ITC; United States International Trade Commission (USITC); 美国国际贸易委员会
*ITCB;International Textiles and Clothing Bureau; 国际纺织品和服装局
*ITCIP; International Training Centre of Indigenous Peoples; 国际土著人民培训中心
*ITCP;Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme [IMO]; 综合技术合作方案
*ITCWRM; International Training Centre for Water Resources Management; Centre de Formation Internationale a la Gestion des Ressources;en Eau (CEFIGRE); 国际水资源管理训练中心
*ITD; Industry and Technology Division [ECE]; 工业技术司
*ITD; International Trade Division [UNCTAD]; 国际贸易司
*ITDG; Intermediate Technology Development Group [Reading Uni., UK]; 中间技术开发小组
*ITED; Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development; (DITE) [UNCTAD]; 投资、技术和企业发展司
*ITF; International Transport Workers' Federation; 国际运输工人联合会(运输工联)
*ITFF;International Trade Financing Facility [more reliable version]; 国际贸易融资贷款办法; Inter-Regional Trade Financing Facility; 区域间贸易融资贷款办法
*ITI; ITI Convention of 1971; Customs Convention on the International Transit of Goods; 国际货物过境海关公约(1971年货物过境公约)
*ITI; International Textile Institute; 国家纺织学会
*ITI; International Theatre Institute; 国际戏剧协会(戏剧协会)
*ITI; International Tungsten Indicator; 国际钨价格指示数
*ITIA;International Tungsten Industry Association;[formerly: Primary Tungsten Association]; 国际钨工业协会
*ITIEM; International Technological Information Exchange Mechanism; 国际技术资料交流办法
*ITK; Strict Regime Camp [USSR prison]; 苦工营
*ITMF;International Textile Manufactures Federation [formerly: IFCATI]; 国际纺织品制造商联合会(纺织品制造商联合会)
*ITO; International Trade Organization; 国际贸易组织(贸易组织)
*ITP; International Trade Programmes [UNCTAD]; 国际贸易方案
*ITPA; International Tea Promotion Association; 国际茶叶促进协会(茶叶促进协会)
*ITRI;Industrial Technology Research Institute [Taiwan]; 工业技术研究所
*ITRW;Agreement concerning International Direct Goods Traffic by Rail;and Water; 国际铁路水路直接货运协定
*ITS; Import Tabulation System; 进口报表制度
*ITSH;internal transport, storage and handling [UNHCR]; 国内运输、储藏和装卸
*ITSH;international transport, shipping and handling; 国际海陆运输和装卸
*ITTA;International Tropical Timber Agreement [UNCTAD; 1985]; 国际热带木材协定
*ITTO;International Tropical Timber Organization; 国际热带木材组织(热带木材组织)
*ITU; International Telecommunication Union; 国际电信联盟(电联)
*ITV; internal transfer vehicle; 场内搬运车
*IUA; International Union of Architects; 国际建筑师联合会(建筑师联合会)
*IUAB;Internal Unity Advisory Body [Burma]; 内部团结咨询机构
*IUAES; International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences; 国际人类学和人种学联合会(人类学和人种学联合会)
*IUAI;International Union of Aviation Insurers; 国际航空保险商联合会(航空保险商联合会)
*IUATLD; International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease; 国际结核病和肺病防治联合会(结核病和肺病防治联合会)
*IUBS;International Union of Biological Sciences; 国际生物科学联合会(生物科学联合会)
*IUBSSA; International Union of Building Societies and Savings Associations;房屋互助协会与储蓄协会国际联合会(房屋互助协会与储蓄协会联合会)
*IUCAF; Inter-Union Commission on Frequency Allocations for Radio;Astronomy and Space Science; 射电天文学和空间科学频率分配联合委员会;(射电天文学和空间科学频率分配委员会)
*IUCC;Information Unit on Climate Change; 气候变化信息股
*IUCD;interuterine contraceptive device (IUD); 子宫内避孕器(宫内避孕装置)
*IUCN; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources; (old name); 国际自然及自然资源保护联盟(自然及自然资源保护联盟);; World Conservation Union (new name)
*IUD; interuterine device (IUCD); 子宫内避孕器(宫内避孕装置)
*IUED;Institut Universitaire d'Etudes du Developpement [Switzerland]; 大学发展问题研究所
*IUEF;International University Exchange Fund; 国际大学交流基金
*IUFO;International Union of Family Organizations; 国际家庭组织联合会(家庭组织联合会)
*IUFRO; International Union of Forestry Research Organizations; 国际林业研究组织联合会(林业研究联合会)
*IUGG;International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; 国际大地测量和地球物理学联合会(大地测量和地球物理学联合会)
*IUGS;International Union of Geological Sciences; 国际地质科学联合会(地质科学联合会)
*IUHE;International Union for Health Education; 国际卫生教育联合会(卫生教育联合会)
*IULA;International Union of Local Authorities; 国际地方当局联合会(地方当局联合会)
*IUMI;International Union of Marine Insurance; 国际海运保险联合会(海运保险联合会)
*IUMS;International Union of Microbiological Societies; 国际微生物学会联合会(微生物学会联合会)
*IUNS;International Union of Nutritional Sciences; 国际营养学联合会(营养学联合会)
*IUOTO; International Union of Official Travel Organizations; 国际官方旅行组织联合会
*IUPAC; International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; 国际理论化学和应用化学联合会(理论化学和应用化学联合会)
*IUPCT; International Union for Publication of Customs Tariffs; 国际关税税则出版联合会
*IUR; International Union of Railways; Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer (UIC); 国际铁路联盟(铁路联盟)
*IUS; International Union of Students; 国际学生联合会(学生联合会)
*IUSDT; International Union of Socialist Democratic Teachers; 国际社会民主教师联合会(社会民主教师联合会)
*IUSSP; International Union for the Scientific Study of Population; 国际人口问题科学研究联合会(人口科研联合会)
*IUSUHM; International Union of School and University Health and Medicine; 国际学校和大学医药卫生联合会(学校和大学医药卫生联合会)
*IUSY;International Union of Socialist Youth; 国际社会主义青年联盟
*IUT; International Union of Tenants; 国际承租人联合会(承租人联合会)
*IUWR;International Unioun for Water Research; 国际水事研究联合会(水事联合会)
*IUYCD; International Union of Young Christianem Docrats; 故机践督教民主青年联合会(基督教民主青年联合会)
*IVIC;Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificos; 委内瑞拉科学研究所
*IWA; Indigenous World Association; 土著世界协会
*IWAC;International Women's Anthropology Conference, Inc.; 国际妇女人类学会议(妇女人类学会议)
*IWAC;Italy-West Africa Conference; 意大利--西非航运公会
*IWC; International Whaling Commission; 国际捕鲸委员会
*IWCC;International Wrought Copper Council; 国际锻铜理事会
*IWGIA; International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs [Denmark]; 土著事务国际工作组
*IWGMP; Intergovernmental Working Group on Marine Pollution; 政府间海洋污染工作组(海洋污染工作组)
*IWGMS; Intergovernmental Working Group on Monitoring or Surveillance; 政府间监测或侦测工作组(监测工作组)
*IWP; indicative world plan; 指示性世界计划
*IWRA;International Water Resources Association; 国际水资源协会
*IWRB;International Waterfowl Research Bureau; 国际水禽研究局
*IWSA;International Water Supply Association; 国际供水协会(供水协会)
*IWTC;International Women's Tribune Centre; 国际妇女论坛中心(妇女论坛中心)
*IWTO;International Wool Textile Organization; 国际毛纺组织
*IWY; International Women's Year; 国际妇女年
*IYC; International Year of the Child; 国际儿童年;IYC National Commission;儿童年全国委员会;IYC National Commissions; 各国的儿童年委员会;IYC Newsletter;国际儿童年通讯
*IYCS;International Young Catholic Students (International YCS); 国际天主教青年学生会(天主教青年学生会)
*IYCW;International Young Christian Workers; 国际基督教青年工人协进会(基督教青工协进会)
*IYDP;International Year for Disabled Persons; 国际残疾人年
*IYF; International Youth Federation for Environment Studies and;Conservation; 国际青年环境研究和养护联合会
*IYHF;International Youth Hostel Federation; 国际青年宿舍联合会(青年宿舍联合会)
*IYSH;International Year of Shelter for the Homeless; 收容安置无家可归者国际年
*IYY; International Youth Year; 国际青年年
*JA; joint account; 共同帐户
*JAC; Joint Advisory Committee; 联合咨询委员会
*JAG; Joint Advisory Group [ITC]; 联合咨询组
*JAFE;Joint ESCAP/FAO Agriculture Division; 亚汰色剧会/粮农组织联合农业处
*JAMA;Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association; 日本汽车制造厂商协会
*JAMCO; Jamaica Marketing Company; 牙买加销售公司
*JAPIA; Japan Auto Parts Industry Association; 日本汽车部品工业会
*JASIN; Joint Air-Sea Interaction Experiment; 大气海洋相互作用联合实验
*JCAB;Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau; 日本运输省航空局
*JCGP;Joint Consultative Group on Policy; 政策问题联合协商小组(政策协商组);JCGP/CPSP: JCGP Common Premises and Services Project;政策问题联合协商小组共同房舍和服务项目; (政策协商组共同房舍和服务项目)
*JCHP;UNICEF/WHO Joint Committee on Health Policy; 儿童基金/卫生组织卫生政策联合委员会
*JCI; Junior Chambers International (new name); Jaycees International (old name); 国际青年商会(青年商会)
*JCIA;Japan Chemical Industry Association; 日本化学工业协会
*JD; Jordanian dinar [Monetary Unit of Jordan]; 约旦第纳尔
*JEFAD; Joint ECA/FAO Agriculture Division; 非洲经委会/粮农组织联合农业处
*JET; Joint European Torus [EC]; 欧洲核聚变联合研究计划
*JETRO; Japan External Trade Organization; 日本贸易振兴会
*JEUR;Joint ECE/FAO Agricultural and Timber Division; 欧洲经委会/粮农组织联合农业及木材处
*JEUT;Joint ECE/FAO Timber Division; 欧洲经委会/粮农组织联合木材处
*JIAMCATT Joint Inter-Agency Meeting on Computer-Assisted Translation and;Terminology; 计算机辅助翻译和名词学问题机构间联席会议;JIAMCATT-E; JIAMCATT-Europe;计算机辅助翻译和名词学问题欧洲机构间联席会议
*JICA;Japanese International Co-operation Agency; 日本国际协力事业团
*JICS;Joint Interpreting and Conference Service [EC]; 口译与会务部[总司级单位]
*JICST; Japan Information Centre of Science and Technology; 日本科学技术情报中心
*JIGE; Joint UNCTAD/IMO Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Maritime; Liens and Mortgages and Related Subjects; 贸发会议和海事组织合设的海上优先权和抵押权及有关问题政府; 间专家组
*JIS; Japanese Industrial Standard; 日本工业标准
*JIT; just-in-time; 准时(到达)
*JIU; Joint Inspection Unit; 联合检查组(联检组)
*JLAT;Joint ECLA/FAO Agriculture Division; 拉美经委会/粮农组织联合农业处
*JLG; Sino-British Joint Liaison Group [Hong Kong]; 中英联合联络小组
*JMEA;Japan Machinery Exporters' Association; 日本机械出口商协会
*JMS; Joint Medical Service; 联合医务处
*JNA; Yugoslav People's Army; Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija; 南斯拉夫人民军
*JNEA;Joint ECWA/FAO Agriculture Division; 西亚经委会/粮农组织联合农业处
*JNSP;Joint WHO/UNICEF Nutrition Support Programme; 卫生组织/儿童基金联合营养支助方案
*JOBMAR; On-the-Job Training Programme of UNCTAD in Shipping and Ports in;co-operation with the Centre for Maritime Co-operation; 贸发会议和海事合作中心合作的航运及港口在职培训方案;(航运及港口在职培训方案)
*JOG; Joint Operations Group [UNDP]; 联合业务小组
*JPO; junior professional officer; 初级专业人员
*JPO; junior project officer [UNDP]; 初级计划干事
*JRAIA; Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association; 日本冷冻空调工业协会
*JRC; Joint Research Centre [EC]; 联合研究中心[总司级单位]
*JRCC;Japan Relief Clothing Centre; 日本救济衣物中心
*JRS; Jesuit Refugee Services; 耶稣会难民服务社
*J$; Jamaican dollar [Monetary Unit of Jamaica]; 牙买加元
*JSA; Japan Shipowners' Association; 日本船东协会
*JSA; Joint Security Area [Panmunjom, Korea]; 共同警备区
*JSME;Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers; 日本机械学会
*JSPB;United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (UNJSPB); 联合国工作人员养恤金联合员委会(养恤金联委会)
*JSPF;United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF); 联合国合办工作人员养恤基金(养恤基金)
*JUNAC; Board of the Cartagena Agreement; Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena; 卡塔赫纳协定委员会
*JUNIC; Joint United Nations Information Committee; 联合国新闻事务联合委员会(新闻联委会)
*JVC; Japanese International Volunteer Centre; 日本国际志愿中心
*JVP; People's Liberation Front [Sri Lanka]; Janata Vimukti Peramuna; 人民解放阵线
*j & wo; jettison and washing overboard (JWOB) [Chartering and Shipping]; 货物被抛弃和被浪冲走
*JWOB;jettison and washing overboard (j & wo) [Chartering and Shipping]; 货物被抛弃和被浪冲走
*K;Burmese Kyat [Monetary Unit of Burma]; 缅甸元
*K;Laotian kip (KL) [Monetary Unit of Laos]; 老挝基普
*K;Zambian kwacha [Monetary Unit of Zambia]; 赞比亚克瓦查
*Kab; karbovantsi [Ukraine]; 卡波凡齐[乌克兰货币单位]
*KADEK;Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress ; [or: Congress for Freedom and Democracy in Kurdistan]; 库尔德斯坦自由和民主大会
*KAMP;National Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Philippines; 菲律宾土著人民全国联合会
*KARDEX; Kardex; 索引卡片柜
*KATE;Centre and Workingteam for Appropriate Technology [Germany]; 适当技术中心和工作队
*KBO; Kagera River Basin Organization; 卡盖拉河流域组织(卡河组织); Organization for the Management and Development of the Kagera;Basin; 卡盖拉河流域管理和开发组织;[成员:布隆迪、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达]
*KCNA;Korean Central News Agency [North Korea]; 朝鲜中央通讯社
*KCS; Kenya Catholic Secretariat; 肯尼亚天主教教会秘书处
*Kcs; Czechoslovak koruna [Monetary Unit of Czechoslovakia]; 捷克克朗
*KD; Kuwaiti dinar [Monetary Unit of Kuwait]; 科威特第纳尔
*KDI; Korea Development Institute; 韩国发展研究所
*KENGO; Kenya Energy and Environment Organizations; 肯尼亚能源和环境组织
*KEDO;Korean Peninsula Energy Development Board; 朝鲜半岛能源发展委员会
*KFAED; Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development; 科威特阿拉伯经济发展基金会
*KFTC;Korean Fair Trade Commission; 韩国公平贸易委员会
*KFTU;Kampuchean Federation of Trade Unions [Cambodia]; 柬埔寨工会联合会
*KfW; Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau [Germany]; 复兴信贷银行
*KHD; Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG; 克勒克纳--洪堡--多伊茨公司
*KIA; Kachin Independent Army [Myanmar]; 克钦独立军
*KIA; killed in action; 阵亡;在战斗中死亡
*KIO; Kachin Independent Organization [Myanmar]; 克钦独立组织
*KIPOC; Korongoro Integrated Peoples Oriented to Conservation; 科龙戈罗致力养护群众联合组织
*KK; kabushiki kaisha [Japan]; 株式会社(公司)
*KL; Laotian kip (K) [Monetary Unit of Laos]; 老挝基普
*KLA; Kwazulu Legislative Assembly [South Africa]; 克瓦祖鲁议会
*KLCE;Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange [Malaysia]; 吉隆坡商品交易所
*K Line; Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd.; 川崎汽船公司
*KMP; Kilbsan Magbubukik Pilipinas; Philippine Farmer's Movement; 菲律宾农民运动
*KNSO; Korean National Statistical Office; 韩国国家统计局 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*KMU; Kilusang Mayo Uno [Philippines]; 五一劳工运动
*KNDO; Karen National Defence Organization [Burma]; 克伦民族自卫组织
*KNU; Karen National Union; Kayin National Union [Myanmar]; 克伦民族联盟
*KNUFNS; Kampuchean National United Front for National Salvation; [later: KUFNCD]; 柬埔寨救国民族团结阵线[越南扶植政党]
*KONAKOM; Comite National du Congres des Mouvements Democratiques ; Komite Nasyonal Kongre Mouvman Demokratik [Creole]; 民主运动大会全国委员会 [Haiti]
*KOW; constant of octanol water; 辛醇溶液常数
*Kowani; Indonesian Women's Congress [Indonesia]; 印度尼西亚妇女大会
*Kopkamtic; Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order;[Indonesia]; 恢复安全和秩序作战指挥部
*KPA; Korean People's Army [North Korea]; 朝鲜人民军
*KPML;Congress of the United Urban Poor [Philippines]; 联合城市贫民大会
*KPNLAF; Khmer People's National Liberation Armed Forces [Cambodia]; 高棉人民民族解放阵线武装力量 [宋双派]
*KPNLF; Khmer People's National Liberation Front [Cambodia]; 高棉人民民族解放阵线[宋双派]
*KPRP;Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party [Cambodia]; 柬埔寨人民革命党[柬埔寨人民共和国执政党]
*KSC; Kenana Sugar Company; 克纳纳制糖公司
*KSh; Kenyan shilling [Monetary Unit of Kenya]; 肯尼亚先令
*KTM; Malaysian Railways; 马来西亚铁路公司
*KUFNCD; Kampuchean United Front for National Construction and Defence;[formerly: KNUFNS; later: UFCDKF]; 柬埔寨建国卫国统一阵线[越南扶植政党]
*KUHAP; Code of Criminal Procedure [Indonesia]; 刑事诉讼法(印度尼西亚第8/1981号法令)
*KUNA;Asociacion Kunas Unidos por Nabguana [Panama]; 库纳人联合争取纳布瓜纳协会
*KVO; German Regulation for Domestic Road Transport; Kraftverkehrsordnung; 德国国内公路运输规则
*KWALITY;Karnataka Welfare Society [India]; 卡纳塔克福利学会
*KWH; kilowatt hour; 千瓦小时
*L;L countries (least developed countries; LDC); 最不发达国家
*L;listed ("listado" or "listado nacional" in Spanish); 被列入黑名单的人
*L;L post; 项目工作人员员额
*L;Honduran lempira [Monetary Unit of Honduras]; 洪都拉斯伦皮拉
*L;released ("libertado" in Spanish); (从监狱)被释放的人
*L;Romanian leu [Monetary Unit of Romania]; 罗马尼亚列伊
*£; British pound [Monetary Unit of United Kingdom]; 英镑
*LABORDOC Database of ILO Central Library and Documentation Branch; 劳工局中央图书馆和文件处数据库(劳工文件数据库)
*LAC; Latin American and Caribbean; 拉丁美洲和加勒比(拉加;拉加地区)
*LACTLD; Latin America & Caribbean Country Code Top Level ; Domain Organization; 拉丁美洲和加勒比国家代码顶级域名组织(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*LAFB;Libyan Arab Foreign Bank; 利比亚阿拉伯对外银行
*LAFTA; Latin American Free Trade Association; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio (ALALC); 拉丁美洲自由贸易协会(拉美自由贸协)
*LAIA;Latin American Integration Association; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Integracion (ALADI); 拉丁美洲一体化协会(拉美一体协)
*LAIESP; Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning [ECLAC]; Instituto Latinoamericano de Planification Economica y Social;(ILPES); 拉丁美洲经济和社会规划研究所(拉美经社规划研究所)
*LAN; local area network [Computer]; 局域网络;局域计算机网络
*LANDSAT;Land Remote Sensing Satellite System; 地面遥感卫星系统
*LARF;Latin American Reserve Fund; 拉丁美洲储备基金(拉美储备基金)
*LAS; League of Arab States; Arab League; 阿拉伯国家联盟;阿拉伯联盟(阿盟)
*LASEF; League of Arab States Emergency Fund; 阿拉伯国家联盟紧急基金
*Lasfleur LASer FLuorescence EURope; 欧洲激光荧光研究方案
*LASH;lighter abord ship [Shipping] [ref: FLASH]; 拉西型载驳货船;载驳货船
*LASL;Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; 洛斯阿拉莫斯科学实验所
*LATINAH;Latin American Network of Information on Human Settlement; 拉丁美洲人类住区资料系统
*LAWASIA;Law Association for Asia and the Pacific; 亚洲及太平洋法律协会(亚太法律协会)
*LBCM;land-based cruise missile; 陆基巡航导弹
*LBO; leveraged buy-out; leverage buy-out; 融资收购;利用贷款收购(一家公司)
*L/C; letter of credit (LC); 信用证
*l c; loco citato (loc. cit.) [Latin]; 在上述引文中;见上引
*£C; Cyprus pound [Monetary Unit of Cyprus]; 塞浦路斯镑
*LCA; life cycle analysis; 生命期分析[产品对环境影响]
*LCBC;Lake Chad Basin Commission; 乍得湖盆地委员会
*LC-BH; League of Communists of Bosnia and Herzegovina; 波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那共产主义者联盟(波黑共产主义者联盟)
*LCC; League of Communists of Croatia; 克罗地亚共产主义者联盟
*LCC-PDR;League of Communists of Croatia - Party of Democratic Reform; 克罗地亚共产主义者联盟--民主革新党[克罗地亚的一个党派]
*LCD; liquid crystal display; 液晶显示;液晶显示器; liquid crystal device; 液晶装置;液晶显示装置
*LCE; London Commodity Exchange [UK]; 伦敦商品交易所
*LCHR;Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights [USA]; 维护人权律师委员会
*LCIHR; Lawyers' Committee for International Human Rights; 维护国际人权律师委员会
*LCL; less than container load; 拼箱货[集装箱]
*LC-MY; League of Communists - Movement for Yugoslavia [Serbia]; Savez Komunista - Pokret za Jugoslaviju (SK-PJ); 共产主义者联盟--南斯拉夫运动
*LD; Libya dinar [Monetary Unit of Libya]; 利比亚第纳尔
*LD; local devanning [Container]; 当地拆箱
*LDC; least developed countries (LDCs); 最不发达国家; Least Developed Countries Division [UNCTAD]; 最不发达国家司
*LDC; London Dumping Convention;(London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by; Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972); 1972年防止倾弃废物及其他物质污染海洋的伦东载辜;伦敦倾弃公约; [国际海洋环境保护法规选编,p.82]
*LDC-ALA;least developed countries - Asian and Latin American Countries; 亚洲及拉丁美洲最不发达国家
*LDDC;least developed developing countries; 最不发达的发展中国家
*LDR; Liberal, Democratic and Reformist Group [EC]; 自由党、民主党与改革派议员团[欧洲议会]
*LDT; light displacement tons; 空载排水吨位
*LE; life expectancy; 预期寿命(期寿)
*Le; Sierra Leonean leone [Monetary Unit of Sierra Leone]; (塞拉利昂)利昂
*£E; Egyptian pound [Monetary Unit of Egypt]; 埃及镑
*LEADER; Links between Actions for the Development of the Rural Economy; Liaison entre Actions de Developpement de l'Economie Rurale [EC]; 农村经济发展行动联系计划
*LEB; life expectancy at birth; 新生儿预期寿命(新生儿期寿)
*LECr;Criminal Prosecution Act (LECrim) [Spain]; Ley de Enjuciamiento Criminal; 刑事诉讼法
*LEF; European Women's Lobby (EWL); Lobby Europeen des Femmes; 欧洲妇女游说团
*LEG; Office of Legal Affairs (OLA; SG/LEG) [UN Secretariat]; 法律事务厅
*LEI; local employment initiatives (LEIs) [EC]; 地方开辟就业机会计划
*LEM; Environment and Development Society of Ethiopia; 埃塞俄比亚环境与发展学会
*LEO; low earth orbits (LEOs); 低地球轨道
*LEPOR; Long-Term and Expanded Programme of Oceanic Exploration and;Research; 海洋勘探研究长期扩大方案(海洋扩大方案)
*LES; large economic space; 大经济区
*LES; Licensing Executives Society International; ; 国际许可证主管人员协会(许可证主管协会)
*L/G; letter of guarantee; 信用保证书
*LGA; Authority for the Integrated Development of the Liptako-Gourma;Region (ALGR);; Liptako-Gourma Integrated Development Authority; Autorite de Developpement Integre de la Region du Liptako-Gourma; 利普塔科--古尔马地区综合开发管理局
*LGDJ;Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence; 法学及司法判例出版社
*LHAR;London, Hull, Antwerp or Rotterdam [Chartering and Shipping]; 伦敦、赫尔、安特卫普或鹿特丹
*LHV; low heat value; 低热值
*LI; Liberal International; World Liberal Union; 自由、进步党国际;世界自由主义联盟
*LI; Liberty International; 国际自由协会(自由协会)
*LIBID; London Inter-Bank Bid Rate (Libid); 伦敦银行同业出价利率
*LIBOR; London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (Libor) (ref: HIBOR, SIBOR); 伦敦银行同业拆放利率(伦敦银行间利率)
*LICO; low income cutoff [Canada]; 低收入取决值
*LIDC;low-income developing countries (LIDCs); 低收入发展中国家
*LIDEMA; Liga de Defensa del Medio Ambiente [Bolivia]; 环境保护联盟
*LIDLIP; International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples; Ligue Internationale pour les Droits et la Liberation des Peuples;[Switzerland]; 国际争取人民权利与解放联盟
*LIFE;language industry for Europe; 欧洲语文行业
*LIFFE; London International Financial Futures Exchange; 伦敦国际金融期货交易所
*Limean; Limean rate: average between LIBID and LIBOR; 伦敦银行同业(出价与发价)平均利率
*LIMS;Limb Infrared Monitoring of the Stratosphere [US Project]; 平流层临边红外监测
*LING;Languages Service [UNOG]; 语文处
*LINGUA; Programme to Promote Training in Foreign Languages in the European;Community; 欧洲共同体促进外语培训计划
*LINK;International Research Group of Economic Model Builders; 国际建立计量经济模型研究小组;LINK project; 链环项目(建立世界经济的计量模型);LINK project simulation; 根据链环项目建立的模型进行模拟;LINK system; 链环系统
*£Ir;Irish pound [Monetary Uint of Ireland]; 爱尔兰镑
*Lista 99 Movement for People's Government [Uruguay]; Moviemiento por el Gobierno del Pueblo (MGP (99)); 人民政府运动
*Lit; Italian lira [Monetary Unit of Italy]; 意大利里拉
*LJA; London Jute Association; 伦敦黄麻协会
*lkg; leakage; 漏损;lkg & bkg (leakage and breakage);漏损和破损
*LL; International Convention on Load Lines;; International Load Line Convention (LL 1966) [5 April 1966]; 国际船舶载重线公约[国际条约集 1966-68]
*LL; land-locked; 内陆(国家)
*LL; Lebanese pound [Monetary Unit of Lebanon]; 黎巴嫩镑
*LLC; landlocked countries (LLCs); 内陆国家
*LLLI;La Leche League International, Inc.; 国际母乳育婴联盟(母乳育婴联盟)
*£M; Maltese pound [Monetary Unit of Malta]; 马耳他镑
*LMB; London Metal Bulletin; 伦敦五金导报
*LMBO;leverage management buyout; leveraged management buyout (ref: LBO); 公司经理利用贷款收购该公司
*LME; London Metal Exchange [UK]; 伦敦五金交易所
*LMIS;Lloyd's Maritime Information Services Ltd.; 劳埃德海事资料服务社
*LNG; liquefied natural gas; 液化天然气
*LO; liaison office; 联络处
*loc cit; loco citato (l.c.) [Latin]; 在上述引文中;见上引
*LOICZ; Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone; 沿海区域陆地海洋相互作用研究方案
*LO/LO; lift-on/lift-off (Lo/Lo); 吊上吊下
*LORCS; League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LRCS); Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (LSCR); 红十字会与红新月会协会
*LOS; Law of the Sea; 海洋法; United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; 联合国海洋法公约
*LOS PrepCom; United Nations Preparatory Commission on the International Sed-Bed; Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; 联合国国际海底管理局和国际海洋法法庭筹备委员会
*LPB; local private-sector bank; 地方私营部门银行(地方私银)
*LPE; Language Proficiency Examination [UN]; 语文资格考试
*LPG; liquefied petroleum gas; 液化石油气
*LR; Lloyd's Register [UK]; 劳埃德船舶年鉴; Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LRS) [UK]; 劳埃德船级社;英国劳氏船级社
*LR; local repair [Shipping]; 当地修理
*LRA; Load's Resistance Army; 上帝的抵抗军
*LRCS;League of Red Cross Societies; 红十字会协会; League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LORCS; LRCS); Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (LSCR); 红十字会与红新月会协会
*LRS; Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) [UK]; 劳埃德船级社;英国劳氏船级社
*LRTNF; long-range theatre nuclear force; 远程战区核力量
*LS; locus sigilli [Latin]; 盖印处;(文书副本上标明正本上)盖印地方
*L$; Liberian dollar [Monetary Unit of Liberia]; 利比里亚元
*£S; Sudanese pound [Monetary Unit of Sudan]; 苏丹镑
*£S; Syrian pound [Monetary Unit of Syria]; 叙利亚镑
*LSCR;League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LORCS; LRCS); Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge; 红十字会与红新月会协会
*LSHTM; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine [UK]; 伦敦卫生与热带医学学院
*LSMS;Living Standards Measurement Study [World Bank]; 生活水平衡量研究
*£ Stg; British sterling [Monetary Unit of United Kingdom]; 英镑
*LT; letter telegramme; 书信电报
*LTA; Long-Term Arrangements regarding International Trade in Cotton;Textiles; 国际棉纺织品贸易长期办法(棉织品长期办法)
*Ltd; limited (company of limited liability); 有限公司
*LTEA; local trade efficiency associations (LTEAs); 地方贸易效率协会
*LTL; less than trailer load; 拖车零担[集装箱]; less than truck load; 卡车零担[集装箱]
*LTTE; Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [Sri Lanka]; 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织
*Lu; Bulgarian lev [Monetary Unit of Bulgaria]; 保加利亚列弗
*LUF; lifting unit frame [container]; (lift trucks for handling all types of cargo containers; a system in; use with ro/ro transport of handling numerous containers at one; time and other cargo to achieve high handling rates)
*LuxF; Luxembourg franc [Monetary Unit of Luxembourg; 卢森堡法郎
*LV; local vanning [Container]; 当地装箱
*£WA; West African pound [Monetary Unit of Gambia and Sierra Leone]; 西非镑
*LWF; Lutheran World Federation; 世界路德会联合会(路德会联合会)
*LWS; Lutheran World Service; 路德会世界服务社
*M;missing [Chartering and Shipping]; 灭失
*M;M countries (most seriously affected countries); 受影响最严重国家
*M;move to different country/division [UNHCR]; 转调到不同国家或司
*MAB; Man and the Biosphere Programme;; Programme on Man and the Biosphere;; Man and the Biosphere Programme [UNESCO, 1970]; 人与生物圈方案
*MAC; Death to Communists [Colombian paramilitary group]; 灭共团
*MAC; meeting of aid co-ordinators; 援助协调员会议
*MAC; Military Armistice Commission [Korea]; 军事停战委员会
*MAC; multiplexed analogue component [EC]; 卫星转播系统技术标准
*MAC; United Nations Mine Action Centre (UNMAC); 联合国地雷行动中心
*MACTIS; Marine and Coastal Technology Information Service [UN/IESA]; 海洋和沿海技术资料处
*MACWUSA; Motor Assembly and Component Workers Union of South Africa; 南非汽车装配及配件工人工会
*MAD; mutual-assured destruction; 双方都有把握摧毁对方
*MAE; Maritime Advisory Exchange [TD/B/C.4/340, para.134]; 海运咨询资料交换所
*MAFF; Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food [UK]; 农业、渔业和粮食部(农渔粮食部)
*MAI; multilateral agreement on investment; 投资多边协议
*MAIB; Movimiento de Autodeterminacion de la Isla de Bioko; 比奥科岛自治运动[赤道几内亚]
*MAN; metropolitan area network [Computer]; 城市区域网络
*MAP; Middle Atmosphere Programme [SCOSTEP/ICSU]; 中层大气研究方案
*MAR; monthly attendance report; 每月出勤报告
*MARC; Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre [UNEP/SCOPE]; 监测和评价研究中心(监评中心)
*MARINA; Maritime Industry Authority [Philippines]; 海运业管理局
*MARPOL; International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,; 1973 (London Convention); [London; 2 Nov. 1973; A/CONF.62/L.14]; 1973年国际防止船舶污染公约(伦敦公约); MARPOL PROT 1978; Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the; Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 [17 Feb. 1978]; 1973年国际防止船舶污染公约1978年议定书
*MARS; mandatory absence for the release of stress [UNHCR]; 消除紧张必休假
*MARV; manoeuverable re-entry vehicle; 机动重返大气层运载工具;机动再入工具; MARVed missile; 机动重返大气层运载工具型导弹;机动再入型导弹
*MAS; Management Advisory Service; 管理咨询服务处
*MAS; United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS); 联合国排雷行动处
*MASA;Medical Association of South Africa; 南非医学协会
*MASSA; Malaysia South-South Association; 马来西亚南南协会(马南协会)
*MASSCORP Malaysia South-South Corporation; 马来西亚南南公司(马南公司)
*MAST; measures affecting services trade (MASTs) [UNCTAD]; 影响服务贸易措施
*MAST;Specific Research and Technological Development Programme in the;Field of Marine Science and Technology [EC]; 海洋科学技术研究与技术开发特别计划
*MAWU;Metal and Allied Workers Union [South Africa]; 金属及相关行业工人工会
*Mb; megabar; 百万巴;兆巴[压力单位]
*mb; millibar; 毫巴[压力单位]
* MBO; Management Buyouts;
*MBO; management by objectives; 目标管理(制度);为各级经理指定目标的管理制度
*MBT; Montbrillant [UNHCR Headquarters Building]; 蒙布里昂
*MBW; Movement for a Better World; 建立一个更美好的世界运动(更美好世界运动)
*MC; marginal cost; 边际成本
*MCA; Malaysian Chinese Association [Malaysia]; 马来西亚华人公会(马华公会)
*MCA; Manufacturing Chemists' Association [USA]; 制造业化学师协会
*MCA; monetary compensatory amount [EC]; 货币补偿额[由于各有关成员国货币平价变化而产生的农产品贸易差价应予;补偿]
*MCCO;East Caribbean Common Market (ECCM); Mercado Comun del Caribe Oriental; 东加勒比共同市场
*MCDA;military and civil defense assets; 军事和民防资产
*MCH; Maternal and Child Health [WHO Programme]; 妇幼保健方案; MCH/FP; MCHF/amily Planning; 妇幼保健/计划生育方案
*MCO; miscellaneous claims obligation; 杂项索赔债务
*MCP; Malawi Congress Party; 马拉维国民大会党
*MCP; Movimiento Campesino Paraguayo; 巴拉圭农民运动
*MCP; multilateral consultation process; 多边协商程序
*MCSS;Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme [WMO]; 海洋气候摘要方案
Mcuries; megacurie; 百万居里;兆居里[放射性强度单位]
mcuries; millicurie; 毫居里[放射性强度单位]
*MCWCS; Ministterial Conference of West and Central African States on Maritime; Transport (MINCONMAR); Conference Ministerielle des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre sur; les Transports Maritimes (CMEAOC); 西非和中非国家部长级海运会议
*MDB; multilateral development bank; 多边发展银行
*MDF; medium-density fibreboard; 中密度纤维板
*MDGD; Management Development and Governance Division [UNDP]; 管理发展和施政司
*MDI; metered-dose inhaler [Environment]; 剂量吸入器
*MDM; Medecins du Monde; 世界医师协会
*MDO; marine diesel oil; 船用柴油
*MEA; minimum equal amount [GSP]; 最低统一配额
*MEA; Mouvement Ecologique Algerien; 阿尔及利亚生态运动
*MEA; multilateral environment agreements (MEAs); 多边环境协定
*MECED; menores en circunstancias especialmente dificiles [Mexico]; 情况特殊困难儿童
*MECOFIN; Mechanism for Confirmation and Financing of Letters of Credit and; Imports [CAF]; 信用证和进口确认与融资机制
*MECON; Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants (India) Limited; 印度冶金及工程顾问有限公司
*MEDA; Council of Mediterranean Countries; 地中海国家理事会
*MEDARABTEL; Middle East and Mediterranean Basin Telecommunications Network; 中东和地中海区域电信网络(地中海阿拉伯电信网络); MEDARABTEL Project; 地中海阿拉伯电信项目
*Medcon; East Coast Coal Charter Party [Chartering and Shipping]; 东海岸煤炭租船合同
*MEDEAS; Mediterranean Development and Environment Activities Centre; 地中海发展和环境活动中心
*MEDI;Marine Environmental Data and Information Referral System; 海洋环境数据和资料检索系统(海洋环境系统)
*MEDIA; Action Programme to Promote the Development of the Audio-Visual;Industry [EC]; 促进音像工业发展措施[共同体计划]
*MEDIA; Mauritius Export Development and Investment Authority; 毛里求斯出口发展与投资管理局
*MEDIACULT; International Institute for Audio-Visual Communication and;Cultural Development; 国际视听传播与文化发展学会(视听传播与文化发展学会)
*Medicare Medical Care [United States federal programme providing financial;assistance for medical expenses of individual senior citizens]; 医疗保健计划
*Medicus Mundis Internationalis (IOCHC); International Organization for Co-operation in Health Care; 国际保健合作组织
*Medline; 医学资料库
*MEDMECON Mediterranean Middle East Conference; 地中海中东航运公会
*MED POL;Long-Term Programme for Pollution Monitoring and Research in the;Mediterranean Sea; 地中海污染监测和研究长期方案(地中海污染研究方案)
*MEDSPA; Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment;in the Mediterranean [EC]; 保护地中海环境战略和行动计划
*MEDU;Mediterranean Action Plan Unit; 地中海行动计划股(地中海股)
*MEGALINK [A Far East-based banking consortium; translator note - not an;acronym]
*MENA;Middle East and North Africa [Region]; 中东和北非
*MENRIS; Mountain Environment and Natural Resources Information System;[UNITAR]; 山区环境和自然资源资料系统
*MEP; member of the European Parliament [EC]; 欧洲议会议员
*MEPZ;Mauritius Export Processing Zone; 毛里求斯出口加工区
*MERCOSUR; Common Market of the Southern Cone; Southern Cone Common Market; Mercado Comun del Cono Sur; 南锥体共同市场(南锥共市)[南美洲南半部锥体组成的共同市场]
*MERCURIUS; Multi-Media Emergency Rapid Communication Units relating; International and Up-Country Systems
*MERM; multinational exchange rate model [Economic Model]; 多种汇率模型
*MERT; managemeng of the Emergency Response Team [UNHCR]; 应急小组的管理
*Mex$; Mexican peso [Monetary Unit of Mexico]; 墨西哥比索
*MF; Mali franc [Monetary Unit of Mali]; 马里法郎
*MFA; Arrangement regarding International Trade in Textiles;; Multi-Fibre Arrangement [Dec. 1977]; 国际纺织品贸易安排;多纤维安排(多纤安排); [国际商品协定选编,p.249]
*MFDC;Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance [Senegal]; Mouvement des Forces Democratiques de la Casamance; 卡萨芒斯民主力量运动
*Mfg; manufacturing; 制造
*MFI; multilateral financial institutions; 多边金融机构
*MFLC;most favoured licence clause; 最惠特许条款
*MFN; most favoured nation (treatment) (mfn); 最惠国(待遇);最优惠国家(待遇)
*MFR; maximum financial requirements; 最高资金需要额
*MG; motor generator; 电动发电机
*MGF; multilateral guarantee facility; 多边担保设施
*MGP (99) Movement for People's Government [Uruguay]; Moviemiento por el Gobierno del Pueblo (Lista 99); 人民政府运动
*MGTB;Malta Government Tourist Board; 马耳他政府旅游局
*MHASA; Maquinas Herramientas Andinas; 安第斯机床有限公司
*MHWS;mean high water springs; 大潮平均高潮面
*MIA; Marine Insurance Act [UK]; 英国海上保险法
*MIA; Myanmar International Airways [Myanmar]; 缅甸国际航空公司
*MIC; Malaysian Indian Congress [Malaysia]; 马来西亚印度人国大党
*MICAS; Microcomputer Based Commodity Information and Analysis System; 适用于微型计算机的商品信息和分析系统(商品信息分析系统)
*MICIVIH;International Civilian Mission in Haiti; Mission Civile Internationale en Haiti; 驻海地国际文职人员特派团(海地特派团)
*MIDEPLAN Ministry of Planning and Co-operation [Chile]; Ministerio de Planificacion y Cooperacion; 计划与合作部
*MIDH;Movement for the Establishment of Democracy in Haiti; 海地建立民主运动
*MIE; Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property; 匈牙利保护工业产权协会
*MIF; Miners' International Federation; 国际矿工联合会(矿工联合会)
*MIG8;military intelligence group of region 8 [Philippines]; 第八区军事情报组
*MIGA;Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency; 多边投资担保机构(担保机构);MIGA Convention; 多边投资担保机构公约
*MII; Ministry of Information Industry; ; 信息产业部 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*MILF;Mindanao Islamic Liberation Front [Philippines]; 棉兰伊斯兰解放阵线
*MIMS; Motor Items Management System [UNHCR]; 机动车辆管理系统
*MINCONMAR; Ministerial Conference of West and Central African States on;Maritime Transport (MCWCS); Conference Ministerielle des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du;Centre sur les Transports Maritimes (CMEAOC); 西非和中非国家部长级海运会议
*MINDEV; Minerals Sector in the Development Process of Developing Countries; 发展中国家在发展过程中的矿业部门
*MINEX; 矿产品出口制度 [EEC - Lome Convention]
*MINISIS;Minicomputer Software Information System; 小型计算机软件资料系统
*MINUAR; United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR); Mission des Nations Unies d'Assistance au Rwanda; 联合国卢旺达援助团
*MINUGUA; United Nations Human Rights Verification Mission in Guatemala; 联合国危地马拉人权核查团; United Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of; Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive; Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala; 联合国危地马拉人权和关于人权全面协定承诺的遵守情况核查团; (联危核查团)
*MINURSO;United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara; Mission des Nations Unies pour le Referendum au Sahel Occidental; 联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团
*MIR; Revolutionary Left Movement [Bolivia; Chile]; Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionario; 左派革命运动
*MIRCEN; Microbiological Resorces Centres (MIRCENs); 微生物资源中心
*MIRV;multiple independently-targeted re-entry vehicle; 多弹头分导重返大气层运载工具;多弹头分导再入工具;MIRVed ICBM; 多弹头分导再入型洲际弹道导弹;MIRVing;把弹道导弹转换为多弹头分导再入型
*MIS; Division of Management Information Services (DMIS) [UNDP]; 管理资料事务处
*MIS; Management Information System; 管理资料系统
*MIS; Management Institution Service [UNDP]; 管理体制事务
*MIS; Military Intelligence Service [South Africa]; 军事情报局
*MISC;Malaysian International Shipping Corporation; 马来西亚国际航运公司
*Misereor Bischofliches Hilfswerk Misereor [Germany]; 主教同情心援助工作组
*MISS;management and information system staff; 管理和资料系统工作人员
*MITI;Ministry of International Trade and Industry [Japan]; 通商产业省
*MK; Malawian kwacha [Monetary Unit of Malawi]; 马拉维克瓦查
*MKO; Mujahedin Khalgh Organization [Iran]; 人民圣战者组织
*MLES; Model Law on Electronic Signiture ( UNCITRAL); 电子签字示范法(贸易法委员会) (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*MLM; International Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortages, 1993; (MLM Convention); 1993年船舶优先权和抵押权国际公约
*MLN; Tupamaros National Liberation Movement [Uruguay]; Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional (Tupamaros) (MLN-T); 图帕马罗斯民族解放运动
*MLN-T; Tupamaros National Liberation Movement [Uruguay]; Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional (MLN; Tupamaros); 图帕马罗斯民族解放运动
*MLR; minimum lending rate; 最低贷款利率;最低贷出利率
*MLSA;Monthly List of Selected Articles; 每月论著选目
*MLWS;mean low water springs; 大潮平均低潮面
*m/m; man-month; 人工月
*MMAP;Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Management and;Utilization of Marine Mammals; 保护、管理和利用海洋哺乳动物的全球行动计划(哺乳动物行动计划)
*MMCESAS;Maritime Ministerial Committee for Eastern and Southern African;States; 东部和南部非洲国家部长级海事委员会
*MMD; Movement for Multi-Party Democracy;;Multi-Party Movement for Democracy [Zambia]; 多党民主运动
*MME; multinational marketing enterprise (MMEs) (ref: MPE); 多国销售企业
*MMI; Medicus Mundi Internationalis; International Organization for Co-operation in Health Care (IOCHC); 国际保健合作组织(保健合作组织)
*MMSA;Mining and Metallurgical Society of America; 美国矿冶学会
*MNC; multi-national corporations (MNCs); 多国公司
*MNE; multi-national enterprises (MNEs); 多国企业
*MNP28; 28 November National Patriotic Movement [Haiti]; 十一月二十八日全国爱国运动
*MNR; Mozambique National Resistance [South Africa-backed]; Movimento Nacional de Resistancia; 莫桑比克全国抵抗运动
*MNRI;Revolutionary Nationalist Movement of the Left [Bolivia]; Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario de Izquierda; 左派民族主义革命运动
*MOD; miscellaneous obligation document; 杂项承付费用文件
*MOE; Ministry of Education; ; 教育部 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*MOF; multiple option facility (MOFF); 选择权交易融资办法
*MOFF;multiple option financing facility (MOF); 选择权交易融资办法
*MOFA;majority-owned foreign affiliates; 外国母公司拥有多数股权的子公司
*Mohd;Mohammed; 穆罕默德[阿拉伯人名]
*MOLINAKA National Liberation Movement of Cambodia; 柬埔寨民族解放运动
*MOP; Meteosat Operational Programme [ESA geostationary satellites]; 气象卫星业务方案
*MOSS;Maintenance and Operation Services Section; 维持和操作事务科
*MOU; memorandum of understanding (MoU); 谅解备忘录
*MP; marginal product; 边际产品
*MP; member of parliament; 议会议员
*MPA; mental pain and anguish; 精神创伤和痛苦[赔偿问题]
*MPC; marginal propensity to consume; 边际消费倾向
*MPC; maximum permissible concentration; 最大允许浓度
*MPCC;Maghreb Permanent Consultative Committee (CPCM); Comite Permanent Consultatif du Maghreb; 马格里布常设协商委员会
*MPE; multinational production enterprises (MPEs) (ref: MME); 多国生产企业
*MPG; Managerial Policy Group; 管理政策组
*MPJ; Pan-African Youth Movement (PYM); Mouvement Panafricain de la Jeunesse; 泛非青年运动
*MPLA;Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola; Movimento Popular de Libertacao de Angola; 安哥拉人民解放运动;MPLA-PT; MPLA-Partido do Travalho;安哥拉人民解放运动--劳动党
*MPNP;Multi-Party Negotiating Process [South Africa]; 多党谈判进程
*MPP; marginal physical product; 边际物质产品
*MPP; Papaye Peasant Movement [Haiti]; 帕帕耶农民运动
*MPRI; Military Professional Resources Inc. [USA]; 军事专业资源公司[提供雇佣军事服务的公司]
*MPS; System of Material Product Balances; Material Product System [UN]; 物质产品平衡制度;物质产品制;物资制;MPS Questionnaire;物资制问题单
*MPS; Ministry of Public Security; 公安部 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*MPU; manpower unit; 人力劳动单位
*MQM; Mohajir Qaumi Movement [Pakistan]; 全国移民运动
*MR; marginal revenue; 边际收益
*MRAS;Management Review and Analysis Section [UNDP]; 管理情况审查和分析科
*MRCS;Malaysian Red Crescent Society; 马来西亚红新月会
*MRG; Minority Rights Group; 少数人权利团体; Minority Rights Group International; 少数人权利团体国际
*MRM; Mozambique Resistance Movement; 莫桑比克抵抗运动
*MRN; Muerte a Revolucionarias del Nordeste; Death to the Revolutionaries of the North-East [a Colombian;partamilitary group]
*MRND;Mouvement Revolutionnaire National pour le Developpement [Rwanda]; 全国发展革命运动
*MRP; marginal revenue product; 边际收益产品
*MRR & SW Ministry of Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Social Welfare;[Sri Lanka]; 重建、复原与社会福利部
*MRS; marginal rate of substitution; 边际替代率
*MRs; Mauritian rupee [Monetary Unit of Mauritius]; 毛里求斯卢比
*MRT; marginal rate of transformation; 边际转换率
*MRTA;Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement [Peru]; Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru; 图帕克·阿马鲁革命运动
*MRTP;monopolies and restrictive trade practices; 垄断和限制性贸易惯例
*MRTPA; Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act [India]; 垄断和限制性贸易惯例法
*MRTPC; Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission [India]; 垄断和限制性贸易惯例委员会
*MRU; Mano River Union; 马诺河联盟
*M$; Malaysian dollar [Monetary Unit of Malaysia]; 马来西亚元
*MSA; methanesulfonic acid; methylsulfonic acid; 甲磺酸; methylsulfinic acid; 甲亚磺酸
*MSA; MSA countries (most seriously affected countries); 受影响最严重国家
*MSC; United Nations Military Staff Committee (UNMSC); 联合国军事参谋团(军参团)
*MSDN;International Microbial Strain Data Network; 国际微生物品系数据网(微生物品系网)
*MSDS;Material Safety Data Sheet [USA];[data sheet on which manufacturers indicate certain kinds of; information relating to a product]; 材料安全数据表
*MSF; Medecins sans Frontieres; 无国界医生组织
*MSG; Melanesian Spearhead Group; 美拉尼西亚先锋集团(美拉尼西亚集团)
*MSIN;Multisectoral Information Network; 多部门资料网
*MST; marke shadstoffengeprufter textilien [German]; 纺织品有害物质检测标记
*MT; multimodal transport; 多式联运;MT document;多式联运单据
*mt; metric tonnes; 公吨
*MTA; Mong Tai Army [Myanmar]; 孟泰军
*MTC; maximum tolerable concentration; 最大可容许浓度
*MTCR; Missile Technology Control Regime; 导弹技术管制制度
*MTI; Magyar Tavirati Iroda [Hungary]; 匈牙利通讯社
*MTM; method of time mesurement; 时间计量方法
*MTN; multilateral trade negotiations (MTNs); 多边贸易谈判(多贸谈判)
*MTO; Multilateral Trade Organization; 多边贸易组织
*MTO; multimodal transport operators (MTOs); 多式联运经营人
*MTP; medium-term perspective; 中期展望
*MTU; metric ton unit [Tungsten]; 公吨度
*MU; marginal utility; 边际效用
*MULPOC; the multinational programming and operational centres (POC); 多国方案编制和业务中心
*MULT;Movimiento de Unificacion y Lucha Triqui; Movement for Triqui Unification and Struggle [Mexico]; 特里克人统一和斗争运动
*Multifert SA; Empresa Latino Americana de Comercializacion de Fertilizantes; 拉丁美洲肥料贸易公司(多国肥料公司)
*MULTIMOD; Multi-region econometric model; 多区域经济计量模型(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*MULTIPORT; Multiport Ship Agencies Network; 多港口船舶代理商联络网
*MULTISHIP Model; (a software programme for aiding multimodal transport operations); 多式联运模型软件
*MUT; marke umweltvertraglicher textilien [German]; 纺织品无害环境标记
*MUTUELLE; International Civil Servants Mutual Association; 国际公务员互助会
*MV; motor vehicle; 机动车辆; motor vessel; 轮船;机动船只
*M/V; merchant vessel; 商船
*MVA; manufacturing value added; 制造业增加值(制增值)
*MVP; minimum viable production; 有利的最低生产
*MW; megawatt; 百万瓦;兆瓦[功率单位]
*MWASA; Media Workers Association of South Africa; 南非新闻广播工作者协会
*MWe; megawatt electrical; 兆瓦电力
*MWIA;Medical Women's International Association; 国际女医务人员协会(女医务人员协会)
*MWL; Muslim World League; 世界穆斯林联盟(穆斯林联盟)
*MX; missile experimental;MX missile; MX型导弹
*MY; Movement for Yugoslavia [Serbia]; Pokret za Jugoslaviju (PJ); 南斯拉夫运动
*MYRA;multiyear (debt) rescheduling agreement/arrangement; 多年期债务偿还重新安排协定/计划
*N;new post for additional activities [UNHCR]; 增列活动的新设职位
*N;Nigerian naira [Monetary Unit of Nigeria]; 尼日利亚奈拉
*NA; not applicaple; 不适用[表格用语]
*n/a; not available; 无资料;不详;缺[表格用语]
*NAA; National Association of Accounts [USA]; 全国会计师协会;NAA Bulletin; 全国会计师协会会刊
*NAA; newly arrived applicants [Refugee]; 新到达申请者
*naa; not always afloat [Chartering and Shipping]; 不经常飘浮
*NAAFI; Navy, Army and Air Force Institute; 海陆空军研究所
*NAAQO; National Ambient Air Quality Objective [Canada]; 国家环境空气质量目标
*NAASQ; National Ambient Air Quality Standard [USA]; 国家环境空气质量标准
*NAAWU; National Automobile and Allied Workers Union [South Africa]; 全国汽车及相关行业工人工会
*NACA;National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics [USA]; 国家航空咨询委员会
*NACEC; North American Commission for Environmental Co-operation; 北美环境合作委员会
*NACTU; Namibian Congress of Trade Unions [Namibia]; 纳米比亚工会大会; National Council of South African Trade Unions; 南非工会全国理事会
*NADAF; United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s; (UN-NADAF); 1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程
*NADEL; National Association of Democratic Lawyers [South Africa]; 全国民主律师协会
*NADK;National Alliance of Democratic Kampuchea [Cambodia]; 民主柬埔寨民族联盟 [波尔布特派]; National Army of Democratic Kampuchea [Cambodia]; 民主柬埔寨国民军 [波尔布特派]
*NAFAWU; Namibian Food and Allied Workers' Union [Namibia]; 纳米比亚食品及相关行业工人工会
*NAFTA; North American Free Trade Agreement [Canada-Unite States-Mexico]; 北美自由贸易协定(纳夫塔); North American Free Trade Area; 北美自由贸易区(纳夫塔)
*NAIC; National Association of Insurance Commissioners [USA]; 全国保险管理机构主管协会
*NAIHO; National Aboriginal and Islander Health Organization [Australia]; 全国土著和岛民卫生组织
*NAILSS; National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Service Secretariat;[Australia]; 全国土著和岛民法律事务秘书处
*NAIRU; non-accelerating-inflation rate of unemployment; 非加速性失业增长率
*NAM; National Association of Manufacturers [USA]; 全国制造商协会
*NAM; Non-Aligned Movement; 不结盟运动(不盟运)
*NAMIBIA;Office of the UNited Nations Commission for Namibia (OCN); 联合国纳米比亚专员办事处
*NAMUCAR;Sociedad Naviera Multinacional del Caribe; 加勒比地区多国海运公司
*NANBAN; [印度援救童工的一民间组织]
*NANSO; Namibian National Students Organization [Namibia]; 纳米比亚全国学生组织
*NAOS;North Atlantic Ocean Stations Agreement (NAOS Agreement) [WMO]; 北大西洋海洋观测站协定
*NAP; New Alliance Party [USA]; 新联盟党
*NAPAp; National Acid Precipitation Assessment Programme; 国家酸雨评价方案
*NAPCA; National Air Pollution Control Administration [USA]; 国家大气污染管理局
*NAPDO; Nama People's Democratic Organization; 纳马人民民主组织
*NARP;Natural Resources Protection Group [Sudan]; 自然资源保护小组
*NARS;national agricultural research system; 国家农业研究系统(国家农研系统)
*NARS;National Archives and Records Services [USA]; 国家档案和记录处
*NARUC; National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners [USA]; 全国公用事业管理机构主管协会
*NARV; Nordic Assistance to the Repatriated Vietnamese; 北欧援助归国越南人协会
*NAS; National Aerospace Standards [US]; 国际航空航天标准
*NASA;National Aeronautic and Space Administration [USA]; 国家航空和航天局
*NASSCOM; National Association of Software and Service ; Companies; 全国软件和服务企业协会 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*NASDA; National Space Development Agency of Japan; 日本国家宇宙开发事业团
*NAST; Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology; 尼泊尔皇家科学和技术学院(尼科技学院)
*NAT; North Atlantic Treaty; 北大西洋公约(北约)
*NATCAP; National Technical Co-operation Assessment and Programmes (NaTCAP); 国家技术合作评价和方案 (技合评价方案)[联合国开发计划署方案]
*NATLD; North America Top Level Domain Organization; 北美顶级域名组织 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*NATO;North Atlantic Treaty Organization; 北大西洋公约组织(北约组织)
*NAVSTAR;Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging; 定时与测距导航卫星
*NAVSWC; Naval Surface Weapons Centre (NSWC) [USA]; 海军水面武器中心
*NAWL;National Association of Women Lawyers; 全国女律师协会(女律师协会)
*NAWMP; North American Waterfowl Management Plan [1986]; 北美洲水禽管理计划
*NB; nota bene [Latin]; 注意;请注意
*NBA; Niger Basin Authority; 尼日尔河流域管理局
*NBBPVI; National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors; 国家锅炉及压力容器监察局
*NC; Combined Nomenclature [EC]; Nomenclature Combinee; 综合目录
*NC; Nature Conservancy [USA]; 自然保护社
*Nc; Ghanaian new cedi [Monetary Unit of Ghana]; 加纳新塞地
*NCA; National Coal Association [USA]; 全国煤炭协会
*NCAR; National Centre for Atmospheric Research [United States]; 国家大气研究中心
*NCARB; National Council of Architectural Registration Boards [USA]; 建筑师注册处全国理事会
*NCB; nationalized commercial bank;国有化商业银行(国有商银)
*NCCK;National Christian Council of Kenya; 肯尼亚全国基督教理事会
*NCE; non-compulsory expenditure; 非必支费
*NCGUB; National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma; 缅甸联邦民族联合政府
*NCI; new Community instrument [EC]; 共同体新手段
*NCIH;National Council for International Health; 促进国际保健全国理事会(促进国际保健理事会)
*NCITD; National Committee for International Trade Documentation [USA]; 全国国际贸易文献委员会
*NCNA;New China News Agency; Xinhua News Agency [news agency] [China]; 新华通讯社(新华社)
*NCOA;National Council on the Aging, Inc.; 老龄问题全国理事会(老龄理事会)
*NCOS; National Centre for Overseas Development; 全国海外发展中心
*NCR; National Cash Register Corp. [USA]; 国民收银机器公司
*NCR; no carbon required [Photocopier]; 无需碳黑
*NCTA;Northern Corridor Transit Agreement [A/40/450]; 北部走廊过境协定(北廊协定)
*NCUB;National Council of the Union of Burma; 缅甸联邦国家委员会[反对军人政府]
*NCV; no commercial value; 无商业价值
*NDC; national data centres (NDCs) [Disarmament]; 国家数据中心
*NDC; National Documentation Centre; 国家文献中心
*NDF; National Democratic Front [Myanmar]; 民族民主阵线
*NDH; Independent State of Croatia [1941-1945]; 克罗地亚独立国
*NDI; National Democratic Institute [USA]; 全国民主党学会
*NDP; National Democratic Party [Macedonia]; 民族民主党[主要由阿尔巴尼亚族裔组成]; National Democratic Party [South Africa]; 民族民主党
*NDP; net domestic product; 国内生产净值
*NDRE;Norwegian Defense Research Establishment; 挪威国防研究所
*NEA; Nuclear Energy Agency [OECD]; 核能机构
*NEAP;National Environmental Action Plan; 国家环境行动计划
*NEC; National Executive Committee [ANC]; 全国执行委员会
*NECAP; Near East Commission on Agricultural Planning [FAO]; 近东农业规划委员会
*NED; National Endowment for Democracy [USA]; 全国民主基金
*NEDO;New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization;[Japan]; 新能源和工业技术开发组织
*NEER;nominal effective exchange rate [ref: REER]; 名义有效汇率
*NEM; new economic mechanism; 新经济机制
*NEMA;National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 全国电机厂商协会
*NEMA;National Emergency Management Association [USA]; 全国紧急情况管理协会
*NEPAD; New Partnership for Africa's Development; 非洲发展新伙伴关系(A/56/849)
*NERA;National Economic Research Agency [Netherlands]; 国家经济研究署
*NERC;National Electric Reliability Council; 全国稳定供电理事会
*NERC;National Environmental Research Centre [USA]; 全国环境研究中心
*NERC;Natural Environmental Research Council [UK]; 自然环境研究委员会
*NERS;National Emergency Relief Services; 国家紧急救济服务
*NES; National Environment Secretariat [Kenya]; 国家环境秘书处
*nes; not elsewhere specified; 他处未列明(的)
*NESDB; National Economic and Social Development Board [Thailand]; 国家经济和社会发展理事会
*NEST;Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team; 尼日利亚环境研究/行动队
*NETT;Network for Environmental Technology Transfer [EC]; (欧洲)环境技术转让网
*NF; natural fibres; 天然纤维
*NF; Normes Francaise [France]; 法国标准
*NFP; national focal points (NFPs); 国家协调中心;国家联络点
*Ng; Bhutanese Ngultrum [Monetary Unit of Bhutan]; 不丹努尔特鲁姆
*NGDO-EC;NGDO-EC Committee; NGDO-EC Liaison Committee; Liaison Committee of Development Non-Governmental Organizations to;the European Communities; 非政府发展组织与欧洲共同体联络委员会
*NGK; Nederdnitse Gereformeerde Kerk [South Africa]; 北日耳曼归正会 [基督教一教派]
*NGLS;United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations Liaison Service; 联合国非政府组织联络事务处(非政府组织联络处)
*NGO; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG); 非政府组织
*NHP; nominal horse-power; 额定马力
*NI; non-attached member [EC]; non-inscrit; 无党派议员[欧洲议会]
*NIC; newly industrialized countries (NICs); 新兴工业化国家(新兴国家); [因为概念上包括台湾、香港,联合国文件一般用 NIEs,不用 NICs]
*NIC; non-industrialized countries (NICs); 非工业化国家
*NIE; newly industrialized economies (NIEs); 新兴工业化经济(实体); (新兴经济)
*NIEM;Network for Industrial Environmental Management; 工业环境管理网络
*NIEO;New International Economic Order; 新国际经济秩序
*NIESR; National Institute of Economic and Social Research [UK]; 全国经济社会研究所
*NIF; note issuance facility (ref: SNIF); 债券发行融资办法
*NIFP;National Institute of Family Planning [India]; 国立计划生育研究所
*NII; National Information Infrastructure [USA]; 全国性信息基础设施(信息高速公路)
*Nikkei; Nippon Keizai Shinbun [Japan]; 日本经济新闻(日经)
*NIMEXE; Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the;Commodity and Statistics of Trade between Member States [EC]; 共同体对外贸易和成员国之间贸易统计商品目录;(共同体贸易统计商品目录)
*NIO; National Institute of Oceanography [India]; 国立海洋学研究所
*NIOC;National Iranian Oil Company; 伊朗国家石油公司
*NIR; non-ionizing radiation; 不电离辐射;不引起离子化反应的辐射
*NIS; newly-independent states; 新独立国家 [特别指从前苏联、南斯拉夫和捷克分出来的国家]
*NIS; Norwegian International Register; 挪威国际船舶登记
*NISBCO; National Inter-Religious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors; 全国宗教间因信仰拒服兵役者联合服务委员会
*NK; Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK) [Japan]; 日本海事协会[日本船级社]
*NKK; Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK) [Japan]; 日本海事协会[日本船级社]
*NKP; National Climate Programme [Czech];国家气候方案
*NKr; Norwegian krone [Monetary Unit of Norwey]; 挪威克朗
*NLAI;National Liberation Army of Iran; 伊朗民族解放军
*NLD; National League for Democracy [Myanmar]; 全国民主联盟
*NLM; national liberation movements (NLMs); 民族解放运动;NLM IPF; 民族解放运动指规数
*NLW; non-lethal weapons; 非致命武器
*nm; nanometre; 毫微米
*NMA; Lloyd's Underwriters' Non-Marine Association Limited; 劳埃德非海事保险人协会
*NMA; National Maritime Authority [Nigeria]; 国家海运管理局
*NMAB;National Material Advisory Board [US Department of Commerce]; 国际物质咨询委员会
*NMOG;Neutral Military Observer Group [OAU]; 中立军事观察团(中立军观团)
*NMVOC; non-methane volatile organic carbon; 非甲烷挥发性有机碳化物
*NMP; net material product; 物质生产净值[社会主义国家]
*NMT; no more than; 不大于;不超过
*NMT; number of model types; 组件类型号码
*NNC; Namibia National Convention; 纳米比亚全国大会
*NNSL;Nigerian National Shipping Line; 尼日利亚国家航运公司
*NNWS; non-nuclear-weapon State; 无核武器国家
*NO; professional national officer; 本国征聘专业人员;本国专业人员
*NOAA;National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [USA]; 国家海洋和大气管理局
*NODC;non-oil developing countries (NODCs); 不生产石油的发展中国家
*NOL; Neptune Orient Line Ltd. [Singapore]; 海王星东方轮船公司
*non cul;non culpabilis [Latin]; 无罪
*non pros; non prosequitur [Latin]; 原告未出庭,宣告败诉;因缺席败诉
*NOP; not elsewhere provided for (nop; nopf); 未另行规定
*nopf;not elsewhere provided for (NOP; nop); 未另行规定
*NORAGRIC Norwegian Centre for International Agricultural Development; 挪威国际农业发展中心
*NORAD; Norwegian International Development Agency; 挪威国际开发署[旧名]; Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation; 挪威发展合作署[新名]
*NORIMPOD Norwegian Import Opportunities Office; 挪威进口机会办事处
*NORINCO;China North Industries Corporation; 中国北方工业公司
*NOS; not otherwise specified; 未另作规定的
*NOVIB; Netherlands Organization for International Development;Co-operation; 荷兰国际发展合作组织(荷兰发合组织)
*NOW; National Organization for Women [USA]; 全国妇女组织(妇女组织)
*NOW; New Opportunities for Women [EC]; 增加妇女就业机会计划
*NOW; NOW accounts (negotiable order of withdrawal accounts); 能开出可转让支付命令的活期存款帐户;可转让提款委托帐户
*NPA; New People's Army [Philippines]; 新人民军
*NPFL;National Patriotic Front of Liberia; 利比里亚民族爱国阵线
*NPL; National Priority List [USA]; 全国首要工作清单(优先处理全国重大危险废物倾弃场)
*NPPLC; Nigerian Ports PLC; 尼日利亚港务管理股份有限公司
*NPPP; national professional project personnel; 国家专业计划工作人员
*NPS; National Peace Secretariat of South Africa; 南非全国和平秘书处
*NPS; nuclear power source; 核动力源; nuclear power system; 核动力系统
*NPT; Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; [A/RES/2373(XXII); 1968]; 不扩散核武器条约(不扩散条约); NPTREC; NTP Review and Extension Conference; 不扩散核武器条约审查会议;; 不扩散核武器条约审议和延期大会
*NPV; net present value; 净现值
*NRA; National Resistance Army [Uganda]; 民族抵抗军
*NRBP;natural resource-based products (NRBPs); 以自然资源为基础的产品(自然加工品)
*NRC; Norweigian Refugee Council; 挪威难民理事会; National Refug Ceeommittee; 国家难民委员会
*NRC; National Research Council [US National Academy of Science]; 全国科学研究委员会
*NRC; National Resistance Council [Uganda]; 全国抵抗委员会
*NRCC;National Research Council (of Canada); 加拿大国家科学研究委员会
*NRDC;Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.; 保护自然资源理事会
*NRECA; National Rural Electric Co-operative Association [USA]; 全国农村电力合作社协会
*NRED;Natural Resources and Energy Division (RED) [DTCD]; 自然资源和能源司
*NRI; National Republican Institute [USA]; 全国共和党学会
*NRM; National Resistance Movement [Uganda]; 全国抵抗运动
*NRP; New Republic Party [South Africa]; 新共和党
*NRS; National Recruitment Services; 各国征聘事务;各国征聘事务处
*NRs; Nepalese rupee [Monetary Unit of Nepal]; 尼泊尔卢比
*NRSE;new and renewable sources of energy; 新能源和可再生能源
*NRUG;Natural Resource Users' Group [New Zealand]; 自然资源使用者集团
*N-S; north-south; 南北; north-south trade; 南北贸易
*NSA; negative security assurances (NSAs) [Disarmament]; 消极安全保证; Ad Hoc Committee on Effective International Arrangements to Assure;Non-Nuclear-Weapon States against the Use or Threat of Use of;Nuclear Weopons;;Ad Hoc Committee on Negative Security Assurances;;Committee on Security Assurances for Non-Nuclear Weapon States; 保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排特设委员会;(消极安全保证特设委员会;保证无核武器国家安全委员会)
*NSCN;National Socialist Council of Nagaland [India]; 全国那加兰社会主义者理事会
*NSF; National Science Foundation [USA]; 国家科学基金会
*NSG; Nuclear Suppliers Group; 核供应国家集团
*NSMS;National Security Management System [South Africa]; 国家安全管理制度
*NSWC;Naval Surface Warfare Centre (NAVSWC) [USA]; 海军水面武器中心
*NSWLC; New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council [Australia]; 新南威尔士土著地方理事会
*NTB; non-tariff barriers (NTBs); 非关税壁垒(非关壁垒)
*NTB; Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty; 禁止核试验条约; NTB C & C; NTB Consultation and Clarification; 禁止核试验条约磋商和澄清
*NTBAHC; Ad Hoc Committee on a Nuclear Test Ban; 禁止核试验特设委员会
*NTF; Nigerian Trust Fund; 尼日利亚信托基金
*NTM; national technical means; 国家技术手段
*NTM; non-tariff measures (NTMs); 非关税措施(非关措施)
*NUDO;National Unity Democratic Organization of Namibia; 纳米比亚民族统一民主组织
*NULF;National United Liberation Front [Burma]; 民族统一解放阵线
*NUM; National Union of Mineworkers [South Africa]; 全国采矿工人工会
*NUMARWOSA; National Union of Motor Assemply and Rubber Workers of;South Africa; 南非汽车装配与橡胶工人全国联盟
*NUMSA; National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa; 南非全国金属工人工会
*NUNW;National Union of Namibian Workers [Namibia]; 纳米比亚全国工人工会
*NUP; National Unity Party [Myanmar]; 民族团结党
*NUSAS; National Union of South African Students; 南非学生全国联盟
*NUST;National University of Science and Technology [Zimbabwe]; 国立科技大学
*NUT; Nutrition Unit [Division of Food and Nutrition, WHO]; 营养股
*NV; naamloze vennootschap [Netherlands]; 股份有限公司
*NV; Det Norske Veritas [Norway]; 挪威船级社
*NVO; non-vessel operators (NVOs); 无船经营人
*NVO-MTO;non-vessel-operating multimodal transport operators; 无船多式联运经营人
*NVOC; non-vessel-operating carriers (NVOCs; NVOCC; NVOCCs); 无船承运人
*NVOCC; non-vessel-operating common carriers (NVOC; NVOCs; NVOCCs); 无船承运人
*NWFZ; nuclear-weapon-free zone; 无核武器区
*NY; New York; 纽约
*NYCC; New York Computing Centre; 纽约计算中心
*NYCS; New York Computing Service; 纽约计算事务处; New York Computing System; 纽约计算系统
*NYMEX; New York Mercantile Exchange [USA]; 纽约商业交易所
*NYT; New York Times; 纽约时报
*NZ$; New Zealand dollar [Monetary Unit of New Zealand]; 新西兰元
*O;opening of new office [UNHCR]; 开设新办事处
*OA; office automation; 事务工作自动化
*OAA; African Insurance Organization (AIO); Organisation des Assurances Africaines; 非洲保险组织
*OAB; Bar Association of Brazil; Orden de Abogados de Brasil; 巴西律师协会
*OAIC;Ozone Action Information Clearinghouse; 臭氧行动信息交换中心
*OAL; Other Adjustment Lending [World Bank]; 其他调整贷款
*OAMPI; Afro-Malagasy Industry Property Office; Office Africain et Malgache de la Propriete Industrielle; 非洲和马达加斯加工业产权管理局
*OANA;Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies; 亚洲及太平洋通讯社组织
*OAPEC; Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries; 阿拉伯石油输出国组织(阿拉伯欧佩克); OAPEC-SAAPIC; OAPEC Special Account to ease the financial burdens of Arab; Petroleum-Importing Countries; 阿拉伯欧佩克为减轻阿拉伯石油输入国财政负担的特别帐户
*OAPI; African Intellectual Property Organization (AIPO); Organisation Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle; 非洲知识产权组织
*OAS; Organization of American States; Organizacion de Estados Americanos (OEA); 美洲国家组织(美洲组织)
*OAT; Arab Labour Organization (ALO); Organisation Arabe du Travail; 阿拉伯劳工组织
*OATUU; Organization of African Trade Union Unity [formerly: ATUC]; 非洲工会统一组织(工会统一组织)
*OAU; Organization of African Unity; 非洲统一组织(非统组织)
*OB; other budgetary; 其他预算
*OBO; oil/bulk/ore; 石油/散货/矿砂(三用船)
*OBU; offshore banking unit; 银行的海外分支机构;海外银行
*oc; opere citato (op cit) [Latin]; 前面所引用的书中;前引书; opus citatum (op cit) [Latin]; 所引用的书
*O/C; open charter [Chartering and Shipping]; 货港未定租船合同
*O/C; open cover [Insurance]; 预约保险
*OCA; ocean and coastal area; 海洋和沿海区域;OCA/PAC; Ocean and Coastal Area Programme Activity Centre;海洋和沿海区域方案活动中心
*OCA; other countries in asia [UNHCR, refugees]; 亚洲其他国家
*OCAM;Common Afro-Mauritian Organization; Organisation Commune Africaine et Mauricienne; 非洲及毛里求斯共同组织
*OCAMM; Common Afro-Malagasy and Mauritian Organization; Organisation Commune Africaine, Malgache et Mauricienne; 非洲、马达加斯加及毛里求斯共同组织
*OCA/PAC;Ocean and Coastal Area Programme Activity Centre; 海洋和沿海区域方案活动中心
*OCAS;Organization of Central American States; Organizacion de Estados Centroamericanos (ODECA); 中美洲国家组织(中美洲组织)
*OCHA; United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs; (UNOCHA); 联合国人道主义事务协调厅
*OCIMF; Oil Companies' International Marine Forum; 石油公司国际海事论坛(海事论坛)
*OCL; Orient Container Line; 东方集装箱航运公司; Overseas Containers Ltd.; 海外集装箱运输公司
*OCLAE; Organizacion Continental Latinoamericana de Estudiantes; 拉丁美洲大陆学生组织
*OCLALAV;Organisation Commune de Lutte Antiacridienne et de Lutte;Antiaviaire; 虫害及鸟害防治共同组织
*OCN; Office of the United Nations Commissioner for Namibia (NAMIBIA); 联合国纳米比亚专员办事处
*OCP; overland common points; 美国OCP运输 [美国对横贯大陆的大陆桥货物运输的称呼]
*OCPH;Organisation Catholique pour la Promotion Humaine; 天主教促进人道组织
*OCS; Office of Conference Services; 会议事务厅
*OCSS;Office of Conference and Support Services [formerly: OCS]; 会议和支助事务厅
*OCT; Overseas Countries and Territories [EEC]; 海外国家与领土[与欧洲经济共同体成员国有特殊关系的国家和领土]
*OCTI;Central Office for International Railway Transport; Office Central des Transports Internatiaux par Chemins de Fer; 国际铁路运输总局
*OCTS;overseas countries and territories [EC]; 海外国家与领地
*ODA; official developme antssistance; 官方发展援助(官发援)
*ODA; Overseas Development Administration [UK]; 海外开发管理局
*ODAS;Ocean Data Acquisition System; 海洋数据收集系统
*ODECA; Organization of Central American States (OCAS); Organizacion de Estados Centroamericanos; 中美洲国家组织(中美洲组织)
*ODETTE; Organization for Data Exchange by Teletransmission in Europe; 欧洲电信传输数据交换组织
*ODF; official development finance; 官方发展融资(官发融)
*ODG; Office of the Director-General [FAO]; 总干事办公室
*ODGDIC; Office of the Director-General for Development and International;Economic Co-operation (DIEC; ODGDIEC); 发展和国际经济合作总干事办公室
*ODGDIEC;Office of the Director-General for Development and International;Economic Co-operation (DIEC; ODGDIC); 发展和国际经济合作总干事办公室
*ODI; Open Door International: for the Economic Emancipation of the;Women Worker; 争取女工经济解放国际协会(争取女工经济解放协会)
*ODI; Overseas Development Institute [UK]; 海外开发协会(海外协会)
*ODIHR; Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights; 民主体制和人权事务处(民主人权处)
*ODP; Orderly Departure Programme [Refugees]; 有组织的离境方案
*ODP; ozone deplete potentials; 消耗臭氧潜能;消耗臭氧潜能值
*ODS; Civic Democratic Party [Czech]; 公民民主党
*OEA; Organization of American States (OAS); Organizacion de Estados Americanos; 美洲国家组织(美洲组织)
*OECD; Organization for Economic Co-operation and Developmen; [formerly: OEEC]; 经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)[原称“欧洲经济合作组织”]; OECD Convention; 经济合作与发展组织公约
*OECO; Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS); Organisation des Etats Caraibes Orientales; Organizacion de los Estados del Caribe Oriental; 东加勒比国家组织(东加勒比组织)
*OECS; Organization of Eastern Caribbean States; Organisation des Etats Caraibes Orientales (OECO); Organizacion de los Estados del Caribe Oriental (OECO); 东加勒比国家组织(东加勒比组织)
*OED; European Drugs Monitoring Centre [EC]; Observatoir Europeen des Drogues; 欧洲毒品监测中心
*OEEC;Organization for European Economic Co-operation [now: OECD]; 欧洲经济合作组织(欧经合组织) [现称“经济合作与发展组织”]
*OEOA;United Nations Office for Emergency Operations in Africa;[now: UNOEA]; 联合国非洲紧急行动事务处(非洲紧急行动处)
*OES; Office of the Executive Secretary [ECE]; 执行秘书办公室
*OETO;Ocean Economics and Technology Office; 海洋经济和技术处
*OF; overland transit full [Container]; (集装箱)外地装箱回运
*OFDA;United States Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance [USA]; 美国外国灾害援助局
*OFIAMT; Office Federal de l'Industrie, des Arts et Metiers et du;Travail [Switzerland]; 联邦工业、手工艺业及劳动局
*OFIDA; Office National des Douanes et Accises [Zaire]; 国家关税及消费税局
*OFN; Organization for Flora Neotropica; 新热带区植物志组织
*OFOESA; Office for Field Operational and External Support Activities;;Office of Field Operational and External Support Activities; 外勤业务和外部支助活动事务处
*OFPRA; Office Francais de la Protection des Refugies et Apatrides;[France]; 法国保护难民和无国籍者办事处
*OFS; Office of Financial Services (AFM/OFS; FS) [AFM]; 财务厅
*OGC; Oregon Graduate Centre for Study and Research [USA]; 俄勒冈研究生学习研究中心
*OGL; Observer Group Lebanon; 黎巴嫩观察团
*OGL; open generaliged licensing facility; 公开普遍发放许可证办法
*OGPEC; officially guaranteed private export credits; 官方担保的私人出口信贷
*OGS; Office of General Services (AFM/OGS; GS) [AFM]; 总务厅
*OHCHR; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处(人权专员办事处;人权高专办)
*OHR; Office of the High Representative [Former Yugoslavia]; 高级代表办事处
*OHRM;Office of Human Resources Management [UN Secretariat]; 人力资源管理厅
*OHTEX; Ocean Heat Transport Experiment; 海洋热量输送实验
*OIC; Organization of the Islamic Conference; 伊斯兰会议组织(伊斯兰组织)
*OICA;International Organization of Automobile Manufacturers; Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles; 国际汽车制造商组织
*OICE;European International Consultants Association; 欧洲国际顾问协会
*OICMA; Organisation Internationale de Lutte contre le Criquet Migrateur;Africain; 国际防治非洲移栖蝗虫组织
*OIDEL; International Organization for the Development of Freedom of;Education (IODFE); Organization Internationale pour le Developpement de la Liberte;d'Enseignement; 促进教育自由国际组织(促进教育自由组织)
*OIE; International Office of Epizootics; Office International des Epizooties; 国际兽疫局
*OIEC;Catholic International Education Office; Office International de l'Enseignement Catholoque; 天主教国际教育局(天主教教育局)
*OIKOS; Cooperacao e Desenvolvimento [Portugal]; 合作与发展组织
*OILPOL; International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the;Sea by Oil, 1954;[London; 12 May 1954; UN Treaty Series, Vol.237]; 1954年防止海上油污国际公约 [国际条约集 1958-59,p.750]
*OIML;International Organization of Legal Metrology (IOLM); Organisation Internationale de Metrologie Legale; 国际法定度量衡组织
*OIOS;United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services; 联合国内部监督事务厅(监督厅)
*OISCA; Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement;International (OISCA International); 国际工业、精神与文化促进组织(工业、精神与文化促进组织)
*OITF;Intergovernmental Organization for International Carriage by Rail; Organisation Intergouvernmentale pour les Transports;Internationaux Ferroviaires; 政府间国际铁路运输组织
*OJ; official journal; 公报; Official Journal of the European Communities [EC]; 欧洲共同体公报
*OJO; open job offer; 公开招聘
*OKB; Organization for the Planning and Development of the Kagera Basin; 卡盖拉河流域规划和开发组织
*OLA; Office of Legal Affairs (LEG; SG/LEG); 法律事务厅
*OLADE; Latin American Energy Organization; Organismo Latinoamericano de Energia; 拉丁美洲能源组织
*OLF; Oromo Liberation Front [Ethiopia]; 奥罗莫解放阵线
*OM; open market; 公开市场;自由市场
*OMA; orderly marketing agreements; 有秩序销售协定; orderly marketing arrangements; 有秩序销售安排
*OMAAEEC;World Organization of Former Pupils of Catholic Education [New Name]; World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Teaching [Old Name]; Organisation Mondiale des Anciens et Anciennes Eleves de;l'Enseignement Catholique; 世界天主教学校校友组织(天主教学校校友组织)
*OMB; Office of Management and Budget [USA]; 行政管理和预算局
*OMCT;World Organization against Torture; Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture (OMCT/SOS-Torture); 世界禁止酷刑组织
*OMEP;World Organization for Early Childhood Education; Organisation Mondiale pour l'Education Prescolaire; 世界幼儿教育组织
*OMLET; Ocean Mixed Layer Experiment; 海洋混合层实验
*OMONIA; Democratic Union of the Greek Minority (DUGM) [Albania]; Bashkimia Demokratik i Minoritet Grek; 希腊少数民族民主联盟
*OMS; Operational Manual Statement [World Bank]; 业务说明书
*OMTO;open market-type operation; 公开市场型活动
*OMVG;Gambia River Development Organization; Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Gambie; 冈比亚河开发组织
*OMVS;Organization for the Development of the Senegal River;;Senegal River Development Organization; Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Bassin du Fleuve Senegal;;Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal; 塞内加尔河开发组织; VSOM Convention; Convention establishing the Senegal River Development Organization; Convention portant Creation de l'Organisation pour la Mise en;Valeur du Fleuve Senegal [Nouakchott; 1972]; 设立塞内加尔河开发组织公约
*ONAC;Organizacion Natcional Campesina; National Peasant Organization [Paraguay]; 全国农民组织
*ONARS; National Office for Assistance to Refugees and Victims of Disaster; Office National d'Assistance aux Refugies et Sinistres; 国家难民和灾民救济办事处
*ONG; non-governmental organizations (NGO; NGOs); organisations non-gouvernementales; 非政府组织
*ONIC;Organizacion Nacional de Indigenas de Colombia;;Organizacion Nacional Indigena de Colombia; 哥伦比亚全国土著组织
*ONUC;United Nations Operation in the Congo; 联合国刚果行动(刚果行动)
*ONUCA; United Nations Observer Group in Central America; Observadores de las Naciones Unidas en Centroamerica; 联合国中美洲观察团
*ONUMOZ; United Nations Operation in Mozambique (UNOMO); Operation des Nations Unies au Mozambique; 联合国莫桑比克行动(莫桑比克行动)
*ONUSAL; United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador; Observadores de las Naciones Unidas en El Salvador; 联合国萨尔瓦多观察团
*ONUVEH; United Nations Observer Group for the Verification of the;Elections in Haiti; 联合国核查海地选举观察团
*ONUVEN; United Nations Ovservers for the Verification of the Elections in;Nicaragua; 联合国核查尼加拉瓜选举观察团
*OOF; other official flows; 其他官方流动[资金]
*OOSA; Office of Outer Space Affairs; 外层空间事务厅
*OP; open policy; 预约保险单;开口保险单;船名保险单
*OP; orange pekoe [Tea]; 橙黄白毫
*OPA; open partial agreement; 开放和部分协定
*OPA; outward processing arrangements [EC]; 输出产品加工制度[输出产品经加工后再输入时,免征或部分免征进口税]
*OPA; takeover bid; offre publique d'achat; 公开出价买进
*OPA; United States Oil Pollution Act; 美国石油污染法
*OPANAL; Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and;the Caribbean; Organismo para la Proscripcion de las Armas Nucleares en America;Latina y el Caribe; 拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器组织
*OPAS;operational assistance [UNDP]; 业务援助
*op cit; opere citato (o.c.) [Latin]; 前面所引用的书中;前引书; opus citatum (o.c.) [Latin]; 所引用的书
*OPCW;Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; 禁止化学武器组织
*OPE; exchange offer; stock-swap bid; offre publique d'echange; 公开交换证券
*OPE; Office for Projects Execution [UNDP]; 项目执行处
*OPEC;Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries; 石油输出国组织(欧佩克);OPEC 1: 第一次石油危机;;OPEC 2: 第二次石油危机
*OPEX;Programme for the Provision of Operational, Executive and;Administrative Personnel; 业务、执行和管理人才储备方案
*OPI; Office of Public Information; 新闻厅
*OPM; Free Papua Movement [West Papua]; 自由巴布亚运动
*OPM; Military Political Organization [Paraguay]; Organizacion Politico Militar; 军事政治组织
*OPM; Office of Personnel Management [USA]; 人事管理局(人事局)
*OPOCE; Office for Official Publications of the European Communities [EC]; Office des Publications Officielles des Communautes Europeennes; 欧洲共同体出版局[司级单位]
*OPPBF; Office of Progrmme Planning, Budgeting and Finance; 方案规划、预算和财务处
*OPR 33; Revolutionary Popular Organization of the 33 Uruguayans; Organizacion Popular Revolucionaria 33 Orientales; 乌拉圭三十三人革命人民组织
*OPRC;International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response;and Co-operation, 1990 (OPRC Convention);[IMO; London, 29 Nov. 1990]; 1990年关于石油污染的防备、应付和合作的国际公约
*OPS; Office of Personnel Services (AFM/OPS; PS) [AFM]; 人事厅
*OPS; Office for Project Services [UNDP; replaced by OPE]; 项目事务厅
*OPS; operations; 业务;行动
*OPS; Pan-American Health Organization [PAHO]; Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud; 泛美卫生组织
*OPT; Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and;Political Rights [A/RES/2200 A(XXI)]; 公民权利和政治权利国际盟约任择议定书 [联合国人权文件汇编,p.22]
*OPT; outward processing trade; 出口加工贸易
*Opus Dei Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei; 天主事工会
*OR; open registry [Ships]; 开放登记
*ORC; open relief centres (ORCs); 开放性救济中心
*ORDEN; Organizacion Democratica Nacionalista [El Salvador]; 民族主义民主组织
*ORDINEX;International Organization of Experts; Organisation Internationale des Experts ; 国际专家组织(专家组织)
*ORIT;Organizacion Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores; 美洲区域工人组织
*ORMD;Organizacion Regional de la Mujer para el Desarrollo; 区域妇女争取发展组织
*ORPA;Organization of People in Arms [Guatemala]; Organizacion del Pueblo en Armas; 起义人民组织
*ORSC;open relief sub-centres (ORSCs) ; 开放性救济分中心
*ORSEC; ORganisation des SECours [France]; 救难组织 [属于国家民防局];ORSEC Plan; 国家民防局救难组织工作计划
*ORT; oral rehydration therapy; 口服液疗法(服液法)
*OS; outer space; 外层空间;外空
*OSAD;Outer Space Affairs Division [PSCA, UN Secretariat]; 外层空间事务司(外空司)
*OSAR;Central Swiss Office for Aid to Refugees [Switzerland]; 瑞士援助难民总办事处
*OSCAL; Office of the Special Co-ordinator for Africa and LDCs; 非洲和最不发达国家特别协调员办事处(特别协调员办事处)
*OSCE; Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe; 欧洲安全和合作组织(欧安组织)
*OSCSEAP; Office of Special Co-ordinator for Special Economic Assistance; Programmes; 特别经济援助方案协调专员办公室
*OSFO;Office of Special Fund Operations; 特别基金业务处
*OSG; Offices of the Secretary-General [UN Headquaters]; 秘书长直辖各厅处; Office of the Secretary-General of UNCTAD; 贸发会议秘书长办公室
*OSGAP; Office of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan and Pakistan; 驻阿富汗和巴基斯坦秘书长办公室
*OSI; on-site inspection; 现场视察
*OSK; Osaka Shosen KK [Japan]; 大阪商船公司;Mitsui OSK; 三井大阪商船公司
*OSLR;Programme on Ocean Science in relation to Living Resources;[UNISCO/IOC/FAO]; 关于生物资源的海洋科学方案
*OSNLR; Programme on Ocean Science in relation to Non-Living Resources;[UNESCO/IOC/FAO]; 关于非生物资源的海洋科学方案
*OSOCC; On-Site Operations Co-ordination Centre [DHA]; 现场业务协调中心
*OSP; Pan-American Sanitary Organization (PASO) [now PAHO]; Organizacion Sanitaria Panamericana; 泛美卫生组织
*OSPAA; Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization (AAPSO); Organisation de Solidarite des Peuples Afro-Afriques; 亚非人民团结组织(亚非团结组织)
*OSPQ;Office for Special Political Questions; 特别政治问题事务处
*OSRD;Office of Scientific Research and Development [USA]; 科学研究与发展局
*OSRO;Office for Sahelian Relief Operations; 萨赫勒区域救济业务处
*OSRO;Office for Special Relief Operations [FAO]; 特别救济业务处
*OSS; Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel; 撒哈拉和萨赫勒观测所
*OSSECS; Office of Secretariat Services for Economic and Social Matters;(OSSESM) [UN Secretariat]; 经济和社会事项秘书处服务厅
*OSSESM; Office of Secretariat Services for Economicnd a Social Matters;(OSSECS) [UN Secretariat]; 经济和社会事项秘书处服务厅
*OST; Office for Science and Technology; 科学和技术处(科技处)
*OT; on truck (o/t) [Chartering and Shipping]; 卡车上交货
*OT; overland transit empty [Container]; (空集装箱)从外地回运
*OTC; Office of Tecnical Co-operation; 技术合作处(技合处)
*OTC; over-the-counter (ref: OTCM); 场外交易(指不在证券交易所内进行的交易)
*OTCI;Overseas Telecommunications International [Australia]; 海外电信国际
*OTCM;over-the-counter market (ref: OTC); 场外交易市场
*OTI; Organizacion de la Television Iberoamericana [Spanish]; 伊比利亚美洲电视组织
*OTIS;on-line technology information service; 联机技术资料服务
*OTL; overhead trust local; 当地间接费用信托基金
*OTRAMA; Organisation du Trafic Mediterranee-Afrique de l'Ouest; 地中海—东非航运公会
*OUSG;office of the under-secretary-general [UN Secretariat]; 副秘书长办公室
*OUSGPGAA Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Political and General;Assembly Affairs [UN Secretariat]; 主管政治和大会事务副秘书长办公室
*OUSGSPA;Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political;Affairs [UN Secretariat]; 主管特别政治事务副秘书长办公室
*OVE; the Danish Organization for Renewable Energy; 丹麦促进可再生能源组织
*OWLS;International Society on Optics within Life Sciences; 国际生命科学中光学学会
*OWSE;Operational WWW Systems Evaluation; 世界天气监测网业务系统评价
*OXFAM; Oxford Committee for Famine Relief; 牛津饥荒救济委员会(牛津救济会)
*P;pekoe [Tea]; 白毫
*P;penny; pennies; pence; 便士[英国辅币单位]
*P;P post; 专业人员员额
*P;Philippine peso [Monetary Unit of Philippines]; 菲律宾比索
*PA; Palestinian Authority; 巴勒斯坦权力机构
*PA; particular average; 单独海损
*PA; preparatory activity; 筹备活动
*PA; public administration; 公共行政
*pa; porteur amenage; Name of older road-rail container system in Europe, based on dollies ; or built-in caster wheels by means of which containers were transfered; laterally between pa rail wagons and special road delivery vehicles.; pa containers: containers designed for pa.
*PAAC; Public Authority for Assessment of Compensation for Damages; Resulting from Iraqi Aggression [Kuwait]; 伊拉克入侵损害赔偿评定总署[科威特政府机构]
*PAAERD; United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery; and Development, 1986-1990 (UNPAAERD) [A/S-13/2 Annex]; 1986—1990年联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领; (非洲行动纲领)
*PAB; Policy Advisory Bureau [FAO]; 政策咨询局
*PABX; private automatic branch exchange; 专用自动交换机[电话]
*PAC; Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PACA); 阿扎尼亚泛非主义者大会(泛非大会)
*PAC; programme activity centres; 方案活动中心
*PACA;Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC); 阿扎尼亚泛非主义者大会(泛非大会)
*PACB;Pan-African Coffee Bureau; 泛美咖啡局
*PACD;Plan of Action for Desertification [A/RES/44/172]; Plan of Action to Combat Desertification (ref: SAFPACD); 防沙治沙行动计划
*PACT;Private Agencies Collaborating Together, Inc.; 民间机构合作协会
*PAD; Pacific Australia Direct Line (PAD Line); 太平洋澳大利亚直达航运公司
*PAD; programme allotment documents; 计划拨款文件
*PAD; Public Administration Division; 公共行政司
*PADF;Pan-American Development Foundation; 泛美发展基金会(发展基金会)
*PADIS; Pan-African Development Information System; 泛非发展资料系统
*PADO;Pan-African Development Organization; 泛非发展组织(发展组织)
*PAECA; Central American Economic Plan of Action (CAEPA); 中美洲经济行动计划
*PAFMECA;Pan-African Freedom Movement for East and Central Africa; 东非和中非泛非自由运动组织
*PAFMECSA Pan-African Freedom Movement for East, Central and South Africa; 东非、中非和南非泛非自由运动组织(泛非自由运动)
*PAFT;Programmes for Alternative Flourocarbon Toxicity Testing [UNEP]; 替代氟碳化合物毒性试验方案;PAFT I, II and III; 一号、二号和三号氟碳方案
*PAG; preliminary assistance to government; 协助政府初步; PAG mission of UNDP; 开发署协助政府初步调查访问团
*PAG; Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the United Nations System; 联合国系统蛋白质及热量咨询小组(蛋白质小组)
*PAHO;Pan-American Health Organization [formerly PASO]; Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud (OPS); 泛美卫生组织
*PAHRA; Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates; 菲律宾人权倡导者联盟
*PAI; post adjustment index; 工作地点差价调整数指数(调整数指数)
*PAID;Pan-African Institute for Development; 泛非发展学会(发展学会)
*PAIGC; Partido Africano da Independencia da Guine e Cabo Verde (PAIGCV); 几内亚和佛得角非洲独立党;PAIGC Congress; 几内亚和佛得角非洲独立党代表大会
*PAIGCV; Partido Africano da Independencia da Guine e Cabo Verde (PAIGC); 几内亚和佛得角非洲独立党
*PAIL;Procedual Aspects of International Law Institute [USA]; 国际法程序问题研究所
*PAM; Mapuches Argentina; 阿根廷马普切组织
*PAM; World Food Programme (WFP) [ESC; FAO]; Programme Alimentaire Mondial; 世界粮食计划署(粮食署);世界粮食方案(粮食方案)
*PAMERAR;Programme for Assessment and Mitigation of Earthquake Risk in the;Arab Region; 评估和减少阿拉伯区域地震危险方案
*PAN; Pesticide Action Network; 农药行动网
*PAN; programme advisory note [UNDP]; 计划指导说明
*P and I;protection and indemnity association/club (P & I); 保障赔偿协会(保赔协会)
*P and L;profit and loss (P & L; p/l); 损益;盈亏
*PANPRA; Haitian Progressive Revolutionary Nationalist Party; 海地进步革命民族主义党
*PAP; Community Action Programme on the Promotion of Equal; Opportunities for Women [EC]; Programme d'Action de la Communaute sur la Promotion de l'Egalite; des Chances pour les Femmes; 共同体促进妇女享有平等机会行动计划
*PAP; Polska Agencja Prasowa [news agency]; 波兰通讯社
*PAP; priority action programme; 优先行动方案
*PAPECA; Programa de Apoyo a la Produccion Exportable de Centroamerica; 中美洲支持出口生产方案(中美出口方案)
*PAPP;Programme of Assistance to Palestinian People; 援助巴勒斯坦人民方案
*PAP/RAC;Priority Action Programme/Regional Activity Centre; 优先行动方案/区域活动中心
*PAR; Performance Appraisal Report; 业绩评估报告
*PAR; post-adjustment ratio; 工作地点差价调整数比率(调整数比率)
*PARE;price-adjusted exchange rate; 经价格调整后的汇率
*PARINAC;partnership in action (PARinAC); 行动伙伴关系
*PARLACEN Central American Parliament; 中美洲议会
*PARLATINO Latin American Parliament; Parlamento Latinoamericano (PL); 拉丁美洲议会
*PAS; performance appraisal system; 考绩制度
*PASB;Pan-American Sanitary Bureau (now PAHO); 泛美卫生局
*PASC;Pan-American Standards Commission; Comision Panamericana de Normas Tecnicas (CPAMT); 泛美技术标准委员会(技术标准委员会)
*PASO;Pan-American Sanitary Organization [now PAHO]; Organizacion Sanitaria Panamericana (OSP); 泛美卫生组织
*PATA;Pacific Area Travel Association; 太平洋地区旅游协会
*PATD;Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and Decolonization;(DPATD) [UN Secretariat]; 政治事务、托管和非殖民化部
*PATTERN;Planning Assistance Through Technical Evaluation of Relevant;Numbers; 技术评价关联数据辅助计划
*PATU;Pan-African Telecommunication Union; 泛非电信联盟
*PAWO;Pan-African Women's Organization; 泛非妇女组织
*Pax Christi; International Catholic Peace Movement; 基督和平会(国际天主教和平运动)
*Pax Romana; International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural;Affairs; International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS); 大同协会(国际天主教知识分子和文化事务运动;国际天主教学生运动)
*PB; permanent bunkers [Chartering and Shipping]; 永久性燃料舱;固定燃料舱
*PBB; polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs); 多溴联苯
*PBDS;Parti Bangsa Dayak Sarawak [Malaysia]; 沙捞越达雅克族党
*PBEC;Pacific Basin Economic Council; 太平洋地区经济理事会
*PBPI; Pacific Basin Partnership Initiative; 太平洋地区伙伴计划
*PBS; Parti Bersatu Sabah [Malaysia]; 沙巴团结党
*PC; personal computer; 个人计算机
*PC; Philippine Costabulary; 菲律宾保安军
*PC; Programme Committee [FAO]; 计划委员会
*PCB; polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); 多氯联苯
*PCB; primary carpet backing; 地毯底层垫物
*PCBC; Programme Co-ordination and Budget Section [UNHCR]; 方案协调和预算科
*PCDT;poly 1,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate; 聚对苯二甲酸-1,4-二亚甲环己撑酯
*PCE; perchloroethylene; 全氯乙烯
*PCFP;Presidential Commission to Fight Poverty [Philippines]; 总统府扶贫问题委员会
*PCIJ;Permanent Court of International Justice; 常设国际法院; PCIJ Series; 常设国际法院汇辑
*PCN; Partido de Cociliacion Nacional [El Salvador]; 全国协和党
*PCNB;Permanent Central Narcotic Board [now: INCB] [ESC]; 中央麻醉品常设局
*PCO; Planning and Co-ordination Office; 规划和协调处
*PCP; pentachlorophenol; 五氯苯酚
*PCP; policy co-ordination and procedures; 政策协调和程序
*PCT; Patent Co-operation Treaty [19 June 1970]; 专利合作条约 [国际条约集 1969-71,p.329]
*PCT; polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs); 多氯联苯
*PD; Panaginsa sa Democrasya [Philippines]
*PD; port dues [Chartering and Shipping]; 港务费
*PD; programme delivery [UNHCR]; 方案执行
*PDA; Party of Democratic Action [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; Stranka Demokratske Akcije (SDA); 民主行动党
*PDA-KM; Party of Democratic Action of Kosovo-Metohija [Serbia]; 科索沃--梅托希亚民主行动党
*PDA-S; Party of Democratic Action of the Sandzak [Serbia]; 桑扎克民主行动党
*PDC; policy development and communication; 政策发展和通讯
*PDCH;Christian Democratic Party [Haiti]; 基督教民主党
*PDGE;Partido Democratico de Guinea Ecuatorial; 赤道几内亚民主党
*PDI; Indonesian Democratic Party [Indonesia]; Partai Demkrasi Indonesia; 印度尼西亚民主党
*PDIP;Preservation Democratic Institution of Philippines; 菲律宾维护民主制度组织
*PDK; Party of Democratic Kampuchea [Cambodia]; 民主柬埔寨党
*PDL; poverty datum line [South Africa]; 贫困线
*PDP; Palestinian Development Programme; 巴勒斯坦发展方案
*PDP; Party of Democratic Prosperity [Macedonian Albanian]; 民主繁荣党
*PDP; plasma display panel; 等离子体显示板
*PDR; Partido Revolucionario Democratico; Democratic Revolutionary Party [Mexico]; 民主革命党
*PDR; Party of Democratic Reform [Croatia]; Stranka Demokratiskih Promjena; 民主革新党
*PDR; project delivery report; 项目执行报告
*PDRCC; Post-Determination Refugee Claimants in Canada Class Review Process; [Canada]; 加拿大难民申请裁定后分类审查程序
*PDS; project data sheet; (详细)项目资料清单
*PE; polyester;PE fibres; 聚酯纤维
*PE; public enterprises; 公营企业
*P/E; P/E ratio (price-earnings ratio) (PER); (股票)价格--收益比率
*PEC; Plan of Economic Co-operation for Central America; 中美洲经济合作计划
*PECC;Pacific Economic Co-operation Conference; 太平洋经济合作会议; Pacific Economic Co-operation Council; 太平洋经济合作理事会[较通用]
*PECDAR; Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction; 巴勒斯坦经济发展和复兴理事会
*PECO;Programme for Promoting the Establishment of Joint Ventures in the;Countries of Central and Eastern Europe [EC]; Programme d'Encouragement a la Creation d'Entreprises Conjointes;dans les Pays d'Europe Centrale et Orientale; 促进中欧和东欧国家建立联合企业计划
*PEEM;Panel of Experts on Environmental Management for Vector Control; 管理环境控制病媒专家组
*PEER; Planned Environment and Education Research Institute; 规划环境与教育研究所
*PEIS;programme element information sheet; 方案构成部分资料单(资料单)
*PEL; Preliminary Event List [GSE]; 初步事件清单
*PEM; Minimum Employment Programme [Chile]; Programme del Empleo Minimo; 最低限度雇用方案
*PEMJV; public enterprise multinational joint venture; 多国合资公营企业
*PEN; International PEN; 国际笔会
*PEN; National Executive Power [Argentina]; Poder Ejecutivo Nacional; 国家行政权;国家行政部门
*PENAVICO China Ocean Shipping Agency; 中国外轮代理总公司
*PEP; Precipitation Enhancement Project; 提高降雨量计划(项目)
*PER; personnel; 人事
*PER; Performance Evaluation Report; 业绩评价报告
*PER; price-earning ratio (P/E ratio); (股票)价格—收益比率
*per cur; per curiam [Latin]; 本院;全院;全体法官
*PERKIM; Malaysian Muslim Welfare Organization; 马来西亚穆斯林福利组织
*per pro; per procurationem [Latin]; 代理;由 .... 代办;代行
*PERS;Personnel Service [UNOG]; 人事处
*PERSGA; Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment Programme; 红海及亚丁湾环境方案
*PERT;Programme Evaluation and Review Technique [Planning]; 计划评审技术;统筹法
*PERUMTEL; Bandung Perumtel Training Centre [Indonesia]; [Perumtel: National Telecommunications]; 万隆国家电信培训中心(电信培训中心)
*PET; Labour Economics Programme [Chile]; Programa de Economia del Trabajo; 劳工经济学方案
*PET; polyethylene (glycol) terephthalate;PET fibres; 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯纤维
*PFA; Press Foundation of Asia; 亚洲新闻基金会
*PFC; perfluorocarbons (PFCs); 全氟碳化物
*PFF; project formulation framework; 项目拟订纲要
*PFI; Prison Fellowship International; 国际监狱联谊会(监狱联谊会)
*PFL; Pacific Forum Line; 太平洋论坛航运公司
*PFLP-GC;Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command; 解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线总指挥部
*PFP; Progressive Federal Party [South Africa]; 进步联邦党
*Pg; Pengiran; 彭吉兰[马来西亚贵族头衔]
*PGA; Parliamentarians Global Action (for Disarmament, Development and;World Reform); 议员(争取裁军、发展和世界改革)全球行动联盟 ; (议员全球行动联盟)
*PGR; plant genetic resource; 植物遗传资源
*PGRA;plant genetic resources for agriculture; 农用植物遗传资源
*PGT; Guatemalan Labour Party; Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo; 危地马拉劳动党
*PGTF; Perez-Guerrero Trust Fund; 佩雷斯—格雷罗信托基金
*PHARE; Programme of Aid for Central and Eastern Europe [EC]; Programme d'Aide a l'Europe Centrale et Orientale; 援助中欧和东欧计划;“灯塔”计划; PHARE Foundation; “灯塔”计划基金会
*PHC; primary health care; 初级保健
*PHLA; person living with HIV/AIDS (a person infected with HIV); 带艾滋病/病毒者(感染艾滋病毒的人)
*PHR; Physicians for Human Rights; 医生促进人权协会
*PI; Population Institute; 人口学会
*P & I; protection and indemnity association/club (P and I); 保障赔偿协会(保赔协会)
*PIACT; Programme for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive;Technology; 引进和应用避孕技术方案
*PIAL;privatization implementation assistance loan; 执行私有化援助贷款
*PIANC; Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses; 航运会议常设国际协会(航运会议协会)
*PIARC; Permanent International Association of Road Congresses; 公路会议常设国际协会(公路会议协会)
*PIC; peace implementation conference; 实施和平会议
*PIC; prior informed consent (procedures); 事先知情的同意(程序)
*PICC;the People's Insurance Company of China; 中国人民保险公司
*PIDA;Participatory Institute for Development Alternatives [Sri Lanka]; 不同发展途径参与研究所
*PIK; Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research [Germany]; 波茨坦气候影响研究所
*PIM; project institutional memory; 项目机构存储
*PIMS;Programme Information Management System; 方案资料管理系统
*PINU;Unity and Innovetion Party [Honduras]; Partido Inovacion Unidad; 统一革新党
*PIP; Peruvian Investigatory Police; Policia de Investigaciones del Peru; 秘鲁警察侦缉局
*PIPA;Pacific Industrial Property Association; 太平洋工业产权协会
*PIPA;Pacific Islands Producers Association; 太平洋岛屿生产者协会
*PIRS;Programme Information Retrieval System; 方案资料检索系统
*PISCOM; Parliamentary Internal Security Commission [South Africa]; 议会国内安全委员会
*PJ; Movement for Yugoslavia (MY) [Serbia]; Pokret za Jugoslaviju; 南斯拉夫运动
*PJF; Federal Judicial Police [Mexico]; 联邦司法警察
*PKD; partly knocked-down; 部分拆装
*PKI; Communist Party of Indonesia; Partai Komunis Indonesia; 印度尼西亚**党
*PKK; Parti Karkeren Kurd (Kurdish Workers' Party);库尔德工人党; [新名: Congress for Freedom and Democracy in Kurdistan (KADEK) ; (BBC web site, 17 April 2002)库尔德斯坦自由和民主大会]
*PKO; peace-keeping operations; 维持和平行动(维和行动)
*PL; Latin American Parliament; Parlamento Latinoamericano (PARLATINO); 拉丁美洲议会
*PL; Office for Programme Planning and Co-ordination (SG/PL);[UN Secretariat]; 方案和协调厅
*P/L; partial loss [Chartering and Shipping]; 部分损失
*P/L; professional staff [UNHCR]; 专业人员
*P & L; profit and loss (P and L; p/l); 损益;盈亏
*PLA; Palestine Liberation Army; 巴勒斯坦解放军
*PLA; Port of London Authority; 伦敦港务局
*PLAN;Foster Parents Plan International; 养父母计划国际协会(养父母计划协会)
*PLAN;People's Liberation Army of Namibia; 纳米比亚人民解放军
*PLC; public limited company [UK]; 股份有限公司
*PLF; Palestine Liberation Front; 巴勒斯坦解放阵线
*PLO; Palestine Liberation Organization; 巴勒斯坦解放组织(巴解组织)
*PLS; professional local staff; 当地征聘专业人员;当地专业人员
*PM; post meridiem (pm) [Latin]; 下午;午后
*PM; preventive maintenance; 预防性维修
*PM; prime minister; 首相;总理
*pm; premium [Chartering and Shipping]; 保险费
*PMA; Palestine Monetary Authority; 巴勒斯坦货币管理局
*PMAESA; Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa; 东部和南部非洲港口管理协会
*PMAWCA; Port Management Association of West ant Central Africa; 西部和中部非洲港口管理协会(中西非港协)
*PMB; produce marketing board; 产品产销社
*PMI; Palang Merah Indonesia; 印度尼西亚红十字会
*PML; Pakistan Muslim League [Pakistan]; 巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟
*PMO; project management officer; 项目管理干事
*PMOI;People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran; 伊朗人民圣战者组织
*PMP; project management plan; 项目管理计划
*PMS; pipeline managemeng system; 进行中方案管理系统; programme management system; 方案管理系统; project management system; 项目管理系统
*PMU; Performance Management Unit [UNHCR]; 业绩管理股
*P/N; promissory note (PN; pn); 期票;本票
*PNC; Palestine National Council; 巴勒斯坦全国委员会
*PNIC;national programmes of Community interest [EC]; programmes nationaux d'interet communautaire; 设计共同体利益的国家计划(或项目)
*PNP; Philippine National Police [Philippines]; 菲律宾国家警察
*PNSF;Palestine National Salvation Front; 巴勒斯坦救国阵线
*PNTBT; Treaty Banning Nuclear Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and;Under Water; Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; Partial Test Ban;Treaty (PTBT); 禁止在大气层、外层空间和水下进行核武器试验条约;(部分禁试条约;部分禁止核试验条约)
*PNUD;United Nations Development Programme (DP; UNDP); Programme des Nations Unies pour le Developpement; 联合国开发计划署(开发署);联合国发展方案(发展方案)
*PO; programme officer [UNDP; UNICEF]; 方案干事;计划干事
*POC; the multinational programming and operational centres (MULPOC); 多国方案编制和业务中心
*POD; paid on delivery; 货到付款
*POL; Polish Ocean Line; 波兰航运公司
*pol; petroleum, oil and lubricants; 石油、机油及润滑油
*POLEX; Polar Experiment [GARP]; 极地实验
*POLISARIO; Frente Popular para la Liberacion de Sakiet el Hamra y Rio de Oro; 萨基亚哈姆拉和里奥德奥罗人民解放阵线; (波利萨里奥阵线;西撒人阵)
*POLSTU; Politieke Studente Organisasie [South Africa]; 南非学生政治学社
*POOL; pollution of the oceans originating on land; 来自陆地的海洋污染
*POP; people-oriented planning [UNHCR]; 侧重于人的规划
*POP; persistent organic pollutants (POPs); 持久性有机污染物
*POPCRU; Police and Prison Officers Civil Rights Union [South Africa]; 警察与监狱官员公民权联盟
*POPIN; Population Information Network; 人口资料网
*POPINS; Population Information System; 人口资料系统
*POR; Revolutionary Workers' Party [Bolivia]; Partido Obrero Revolucionario; 革命工人党
*PORTMIS;Port Management Information System; 港务管理资料系统
*POSCO; Pohang Iron and Steel Corporation [South Korea]; 浦项钢铁公司
*PP; Partido del Progreso [Equatorial Guinea]; 进步党
*pp; picked ports [Chartering and Shipping]; 选定港;被选择的港口
*pp; postage paid; 邮费付讫
*pp; pour presenter [French]; 敬赠
*P/P; place-to-place; 逐地;P/P surveys;逐地调查
*ppb; parts per billion; 十亿分之一
*PPBB;Parti Pesaka Bumiputra Bersatu Sarawak [Malaysia]; 沙捞越土著保守统一党
*PPBB;Programme planning and Budgeting Board; 方案规划和预算编制委员会(方预会)
*PPBS;Planning-Programming-Budgeting System [USA]; 计划规划预算系统;预算计划程序系统
*PPC; Office for Programme Planning and Co-ordination; (PPCO; SG/PL);Programme Planning and Co-ordination Office [DIESA]; 方案规划和协调厅
*PPC; production possibility curve; 生产可能性曲线
*PPCO;Office for Programme Planning and Co-ordination; (PPC; SG/PL);Programme Planning and Co-ordination Office [DIESA]; 方案规划和协调厅
*PPE; project personnel expenditure; 项目人员开支
*PPER;project performance evaluation report; 项目执行评价报告
*PPF; Project Preparation Facility [World Bank]; 项目拟订设施
*PPGI;Pittsburgh Plate Glass International; 匹兹堡玻璃板国际公司
*PPI; policy proof of interest (ppi) [Chartering and Shipping]; 保险利益由保单证明
*PPIDP; Pulp and Paper Industry Development Programme; 纸浆和造纸工业发展方案
*PPIS;Project Preparation Information System; 项目编制资料系统
*PPM; Policies and Procedures Manuel; 政策和程序手册
*PPM; process and production methods (PPMs); 加工和生产方法
*PPM; product policy management; 产品政策管理
*ppm; parts per million; 百万分之一
*PPMS;Programme and Project Management System; 方案和项目管理系统
*PPP; Pakistan People's Party; 巴基斯坦人民党
*PPP; Partai Persatuan Pembangunan [Indonesia]; 建设团结党
*PPP; People's Progressive Party [Malaysia]; 人民进步党
*PPP; Polluter Pays Principle (principle of the liability of the;polluter for the pollution he causes) [OECD; 1972]; 污染者付清理费原则
*PPP; purchasing power parities (PPPs); 购买力平价;PPP-exchange rate ratios; 购买力平价对汇率的比率
*PPR; periodic post review [UNHCR]; 定期职位审查
*PPR; Principal Programme Representative; 特等方案代表
*PPSC;programme and programme support cost budget; 方案和方案支助费用预算
*PPSEAWA;Pan-Pacific and South-East Asia Women's Association; 泛太平洋和东南亚妇女协会(妇女协会)
*PPSF;Palestine Popular Struggle Front (PSF); 巴勒斯坦人民斗争阵线
*ppt; prompt; 即期的; prompt loading [Chartering and Shipping]; 即期装载
*ppt; parts per trillion; 万亿分之一
*PQLI;physical quality of life index; 实际生活质量指数
*PR; programme reserves; 方案储备金
*PR; public relations; 公众关系
*PR/B;pensionable remuneration for benefit purposes; 计算养恤金数额的应计养恤金薪酬
*PRB; Population Reference Bureau, Inc.; 人口问题资料局[社团]
*PRC; Palestine Red Crescent Society; 巴勒斯坦红新月会
*PRC; People's Republic of China; 中华人民共和国(中国)
*PRC; Philippine Red Cross; 菲律宾红十字会
*PR/C;pensionable remuneration for contribution purposes; 计算缴款数额的应计养恤金薪酬
*PRDCYT; Regional Scientific and Technological Development Programme; 区域科学和技术发展方案
*PRE; Policy, Research and External Affairs Committee [World Bank]; 政策、研究和对外事务委员会
*PREALC-ILO; Regional Employment Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean; 劳工组织拉丁美洲和加勒比区域就业方案
*PRED;people, resources, environment and development; 人民、资源、环境和发展
*PREDE; Regional Educational Development Programme [OAS]; 区域教育发展方案
*PRI; International Prevention of Road Accidents; Prevention Routiere Internationale; 国际防止公路事故协会(防止公路事故协会)
*PRI; Partido Revolucionario Institucional [Mexico]; 革命制度党
*PRI; Penal Reform International; 刑事改革国际
*PRINCE; Programme for Measuring Incremental Cost for the Environment; 测定用于环境的增加费用方案
*PRIO;Oslo Peace Research Institute; 奥斯陆和平研究所
*PRISMA; Community Initiative concerning the Preparation of Business for;the Single Market [EC]; 共同体关于统一大市场企业准备的倡议
*PRK; People's Republic of Kampuchea; 柬埔寨人民共和国[越南支持]
*PROCIENTEC; Science and Technology Programme [Mexico]; 科学和技术方案
*ProClim;Forum for Climate and Global Change [Switzerland]; 气候与全球变化论坛
*PRODEC; Programme for Development Co-operation [Finland]; 发展合作方案
*PRODEFA;Foundation for the Rights of the Family; Fundacion pro Derechos de la Familia; 家庭权利基金会
*Pro Deo;International Association for the Promotion of Democracy under God; 国际信仰上帝促进民主协会
*PRODERE;UNDP/Development Programme for Displaced Persons, Refugees and;Returnees
*PROEXCA;Promociones Exteriores Canaria [Spain]; 加那利对外贸易促进会(加那利贸促会)
*PROFERI;Programme for Regugee Reintegration and Rehabilitation of;Resettlement Areas in Eritrea [UNHCR]; 厄立特里亚难民在新定居区融入社会和恢复正常生活方案
*PROG;programme matter; 方案事务;PROG of CCSQ; 实质问题协商委员会的方案
*pro mem;pro memoria; 备忘
*PROMETA;Protection del Medio Ambiente Tarija [Bolivia]; 塔里哈环境保护组织
*PROMOCET Promotion of Scientific research and Technology; 促进科学研究和技术
*PROPARCO Societe de Promotion et de Participation pour la Co-operation;[France]; 促进和参与合作协会
*pro tem; pro tempore [Latin]; 临时;暂时;暂代
*PROTERRA 保护大地组织[Peru]
*PROVEA; Programa Venezolano de Educacion-Accion de Derechos Humanos;[Venezuela]; 委内瑞拉人权教育行动方案
*PRPK;People's Revolutionary Party of Kampuchea [Cambodia]; 柬埔寨人民革命党[洪森派]
*PRs; Pakistani rupee [Monetary Unit of Pakistan]; 巴基斯坦卢比
*PRSD;Programme Review and Strategy Development; 方案审查和战略制定
*PRT-B; Worker's Revolutionary Party of Bolivia; Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores de Bolivia; 玻利维亚劳工革命党
*PRTC;Central American Workers' Revolutionary Party [El Salvador]; 中美洲工人革命党
*PRTC;Philippine Refugee Transit Centre; 菲律宾难民中转站
*PS; Office of Personnel Services (AFM/OPS; OPS) [AFM]; 人事厅
*PS; Parti Socialiste [France]; 社会党
*PS; post scriptum [Latin]; 再者;又及(用于信末);附录;跋(用于书末);结束语
*P/S; public sale; 公开出售;拍卖
*PS-1;Socialist Party One [Bolivia]; Partido Socialista Uno; 社会一党
*PSA; Pacific Science Association; 太平洋科学协会(科学协会)
*PSA; programme support and administration; 方案支助和行政
*PSC; polar stratospheric cloud; 极地平流层云
*PSC; project support communications; 项目宣传工作
*PSCA;Department of Political and Security Council Affairs (DPSCA);[UN Secretariat]; 政治和安全理事会事务部
*PSD; Partido Social Democrata [Equatorial Guinea]; 民主社会党
*PSD; private sector development; 私人部门发展
*PSD; programme submission documents; 提出计划文件
*PSE; producer subsidy equivalent [EC]; 生产者补贴当量
*PSE; public sector enterprises (PSEs); 公营企业
*PSF; Palestine Popular Struggle Front (PPSF); 巴勒斯坦人民斗争阵线
*PSF; Pharmaciens sans Frontieres; 无国界药剂师组织
*PSFR; private sector fund raising [UNHCR]; 私人部门筹资
*PSI; Public Services International; 公用事业工会国际
*PSIP;Public Sector Investment Programme; 公共部门投资方案
*PSLO;Palaung State Liberation Organization [Myanmar]; 崩龙邦解放组织
*PSMS;Division for Programme Support and Management Services [UNCTAD]; 方案支助和管理事务司
*PSP; programme support projects (PSPs); 计划支助项目
*PSR; probable source region; 可能来源区域[放射性物质]
*PSRC;Parastatal Sector Reform Commission; 准国营部门改革委员会(国营改委会)
*PSS; Programme Support Services Division [UNCTAD]; 方案支助事务司
*PSWAD; Perspective Study of World Agricultural Development; 世界农业发展远景的研究
*PT; Partido do Trabalho [Angola]; 劳动党
*pt; private terms [Chartering and Shipping]; 私用条款
*PT8; travel authorizations (PT8s); 旅行核准书
*PTA; Eastern and Southern African Preferential Trade Area [formal form]; Preferential Trade Area of Eastern and Southern African States; 东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区(东南非优贸区); preferential trade agreement; 优惠贸易协定; preferential trade area; preferential trading area; 优惠贸易区;优惠贸易地区; preferential trade arrangement; 优惠贸易安排; preferential trade association; 优惠贸易协会; PTA Clearing House (PTACH); 东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区票据交换所; (东南非优贸票交所); PTA Eximbank; 优惠贸易安排的华盛顿进出口银行;; 东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区进出口银行; (东南非优贸区进出口银行); PTA Reinsurance Company (ZEP-RE); 东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区再保险公司; (东南非优贸再保险公司); PTA Trade and Development Bank (PTA Bank); 东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区贸易和发展银行; (东南非优贸银行); unit of account of the PTA (UAPTA); 东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区计帐单位; (东南非优贸计帐单位)
*PTA; prepaid ticket advices; 机票预付凭单
*PTA; Primary Tungsten Association; 原钨协会;钨砂生产者协会
*PTA; professional and technical associations; 专业技术协会
*PTACH; PTA Clearing House; 东部和南部非洲优惠贸易区票据交换所(东南非优贸票交所)
*Ptas;Spanish peseta [Monetary Unit of Spain]; 西班牙比塞塔
*PTBT;Treaty Banning Nuclear Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and;Under Water; Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; Partial Test Ban;Treaty (PNTBT); 禁止在大气层、外层空间和水下进行核武器试验条约;(部分禁试条约;部分禁止核试验条约)
*PTC; (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Power Test Codes [ASME]; (美国机械工程师协会)动力试验规程
*PTFE;polytetrafluoroethylene;PTFE fibres;聚四氟乙烯纤维
*PTK; professional, technical and kindred persons; 专业、技术以及拥有各种特长的人员
*PTP; Pathways to Peace; 和平之路社
*PTSD;post-traumatic stress disorder; 创伤后精神紧张症
*PTT; Post, Telephone and Telegraph (Office); 邮电局; post, telephone and telegraph; 邮政、电话和电报部门(邮电部门)
*Pty; propriety; propriety company; 控股公司
*PUB; Publishing Division [CS]; 出版司
*PUBLICATIONS; Publishing Service [UNOG]; 出版事务处
*PUK; Patriotic Union of Kurdistan [Iraq]; 库尔德斯坦爱国联盟
*PVC; polyvinyl chloride; 聚氯乙烯
*PVO; People's Volunteer Organization [Burma]; 人民自愿军组织
*PW and B; 工作方案和预算
*PWC; Pakistan White C grade [Jute]; 巴基斯坦C级白麻
*PWG; programme working group; 方案工作组
*PWV; Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging [South Africa]; 比勒陀利亚--威特沃特斯兰德--弗里尼欣[南非共和国的一省]
*PX; post exchange; 消费合作社;(军营)贩卖部
*PY; past year; 上年度
*PYM; Pan-African Youth Movement; Mouvement Panafricain de la Jeunesse (MPJ); 泛非青年运动
*Q;Guatemalan quetzal [Monetary Unit of Guatemala]; 危地马拉格查尔
*QA; quality assurance; 质量保证(质保)
*qc; quantity at captain's option [Chartering and Shipping]; 数量由船长决定
*QELRO; Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction Objectives within; Time-Frame (QELROs); 规定时间内量化的限制和减少排放指标(排放削减指标)
*QFII ; Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors
*QI; Quota International Incorporated; 国际配额协会(配额协会)
*QIP; quick impact projects (QIPs); 速效项目
*QPM; System for Quantitative Policy Models of Commodities; 商品定量政策模型系统
*QR; quantitative restrictions (QRs); 数量限制
*qv; quod vide [Latin]; 参看 .... ,见 ....
*R;reclassification [UNHCR]; 改叙
*R;Russian ruble (Rub, Rbl) [Monetary Unit of Russia]; 卢布
*R/A; refers to acceptor [Chartering and Shipping]; 询问承兑人[未付票据批语]
*RAC; regional activity centre; 区域活动中心
*RACE;Research and Development Programme in Advanced Communication;Technologies for Europe [EC]; 欧洲高级电信技术研究与开发计划
*RADEV; Reseau Africain pour le Developpement; 非洲发展网络
*RADI;Reseau Africain pour le Developpement Integre [Senegal]; 非洲综合发展网络
*RAFE;Regional Office for Asia and Far East; 亚洲及远东区域办事处
*RAFI;Rural Advancement Foundation International; 促进农村发展国际基金会
*RAID;Research, Assistance, Intervention, Dissuasion;[应付紧急状况警察的任务]
*RAMP;Remote Atmospheric Measurements Programme; 大气遥测方案
*RAN; Rainforest Action Network; 热带雨林行动联络网
*RAN; Regie du Chemin de Fer Abidjan-Niger; 阿比让--尼日尔铁路公司
*R and D;research and development (R & D); 研究与发展;研究与开发(研发)
*R and TD research and technological development (R & TD); 研究与技术发展;研究与技术开发
*RAP; Rights Accumulation Programme [IMF]; 权利累积方案(权利方案)
*RARP;Refugee-Impacted Areas Rehabilitation Programme; 受难民影响地区复原方案
*RASCE; Rubber Association of Singapore Commodity Exchange; 新加坡橡胶协会商品交易所
*RASRO; Rescue at Sea Resettlement Offers [Refugees]; 海上搭救并重新安置难民计划
*RB; regular budget; 经常预算
*RBA; Regional Bureau for Africa [UNDP; UNHCR]; 非洲区域局
*RBAO;Regional Bureau for Asia and Oceania [UNHCR]; 亚洲和大洋洲区域局
*RBE; Regional Bureau for Europe [UNHCR]; 欧洲区域局
*RBAP;Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific [UNDP]; 亚洲及太平洋区域局(亚太区域局)
*RBAS;Regional Bureau for Arab States; 阿拉伯国家区域局
*R Bay; Richard's Bay [South Africa; Shipping]; 理查德湾
*RBDS;radio broadcast data system; 无线广播资料系统
*Rbl; Russian ruble (R, Rub) [Monetary Unit of Russia]; 卢布
*RBLA;Regional Bureau for Latin America; 拉丁美洲区域局
*RBM; Reserve Bank of Malawi;马拉维储备银行
*RBP; restrictive business practices; 限制性商业惯例
*RB-SWANAME; Regional Bureau for South West Asia, North Africa and the Middle;East [UNHCR]; 西南亚、北非和中东区域局
*RC; Revolutionary Council [Burma]; 革命委员会
*RCA; Radio Corporation of America; 美国无线电公司
*RCA; Regional Co-operative Agreement for Asia and the Pacific Industrial; Application of Isotopes and Radiation Technology; 亚洲及太平洋同位素和辐射技术工业应用区域合作协定; (亚太辐射技合协定)
*RCA; revealed comparative advantages; 显出的比较优势
*RCB; Rationalisation des Choix Budgetaires [France]; 预算选定合理化系统
*RCD; Regional Co-operation for Development; 区域发展合作组织
*RCI; regional and sub-regional economic integration and co-operation; 区域和分区域经济一体化与合作
*RCMS; Recruitment and Career Management Section [UNHCR]; 征聘和职业管理科
*RCNYO; United Nations Regional Commissions New York Office; 联合国区域委员会纽约办事处
*RCTD;road transit document; 公路过境证件(过境证件)
*RCTT;Regional Centre for Transfer of Technology [ESCAP]; 技术转让区域中心
*RCU; Regional Co-ordinating Unit; 区域协调股
*RD; racial discrimination; 种族歧视
*rd; running day [Chartering and Shipping]; 连续工作日
*R & D; research and development (R and D); 研究与发展;研究与开发(研发)
*R & TD; research and thchnological development (R and TD); 研究与技术发展;研究与技术开发
*RDA; Rijeka Democratic Alliance [Croatia]; Rijecki Demokratski Savez (RDS); 里耶卡民主联盟
*RDC; Running Down Clause [Marine Insurance]; 碰撞责任条款
*RDE; Group of the European Democratic Alliance [EC]; Groupe du Rassemblement des Democrates Europeens; 欧洲民主党人联盟议员团[欧洲议会]
*RDP; Reconstruction and Development Programme [South Africa]; 重建和发展计划
*RDP; Resources for Development Programmes [UNCTAD]; 发展方案资源
*RDRP; Restrictions Dispute Resolution Policy; 注册限制争议解决政策 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*RDS; Rijeka Democratic Alliance (RDA) [Croatia]; Rijecki Demokratski Savez; 里耶卡民主联盟
*RD$; peso [Monetary Unit of Dominican Republic]; 多米尼加比索
*RE; Executive Branch; Rama Ejecutiva [Spanish]; 行政部门
*REB; reviewed event bulletin; (经)审定事件公报 [裁军]
*REC; Division of Recruitment [OPS]; 征聘司
*RED; Natural Resources and Energy Division (NRED) [DTCD]; 自然资源和能源司
*REDES; Red de Ecologia Social; 社会生态联络网
*Red R; Register of Engineers for Disaster Relief (REDR) [UK]; 灾难救援志愿工程师登记处
*REDWG; Regional Economic Development Working Group [Middle East]; 区域经济发展工作组
*REER;real effective exchange rate [ref: NEER]; 实际有效汇率(实际汇率)
*REFAD; Reseau Sous-Regional Femmes Africaines et Droits Humains;[Burkina Faso]; 非洲妇女与人权分区域网络
*REGCOM; Regional Commissions Liaison Unit; 区域委员会联络股
*REGEN; Community Initiative concerning Transmission and Distribution;Networks for Energy [EC]; 共同体能源输送与分配网络计划
*RENAMO; Mozambique National Resistance Movement; 莫桑比克全国抵抗运动
*RESA;Research on Education in South Africa; 南非教育研究
*RESIDER;Community Programme to Assist the Conversion of Steel Areas [EC]; Programme Communautaire en Faveur de la Reconversion de Zones;Siderurgiques; 共同体协助钢铁工业区转产计划
*Res Rep;Resident Representative [UNDP]; 驻地代表
*REX; REX-Committee (Committee on External Relations) [EC]; Commission des Relations Exterieures; 对外关系委员会
*RF; Rwanda franc [Monetary Unit of Rwanda]; 卢旺达法郎
*RFI; Richmond Fellowship International, The; 里士满研究金国际协会(里士满研究金协会)
*RFLP;restriction fragment length polymorphism; 限制断片节多态性[植物遗传资源]
*RFP; request for proposals; 征求提案;征求建议
*RGDIP; Revue Generale de Droit International Public [France]; 国际公法综合杂志[季刊]
*RI; refugee immigrants [Refugees]; 难民移民
*RI; Refugees International; 国际难民协会(难民协会)
*RI; Registro Italiano Navale [Italy]; 意大利船级社
*RI; Rehabilitation International; 国际康复会(康复会)
*RI; Rotary International; 国际扶轮社(扶轮社)
*RIA; Rossiyskoye Informationnoye Agentstvo;RIA - Novosti; 俄罗斯新闻社
*RIBA;Royal Institute of British Architects; 英国皇家建筑师协会
*RID; International Regulations governing the Carriage of Dangerous by;Rail; 国际危险货物铁路运输规则
*RIIA;Royal Institute of International Affairs [UK]; 皇家国际事务学会
*RIIPS; Regional Investment Information and Promotion Service for Asia and;the Pacific; 亚洲及太平洋区域投资信息和促进服务社
*RINET; Reinsurance and Insurance Network [an international data;communications system for insurers, handling primarily;administrative and claims-related informations]; 再保险和保险资料网络
*RIOD; International NGO Network on Desertification and Drought; Reseau International d'ONG sur la Desertification; 非政府组织防治荒漠化和干旱国际网
*RIOS;River Inputs to Ocean System [Environment]; 河流输入海洋系统
*RIPF;reimbursable indicative planning figures; 应偿还指示性规划数字
*RIVM;National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection;[Netherlands]; 国立公共卫生和环境保护研究所
*RJE; remote job entry terminal; 远程作业输入终端
*Rls; Iranian rials [Monetary Unit of Iran]; 伊朗里亚尔
*RITLA; Latin American Network of Technology Information [SELA]; Red de Informacion Tecnologia Latinoamericana; 拉丁美洲技术资料网
*RLU; relay logistics units; 中继支援设备
*RMAC;Resource Mobilization Advisory Committee; 资源动员咨询委员会
*RMB¥ⅰⅰ Chinese renminbi yuan [Monetary Unit of China]; 人民币元
*RMC; Review and Monitoring Committee; 审查和监察委员会
*RME; rape methyl ester [fuel technology]; 菜子油的甲酯化合物
*RMG; ready-made garment; 现成服装(成衣)
*RMG; Repression Monitoring Group [South Africa]; 迫害监视小组
*RMI; Road Maintenance Initiative; 公路维修计划(修路计划)
*RMRDC; Regional Mineral Resources Development Centre [ESCAP]; 区域矿产资源开发中心
*RMU; Resource Mobilization Unit; 资源动员股
*RNAM;Regional Network for Agricultural Machinery; 农业机械区域网(农机网)
*RNEA;Regional Office for the Near East; 近东区域办事处
*RO; regional office [UNHCR]
*ROA; Regional Office for Africa [UNEP]; 非洲区域办事处
*ROA; Reinsurance Offices' Association; 分保公司协会
*ROAP;Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [UNEP]; 亚洲及太平洋区域办事处
*ROAP;Rural Organizations Action Programme; 农村组织行动方案
*ROE; Regional Office for Europe [UNEP]; 欧洲区域办事处
*ROEA;Regional Office for Education in Asia; 亚洲区域教育办事处
*ROLAC; Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean [UNEP]; 拉丁美洲及加勒比区域办事处
*ROPME; Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment; 保护海洋环境区域组织(保护海洋环境区域组织)
*RO/RO; roll-on/roll-off (ro/ro); 滚装船
*ROSCA; rotating savings and credit association; 民间标会和信用合作社(标会信用社)
*ROSTA; Regional Office for Science and Technology in Africa; 非洲科学和技术区域办事处(非洲科技区域办事处)
*ROSTAS; Regional Office for Science and Technology in the Arab States; 阿拉伯国家科学和技术区域办事处(阿拉伯科技区域办事处)
*ROWA;Regional Office for West Asia [UNEP]; 西亚区域办事处
*RP; regional programme; 区域计划
*Rp; Indonesian rupiah [Monetary Unit of Indonesia]; 印度尼西亚卢比(或盾)
*RPC; refugee processing centre [Refugees]; 难民受理中心
*RPF; Rwandanese Patriotic Front; Front Patriotique du Rwanda (FPR); 卢旺达爱国阵线
*RPG; rocket-propelled grenade; 火箭推进榴弹
*RPM; resale price maintenance; 维持转售价格
*RPM; revolutions per minute (rpm); 每分钟转数
*RPMP;regional programme management plan; 区域性方案管理规划
*RPR; Rassemblement pour la Republique [France]; 保卫共和联盟
*RR; regional representative [UNDP]; 区域代表
*RRC; Relief and Rehabilitation Commission; 赈扶委员会
*RRI; Resource Renewal Institute [France]; 资源再生学会
*Rs; Indian rupee [Monetary Unit of India]; 印度卢比
*RSA; Regional Studies Association; 区域研究协会
*RSA; Republic of South Africa; 南非共和国
*RSFSR; Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic; 俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义联邦共和国
*RSK; Republic of Serb Krajina; Republic of Serbian Krajina; 塞尔维亚克拉伊纳共和国
*RSP; Refugee Services Philippines; 菲律宾难民事务处
*RSS; Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (National Volunteer Corps) [India]; 全国志愿团
*RSS; ribbed smoked sheet [Natural Rubber]; 皱纹烟胶片;RSS-1;一级皱纹烟胶片
*RSTDP; Regional Scientific and Technological Development Programme [OAS]; 区域科学和技术发展方案
*RT; round table; 圆桌
*RT; rye terms; 裸麦条件[伦敦市场谷物交易合同的一种条件]
*RTA; regional trading arrangement; 区域贸易安排(区贸安排)
*RTA; Resources and Transport Division (ESA/Res and Trans) [DIESA]; 资源和运输司
*RTA; retroactive terms adjustment; 追溯性的条件调整[援助]
*RTP; restrictive trade practices; 限制性贸易惯例
*RTZ; Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation [UK]; 里奥廷托锌公司;RTZ Scheme; 里奥廷托锌公司办法
*Rub; Russian ruble (R, Rbl) [Monetary Unit of Russia]; 卢布
*RUE; rational use of energy; 能源的合理利用
*RUF; Revolutionary United Front [Sierra Leone]; 革命联合战线
*RUF; revolving underwriting facilities; 循环承保融资办法
*RUTA;Regional Unit for Technical Assistance; 区域技术援助股
*RVS; Radio and Visual Services Division [DPI]; 无线电和视觉事务司
*RY; roll on/roll off yard [Cargo Handling]; 滚装堆场
*RYBEX; Foreign Trade Office of Central Board of Fisheries [Poland]; 中央渔业理事会对外贸易局
*S; Socialist Group [EC]; Groupe Socialiste; 社会党议员团[欧洲议会]
*S/; Peruvian sol [Monetary Unit of Peru]; 秘鲁索尔
*S/.; Ecuadorian sucre [Monetary Unit of Ecuador]; 厄瓜多尔苏克雷
*SA; Socialist Alliance [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; 社会主义联盟
*SA; societe anonyme [French]; sociedad anonima [Spanish]; 股份有限公司
*$A; Australian dollar [Monetary Unit of Australia]; 澳元
*$a; Argentine peso [Monetary Unit of Argentina]; 阿根廷比索
*SAA; senior agricultural adviser; 高级农业顾问; SAA/CR; Senior Agricultural Advisor/Country Representative; 高级农业顾问/驻国家代表
*SAAPIC; OAPEC Special Account to ease the financial burdens of Arab; Petroleum-Importing Countries (OAPEC-SAAPIC); 阿拉伯石油输出国组织为减轻阿拉伯石油输入国财政负担的特别; 帐户
*SAARC; South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation; 南亚区域合作联盟(南亚区合联)
*SAATA; Structural Adjustment Advisory Teams for Africa; 非洲结构调整咨询组
*SAAWU; South African Allied Workers Union [South Africa]; 南非工人联合工会
*SABA; South African Black Alliance [South Africa]; 南非黑人同盟
*SAC; Scientific Advisory Committee [IAEA]; 科学咨询委员会(科学咨委会)
*SAC; Statistical Advisory Committee [FAO]; 统计咨询委员会(统计咨委会)
*SAC; United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee (UNSAC); 联合国科学咨询委员会(科学咨委会)
*SACAR; European Secretariat of the United Agricultural Trade Associations; Secretariat Europeen d'Association du Commerce Agricole Reunies; 农产品贸易公会联合会欧洲秘书处
*SACBC; South African Catholic Bishops' Conference [South Africa]; 南非天主教主教会议
*SACC; South African Council of Churches [South Africa]; 南非教会理事会
*SACCS; South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude; 南亚童奴问题联盟
*SACEP; South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme; 南亚环境合作方案
*SACL; South African Confederation of Labour (SACLA) [South Africa]; 南非劳工联合会
*SACP; South African Communist Party; 南非**党
*SACTU; South African Clothing and Textiles Workers Unions [South Africa]; 南非衣服纺织品工会
*SACU; Southern African Customs Union; 南部非洲关税同盟; Southern African Customs Union Agreement; 南部非洲关税同盟协定
*SAD; Andean Development Corporation (ADC); Societe Andine de Developpement; Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF); 安第斯开发公司(安开公司)
*SAD; single administrative document [EC]; 统一的行政文件[指共同体内部货物过境需要填写的统一表格]
*SADC; Southern African Development Community; 南部非洲发展共同体(南非洲发共体)
*SADCC; Southern African Development Co-ordination Committee; 南部非洲发展协调委员会(南非洲协委会); Southern African Development Co-ordination Conference; 南部非洲发展协调会议(南非洲协调会)
*SADF; South African Defense Force [South Africa]; 南非国防军
*SAE; Society of Automotive Engineers [USA]; 汽车工程师协会
*SAF; Structural Adjustment Facility; 结构调整贷款办法(结调贷款)
*SAFA; Special Arab Fund for Africa; 阿拉伯援助非洲特别基金
*SAFDI; Samar Assistance for Farmers Development, Inc. [Philippines]; 萨马农民发展援助组织
*SAFI; Service d'Achats et de Commandes des Fonctionnaires Internationaux; [UNOG]; 国际公务员福利社
*SAFICO; Andean Trade Financing System; 安第斯贸易融资系统(安融系统)
*SAFISY; Space Agency Forum International Space Year; 世界空间年活动组织
*SAFLAC; Special Adjustment Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean; 拉丁美洲和加勒比结构调整基金
*SAFPACD;Special Account for Financing the Plan of Action to Combat;Desertification (ref: PACD); 资助《防沙治沙行动计划》特别帐户
*SAGE;Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment [USA]; 平流层溶胶和气体实验
*SAGSI; IAEA Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards Implementation; 原子能机构保障制度执行问题常设咨询组
*SAGSTRAM IAEA Standing Advisory Group on the Safe Transport of Radioactive;Material; 原子能机构放射性材料运输安全问题常设咨询组
*SAIIC; South American Indian Information Centre [USA]; 南美印第安资料中心
*Saiqa; Vanguard of the Palestine Popular Liberation War (Al Saiqa); 闪电先锋队(巴勒斯坦人民解放战争先锋队)
*SAL; standard assignment length; 标准任命期
*SAL; structural adjustment loan; 结构调整贷款(结调贷款)
*SALDRU; South African Labour and Development Research Unit; 南非劳工与发展研究机构
*SALT;Interim Agreement on Certain Measures with respect to the;Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; ; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty [26 May 1972]; (美苏)关于限制战略性进攻武器的某些措施的临时协定;; (美苏)限制战略武器条约; (国际关系史资料选编(下册),p.542)
*SAM; Mexican Food System; Systema Alimentario Mexicano; 墨西哥粮食制度
*Samarco;Saudi Arabian Maritime Company; 沙特阿拉伯海运公司
*SAMC;South African Medical Council [South Africa]; 南非医学理事会
*SAMDC; South African Medical and Dental Council [South Africa]; 南非医学与牙医理事会
*SAMED; Palestine Martyrs' Works Society; 巴勒斯坦烈属工厂协会
*SAMSA; South African Medical Students Association [South Africa]; 南非医科学生协会
*S and D;special and differential; 特殊和差别[优惠]; special and differential treatment; 特殊和差别待遇(特别待遇)
*SANGEC; Scottish Academic Network on Global Environmental Change; 苏格兰全球环境变化学术网络
*SAN-ROC;South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee [South Africa]; 南非非种族奥林匹克委员会
*SAP; Socialist Autonomous Province [Yugoslavia]; 社会主义自治省
*SAP; South African Police [South Africa]; 南非警察
*SAP; structural adjustment programmes (SAPs); 结构调整方案(结调方案)
*SAPA;South African Press Association [South Africa]; 南非新闻工作者协会
*SAPOHR; South African Prisoners Organization for Human Rights; 南非囚犯争取人权组织
*SAPTA; SAARC Preferential Trade Agreement;;South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement; 南亚优惠贸易协定
*SAR; International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979;(SAR 1979) [27 April 1979]; 1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约(79年搜救公约)
*SAR; Serbian Autonomous Regions (SARs) [Croatia; Bosnia-Herzegovina]; 塞尔维亚自治区
*SAR; synthetic aperture radar; 合成孔径雷达
*SARC; South Asian Regional Co-operation; 南亚区域合作组织
*SARCCUS;Southern African Regional Commission for the Conservation and;Utilization of the Soil; 南部非洲土壤保持和利用区域委员会
*SARDC; Southern African Research and Documentation Centre; 南部非洲研究与文献中心
*SAREC; Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation with Developing;Countries; Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation; 瑞典与发展中国家研究合作局(瑞典研究合作局)
*SARHWU; South African Railways and Habour Workers' Union [South Africa]; 南非铁路及港口工人工会
*SARL;societe a responsabilite limitee [France]; 有限责任公司
*SARRED; International Conference on the Plight og Refugees, Returnees and;Displaced Persons in Southern Africa; 关于南部非洲难民、返回者和失所者困境的国际会议
*SARYCO; South African Revolutionary Youth Council [South Africa]; 南非革命青年理事会
*SASA;South African Students Association [South Africa]; 南非学生协会
*SASM;South African Students Movement [South Africa]; 南非学生运动
*SASO;South African Students Organization [South Africa]; 南非学生组织
*SASOL; South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation [South Africa]; 南非煤炭、石油和天然气公司
*SASPU; South African Students Press Union [South Africa; NUSAS]; 南非学生新闻联盟
*SASRDF; South African Social Science Research and Development Forum; 南非社会科学研究和发展论坛
*SASREG; Southern African Sub-Regional Environment Group; 南部非洲分区域环境组
*SAST;Senior Advisers to ECE Governments on Science and Technology; 欧洲经委会各国政府科学和技术高级顾问
*SASS; Staff Administrative Support Section [UNHCR]; 工作人员行政支助科
*SAT; State Administration of Taxation; 国家税务总局 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*SATCC; Southern African Transport and Communications Commission; 南部非洲运输和通讯委员会(南非洲运委会)
*SATEP; Southern African Team for Employment Promotion [ILO]; 南部非洲促进就业小组
*SATS;South African Transport Services; 南非交通局
*SATSI; Section des Achats, des Transports et des Services Interieurs; Purchase, Transportation and Internal Services Section [UNOG]; 采购、交通和内部事务科
*SAWP;Socialist Alliance of the Working People [Serbia]; 劳动人民社会主义联盟
*$b; Bolivian peso [Monetary Unit of Bolivia]; 玻利维亚比索
*SBC; Secretariat of the Basel Convention; 巴塞尔公约秘书处
*SBEM; Softbank Emerging Markets; 软库新兴市场 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*SBI; Societe Belge d'Investissement International; 比利时国际投资公司
*SBI; subsidiary body for implementation; 附属履行机构(履行机构)
*SBR; styrene butadiene rubber; 丁苯橡胶
*SBS; Special Broadcasting Service [Australia]; 特别广播电台
*SBSG;Service du Budget et des Systemes de Gestion [UNOG]; Budget and Management Systems Service; 预算和管理系统处
*SBSTA; Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice; 附属科技咨询机构(科技咨询机构)
*SBSTTA; Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice; 科学、技术和工艺咨询附属机构(科技咨询机构)
*SC; salvage charge (sc) [Chartering and Shipping]; 救助费用
*SC; United Nations Security Council (UNSC) [UN]; 联合国安全理事会;安全理事会(安理会); Security Council and Political Committees Division [DPSCA]; 安全理事会和政治委员会司
*SCA ; Special Committee on Agriculture [EC]; 农业问题特别委员会(农业特委会)
*SCA-2; Second Special Contingent Account [IMF]; 第二特别应急帐户
*SCAF; Sub-Committee on Administrative and Financial Matters [UNHCR]; 行政和财务事项小组委员会(行财小委会)
*SCAP;Special Climate Application Programme [WMO]; 气候应用特别方案
*SCAR;Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research; 南极研究科学委员会
*SCARO; South and Central Asia Regional Office; 中南亚区域办事处
*SCCS;Special Consultative Committee on Security [OAS]; 安全问题特别协商委员会
*SCEP;Study of Critical Environmental Problems; 重要环境问题研究
*SCF;Save the Children Fund;拯救儿童基金
*SCF; supply call forwards (SCFs); 供应提支; supply call-forwards (SCFs); 供应品提单
*SCF-UK; Save the Children Fund United Kingdom; 联合王国拯救儿童基金
*Sch; Austrian schilling [Monetary Unit of Austria]; 奥地利先令
*SCHR; Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response; 人道主义反应指导委员会
*SCI; Service Civil International [Bangladesh]; 国际志愿服务社
*SCI; Society of Chemical Industry; 化学工业协会(化工协会)
*SCLAC; Special Committee on Latin American Co-ordination; 拉丁美洲协调特别委员会(拉美协调特委会)
*SCMSA; Sub-Committee on the Marine Science and Its Application [ACC]; 海洋科学及其应用小组委员会
*SCN; Sub-Committee on Nutrition [ACC]; 营养问题小组委员会
*SCOPE; Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment; 环境问题科学委员会(环境问题科委会)
*SCOPE; Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment; 环境保养学会
*SCOR;Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research; 海洋研究科学委员会(海洋科委会)
*SCOSTEP;Special Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics; 日地物理学特别委员会
*SCP; Special Committee on Preferences [UNCTAD]; 优惠问题特别委员会
*SCRES; State Commission for Restructuring Economic Systems [China]; 国家经济体制改革委员会[隶属国务院]
*SCSD;Satellite Communications System Division [IAEA]; 卫星通信系统司(卫星通信司)
*SD; domestic saving; 国内储蓄
*SD; sea damage [Chartering and Shipping]; 海上损害;海损
*Sd; short delivery [Chartering and Shipping]; 交货不足
*SDA; General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventists; (基督复临)安息日会教友大会
*SDA; Party of Democratic Action (PDA) [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; Stranka Demokratske Akcije; 民主行动党
*SDB; Somali Development Bank; 索马里开发银行
*SDD; Services Development Division [UNCTAD]; 服务发展司
*SDF; Saudi Development Fund; 沙特开发基金
*SDF; Social Development Fund; 社会发展基金
*SDH; United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian;Affairs (CSDHA; UNCSDHA) [DIESA; UNOV]; 联合国社会发展和人道主义事务中心(社会发展和人道主义中心); [国际经济和社会事务部]
*SDI; Strategic Defence Initiative [USA]; 战略防御计划
*SDIA;Susila Dharma International; Susila Dharma International Association; 苏西拉·达尔马国际协会
*SDNY;South District of New York; 纽约南区
*SDP; Serb Democratic Party [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; Srpska Demokratska Stranka (SDS); 塞尔维亚民主党
*SDP; Social Democratic Party of Germany [Germany]; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD); 德国社会民主党
*SDP-PDRC Social Democratic Party - Party of Democratic Reform of Croatia; Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske - Stranka Demokratiskih;Promjena [Croatia]; 克罗地亚社会民主党--民主革新党
*SDR; special drawing rights (SDRs) [IMF]; 特别提款权(提款权)
*SDS; Serb Democratic Party (SDP) [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; Srpska Demokratska Stranka; 塞尔维亚民主党
*SDS; Staff Development Section [UNHCR]; 工作人员培养科
*SEA; Single European Act [EC]; 欧洲一体化文件;单一欧洲文件
*SEAFDEC;South-East Asian Fisheries Development Centre; 东南亚渔业发展中心
*SEAISI; South-East Asia Iron and Steel Institute; 东南亚钢铁学会
*SEAL; Secure Electronic Authenticated Link [Internet]; 电子安全认证链环
*SEALPA; South-East Asia Lumber Producers Association; 东南亚木材生产者协会
*SEAMEO; South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization; 东南亚教育部长组织
*SEAMHO; South-East Asian Medical and Health Organization; 东南亚医药卫生组织
*SEAQ;SEAQ International [London]; Stock Exchange Automated Quotations International; 国际证券交易自动化报价系统
*SEARCA; South-East Asian Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research;in Agriculture [SEAMEO];[formal name: SEAMEO Regional Centre for Graduate Study and; Research in Agriculture]; 东南亚区域农业高级研究中心
*SEARCH-NEPAL; Service Extension and Action Research for Communities in the Hills;[Nepal]; 山地社区服务扩大和行动研究会
*SEAS;State Secretariat for Social Affairs; 负责社会事务的国务秘书处
*SEASCO; Science Co-operation Office for South-East Asia [UNESCO]; 东南亚科学合作处
*SEATAC; South-East Asian Agency for Regional Transport and Communications;Development; 东南亚区域运输和通信发展机构
*SEATO; South-East Asia Treaty Organization; 东南亚条约组织(东约组织)
*SEATRDC; South-East Asia Tin Research and Development Centre; 东南亚锡研究和发展中心
*SEC; Securities and Exchange Commission [USA]; 证券交易委员会
*SEC; Security and Safety Service [OGS]; 警卫和安全事务处
*SECADEV; Secours Catholique pour le Developpement; 天主教促进发展援助会
*SECAL; sectorial adjustment loan [World Bank]; 部门调整贷款(部调贷款)
*SECO-ONG/MALI; Secretariat de Concertation des ONG Maliennes [Mali]; 马里非政府组织协调秘书处
*SECORVE; Secretariado Conjunto de Religiosos y Religiosas de Venezuela; 委内瑞拉男女教徒联合秘书处
*SECS;Sudanese Environment Conservation Society; 苏丹环境保护学会
*SEDA;Ministry of the Environment of Honduras; 洪都拉斯环境部
*SEDES; Societe d'Etudes pour le Developpement Economique et Social [Togo]; 经济及社会发展研究协会
*SEED;Solidarity for Equality, Ecology and Development; 促进平等、生态和发展团结运动
*SEFA;European Syndicate on Steel Drums; Syndicat Europeen des Futs d'Acier; 欧洲钢桶辛迪加
*SEFEL; European Secretariat of Manufacturers of Light Metal Packages; Secretariat Europeen des Fabricants d'Emballages Metalliques;Legers; 欧洲轻金属容器制造商秘书处
*SEI; Socialist Educational International; International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational Movement (IFM-SEI); 国际猎鹰运动(社会党教育国际);
*SEI; Stockholm Environment Institute; 斯德哥尔摩环境研究所
*SEISMED;Co-operative Project for Seismic Risks Reduction in the;Mediterranean Region; 减少地中海区域地震风险合作项目
*SEITA; Societe d'Exploration Industrielle des Tabacs et des Allumettes;[France]; 烟草火柴工业公司
*SELA;Latin American Economic System; Sistema Economico Latinoamericano; 拉丁美洲经济体系(拉美经济体系)
*SEM; Single European Market; 欧洲统一大市场
*SEMI;Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International [USA]; 半导体设备及材料国际 [一同业公会性质组织]
*SENDET; National (Executive) Secretariat for Detainees [Chile]; Secretaria (Ejecutiva) Nacional de Detenidos; 全国援助被拘留者(执行)秘书处
*SEPHA; Special Emergency Programme for the Horn of Africa; 非洲之角特别紧急方案;Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for the SEPHA;非洲之角特别紧急方案的机构间联合呼吁
*SEPLIS; European Secretariat for the Liberal Professions; Secretariat Europeen des Professions Liberales; 欧洲自由职业秘书处
*SERPAJ; Latin American Peace and Justice Service;; Service of Peace and Justice in Latin America; Servicio Paz y Justicia en America Latina (SERPAJ-AL); 拉丁美洲和平与正义促进会
*SERVAS; SERVAS International; 塞尔瓦斯国际
*SES; United States Senior Executive Service [USA]; 美国高级行政人员制度(高级人员制度)
*SES; Studies and Expansion Society; 研究与推广学会
*SES; Teachers' Trade Union of Santander [Colombia]; 桑坦德教师工会
*$Eth;Ethiopian dollar [Monetary Unit of Ethiopia]; 埃塞俄比亚元
*SEU; Special Economic Unit (Palestinian Unit); 特别经济股
*SEZ; special economic zone; 经济特区
*SF; special fund; 特别基金
*SF; Swiss franc [Monetary Unit of Switzerland]; 瑞士法郎
*SFA; Special Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa; 撒哈拉以南非洲特别贷款办法
*SFD; Saudi Fund for Development [Saudi Arabia]; 沙特发展基金
*SFIT;Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; 瑞士联邦理工学院
*SFM; sustainable forest management; 可持续的森林管理
*SFOR; Multinational Military Stabilization Force [Former Yugoslavia]; 多国军事稳定部队
*SFRY; Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; 南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国
*SFV; International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977; 1977年国际渔船安全公约
*SG; Secretary-General [UN Secretariat]; 秘书长
*SG; ship and goods;Lloyd's SG Form; 劳合社海上保险单格式;Lloyd's SG Policy;劳合社海上保险单
*SGB; Secretary-General's Bulletin [UN Secretariat]; 秘书长公报;(SGB 168: 秘书长第168号公报)
*SG/Com/Int Audit; Internal Audit Service [UN Secretariat]; 内部审计处
*SG/DP; Office for Development Research and Policy Analysis;[UN Secretariat]; 发展研究和政策分析厅
*SG/Exec Off; Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG) [UN Secretariat]; 秘书长办公厅
*SG/Exec Off/GA; General Assembly Affairs Office [UN Secretariat]; 大会事务组
*SG/Exec Off/Prot; Protocol and Liaison Section [UN Secretariat]; 礼宾联络组
*SG/LEG; Office of Legal Affairs (LEG; OLA) [UN Secretariat]; 法律事务厅
*SG/LEG/Admin Trib; Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations;;United Nations Administrative Tribunal (UNAT) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国行政法庭
*SG/LEG/Gen Leg; General Legal Division [UN Secretariat]; 一般法律事务司
*SG/LEG/Leg Coun; Office of the Legal Counsel [UN Secretariat]; 法律顾问办公室
*SG/PL; Office for Programme Planning and Co-ordination; (PPC; PPCO);Programme Planning and Co-ordination Office [UN Secretariat]; 方案规划和协调厅
*SG/PL/Pol Co-ord; Office for Policy Co-ordination [UN Secretariat]; 政策协调室
*SGS; Societe Generale de Surveillance; 商品检验总公司
*SGTE;Societe Generale de Technique et d'Etude [French]; 技术及研究总公司
*SHIP;Shipping Division [UNCTAD]; 航运司
*SHIPASSIST; Information Service for Technical Assistance in Shipping and Ports;to Developing Countries; 发展中国家航运和港口技术援助资料服务处(航运和港口技术援助服务处);SHIPASSIST Directory;Directory of Services for Technical Assistance in Shipping; and Ports;航运和港口技术援助服务指南;SHIPASSIST Programme;Technical Assistance Services in Shipping and Ports;航运和港口技术援助服务方案
*SHLC;special high-level council; 特别高级理事会
*SHP; shaft horse power; 轴马力
*ShSo;Somali shilling [Monetary Unit of Somalia]; 索马里先令
*sh wgt; shipper's weight (SW; S/W) [Chartering and Shipping]; 托运人重量;发货人报出的重量
*SI; Socialist International; 社会党国际
*SI; Survival International; 国际生存权利组织[国际上维护土著生存权利组织]
*SIA; Soroptimist International Association; 职业妇女福利互助会国际协会(职业妇女互助协会)
*SIA; United Nations System-Wide Special Initiative on Africa; 联合国全系统非洲特别计划
*SIAP;Inter-American Planning Society; Sociedad Interamericana de Planificacion; 美洲规划协会
*SIB; Securities and Investment Board [UK]; 证券及投资委员会
*SIBOR; Singapore Inter-Bank Offered Rate (Sibor) (ref: HIBOR, LIBOR); 新加坡银行同业拆放利率(新加坡银行间利率)
*SIC; International Society for Criminology; Societe Internationale de Criminologie; 国际犯罪学学会(犯罪学学会)
*SICA;Central American Integration System; Sistema de Integracion Centroamericana; 中美洲一体化体系
*SICAR; Carabineros Intelligence Service [Chile]; Servicio de Inteligencia (Investigaciones) de Carabineros; 国家警察情报局
*SICB;Standing Intergovernment Copper Body; 政府间铜常设机构
*SID; Selective Dissemination of Information Programme; 资料选择传播方案
*SID; Society for International Development; 国际发展学会(发展学会)
*SIDA; Swedish International Development Authority; 瑞典国际开发署
*SIDFA; senior industrial development field adviser; 工业发展高级现场顾问
*SIECA; Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American; Economic Integration; Secretaria Permanente del Tratado General de Integracion Economica; Centroamericana; 中美洲经济一体化总条约常设秘书处; (中美洲经济一体化秘书处)
*SIFAR; Air Force Intelligence Service [Chile]; Servicio de Inteligencia de la Fuerza Aerea; 空军情报局
*SIFIDA; Societe Internationale Financiere pour les Investissements et le;Developpement en Afrique; 国际非洲投资开发金融公司
*SIFT;Service on Financial and Technological Information concerning;Projects and Investments [ALIDE]; 关于项目和投资的金融和技术资料服务处
*SIGMA; System for Inter-Linked Global Modelling and Analysis; 相互关联的全球模拟和分析系统
*SIH; International Society of Haematology; Societe Internationale d'Hematologie; 国际血液学会
*SIIAEC; International Secretariat of Catholic Technologists,;Agriculturists and Economists; Secretariat International des Ingenieurs, des Agronomes et des;Cadres Economiques Catholiques; 国际天主教技术专家、农学家和经济学家秘书处
*SIL; International Society of Limnology; 国际湖沼学会
*SILIC; severely indebted low-income countries; 严重负债低收入国家
*SIM; Military Intelligence Service [Chile]; Servicio de Inteligencia Militar; 军事情报局
*SIMC;International Society of Disaster Medicine (ISDM); Societe Internationale de Medecine de Catastrophe; 国际灾害医学学会
*SIMEX; Singapore International Monetary Exchange; 新加坡国际货币交易所
*SIMIC; severely indebted middle-income countries; 严重负债中等收入国家
*SIMS; Supply Information Management System; 供应信息管理系统
*SIN; National Intelligence Service [Peru]; 国家情报局
*SIN; Naval Intelligence Service [Chile]; Servicio de Inteligencia Naval; 海军情报局
*SINOTRANS; China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation; 中国对外贸易运输总公司
*SINPASA;Rubbertappers, Smallholders and Rural Workers' Union [Brazil]; 橡胶采集工人、小经营者及乡村工人工会
*SINTRACANASUCOL; San Carlos Mill Trade Union [Colombia]
*SINTRAEMCALI; Sindicato de Trabajadores de las Empresas Publicas de Cali; Union of Public Sector Workers of Cali [Colombia, member of CUT]; 卡利公共部门工人工会
*SINTRAINAGRO; National Union of Farmworkers [Colombia]; 全国农场工人工会
*SIO; Scripps Institution of Oceanography [USA]; 斯克里普斯海洋研究所
*SIP; Inter-American Press Association (IAPA); Sociedad Interamericana de la Prensa; 美洲报业协会(报业协会)
*SIPRI; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute [Sweden]; 斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所
*SIRDO; Independent Romanian Society for Human Rights; 罗马尼亚独立人权学会
*SIRPA; service d'Information et de Relation Publique des Armees; 三军情报及公共关系处
*SIRS;satellite infrared spectrometer; 卫星红外线分光仪
*SIS; Special Industrial Services [UNIDO]; 特别工业事务; SIS Programme [UNIDO]; 特别工业事务方案
*SITA; Airlines' Worldwide Telecommunications and Information Services; Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques; 国际航空电信资讯公司(航电公司)
*SITC; Standard International Trade Classification; 国际贸易标准分类(贸易分类); SITC-Rev.2; 国际贸易标准分类第二次修订本
*SITE; Satellite Instructional Television Experiment; 卫星教育电视实验
*SITE; Strategic Information for Trade Efficiency [name of software]; 贸易效率战略性资料
*SITPRO; UK Committee for the Simplification of International Trade Procedures; 英国简化国际贸易手续委员会
*SITRAIHSS; Worker's Union of the Honduran Institute of Social Security; 洪都拉斯社会安全研究所工会
*SITRAM; Societe Ivoirienne de Transport Maritime; 象牙海岸海运公司
*SITRPT; situation report; 情况报告
*SIUSA; Survival International USA; 国际生存权利协会美国分会[维护土著生存权利]
*SIW; Socialist International Women; 社会主义国际妇女组织
*SIYOTANKA; 西约坦卡组织[维护美洲印第安人权利组织][France]
*SJIA; Saint Joan's International Alliance; 圣女贞德国际同盟(圣女贞德同盟)
*SK-PJ; League of Communists - Movement for Yugoslavia (LC-MY) [Serbia]; Savez Komunista - Pokret za Jugoslaviju; 共产主义者联盟—南斯拉夫运动
*Skr; Swedish Krona [Monetary Unit of Sweden]; 瑞典克朗
*SL; salvage loss (sl) [Chartering and Shipping]; 救助损失
*Sl; Peruvian sol [Monetary Unit of Peru]; 秘鲁索尔
*SLA; South Lebanon Army; 南黎巴嫩部队
*slan; sine loco, anno vel nomine [Latin]; (出版)地点、日期及作者姓名不详
*SLB; Siberian landbridge; 西伯利亚陆桥
*S/LC; sue and labour clause [Chatering and Shipping]; 损害防止条款
*SLD; Second-Level Domain; ; 二级域名 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*SLM; strict low middling [USA cotton]; 次中级[美国棉花分级标准中的第六级]
*SLORC; State Law and Order Restoration Council [Myanmar]; 国家恢复法律和秩序委员会(恢委会)
*SM; Siemens-Martin; 西门子—马丁; SM steel; 平炉钢
*SMAC; salaire minimum agricole de croissance [French]; 农业最低增长工资
*SMAG; salaire minimum agricole garanti [French]; 农业最低保证工资
*SMART; Software for Market Access and Restrictions on Trade; 市场准入和贸易限制软件系统; [TD/B/COM.3/34]; Software for Market Analysis and Restrictions on Trade; 市场分析和贸易限制软件系统
*SMB; state marketing board; 国家推销委员会;国家市场管理局
*SMC; Senior Management Committee; 高级管理委员会
*SMCC; United Nations Staff-Management Co-ordination Committee; 联合国工作人员和管理当局协调委员会; (工作人员和管理当局协调会)
*SMCT; system of short-term monetary support [EC]; systeme de soutien monetaire a court terme; 短期货币支持制度
*SME; small and medium-sized business; small and medium-sized enterprises; small and medium-sized firms; small and medium-sized ; undertakings; small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs); 中小型企业
*SME; square meter equivalents; 平方米当量[纺织品贸易]
*SMEGA; Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Guidelines on Accounting and Financial Reporting
*SMF/LDC; Special Measure Fund for the Least Developed Countries; 最不发达国家特别措施基金
*SMIC; Study on Man's Impact on Climates; 人类对气候的影响研究
*SMIG; salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti [French]; 各行业最低保证工资
*SMME; small-, micro- and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs); 中小微型企业
*SMOM; Sovereign Military Order of Malta; Ordre Souverain et Militaire de Malte; Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta; 独立马耳他骑士团
*SMS; Short Message Service; 短信服务 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*SN; Safety Net; 安全网组织
*SN; shipping note (S/N) [Chartering and Shipping]; 装船通知单;发货通知单
*SNA; National Farming Association [Chile]; Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura; 全国农业协会
*SNA; Somali National Alliance; 索马里民族联盟
*SNA; United Nations System of National Accounts; 联合国国民核算制度(国民核算制度)
*SNAPE; Societe Nationale d'Approvisionnement d'Eau [Guinea]; 国家自来水公司
*SNC; Supreme National Council [Cambodia]; 全国最高委员会
*SNI; Shelter Now Internatioal; 立即收容安置国际协会
*SNIF; short term notes issuance facility (ref: NIF); 短期债券发行融资办法
*SNM; Somali National Movement; 索马里民族运动
*SNPA; Substantial New Programme of Action for the Least Developed; Countries for the 1980s [A/RES/36/175]; [UN Publications, Sales No.E.82.I.8]; 支援最不发达国家的1980年代新的实质性行动纲领; (新行动纲领)
*SNS; Serbian People's Party (SPP) [Croatia]; Srpska Narodna Stranka; 塞尔维亚人民党
*SO; shipping order (so, S/O); 装货通知单
*SO; sub-office (S/O); 办事分处
*SoC; State of Cambodia; 柬埔寨国[洪森政权]
*SOE; state-owned enterprise; 国营企业(国企)
*SOEC; Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT) [EC]; 欧洲共同体统计局[总司级单位]
*SOEU; Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT) [EU]; 欧盟统计局;欧洲联盟统计局[总司级单位]
*SOFA; state of food and agriculture; 粮食及农业情况(粮农情况)
*SOFAR; sound fixing and ranging; 声波定位和测距(声发)
*SOFFEX; Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchanges; 瑞士选择权与金融期货交易所
*SOFY; Special Operation for the Former Yugoslavia; 前南斯拉夫特别行动
*SOGREAH; Societe Grenobloise d'Etudes Appliquees d'Hydraulique; 格勒诺布尔应用水力学研究公司
*SOL; shipowner's liability [Chartering and Shipping]; 船舶所有人的义务
*Solagral; Solidarites Agrialimentaires [France]; 支援农食品业组织
*SOLAS; International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974); [1914, 1929, 1948, 1969, 1974]; 国际海上人命安全公约; SOLAS 1974; 1974年国际海上人命安全公约[国际条约集 1960-62,p.95]; SOLAS PROT 1978; Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the; Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 [17 Feb. 1978]; 1974年国际海上人命安全公约1978年议定书
*Sollac; Societe Lorraine de Laminage Continu [France]; 洛林连续轧钢公司
*SONED; Southern Networks for Development; 南方发展联络网
*SOPAC; South Pacific countries; 南太平洋国家
*SOS; save our souls; 救命!; SOS Children's Villages; SOS Kinderdorf International; 国际儿童村组织; SOS Sahel International; 国际抢救萨赫勒协会; SOS-Torture; World Organization against Torture; Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture; 世界禁止酷刑组织
*SOTER; Soil and Terrain Digital Database; 土壤和地形数字化数据库
*SOTRA; Sojuztranzit [the organization responsible for SLB service]; 西伯利亚陆桥联合运输公司
*SP; SP list [Japon]; selected products list; 选定产品清单[清单上的产品得到关税优惠]
*SP; special programmes; 特别方案
*SPA; special post allowance; 特别职位津贴
*SPA; special programme of assistance [World Bank]; 特别援助方案(特援方案)
*SPA; Special Service Agreement [FAO]; 特别服务协定
*SPA; Strengthening the Patent Administration of Malaysia [project]; 马来西亚加强专利管理项目(专利管理项目)
*SPARTECA; South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Co-operation Agreement; 南太平洋区域贸易和经济合作协定
*SPC; Socialist Party of Croatia [Croatia]; Socijalisticka Stranka Hrvatske (SSH); 克罗地亚社会党
*SPC; South Pacific Commission; 南太平洋委员会
*SPD; Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDP) [Germany]; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands; 德国社会民主党
*spd; steamer pays dues [Chartering and Shipping]; 船方负担税费
*SPEC; South Pacific Bureau for Economic Co-operation; 南太平洋经济合作局
*Special Fund; United Nations Special Fund (UNSF); 联合国特别基金
*SPF; South Pacific Forum; 南太平洋论坛
*SPI; Socio-Pastoral Institute (Philippines); 教会社会问题研究所
*SPIN; Intergovernmental Conference on Strategies and Policies for; Informatics; 信息学战略和政策政府间会议(信息学会议); SPIN II; 信息学战略和政策政府间会议第二次会议; (第二次信息学会议)
*SPINDE; Special Programme of Informatics for Development; 信息学促进发展特别方案
*SPINES; Science and Technology Policies Information Exchange System; 科学和技术政策资料交换系统(科技政策资料交换系统)
*SPIRE; special projects' implementation review exercise; 特别项目执行审查工作
*SPLA; Sudan People's Liberation Army; 苏丹人民解放军
*SPLF; Southern Philippines Federation of Labour; 菲律宾南部劳工联合会
*SPM; Somali Patriotic Movement; 索马里爱国运动
*SPM; suspended particulate matter; 悬浮颗粒物质;悬浮微粒物质
*SPMDP; South Pacific Maritime Development Plan; 南太平洋海运发展计划
*SPO; Serbian Renewal Movement (SRM) [Serbia]; Srpski Pokret Obnove; 塞尔维亚革新运动
*SPOT; Systeme pour l'Observation de la Terre [France]; 地球观察系统
*SPP; Serbian People's Party [Croatie]; Srpska Narodna Stranka (SNS); 塞尔维亚人民党
*SPP; Surplus People's Project [South Africa]; 过剩人口计划
*SPQ; Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Questions; 主管特别政治问题副秘书长办公室
*SPR; special programme resources (SPRs); 特别方案资源
*SPREP; South Pacific Regional Environment Programme; 南太平洋区域环境规划署;南太平洋区域环境方案
*SPRINT; Strategic Programme for the Transnational Promotion of Innovation and; Technology Transfer [EC]; 跨国促进革新与技术转让战略计划
*SPRL; societe de personnes a responsabilite limitee [Belgium]; 有限责任公司
*SPS; sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures; 卫生和植物检疫措施; Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary; Measures (SPS Agreement); 实行卫生和植物检疫措施协议
*SPS; Socialist Party of Serbia; Socijalisticka Partija Srbije; 塞尔维亚社会党
*SPTE; Special Programme on Trade Efficiency [UNCTAD]; 贸易效率特别方案
*SRBDC; Senegal River Basin Development Commission; 塞内加尔河流域开发委员会
*SRC; Strategic Resources Corp. [South Africa]; 战略资源公司[提供雇佣军事服务的公司]
*SRC; Student Representative Council [South Africa]; 学生代表理事会
*SRC; Sudanese Red Crescent; 苏丹红新月会
*SRCC; strikes, riots and civil commotions (SR & CC); [Chartering and Shipping]; 罢工、暴动和民变
*Srls; Saudi Arabian riyals [Monetary Unit of Saudi Arabia]; 沙特里亚尔
*SRM; Serbian Renewal Movement [Serbia]; Srpski Pokret Obnove (SPO); 塞尔维亚革新运动
*SRS; Serbian Radical Party [Serbia]; Srpska Radikalna Stranka; 塞尔维亚激进党
*Srs; Sri Lankan rupee [Monetary Unit of Sri Lanka]; 斯里兰卡卢比
*SRSG; Special Representative of the Secretary-General; 秘书长特别代表
*SS; steamship; 轮船; per SS "Hong Qi 162"; 装载船舶:红旗162号
*S$; Singaporean dollar [Monetray Unit of Singapore]; 新加坡元
*SSA; Special Service Agreement [FAO]; 特别服务协定
*SSA; Sub-Saharan Africa; 撒哈拉以南非洲(撒南非洲)
*SSAC; same sea and coast (SS & C); 同一海域和同一海岸; same sea and country (SS & C); 同一海域和同一国家
*SSAC; State System for Accounting and Control [IAEA]; 国家衡算和控制系统[核材料]
*SSC; Staff Selection Committee [FAO]; 工作人员甄选委员会(甄选委员会)
*SSC; State Security Council [South Africa]; 国家安全委员会
*SS & C; same sea and coast (SSAC); 同一海域和同一海岸; same sea and country (SSAC); 同一海域和同一国家
*SSDS; System of Social and Demographic Statistics; 社会人口统计制度
*SSFF; Solid Smokeless Fuels Federation; 固体无烟燃料联合会
*SSH; Socialist Party of Croatia (SPC) [Croatia]; Socijalisticks Stranka Hrvatske; 克罗地亚社会党
*SSOD; Special Session of the General Assembly on Disarmament [UN]; 大会裁军问题特别会议(裁军特别联大)
*SSPP; Shan State Progressive Party [Myanmar]; 掸邦进步党
*SSR; self-sufficiency rate; 自足率
*SSRS; Society for Social Responsibility in Science; 科学中的社会责任学会
*SSSI; site of special scientific interest; 有特殊科学价值的地区
*ST; United Nations Secretariat; 联合国秘书处
*STA; special technical adviser; 特别技术顾问
*STABEX; System for the Stabilization of Export Earnings (Stabex); [EEC - Lome Convention]; 稳定出口收入制度; [稳定非加太国家和海外国家与领土出口收入的制度]
*STACRES; Standing Committee on Research and Statistics [FAO]; 研究和统计常设委员会(研究统计常委会)
*STAR; Special Telecommunications Action of Regional Development [EC]; 促进区域发展特别电信行动
*STAR; supply travel on the rotation [UNHCR]; 轮流采购出差
*START; 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; 1991年裁减战略武器条约; START II; 美苏第二阶段削减进攻性战略核武器条约; [1993年一月三日签署]
*STAT; Statistical Division [ECE]; 统计司
*STC; Science and Technology Committee; 科学和技术委员会; Scientific and Technical Commttee [EC]; 科学技术委员会
*STCW; International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and; Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW 1978) [7 July 1978]; 1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约
*STD; Research and Development Programme in the Field of Science and; Technology for Development [EC]; 科学和技术促进发展领域研究与开发计划; Science and Technology for Development [EC]; 科学和技术促进发展计划; science and technology for development; 科学和技术促进发展
*STD; sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs); 性传染疾病
*STEIC; Science and Technology Education Information Centre [UNESCO]; 科学和技术教育资料中心(科技教育资料中心)
*STEND; System for Technological Exchange for Natural Disasters; 自然灾害防治技术交流系统
*STENEE; National Electric Energy Company [Honduras]; 国家电力公司
*STEP; Science and Technology for Environmental Protection [EC]; 科学和技术促进环境保护计划[共同体计划]
*STF; Systemic Transformation Facility [IMF]; 系统改革贷款办法
*STIB; Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and the Biosphere; [one of the long-term global research programmes identified in the; natural sciences]; 平流层对流层相互作用和生物圈方案
*STIDC; Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation Committee; [EC]; 科学和技术资料委员会
*STINDE; Union of Workers of the National Institute of Electricity [Guatemala]; 国家电力研究所工会
*STIP; science and technology innovation policies (STIPs) [UNCTAD]; 科学和技术革新政策
*STO; state trade organizations; 国家贸易组织
*STP; straight through processing; 直接处理 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*STRATBULK; Strategic Planning Course for the Bulk Sector; 散装运输部门战略计划课程
*STRATSHIP; Strategic Planning Workshops for Senior Shipping Management; [a computer game for shipping decision-making]; 高级航运管理战略计划讲习班
*STRIDE; Programme for Science and Technology for Regional Innovation and; Development in Europe [EEC; proposed]; 欧洲科学和技术革新发展方案
*STRIPS; Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities; [US Treasury securities, the records for which are kept on; computer, that are sold by dealers. The unique thing about; these securities is that the interest and principal are sold; separately, with separate identification numbers.]; 证券的利息与本金分开交易
*stu; short ton units [Tungsten]; 短吨度
*STUK; Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety; 芬兰辐射与核安全中心
*SUA; Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of; Maritime Navigation, 1988; 1988年禁止危害航海安全的非法行为公约
*SUA; Shan United Army [Myanmar]; 掸邦统一军
*SUMED; Suez-Mediterranean Oil Pipeline; 苏伊士—地中海输油管
*SUNAMAM; Superintendencia Nacional da Marinha Mercante [Brazil]; 国家航运管理局
*SUNDOS; Special UNDP Drought Operation for the Sudan; 苏丹旱灾特别救济行动方案
*SUPP; Sarawak United People's Party [Malaysia]; 沙捞越人民联合党
*SURB; Special Unit for Rwanda and Burundi [UNHCR]; 卢旺达和布隆迪特别股
*sv; sailing vessel [Chartering and Shipping]; 航行中的船舶;帆船
*SW; shipper's weight (S/W; sh wgt) [Chartering and Shipping]; 托运人重量;发货人报出的重量
*SWACO; South West Africa Company Ltd.; 西南非洲有限公司
*SWANAME; South West Asia, North Africa and the Middle East; 西南亚、北非和中东
*SWANLA; South West Africa Native Labour Association [Namibia]; 西南非洲土著工人协会
*SWANU; South West African National Union [Namibia]; 西南非洲民族联盟
*SWAP; South West African Police [Namibia]; 西南非洲警察
*SWAPO; South West African People's Organization; 西南非洲人民组织
*SWATF; South West African Territory Force; 西南非洲领地部队
*SWAWEK; South-West Africa Water and Electricity Corporation [Namibia]; Suidwes-Afrika Water en Elektrisiteits Korporaisie; 西南非洲水电公司
*SWCC; Second World Climate Conference; 第二次世界气候会议
*SWIFT; Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications; 全世界银行间金融电信协会
*SWMTEP; System-Wide Medium-Term Environment Programme; 全系统中期环境方案
*SYDONIA; Automated System of Customs Data Entry, Control and Management; Audomated Systen for Customs Data (ASYCUDA); [UNCTAD Software]; Systeme Douanier Automatise pour la Saisie, le Controle et la Gestion; 海关数据存入、控制和管理自动化系统(海关数据自动化系统)
*SYSMIN; System for Stabilizing Export Earnings in the Mining Sector (Sysmin); [EEC - Lome Convention]; 稳定矿产品出口收入制度(矿产品制度)
*SYSO; Southern Youth and Students Organization [India]; 南方青年与学生组织
*T; time limited post extension [UNHCR]; 职位的有限时间延长
*T-2; fusariotoxin (T-2 toxin); 镰孢毒素(T-2 毒素)
*TA; technical assistance; 技术援助
*TA; truck-air-truck (TAT); 陆空联运
*TAA; Transatlantic Agreement [freight conference]; 横渡大西洋协定
*TAA; United Nations Technical Assistance Administration (UNTAA); 联合国技术援助管理处(技援处)
*TAB; Technical Assistance Board [UNDP]; 技术援助委员会
*TAB; Technical Assistance Bureau [ICAO]; 技术援助局
*TAB; Training Advisory Board [UNHCR]; 培训咨询委员会
*TAC; Technical Advisory Committee; 技术咨询委员会
*TAC; total allowable catch [EC]; 允许捕鱼总量
*TACA; Transatlantic Conference Agreement [freight conference]; 横渡大西洋公会协定
*TACIS; Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States and; Georgia; 对独立国家联合体和格鲁吉亚的技术援助方案; (独联体技援方案)
*TAD; target arrival dates; 预定到达日期;预定到货日期; TAD System [UNICEF]; “预定到货日期”办法
*T and S; Technical and Scientific Information [UNDP]; 技术和科学资料
*TANGO; Association of Non-Governmental Organizations [Gambia]; 非政府组织协会
*TANJUG; Telegrafska Agencija Nova Jugoslavija [news agency] [Yugoslavia]; 新南斯拉夫通讯社(南通社)
*TAO; United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations; (BTAO; UNBTAO; UNTAO); 联合国技术援助业务局(技援局); technical assistance operations; 技术援助业务
*TAP; United Nations Technical Advisory Panel; 联合国技术顾问团
*TAR; terminal assessment reports (TARs); 最后评价报告
*TARDTF; Tarime Rural Development Trust Fund [Tanzania]; 塔里梅农村发展信托基金
*TARFO; Technical Assistance Recruitment and Fellowships Office [UNOG]; 技术援助人员征聘和研究金办事处
*TARGET; Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlemen Express; Transfer; 全欧资金划拨自动实时总清算系统
*TARO; The Americas Regional, Area and Country Offices [UNICEF]; 美洲区域、地区及国家办事处(美洲办事处)
*TARS; Technical Assistance Recruitment Service; 技术援助人员征聘处(技援人员征聘处)
*TASS; Telegrafnoye Agentstvo Suverennykh Stran [news agency] [Russia]; 塔斯社
*TAT; truck-air-truck (TA); 陆空联运
*TB; terminal beyond [Container]; 进场外地使用
*TB; treasury bill; 国库券
*TBA; traditional birth attendant; 传统助产士
*TBT; technical barriers to trade; 技术性贸易壁垒; Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement); 技术性贸易壁垒协议[乌拉圭回合]
*TBT; tributyl tin; 三丁基锡
*TC; technical committees [ISO]; 技术委员会; TC 104 - "Freight Container" [ISO]; 第104技术委员会—“货运集装箱”
*TC; time charter (T/C); 定期租船;定期租船合同
*TC; total cost; 总成本
*TC; Trilateral Commission, The; 三边委员会
*TC; United Nations Trusteeship Council (UNTC); 联合国托管理事会(托管理事会)
*TCA; Tank Container Association; 罐式容器协会
*TCB; technology capacity building; 建立技术能力
*TCD; Department of Technical Co-operation for Development; (DTCD; UNDTCD) [UN Secretariat; Old Name]; 技术合作促进发展部; Division for Technical Co-operation for Development; (DTCD; UNDTCD) [UN Secretariat; New Name]; 技术合作促进发展司
*TCDA; United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa; (UNTACDA; UNTCDA); 联合国非洲运输和通讯十年
*TCDC; technical co-operation among developing countries; 发展中国家技术合作(技合); Special Unit for Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries; [UNDP]; 发展中国家技术合作特别股; TCDC/INRES or TCDC-INRES; TCDC Information Referral System (INRES); 发展中国家技术合作资料查询系统
*TCDCU; Unit of Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries; 发展中国家技术合作股
*TCE; Thomson Consumer Electronics; 汤姆森家庭电子用品公司
*TCM; Convention on the International Combined Transport of Goods; (TCM Convention); 国际货物联运公约(联运公约)
*TCM; trade control measures (TCMs); 贸易管制措施
*TCMIS; Trade Control Measures Information System [UNCTAD]; 贸易管制措施资料系统
*TCP; Technical Co-operation Programme [FAO]; 技术合作方案
*TCP; Tropical Cyclone Programme [WMO]; 热带气旋方案
*TCR; regional co-operation tax [CEAO]; 区域合作税
*TD; terminal devanning [Container]; 区内拆箱
*TDB; Trade and Development Board [UNCTAD]; 贸易和发展理事会(贸发理事会)
*TDF; transborder data flow; 跨越国界数据流动
*TDO; total distribution operator; 总体调运经营人
*TDR; Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases; [World Bank/UNDP/WHO]; 热带疾病研究和训练特别方案(热带疾病方案)
*TDR; Trade and Development Report; 贸易和发展报告[年刊]
*TDRP; Tropical Diseases Research Programme; 热带疾病研究方案
*TDWG; Technical Department Working Group [FAO]; 技术司工作组
*TE; in empty [Container]; 空箱
*TEA; Trade Expansion Act [USA]; 扩大贸易法案
*TEA; Targeted Export Assistance Programme [USDA]; 目标出口援助计划
*TEC; Transfer of Technology Division; 技术转让司
*TEC; Transitional Executive Council [South Africa]; 过渡行政委员会
*TEGDN; triethylene glycol dinitrate; 三甘醇二硝酸酯
*TEGOVOFA; European Federation of Valuers of Fixed Assets; 欧洲固定资产估价人联合会
*TELECOM; Telecommunications Relay Unit [UNOG]; 电信转播股
*TEMA; Committee for Training, Education and Mutual Assistance in Marine ; Science [IOC]; 海洋科学培训、教育和互助委员会
*TEMA; Turkish Foundation for Combatting Erosion, Reforestation and the; Protection of Natural Habitats; 土耳其防治侵蚀、重新造林和保护自然生境基金会
*TEMPUS; Trans-European Mobility Scheme for University Studies [EC]; 全欧高等教育流动计划
*TERI; Tata Energy Research Institute [India]; 塔塔能源研究所
*TESAC; Temperature, Salinity and Current Report; 温度、含盐量及海流观测报告
*TESO; Tanzania Environmental Society; 坦桑尼亚环境学会
*TEU; twenty-foot equivalent unit; 20英尺标准箱(标准箱)[集装箱]
*TF; shipping [Container]; 准备装船
*TFAP; Tropical Forestry Action Plan; 热带森林行动计划; Tropical Forestry Action Programme; [FAO/UNEP/UNDP/WRI; June 1985]; 热带森林行动方案
*TFE; tetrafluoroethylene; 四氟乙烯
*TFE; twenty-foot equivalent; 20英尺标准箱(标准箱)[集装箱]
*TFECWARA; Trust Fund for the Economic Commission for Western Asia Regional; Activities; 西亚经济委员会区域活动信托基金
*TFMD; Trade, Fiscal and Monetary Affairs Division; 贸易、金融和货币事务司
*TFP; total factor productivity; 生产要素总生产率(要素总产率)
*TFR; total fertility rate; 总生育率(总生率)
*TFT; thin-film transitors; 薄膜电子管
*TFUNCTC; Trust Fund for the United Nations Centre on Transnational; Corporations; 联合国跨国公司中心信托基金
*TGE; Tokyo Grain Exchange [Japan]; 东京谷物交易所
*TGV; high-speed train; train a grande vitesse; 高速火车
*Thos Jas; Thomas and James Co.; 托马斯和詹姆斯公司
*TIA; transparency in armaments [A/RES/46/36; Disarmament]; 军备透明;军备透明度; TIA Committee; Ad Hoc Committee on Transparency in Armaments; 军备透明特设委员会
*TIAR; Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance; Rio de Janeiro Inter-American Mutual Aid Treaty; [2 Sept. 1947; UN Treaty Series, Vol.21, p.92]; (里约热内卢)美洲国家间互助条约; [国际条约集 1945-47,p.519]
*TIC; trade indifference curve; 贸易无差异曲线
*TIC; Tripartite industrial co-operation; 三方工业合作
*TICAD-I; First Tokyo International Conference on African Development; 东京非洲发展问题第一次国际会议
*TIES; Technological Information Exchange System [UNIDO]; 技术资料交换系统
*TIF; Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF); [E/1989/96, para.119; UNTS Vol.1 1396 I-23353]; 国际铁路运输公约; TIF Convention 1952; International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for; Goods by Rail [10 Jan. 1952]; 1952年简化铁路货运过境手续的国际公约; [总部译成:促进铁路货运过境的国际公约]
*TIGER; Treasury Investers Growth Receipt (TIGR; TIGRs; TIGERs) [USA]; [A form of zero-coupon security first created by Merrill Lynch, Pierce,; Fenner, and Smith. These Securities are US Government backed; bonds which have been stripped of their coupons. Both coupons; and bonds are sold at deep discounts. Holders of the securities; receive face value for the securities at maturity, devoid of interest.; Since zero-coupon bonds must pay imputed interest annually,; TIGERs also must do this, according to the IRS. To avoid paying; tax on this interest, some holders put the securities in IRA plans,; Keoghs, or other tax deferred accounts.]
*TINET; Trade Information Network [PTA]; 贸易资料网络
*TIPAC; Transit Inter-Etats de Pays de l'Afrique Centrale; 中非各国间过境安排
*TIPS; Technological Information Pilot System; 技术资料试验系统; Technological Information Promotion System; 技术资料促进系统
*TIR; Transport International Routier; 国际公路运输规则(公路运输); TIR Convention; 国际公路货运公约;TIR公约; Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods; under Cover of TIR Carnets [1959, 1975]; 关于国际公路货运通行证制度下国际货运海关公约;; TIR证国际货运海关公约; TIR Carnets; 国际公路货运通行证;TIR证
*TIS; Trade Information System [UNCTAD]; 贸易资料系统
*TISCO; Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd. [India]; 塔塔钢铁有限公司
*TL; total loss (T/L) [Chartering and Shipping]; 全损
*TLD; Top-Level Domain; ; 顶级域名 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*TLM; threshold limit medium; 平均容许极限量
*TLO; total loss only; 全损险
*TLV; threshold limit value; (可允许的)最高限值;阈限值
*TMB; Textiles Monitoring Body [GATT]; 纺织品监督局
*TMETN; trimethylolethane trinitrate; 三羟甲基乙烷三硝酸酯
*tmv; tobacco mosaic virus; 烟草花叶病毒
*TNC; transnational corporations (TNCs); 跨国公司;多国企业
*TNEC; Temporary National Economic Committee; 全国经济临时委员会
*TNMC; transnational marketing or trading corporations (TNMCs); 跨国销售或贸易公司
*TNO; Nederlandse Centrale Organisatie voor; Togepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek; 荷兰中央应用与自然科学研究组织
*TNS; total national strategy [South Africa]; 国家总战略
*TOCOM; Tokyo Commodity Exchange [Japan]; 东京商品交易所
*TOFC; trailer on flat car; 平板车式集装箱拖车
*TOGA; Tropical Oceans and Global Atmosphere Programme [WCRP]; 热带海洋与全球大气实验方案
*TOM; overseas territories [EC]; territoires d'outre-mer; 海外领地
*TOMS; Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer; 臭氧总量绘图系统
*TONNAG; International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969; (TONNAG 1969) [23 June 1969]; 1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约
*TOT; training of trainers; 培训者的培训
*TOT; transfer of technology; 技术转让
*tpa; ton per annum; 每年吨数
*TPC; Trade Promotion Centre [ESCAP]; 贸易促进中心
*TPFCJ; Trans-Pacific Freight Conference of Japan; 日本横渡太平洋航运公会
*TPI; Tropical Products Institute [UK]; 热带产品协会
*TPL; tricalcium phosphate lime; bone phosphate of lime; 骨质磷酸钙;磷酸三钙
*TPND; risk of theft, pilferage and non-delivery [Insurance]; 盗窃和提货不着险;偷窃及提货不着
*TPO; trade promotion organizations; 促进贸易组织
*TPR; Tripartite Review Meeting (TRI); 三方审查会议
*TPRM; trade policy review mechanism; 贸易政策审查机制(贸审机制)
*tpy; ton per year; 每年吨数
*TQ; tale quale; tel quel (tq); 现状条款
*TQC; total quality control; 全面质量管理
*TQM; total quality management; 全面质量管理(全质管)
*TR; transferable roubles; 可转让卢布;可转换卢布;转帐卢布
*T/R; trust receipt; 信托收据
*TRAFFIC; Trade Records Analysis of Fauna and Flora in Commerce; 商业动植物贸易记录分析; TRAFFIC International; 商业动植物贸易记录分析国际社
*TRAINAIR; Training Development in the Field of Civil Aviation [IACO]; 民航领域的培训方案(民航培训方案)
*TRAINFORTRADE; Training Development in the Field of Foreign Trade [UNCTAD]; 外贸领域的培训方案(外贸培训方案)
*TRAINMAR; Training Development in the Field of Maritime Transport [UNCTAD]; 海运领域的培训方案(海运培训方案)
*TRAINS; Trade Analysis and Information System; 贸易分析和信息系统
*TRAN; Transport Division [ECE]; 运输司
*TRD; Trade Division [ECE]; 贸易司
*TRDB; Tanzanian Rural Development Bank; 坦桑尼亚农村开发银行
*TRENCOP; Tree and Energy Conservation Programmes [Uganda]; 护林和节能方案
*TRI; toxic release inventory [USA]; 有毒物质排放记录
*TRI; Tripartite Review Meeting (TPR); 三方审查会议
*TRIE; Transport Routier Inter-Etats Convention (TRIE Convention); 国际间公路货运公约
*TRIM; trade-related investment measures (TRIMs); 与贸易有关的投资措施(涉贸投资措施)
*TRIP; trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPs); 与贸易有关的知识产权问题(涉贸知识产权问题)
*TRPE; trade-related public enterprises (TRPEs); 与贸易有关的公营企业
*TRT; Trademark Registration Treaty [12 June 1973]; 商标注册条约 [国际私法参考资料(四),p.197]
*TRW; [A US-based provider of credit information on individuals and business; entities; translator note - not an acronym]
*T$; Tongan pa'anga [Monetary Unit of Tonga]; 汤加潘加
*TSAG; Telecommunications Standardization Advisory Group [ITU]; 电信标准化咨询组
*TSB; Textiles Surveillance Body [MFA]; 纺织品监督机构
*TSCS; Trans-Siberia Container Service; 横贯西伯利亚集装箱转运
*Tsh; Tanzanian shilling [Monetary UNit of Tanzania]; 坦桑尼亚先令
*TSO; Technical Standards Orders [US FAA]; 技术标准指令
*TSR; technically specified rubber; 工艺分类橡胶; TSR-20; 二十号标准胶[代表团的意见]
*TSUS; Tariff Schedule of the United States (TSUSA); 美国海关税则
*TT; telegraphic transfer (T/T); 电汇
*TT; terminal transit; 区内调运
*TT; through transport; 直达运输; TT Club; Through Transport Mutual Association Ltd.; 直达运输互助协会
*TT; transfer of technology; 技术转让
*TTAP; Trust for Transitional Action to Progress [Tamil Nadu, India]; 行动求进步信托组织
*TTBT; Threshold Test Ban Treaty; 临界禁试条约
*TTCA; Transit Transportation Co-ordination Authority [Africa]; 过境运输协调局
*TTD; Trade and Technology Division [ECE]; 贸易和技术司
*TTI; Trade, Transport and Industry; 贸易、运输和工业; APEC/TTI; the Trade, Transport and Industry Sector of the Action Programme; for Economic Co-operation; 经济合作行动纲领的贸易、运输和工业部门
*TTP; Panel of Teletypewriter Specialists; 电传打字机专家小组
*TTP; trainer's training programme; 训练人员培训方案
*TT$; Trinidad and Tobago dollar [Monetary Unit of Trinidad and Tobago]; 特立尼达和多巴哥元
*TTT; Transamerican Trailer Transport; 美国拖车运输公司
*TUAC; Trade Union Advisory Committee to OECD; 经合组织工会咨询委员会
*TUCSA; Trade Union Council of South Africa; 南非工会理事会
*Tug; Mongolian tuglik [Monetary Unit of Mongolia]; 蒙古图格里克
*TUIAFPW; Trade Unions International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation; Workers; 农业、林业和种植园工人国际工会(农林业和种植园工人工会)
*TUP; Trickle Up Program; 涓流方案
*Tupamaros; Tupamaros National Liberation Movement [Uruguay]; Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional (MLN; MLN-T); 图帕马罗斯民族解放运动
*TV; television; 电视
*TVA; Tennessee Valley Authority [USA]; 田纳西流域管理局
*TVE; Television Trust for the Environment; 环境电视信托基金
*TWAS; Third World Academy of Sciences; 第三世界科学院
*TWF; Third World Foundation (for Social and Economic Studies); 第三世界(社会与经济研究)基金会
*TWH; terawatt hour; 万亿瓦小时;十亿千瓦小时
*TW MAE W; Third World Movement against Exploitation of Women; 第三世界反对剥削妇女运动
*TWN; Third World Network; 第三世界网络
*UA; unit of account; 记帐单位; European Unit of Account (EUA); 欧洲记帐单位; Unit of Account of the PTA (UAPTA); 东部和南部非洲优惠贸易区记帐单位
*U/A; underwriting account (U/a; ua); 承保帐户
*UAA; Arab Lawyers Union; Union des Avocats Arabes; 阿拉伯律师联合会(律师联合会)
*UAB; Union of Arab Banks; 阿拉伯银行联合会
*UAD; United Action for Democracy [Nigeria]; 联合行动争取民主协会
*UAE; United Arab Emirates; 阿拉伯联合酋长国
*UAET; United Arab Emirates Tanker Company; 阿拉伯联合酋长国油船公司
*UAI; Union of International Associations; Union des Associations Internationale ; 国际协会联合会(协联)
*UAJ; Union of Arab Jurists; 阿拉伯法学家联合会
*UAM; African and Malagasy Union; Union Africaine et Malgache; 非洲马达加斯加联盟
*UAP; Universal Availability of Publications; 世界出版物供应来源(方案)
*UAPTA; Unit of Account of the PTA; 东部和南部非洲优惠贸易区记帐单位
*UAR; Union of African Railways; 非洲铁路联盟
*UATI; Union des Associations Techniques Internationales; Union of International Technical Associations (UITA); 国际技术协会联合会(技术协会联合会)
*UBC; Universal Bibliographic Control; 世界书目管理(方案)
*UBDP; Union Belge pour la Defense de la Paix; 比利时保卫和平联盟
*UCC; ultimate container carrier (a kind of new container carrier); 终极集装箱船
*UCEDS; UNCTAD Central Economic Data System; 贸发会议中央经济数据系统
*UCITS; undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities; 有价证券集体投资机构
*UCIZONIO; Union of Indigenous Communities of the Mixed Zone of the Isthmus; [Mexico]
*UCL; University College London [UK]; 伦敦大学学院
*UCMJ; Uniform Code of Military Justice [USA]; 统一军法典
*UCN; National Centre Union Party [Guatemala]; 全国中间联盟党
*UCP/ICC; Uniform Customs and Practices of Documentary Credits of the; International Chamber of Commerce; [ICC Publication 290; 1 Oct. 1975]; 国际商会的跟单信用证统一惯例; [国际贸易惯例与规则汇编,p.323]
*UDAO; West African Customs Union; Union Douaniere de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非关税同盟
*UDEAC; Central African Customs and Economic Union (CACEU); Union Douaniere et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale; 中部非洲关税和经济联盟(中非关经联)
*UDEAO; Customs and Economic Union of West African States; Union Douaniere et Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非国家关税和经济同盟
*UDF; Union of Democratic Forces [Bulgaria]; 民主力量联盟
*UDF; Union pour la Democratie Francaise [France]; 法国民主联盟
*UDF; United Democratic Front [South Africa; Malawi]; 联合民主阵线
*UDHR; Universal Declaration of Human Rights [A/RES/217 A(III)]; 世界人权宣言
*UDI; Unilateral Declaration of Independence [Zimbabwe]; 单方面宣布独立[指津巴布韦独立前罗得西亚白人政权]
*UDP; People's Democratic Union [Bolivia]; Union Democratica Popular; 人民民主联盟
*UDPS; Union for Democracy and Social Progress [Zaire]; 民主与社会进步联盟
*UDRP; Uniform Domain Name dispute Resolution Policy; 《统一域名争议解决政策》(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*UDS; Union Democrata Social [Equatorial Guinea]; 社会民主联盟
*UDT; Uniao Democratica Timorense [East Timor]; 帝汶民主联盟
*UE; European Union (EU); Union Europeenne; 欧洲联盟(欧盟)
*UEA; Universal Esperanto Association; Universala Esperanto-Asocio; 国际世界语协会(世界语协会)
*UEAC; Union of Central African States; Union des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale; 中非国家联盟
*UEMOA; Union des Exposants de Machines et Outillage Agricoles; 农业机械及工具展览商联合会
*UEMOA; West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU); Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine; 西非经济和货币联盟(西非经货联)
*UEPIP; Union of European Practitioners in Industrial Property; 欧洲工业产权代理人联合会
*UES; Union of Secondary-School Pupils [Argentina]; Union de Estudiantes Secundarios; 中学生联合会
*UFCDKF; United Front for the Construction and Defence of the Kampuchean; Fatherland [formerly: KUFNCD]; 柬埔寨祖国建国卫国统一阵线[越南扶植政党]
*UFER; International Movement for Fraternal Union among Races and Peoples; Mouvement International pour l'Union Fraternelle entre les Races et les; Peuples; 国际种族和民族博爱团结运动
*UFI; Union of International Fairs (UIF); Union des Foires Internationales; 国际博览会联合会(博览会联合会)
*UFTAA; Universal Federation of Travel Agents' Associations; 世界旅行社协会联合会(旅行社联合会)
*UGB; Union Guerra Blanca [El Salvador]; 白色战争联盟
*UHF; ultra high frequency; 超高频[300-3000兆赫]
*UI; Uranium Institute [UK]; 铀学会
*UIA; International Union of Lawyers; Union Internationale des Avocats; 国际律师联合会
*UIC; International Union of Railways (IUR); Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer; 国际铁路联盟(铁路联盟)
*UIF; Unemployment Insurance Fund [South Africa]; 失业保险基金
*UIF; Union of International Fairs; Union des Foires Internationales (UFI); 国际博览会联合会(博览会联合会)
*UILI; International Union of Independent Laboratories; Union Internationale des Laboratoires Independants; 国际独立实验室联合会
*UIM; International Association of Judges (new name); International Union of Judges (old name); Association Internationale des Magistrats (new name); Union Internationale des Magistrats (old name); 国际法官协会[新名];国际法官联合会[旧名]
*UINF; International Union for Inland Navigation; Union Internationale de la Navigation Fluviale; 国际内河航行联盟(内河航行联盟)
*UINL; International Union of Latin Notariat; Union Internationale du Notariat Latin; 国际拉丁语公证人联合会
*UISP; International Union of Police Federations; Union Internationale des Syndicats de Police; 国际警察联合会联盟(警察联盟)
*UITA; Union des Associations Techniques Internationales (UATI); Union of International Technical Associations; 国际技术协会联合会(技术协会联合会)
*UITP; International Union of Public Transport; Union Internationale des Transports Publics; 国际公共运输联合会(公共运输联合会)
*UK; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; (United Kingdom); 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(联合王国;英国)
*UKAEA; United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (AEA; BAEA); 英国原子能管理局
*UKCIS; United Kingdom Chemical Information Service; 联合王国化学资料服务处
*UK/Cont (BH); United Kingdom or Coninent (Bordeaux-Hamburg range); 联合王国或大陆(波尔多—汉堡线)
*UK/Cont (GH); United Kingdom or Continent (Gibraltar-Hamburg range); 联合王国或大陆(直布罗陀汉—堡线)
*UK/Cont (HH); United Kingdom or Continent (Le Havre-Hamburg range); 联合王国或大陆(勒阿弗尔—汉堡线)
*Ukfo; United Kingdom, for order [Chartering and Shipping]; 联合王国方向,等待指示
*UKIAS; United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service; 联合王国移民咨询服务处
*UKO; UKO International; United Kingdom Optical International; 联合王国光学国际公司
*UKWAL; United Kingdom/West Africa Lines Joint Service; 联合王国/西非航运公司联合服务社
*UL; Latin Union; Union Latina; 拉丁联合会
*ULCC; ultra large crude carrier; 超巨型原油船
*ULD; unit load devices; 成组器;成组货载设备[集装箱]; A/C ULD; aircraft unit load devic; 航空用成组器; non-A/C ULD; non-aircraft unit load device; 非航空用成组器
*ULIS; Uniform Laws of International Sale of Goods [UNCITRAL; A/9617]; 国际货物销售统一法
*UM; Mauritania ouguiya [Monetary Unit of Mauritania]; 毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚
*UMA; Arab Maghreb Union (AMU); Union du Maghreb Arabe; 阿拉伯马格里布联盟(阿马联)
*UMC; United Methodist Church; 联合卫理公会
*UMDC; Christian Democratic World Union (CDWU) [now: CDI]; Union Mondiale Democrate Chretienne; 世界基督教民主党联盟(基督教民主党联盟)
*UMNO; United Malays National Organization [Malaysia]; 马来民族统一机构(巫统)
*UMOA; West African Monetary Union (WAMU); Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine; 西非货币联盟(西非货联)
*UMOSEA; World Union for the Safeguard of Youth; Union Mondiale pour la Sauvegarde de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence; 世界保护青年联合会(保青联)
*UMPL; World Union of Professions; Union Mondiale des Professions Liberales; 世界自由职业联合会
*UmverkehR; Swiss Traffic Alternative; 瑞士非传统交通协会
*UMWA; United Mine Workers of America; 美国矿工联合会
*UN; United Nations; 联合国
*UNAFEI; United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crome; and the Treatment of Offenders; 联合国亚洲和远东预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所; (亚远预防犯罪研究所)
*UNAFRI; United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the; Treatment of Offenders; 联合国非洲预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所
*UNAIDS; Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; 联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合方案(艾滋病方案)
*UNAMIC; United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia; 联合国驻柬埔寨先遣团
*UNAMIR; United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda; Mission des Nations Unies d'Assistance au Rwanda (MINUAR); 联合国卢旺达援助团
*UNAPDI; Asian and Pacific Development Institute (APDI); 亚洲及太平洋发展研究所
*UNAPEC; United Nations Action Programme for Economic Co-operations among; Developing Countries (APEC); 联合国发展中国家间经济合作行动纲领
*UNARDOL; United Nations Agency for Reconstruction and Development of ; Lebanon; 联合国黎巴嫩重建发展机构; United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of; Lebanon; 联合国援助黎巴嫩重建和发展(方案)
*UNASYLVA; Yearbook of Forest Products; 森林产品年鉴
*UNAT; Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations; United Nations Administrative Tribunal (SG/LEG/Admin Trib); 联合国行政法庭
*UNATAC; Union of Technical Assistance for Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic; Union d'Assistance Technique pour l'Automobile et la Circulation; Routiere; 汽车和公路交通技术援助联盟
*UNAVEM; United Nations Angola Verification Mission; 联合国安哥拉核查团; UNAVEM II; 联合国安哥拉第二期核查团
*UNBA; United Nations Board of Auditors; 联合国审计委员会
*UNBIS; United Nations Bibliographic Information System; 联合国书目资料系统(书目资料系统); UNBIS Thesaurus; 书目资料系统术语词库
*UNBRO; United Nations Border Relief Operation [Cambodia]; 联合国边境救济行动
*UNBSA; United Nations Bureau of Social Affairs; 联合国社会事务局
*UNBTAO; United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations; (BTAO; TAO; UNTAO); 联合国技术援助业务局(技援局)
*UNC; United Nations Command; 联合国指挥部
*UN/CAA; United Nations Centre against Apartheid (CAA); 联合国反对种族隔离中心(反对种族隔离中心)
*UNCC; United Nations Chief Co-ordinator; 联合国首席协调员(首席协调员)
*UNCC; United Nations Compensation Commission; 联合国赔偿委员会
*UNCCP; United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (CCP); 联合国巴勒斯坦和解委员会(和解委员会)
*UNCD; United Nations Centre for Disarmament [DPSCA]; 联合国裁军中心
*UNCDF; United Nations Capital Development Fund (CDF) [UNDP]; 联合国资本发展基金(资本发展基金); UNCDF-funded project; 资本发展基金资助项目; UNCDF operational reserve; 资本发展基金业务储备金
*UNCDPPP; United Nations Centre for Development Planning, Projections and; Policies (CDPPP) [ESA]; 联合国发展规划、预测和政策中心
*UNCED; United Nations Conference on Environment and Development; Earth Summit; 联合国环境与发展会议(环发会议;地球问题首脑会议)
*UN/CEFACT; Centre for the Facilitation of Procedures and Practices for; Administration, Commerce and Transport of the United ; Nations Economic Commission; ; 联合国欧洲经济委员会简化行政、商业、运输手续; 及惯例中心 简化手续中心 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*UNCESI; Centre for Economic and Social Information (CESI); 经济及社会新闻中心(经社新闻中心)
*UNCHBP; United Nations Centre for Housing, Building and Planning (CHBP); [ESA]; 联合国住房、建房和规划中心
*UNCHS; United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) (CHS); 联合国人类住区(生境)中心(生境中心); United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat); 联合国人类住区(生境)会议(生境会议); UNCHS(HABITAT); 生境中心
*UNCID; Uniform Rules of Conduct for Interchange of Trade Data by; Teletransmission; 贸易数据交换电信传输统一行为规则
*UNCIP; United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan; 联合国印度巴基斯坦委员会(印巴委员会)
*UNCITRAL; United Nations Commission on International Trade Law; 联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委员会)
*UNCIVPOL; United Nations Civilian Police Force (CIVPOL); 联合国民警部队; UNCIVPOL Missing Persons Bureau; 联合国民警部队失踪人士事务局
*UNCLDC; United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries; 联合国最不发达国家问题会议; UNCLDC II; Second United Nations Conference on the Least Developed; Countries; 第二次联合国最不发达国家问题会议
*UNCLOS; United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea; 联合国海洋法会议
*UNCN; United Nations Council for Namibia; 联合国纳米比亚理事会
*UNCNRSE; United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy; (UNERG); 联合国新能源和可再生能源会议(能源会议)
*UNCOD; United Nations Conference on Desertification; 联合国沙漠化问题会议
*UNCPICPUNE; United Nations Conference for the Promotion of International; Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy; 联合国促进核能和平利用国际合作会议; (核能和平利用国际合作会议)
*UNCRD; United Nations Centre for Regional Development; 联合国区域发展中心
*UNCSD; United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD); 联合国可持续发展委员会
*UNCSDHA; United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian; Affairs (CSDHA; SDH) [DIESA; UNOV]; 联合国社会发展和人道主义事务中心; (社会发展和人道主义中心)[国际经济和社会事务部]
*UNCSTD; United Nations Centre for Science and Technology for Development; (CSTD) [UN Secretariat] [now: Science and Technology Branch]; 联合国科学和技术促进发展中心(科技促发中心); United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展委员会(科技促委会); United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展会议(科技促进发展会议)
*UNCTAD; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; 联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议); UNCTAD VIII; Eighth Session of the UNCTAD; Eighth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; 联合国贸易和发展会议第八届大会(第八届贸发大会); UNCTAD Liaison Office at Headquarters; 贸发会议驻总部联络处
*UNCTC; United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (CTC; CTNC); 联合国跨国公司中心(跨国公司中心)
*UNCURK; United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of ; Korea; 联合国韩国统一复兴委员会(韩委会)
*UNDA; International Catholic Association for Radio, Television and; Audio-Visuals; Association Catholique Internationale pour la Radio, la Television et; l'Audiovisuel; 国际天主教无线电广播、电视和视听协会; (天主教无线电广播、电视和视听协会)
*UNDA; United Nations Development Authority; 联合国发展管理局
*UNDAC; United Nations Disaster Assessment and Co-ordination; 联合国灾害评价和救灾协调
*UNDAF; United Nations Development Assistance Framework; 联合国发展援助框架
*UNDARP; United Socio-Economic Development and Research Programme [India]; 联合社会经济发展研究方案
*UNDAT; United Nations Development Advisory Teams; 联合国发展咨询工作队(发展咨询队)
*UNDAW; United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国提高妇女地位司
*UNDC; United Nations Development Corporation; 联合国开发公司(开发公司)
*UNDC; United Nations Disarmament Commission; 联合国裁军审议委员会
*UNDCC; United Nations Development Co-operation Cycle; 联合国发展合作周期(发展合作周期)
*UNDCP; United Nations International Drug Control Programme; 联合国国际药物管制规划署;联合国国际药物管制方案
*UNDDA; United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs (DDA); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国裁军事务部(裁军部)
*UNDDSMS; United Nations Department for Development Support and Management; Services (DDSMS) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国发展支助和管理事务部(发展部)
*UNDESD; United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development; (DESD) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国经济和社会发展部
*UNDEX; United Nations Index for Documentation; 联合国文件索引; UNDEX country index; 联合国文件国别索引; UNDEX subject index; 联合国文件主题索引
*UNDHA; United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国人道主义事务部(人道部)
*UNDIS; United Nations Documentation Information System; 联合国文件资料系统
*UNDND; United Nations Division of Narcotic Drugs; 联合国麻醉药品司
*UNDOF; United Nations Disengagement Observers Force; 联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)
*UNDP; Union National Democracy Party [Myanmar]; 联邦民族民主党
*UNDP; United Nations Development Programme (DP); Programme des Nations Unies pour le Developpement (PNUD); 联合国开发计划署(开发署);联合国发展方案(发展方案)
*UNDPA; United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国政治事务部(政治部)
*UNDPCSD; United Nations Department of Policy Co-ordination and Sustainable; Development (DPCSD) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国政策协调和可持续发展部
*UNDPI; United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国新闻部(新闻部)
*UNDPKO; United Nations Department of Peace-Keeping Operations (DPKO); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国维持和平行动部(维和部)
*UNDRO; Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator; 联合国救灾协调专员办事处(救灾专员办事处)
*UNDTCD; United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development; (DTCD; TCD) [UN Secretariat; Old Name]; 联合国技术合作促进发展部; United Nations Division for Technical Co-operation for Development; (DTCD; TCD) [UN Secretariat; New Name]; 联合国技术合作促进发展司
*UNECE; United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) [ESC]; Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE); 联合国欧洲经济委员会(欧洲经委会)
*UNEDA; United Nations Economic Development Administration; 联合国经济发展管理局
*UNEDBAS; UNESCO Regional Office for Education in the Arab States; 教科文组织阿拉伯国家教育区域办事处
*UNEF; United Nations Emergency Force; 联合国紧急部队(紧急部队)
*UNEF; United Nations Environment Fund; 联合国环境基金(环境基金)
*UNEO; United Nations Emergency Operation; 联合国紧急行动(紧急行动)
*UNEOTF; United Nations Emergency Operation Trust Fund; 联合国紧急行动信托基金
*UNEP; United Nations Environment Programme; 联合国环境规划署(环境署);联合国环境方案(环境方案)
*UNEPCOM; USSR Commission for UNEP; 苏联—环境署委员会
*UNERG; United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy; (UNCNRSE); 联合国新能源和可再生能源会议(能源会议)
*UNESCO; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; 联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)
*UNESOB; United Nations Economic and Social Offece in Beirut; 联合国驻贝鲁特经济社会办事处(贝鲁特经社处)
*UNETPSA; United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern; Africa; 联合国南部非洲教育和训练方案(南部非洲教育方案)
*UNFCCC; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC); 联合国气候变化问题框架公约(气候公约)
*UNFDAC; United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control; 联合国管制药物滥用基金(禁毒基金)
*UNFICYP; United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus; 联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队(联合国驻塞浦路斯部队)
*UNIFEM; United Nations Development Fund for Women; 联合国妇女发展基金
*UNFPA; United Nations Fund for Population Activities; 联合国人口活动基金(人口活动基金)[旧名]; United Nations Population Fund; 联合国人口基金(人口基金)[新名]; United Nations Trust Fund for Population Activities; 联合国人口活动信托基金(人口活动基金)[旧名]
*UNFSSTD; United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统(科技促进发展筹资系统)
*UNFSTD; United Nations Fund for Science and Technology for Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展基金(科技促发基金)
*UNGA; United Nations General Assembly (GA) [UN]; 联合国大会(大会)
*UNGEGN; United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names; 联合国地名专家组
*UNGOMAP; United Nations Good Office Missions in Afghanistan and Pakistan; 联合国阿富汗及巴基斯坦斡旋团
*UNHCHR; the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; (HCHR); 联合国人权事务高级专员(人权高专); United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR); 联合国人权事务高级专员
*UNHCR; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR); 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)
*UNHDR; United Nations Human Development Report (HDR) [UNDP]; 联合国人的发展报告
*UNHHSF; United Nations Habitat and Human Settlement Foundation; 联合国生境和人类住区基金会(生境基金会)
*UNI; Union de Naciones Indigenas [Brazil]; Uniao das Nacoes Indigenas; 土著民族联合会
*UNIAPAC; International Christian Union of Business Executives; Union Internationale Chretienne des Dirigeants d'Entreprise; 国际基督教企业管理人员联合会(基督教企业管理人员联合会)
*UNIC; United Nations information centres (UNICs); 联合国新闻中心(新闻中心)
*UNICE; Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe; Union des Confederations de l'Industrie et des Employeurs d'Europe; 欧洲工业和雇主联合会同盟[新名]; Union of Industries of the European Community; Union des Industries de la Communaute Europeenne; 欧洲共同体产业联盟[旧名]
*UNICEF; United Nations Children's Fund; 联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金)
*Unicentre; 成组货运中心 [Rotterdam]
*UNICRI; United Nations Inter-Regional Crime and Justice Research Institute; 联合国区域间犯罪和司法研究所
*Unicube; [A concept of interrelating and combining three dimensional cargo units; from normal pallet (about 1 cubic meter) to the largest intermodal; van container size.]
*UNIDAC; United Nations Advisory Committee on Co-ordination in the Field of; Industrial Development; 联合国工业发展领域协调事务咨询委员会(工发协调咨委会)
*UNIDEP; (United Nations) African Institute for Economic Development and; Planning (AIEDP); Institut Africain de Developpement Economique et de Planification (des; Nations Unies) (IADEP; IDEP); (联合国)非洲经济发展和规划研究所
*UNIDF; United Nations Industrial Development Fund; 联合国工业发展基金(工发基金)
*UNIDIR; United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research; 联合国裁军研究所
*UNIDO; United Nations Industrial Development Organization; 联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)
*UNIDROIT; International Institute for the Unification of Private Law; 国际统一私法学社
*UNIENET; United Nations International Emergency Network; 联合国国际紧急网络
*UNIFEM; United Nations Development Fund for Women; 联合国妇女发展基金(妇发基金)
*UNIFIL; United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon; Force Interimaire des Nations Unies au Liban (FINUL); 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(驻黎临时部队)
*UNIFSTD; United Nations Interim Fund for Science and Technology for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展临时基金(科技促进发展临时基金)
*UNIIMOG; United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group; 联合国伊朗和伊拉克军事观察团
*UNIKOM; United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission; 联合国伊拉克和科威特观察团
*UNILOG; United Nations Logistic Unit; 联合国后勤单位
*UNIN; United Nations Institute for Namibia; 联合国纳米比亚研究所
*UNIP; United National Independent Party [Zambia]; 联合民族独立党
*UNIPAC; UNICEF Packing and Assembly Centre at Copenhagen; 儿童基金哥本哈根包装和装配中心
*UNIPEDE; International Union of Producers and Distributers of Electrical Energy; Union Internationale des Producteurs et Distributeurs d'Energie; Electrique; 国际电能生产者与配电者联合会(电能生产者与配电者联合会)
*UNIPOM; United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission; 联合国印度巴基斯坦观察团
*UNIS; United Nations International School; 联合国国际学校(国际学校)
*UNISIST; World Information System for Science and Technology [UNESCO]; 世界科学和技术资料系统(科技资料系统)
*UNISPACE; United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of ; Outer Space; 联合国探索及和平利用外层空间会议(外空会议); UNISPACE - 82 or UNISPACE II; 1982年第二次联合国探索及和平利用外层空间会议; (1982年外空会议;第二次外空会议)
*UNISTAR; United Nations International Short-Term Advisory Resources; 联合国国际短期咨询资源
*UNISTE; United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency; [UNCTAD]; 联合国贸易效率问题国际讨论会
*UNITA; National Union for the Total Independence of Angola; Uniao Nacional para a Independencia Total de Angola; 争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟
*UNITAF; Unified Task Force [US/UN military operation in Somalia]; 联合特遣部队
*UNITAP; United Nations Inter-Municipal Technical Assistance Programme; 联合国市际技术援助方案(市际技援方案)
*UNITAR; United Nations Institute for Training and Research; 联合国训练研究所(训研所)
*UNITED; United for Inter-Cultural Action - European Network against; Nationalism, Racism, Fascism and in Support of Migrants and; Refugees; 团结不同文化间行动—欧洲反对民族主义、种族主义、法西斯主; 义和支持移民及难民联络网
*UNITERRA; 大地[环境署出版物]
*UNJSPB; United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (JSPB); 联合国工作人员养恤金联合委员会(养恤金联委会)
*UNJSPF; United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (JSPF); 联合国合办工作人员养恤基金(养恤基金)
*UNKRA; United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency; 联合国韩国重建局(韩国重建局)
*UNLAI; United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime; and the Treatment of Offenders; Instituto Latinoamericano de las Naciones Unidas para la Prevencion; del Delito y Tratamiento del Delincuente (ILANUD); 联合国拉丁美洲预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所; (拉美预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所)
*UNMA; United Nations Malaysia Association; 联合国马来西亚协会
*UNMAC; United Nations Mine Action Centre (MAC); 联合国地雷行动中心
*UNMAS; United Nations Mine Action Service (MAS); 联合国排雷行动处
*UNMCK; United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea; 韩国联合国军纪念公墓
*UNMEM; United Nations Middle East Mission; 联合国中东特派团
*UNMIBH; United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina; 联合国波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那特派团
*UNMIH; United Nations Mission in Haiti; 联合国海地特派团
*UNMO; United Nations military observers (UNMOs); 联合国军事观察员(军事观察员)
*UNMOGIP; United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan; 联合国驻印度巴基斯坦军事观察小组(印巴观察小组); UNMOGIP Post Exchange; 印巴观察小组消费合作社
*UNMOT; United Nations Mission of Observers to Tajikistan; 联合国塔吉克斯坦观察团(塔吉克观察团)
*UNMSC; United Nations Military Staff Committee (MSC); 联合国军事参谋团(军参团)
*UN-NADAF; United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990; 1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程
*UNO; United Nations Organization; 联合国组织
*UNOCA; Office of the Co-ordinator for United Nations Humanitarian and; Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan; 联合国阿富汗人道主义及经济援助方案协调专员办事处
*UNOCHA; United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs; (OCHA); 联合国人道主义事务协调厅
*UNOCHA; United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Assistance; to Afghanistan; 联合国阿富汗人道主义援助协调办事处
*UNOEA; United Nations Office for Emergencies in Africa [formerly: OEOA]; 联合国非洲紧急事务处(非洲紧急事务处)
*UNOG; United Nations Office at Geneva; 联合国日内瓦办事处
*UNOGIL; United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon; 联合国黎巴嫩观察组
*UNOHAC; United Nations Office for Humanitarian Assistance Co-ordination; 联合国人道主义援助协调办事处
*UNOMIG; United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia; 联合国格鲁吉亚观察团(格鲁吉亚观察团)
*UNOMIL; United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia; 联合国利比里亚观察团(利比里亚观察团)
*UNOMO; United Nations Operation in Mozambique; Operation des Nations Unies au Mozambique (ONUMOZ); 联合国莫桑比克行动(莫桑比克行动)
*UNOMSA; United Nations Observer Mission in South Africa; 联合国南非观察团(南非观察团)
*UNOMUR; United Nations Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda; 联合国乌干达和卢旺达观察团
*UNOPS; United Nations Office for Project Services; 联合国项目事务厅
*UNORCA; National Union of Regional Organizations of Autonomous Peasants; Union Nacional de Organizaciones Regionales Campesinas Autonomas; [Mexico]; 区域农民自治组织全国联合会
*UNOSOM; United Nations Operation in Somalia; 联合国索马里行动; United Nations Observer Mission in Somalia; 联合国索马里观察团
*UNOV; United Nations Office at Vienna; 联合国维也纳办事处
*UNOVER; United Nations Observer Mission to Verify the Referendum in Eritrea; 联合国厄立特里亚核查公民投票观察团
*UNPA; United Nations Postal Administration; 联合国邮政管理处(邮管处)
*UNPA; United Nations Protected Areas (UNPAs); 联合国保护区;联合国保护地区
*UN-PAAERD; United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery; and Development, 1986-1990 (PAAERD) [A/RES/S-13/2 Annex]; 1986—1990年联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领; (非洲行动纲领)
*UNPAAS; United Nations Postal Administration Automated System; 联合国邮政管理处自动化系统(邮管处自动化系统)
*UNPC; United Nations Palestine Commission; 联合国巴勒斯坦委员会(巴委会)
*UNPMME; Office of the Co-ordinator of the United Nations Peace-Keeping; Mission in the Middle East; 联合国维持中东和平特派团协调专员办公室
*UNPO; Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization; 无代表国家和人民组织
*UNPROFOR; United Nations Protection Force in Former Yugoslavia; 联合国驻前南斯拉夫保护部队(保护部队)
*UNREF; United Nations Refugee Fund; 联合国难民基金会(难民基金)[旧组织]
*UNREO; United Nations Rwanda Emergency Office; 联合国卢旺达紧急情况办事处
*UNRFNRE; United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration; 联合国自然资源勘探循环基金(自然资源勘探循环基金)
*UNRIAA; United Nations Recueils of International Arbitral Awards; 联合国国际仲裁裁决书汇编
*UNRIP; United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan; 联合国驻印度巴基斯坦代表(联合国驻印巴代表)
*UNRISD; United Nations Research Institute for Social Development; 联合国社会发展研究所(社会发展研究所)
*UNROB; United Nations Special Relief Office in Bangladesh; 联合国驻孟加拉国特别救济事务处
*UNROD; United Nations Relief Operation in Dacca; 联合国达卡救济行动(达卡救济行动)
*UNRRA; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitations Administration; 联合国善后救济总署
*UNRWA; United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the; Near East; 联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)
*UNSA; United Nations special account; 联合国特别帐户
*UNSAC; United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC); 联合国科学咨询委员会(科学咨委会)
*UNSC; United Nations Security Council (SC) [UN]; 联合国安全理事会;安全理事会(安理会)
*UNSC; United Nations Staff College; 联合国职员学院
*UNSCCUR; United Nations Scientific Conference for Conservation and Utilization; of Resources; 联合国资源养护及利用问题科学会议(资源会议)
*UNSCEAR; United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation; 联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员会(辐射问题委员会)
*UNSCERO; United Nations Special Co-ordinator for Emergency Relief Operations; 联合国紧急救济行动特别协调员
*UNSCO; United Nations Special Co-ordinator for the Occupied Territories; 占领区联合国特别协调员
*UNSCOM; United Nations Special Commission on Iraq Disarmament; 联合国伊拉克裁军特别委员会
*UNSCOP; United Nations Special Committee on Palestine; 联合国巴勒斯坦特别委员会(巴勒斯坦特委会)
*UNSCR; United Nations Security Council Resolution; 联合国安全理事会决议
*UNSD; United Nations Supply Depot [Pisa, Itly]; 联合国供应站
*UNSDRI; United Nations Social Denfence Research Institute; 联合国社会防护研究所(社会防护研究所)
*UNSECOORD; Office of the United Nations Security Co-ordinator; 联合国安全事务协调员办事处(安协办)
*UNSF; United Nations Special Fund (Special Fund); 联合国特别基金(特别基金)
*UNSM; United Nations Standard Messages (UNSMs); 联合国标准电文
*UNSMA; United Nations Special Mission to Afghanistan; 联合国阿富汗特派团
*UNSO; United Nations Sahelian Office; 联合国萨赫勒办事处; United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office; 联合国苏丹—萨赫勒办事处
*UNSO; United Nations Statistical Office (UNSTAT); 联合国统计处
*UNSP; United Nations Special Projects; 联合国特别项目
*UNSTAC; United Nations Science and Technology Advisory Committee for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展咨询委员会(科技促进发展咨委会)
*UNSTAT; United Nations Statistical Office (UNSO); 联合国统计处
*UNTAA; United Nations Technical Assistance Administration (TAA); 联合国技术援助管理处(技援处)
*UNTAC; United Nations Transitionsal Authority in Cambodia; 柬埔寨过渡时期联合国权力机构(联柬机构)
*UNTACDA; Inter-Agency Co-ordinating Committee for the United Nations; Transport and Communications Decade in Africa; 联合国非洲运输和通讯十年机构间协调委员会; United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa; (TCDA; UNTCDA); 联合国非洲运输和通讯十年; UNTACDA II; Second United Nations Transport and Communications Decade for; Africa; 第二个联合国非洲运输和通讯十年
*UNTAES; United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, ; Baranja and Western Sirmium; 联合国东部斯拉沃尼亚、巴兰尼亚和西部锡尔缪姆过渡行政当局
*UNTAG; United Nations Transition Assistance Group; Groupe d'Assistance des Nations Unies pour la Periode de Transition; (GANUPT); 联合国过渡时期援助团
*UNTAO; United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations; (BTAO; TAO; UNBTAO); 联合国技术援助业务局(技援局)
*UNTC; United Nations Trusteeship Council (TC); 联合国托管理事会(托管理事会)
*UNTCD; United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development; [UN Secretariat]; 联合国技术合作促进发展部
*UNTCDA; United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa; (TCDA; UNTACDA); 联合国非洲运输和通讯十年
*UNTDED; United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory; 联合国贸易数据要素目录
*UNTDID; United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory; 联合国贸易数据交换目录
*UNTEA; United Nations Temporary Executive Authority; 联合国临时执行局(临时执行局)
*UNTF; United Nations Trust Fund (Trust Fund); 联合国信托基金(信托基金)
*UNTFAD; United Nations Trust Fund for African Development; 联合国非洲发展信托基金
*UNTFADA; United Nations Trust Fund for African Development Activities; 联合国非洲发展活动信托基金
*UNTFDPP; United Nations Trust Fund for Development Planning and Projections; Fund for Planning and Projections (FUNDPAP); 联合国发展规划和预测信托基金(发展规划和预测基金)
*UNTFIRTIAW; United Nations Trust Fund for the International Research and Training; Institute for the Advancement of Women; 联合国提高妇女地位国际研究训练所信托基金
*UNTFSA; United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa; 联合国南非信托基金(南非信托基金)
*UNTFSD; United Nations Trust Fund for Social Development; 联合国社会发展信托基金
*UNTS; United Nations Treaty Series; 联合国条约汇编
*UNTSO; United Nations Truce Supervision Organization; 联合国停火监督组织(停火监督组织); United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine; 联合国驻巴勒斯坦停火监督组织
*UNU; United Nations University; 联合国大学
*UNUIIST; UNU International Institute for Software Technology (IIST); [Macao; UNU]; 联合国大学国际软件技术研究所
*UNV; United Nations Volunteers [UNDP]; 联合国志愿人员(志愿人员); United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNVP) [UNDP]; 联合国志愿人员方案(志愿人员方案)
*UNVFUT; United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture; 联合国援助酷刑受害者自愿基金
*UNVP; United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) [UNDP]; 联合国志愿人员方案(志愿人员方案)
*UNWCC; United Nations War Crimes Commission; 联合国战争罪行委员会
*UNWDC; United Nations World Disarmament Campaign; 联合国世界裁军运动
*UNY; United Nations of Yoga; 瑜伽联合国
*UNYOM; United Nations Yemen Observation Mission; 联合国也门问题观察团
*UNZAP; United Nations Zambia Assistance Programme; 联合国援助赞比亚方案
*UOC; National Confederation of United Agricultural and Non-Agricultural; Workers [Chile]; Confederacion Nacional Unidad Obrero Campesina; 全国农民工人统一联合会
*UOD; ultimate oxygen demand; 极限需氧量
*UP; Union Pacific Transportation Co. [USA]; 联合太平洋运输公司
*UP; Patriotic Union Party [Colombia]; Union Patriotica; 爱国联盟
*UP; Union Popular [Equatorial Guinea]; 人民联盟
*UPADI; Pan-American Federation of Engineering Societies [formal form]; Pan-American Union of Associations of Engineering; Union Panamericana de Asociaciones de Ingenieros; 泛美工程师协会联合会(泛美工程师联合会)
*UPE; European Political Union; Union Politique Europeenne; 欧洲政治联盟
*UPEB; Union de Paises Exportadores de Banana; 香蕉出口国联盟
*UPI; United Press International [news agency]; 合众国际社
*UPL; unit packing list [Container]; 成组(货物)装箱单
*UPNO; Union Pa-O National Organization [Myanmar]; 巴奥民族组织联合会
*UPOV; International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants; Union Internationale pour la Protection des Obtentions Vegetales; 国际保护植物新品种联合会
*UPP; User-Pays-Principle [principle that the user should bear the total cost of; use of a resource and associated services]; 用户偿付原则
*UPU; Universal Postal Union; Union Postale Universelle; 万国邮政联盟(邮联)
*UR; Uruguay Round [GATT]; 乌拉圭回合
*URD; Union Revoluncionaria Democratica; Revolutionary Democratic Union [Guatemala]; 革命民主联盟
*UREF; Universite des Reseaux d'Expression Francaise [AUPELF]; 法语教学大学联系网
*URNG; National Revolutionary Union of Guatemala; Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca; 危地马拉全国革命联盟
*Ur$; Uruguayan peso [Monetary Unit of Uruguay]; 乌拉圭比索
*URUPABOL; Uruguay, Paraguay y Bolivia; 乌巴玻区域组织(乌拉圭、巴拉圭和玻利维亚三国区域组织);; 乌巴玻三国条约
*US; United States of America (USA); 美利坚合众国(美国)
*USA; United States of America (US); 美利坚合众国(美国)
*USAID; United States Agency for International Development (AID); 美国国际开发署
*USASI; United States of America Standard Institute; 美国标准协会
*USBM; United States Bureau of Mines; 美国矿务局
*USC; United Somali Congress; 联合索马里大会
*USCC; United States Catholic Conference; 美国天主教会议
*USD; United States dollar [Monetary Unit of United States]; 美元
*USDA; United States Department of Agriculture; 美国农业部
*USG; Under-Secretary-General [UN Secretariat]; 副秘书长
*USG/AFM; Under-Secretary-General for Administration, Finance and Management; [UN Secretariat]; 主管行政、财政和管理事务部副秘书长
*USG/AM; Under-Secretary-General for Administration and Management; [UN Secretariat]; 主管行政和管理事务部副秘书长
*USGS; United States Geological Survey; 美国地质勘探局
*Ush; Ugandan shilling [Monetary Unit of Uganda]; 乌干达先令
*USI; United Schools International; 学联国际
*Usinor; Union Siderurgique du Nord de la France; 法国北方钢铁联合公司(犹齐诺公司)
*USINS; United States Immigration and Naturalization Service [USA]; 美国移民和归化局
*USITC; United States International Trade Commission (ITC); 美国国际贸易委员会
*USITRAS; Workers' Trade Union of Santander [Colombia]; 桑坦德工人工会
*USNH; United States, North of Cape Hatteras [Chartering and Shipping]; 美国海特拉斯角以北
*USNO; United Sabah National Organization [Malaysia]; 沙巴民族统一机构
*USO; Union Sindical Obrera [Colombia, member of CUT]; 工人工会联盟
*US$; United States dollar [Monetary Unit of United States]; 美元
*USSR; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟(苏联)
*USTA; United States Trademark Association; 美国商标协会(商标协会)
*USTS; United States Travel Service; 美国旅行社
*USUSA; Unenfranchised Students Union of South Africa; 南非无公民权学生联盟
*UTC; universal time co-ordinated; 协调世界时
*UTO; United Towns Organization; 世界联谊城联盟(联谊城联盟)
*UUMP; Unification of Units of Measurement Panel; 统一计量单位专家小组(统一计量小组)
*UV; ultraviolet; 紫外;紫外线
*UVA; ultraviolet A radiation; 紫外线A波段;长波紫外线[波长大于320毫微米]
*UVB; ultraviolet B radiation; 紫外线B波段;中波紫外线[波长在280—320毫微米之间]
*UVC; ultraviolet C radiation; 紫外线C波段;短波紫外线[波长在200—280毫微米之间]
*UWC; United World Colleges; 世界学院联合会
*V; Green Group in the European Parliament [EC]; Groupe des Verts au Parlement Europeen; 欧洲议会绿党议员团
*v; versus [Latin]; __诉__[诉讼]; __对__[比赛]
*VALOREN; Exploiting Indigenous Energy Potential [EC Programme]; Valorisation du Potentiel Energetique Endogene; 开发本地能源潜力方案
*VALUE; Specific Programme for the Dissemination and Utilization of Scientific; and Technological Research Results [EC]; 传播和利用科技研究成果特别计划
*VAP; Voluntary Assistance Programme [WMO]; 志愿援助方案; Voluntary Assistance Programme Fund [WMO]; 志愿援助方案基金
*VARI; voluntary absence for the release of isolation [UNHCR]; 消除孤独感自愿假
*VAT; value added tax; 增值税; VAT return [EC]; 增值税税单
*VC; variable component [EEC tariff]; 可变成分
*VC; variable cost; 可变成本
*VCP; Voluntary Co-operation Programme; 志愿合作方案
*VDPA; Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action; 维也纳宣言和行动纲领[关于人权]
*VDU; visual display units (VDUs); 直观显示装置
*VEE; Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis; 委内瑞拉马脑脊髓炎
*VER; voluntary export restrictions (VERs); 自愿出口限制(自愿限制)
*VEREX; Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts to Identify and Examine; Potential Verification Measures from a Scientific and Technical; Standpoint [BWC]; 从科技角度查明和研究可能的核查措施特设政府专家小组; (核查措施专家小组)
*VERTIC; Verification Technology Information Centre (Vertic) [UK]; 核查技术资料中心
*VFDW; Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women ; (VFUNDW); 联合国妇女十年志愿基金
*VFUNDW; Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women (VFDW); 联合国妇女十年志愿基金
*VHP; Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) [India]; 世界印度教理事会
*VHRR; very high resolution radiometer; 高分辨率辐射仪
*VIB; Visual Information Board; 影视资料委员会(影视资料会)
*VIC; Vienna International Centre; 维也纳国际中心
*VID; Vienna Institute for Development; 维也纳发展研究所(发展研究所)
*VIF; Venezuelan Investment Fund; 委内瑞拉投资基金
*Vision International; International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB); 国际防治失明机构(防治失明机构)
*ViSP; Visual Settlement Planning; 可视安顿规划(安顿规划)
*VISTA; Volunteers in Service to America; 为美国服务志愿队
*VIV; Food Import Bureau [Netherlands]; 粮食进口局
*viz; videlicet [Latin]; 即;就是说
*VL; viceral leishmaniasis; 黑热病
*VLA; Value Line Average [USA]; [Value Line: Private company which issues a periodic advisory; service paper ranking hundreds of stocks for timeliness and; safety. The company uses a computerized model for judging; the value of the stocks. Each stock is assigned a risk rating.; Value Line Index: Index of over seventeen hundred stocks; computed by Value Line. These include not only stocks listed; on the New York Stock Exchange but also securities traded; on AMEX and over-the-counter stocks.]
*VLA; vertical line array; 垂直线阵列[测向与测距水声天线阵列]
*VLCC; very large crude carrier; 巨型原油船
*VMM ; Virtual Microfinance Market; 虚拟微型金融市场 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*VMP; value of marginal product; 边际产品价值
*VMRO; International Macedonian Revolutionary Organization [Macedonia]; 马其顿革命国际组织
*VNG; Vermont-Nations Geneva [UNHCR Headquarters Annex]; 日内瓦弗尔蒙街联合国办公楼
*VOC; volatile organic compounds; 挥发性有机化合物
*VO-MTO; vessel-operating multimodal transport operators; 有船多式联运人
*vop; valued as in original policy; 价值按原保险单
*VPA; Vienna Programme of Action on Science and Technology for; Development (Vienna Programme of Action) [A/CONF.81/16]; 科学和技术促进发展维也纳行动纲领(维也纳行动纲领)
*VSAT ; very small aperture terminal [Telecommunications]; 极小孔径终端
*VTPR; vertical temperature profile radiometer; 温度垂直廓线辐射仪
*vv; vice versa [Latin]; 反之亦然;反过来;反过来也是一样
*VVAO; Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrouwen met Academische Opleiding; 荷兰大学妇女协会
*W3; World Wide Web (WWW); 万维网;万维天罗地网[计算机网络]
*WA; West Africa; 西非; WA pound (£WA) [Monetary Unit of Gambia and Sierra Leone]; 西非镑
*WA; with average (wa) [Chartering and Shipping]; 水渍险;基本险;单独海损
*WABA; West African Bankers Association; 西非银行家协会(西非银协)
*WAC; War Amputations of Canada; 加拿大战争截肢人协会(战争截肢人协会)
*WACC; World Africa Chamber of Commerce; 世界非洲商会(非洲商会)
*WACC; World Association for Christian Communication; 世界基督教通信协会(基督教通信协会)
*WACH; West African Clearing House; 西非票据交换所(西非票交所)
*WAEC; West African Economic Community; Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEAO); 西非经济共同体(西非经共体)
*WAEMU; West African Economic and monetary Union; Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA); 西非经济和货币联盟(西非经货联)
*WAEP; World Association for Element Building and Prefabrication; 世界构件和预制构件协会
*WAER; World Association for Educational Research; 世界教育研究协会(教育研究协会)
*WAF; with all faults; 一经出售概不退换;不保证商品无瑕疵
*WAFA; Wikalat Anbaa' Filastiniya; Palestine News Agency; 巴勒斯坦新闻社
*WAFR; World Appraisal of Fishery Resources Programme [FAO]; 世界渔业资源评价计划
*WAFUNIF; World Association of Former United Nations Internes and Fellows; 联合国退职实习人员和研究员世界协会; (联合国退职实习人员和研究员协会)
*WAGGGS; World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts; 世界女童子军协会(女童军协会)
*WAICA; West African Insurance Consultative Association; 西非保险咨询协会
*WAIOP; with average irrespective of percentage (waiop); 单独海损不计免赔率
*WAIPA; World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies; 世界投资促进机构协会
*WAITRO; World Association of Industrial and Technological Research; Organizations; 世界工业与技术研究组织协会(工业与技术研究协会)
*WAMA; West African Monetary Agency; 西非货币管理局
*WAMU; West African Monetary Union; Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine; 西非货币联盟(西非货联)
*WAN; wide area network [Computer]; 广域网络;广域计算机网络
*WAPA; weighted average of post adjustments; 工作地点差价调整数加权平均数; movement of WAPA; 工作地点差价调整数加权平均数的变动; WAPA index; 工作地点差价调整数加权平均数指数
*WAPR; World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation; 社会心理康复世界协会(社会心理康复协会)
*WARC; World Alliance of Reformed Churches; 世界归正会联谊会(归正会联谊会)
*WARDA; West African Rice Development Association; 西非稻米发展协会(西非稻米协会)
*WARO; West Asia Regional Office [UNICEF]; 西亚区域办事处
*WASME; World Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises; 世界中小企业会议(中小企业会议)
*WASP; white Anglo-Saxon Protestant; 信奉新教的白种盎格鲁撒克逊人百分制
*WASP; World Association of Societies of Pathology; 世界病理学会协会(病理学会协会)
*WATA; World Association of Travel Agencies; 世界旅行社协会
*WAUA; West African Unit of Account; 西非计帐单位
*WAWF; World Association for World Federation (new name); World Association of World Federalists (old name); 世界联邦世界协会[新名];; 世界联邦主义者世界协会(世界联邦主义者协会)[旧名]
*WAY; World Assembly of Youth; 世界青年大会(青年大会)
*WBC; well blowout control; 井喷控制; WBC Claim; 井喷控制索赔[向伊拉克索赔问题]
*WBCSD; World Business Council for Sustainable Development; 世界促进可持续发展商业理事会
*WB/EI; West Britain / East Ireland [Chartering and Shipping]; 英国西岸/爱尔兰东岸
*WBMS; World Bureau of Metal Statistics; 世界金属统计局
*WBS; without benefit of salvage (Wbs; wbs) [Chartering and Shipping]; 不享有获救财产的权利;无救助利益
*WCAFC; Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission; 中大西洋西部渔业委员会
*WCAP; World Climate Application Programme [WMO/WCP]; 世界气候应用方案
*WCARRD; World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development; 世界土地改革和和农村发展会议
*WCC; World Council of Churches; 世界基督教协进会; CCIA/WCC; Commission of Churches on International Affairs of the WCC; 世界基督教协进会教会国际事务委员会; (教会国际事务委员会)
*WCC; World Crafts Council; 世界手工艺理事会(手工艺理事会)
*WCCD; World Commission on Culture and Development; 世界文化与发展委员会
*WCDP; World Climate Data Programme [WMO/WCP]; 世界气候数据方案
*WCDW; World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women; 联合国妇女十年世界会议
*WCED; World Commission on Environment and Development; (Brundtland Commission); 世界环境与发展委员会(布伦特兰委员会;环发委员会)
*WCEFA; World Conference on Education for All; 世界全民教育会议
*WCI; World Coal Institute; 世界煤炭学会
*WCIP; World Climate Impact Study Programme [UNEP/WCP]; 世界气候影响研究方案
*WCIP; World Council of Indigenous Peoples; 世界土著人理事会(土著人理事会)
*WCL; World Confederation of Labour [formerly: IFCTU]; Confederation Mondiale du Travail (CMT); 世界劳工联合会(世界劳联)
*WCLC; World Christian Life Community; 世界基督教徒生活社团
*WCMC; World Conservation Monitoring Centre; 世界养护监测中心
*WCO; World Customs Organization [formerly: CCC]; 世界海关组织(海关组织)
*WCOTP; World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession; 世界教育工作者组织联合会(教育工作者联合会)
*WCP; World Climate Programme [WMO/UNEP/ICSU/UNESCO; 1979]; 世界气候方案
*WCPT; World Confederation for Physical Therapy; 世界理疗联合会(理疗联合会); World Congress of Physical Therapy; 世界理疗大会
*WCRP; World Climate Research Programme [ICSU/WMO/UNESCO/WCP]; 世界气候研究方案
*WCRP; World Conference on Religion and Peace; 世界宗教与和平会议(宗教与和平会议)
*WCS; World Conservation Strategy [WCP]; [Published by IUCN, UNEP and WWF in 1980]; 世界养护战略(养护战略);世界保护战略
*WCSA; west coast of South Africa [Chartering and Shipping]; 南非西岸
*WCT; World Confederation of Teachers; 世界教师联合会(教师联合会)
*WCT; WIPO Coopeatation Treaty; ; 世界知识产权组织版权条约 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*WCWB; World Council for the Welfare of the Blind; 世界盲人福利理事会(盲人福利理事会)
*WDC; World Data Centres (WDCs); 世界数据中心(数据中心); WDC on Micro-Organisms; 世界微生物数据中心; WDCs for Meteorology; 世界气象数据中心
*WDC; World Disarmament Conference; 世界裁军会议
*WDM; World Development Movement; 世界发展运动(发展运动)
*WE; World Education; 世界教育协会(教育协会)
*WEC; World Energy Conference; 世界能源会议(能源会议)
*WEDO; Women's Environment and Development Organization; 环境与发展妇女组织
*WEEB; Western European EDIFACT Board; 管理、商务和运输电子数据交换系统西欧委员会; WEEB-MD4; WEEB-Message Development Group 4; 管理、商务和运输电子数据交换系统西欧委员会电文开发第; 四小组
*WEF; World Education Fellowship, The; 世界教育联谊会(教育联谊会)
*wef; with effect from; 自__起生效;自__起实施
*WEI; World Environment Institute; 世界环境研究所(环境研究所)
*WEM; Workshop for Emergency Managers [UNHCR]; 应急管理人员讲习班
*WEOG; Western Europe and Other States Group; 西欧及其他国家集团
*WERC; World Environment and Resources Council; 世界环境与资源理事会(环境与资源理事会)
*WEU; Western European Union; 西欧联盟
*WFAFW; World Federation of Agriculture and Food Workers; 世界农业和粮食工人联合会 (农粮工联)
*WFAW; World Federation of Agricultural Workers (WFAW-CMT) ; [WCL/CMT]; 世界农业工人联合会(农业工人联合会)
*WFB; World Fellowship of Buddhists; 世界佛教徒联谊会
*WFC; World Food Congress; 世界粮食大会
*WFC; World Food Council; 世界粮食理事会(粮食理事会)
*WFCC; World Federation of Cultural Collections; 世界培植品采集联合会
*WFCLC; World Federation of Christian Life Communities; 世界基督教生活团体联合会(基督教生活团体联合会)
*WFCY; World Federation of Catholic Youth; 世界天主教青年联合会(天主教青年联合会)
*WFD; World Federation of the Deaf; 世界聋人联合会(聋联)
*WFDFI; World Federation of Development Financing Institutions; 世界发展筹资机构联合会(筹资联)
*WFDY; World Federation of Democratic Youth; 世界民主青年联合会(民主青联)
*WFEO; World Federation of Engineering Organizations; 世界工程组织联合会(工组联)
*WFFS; World Fleet Forcasting Service; 世界船队预报服务社
*WFFTH; World Federation of Workers in Food, Tobacco and Hotel Industries; (WFFTH-WCL) [WCL/CMT]; 世界食品工业、烟草业和旅馆业工人联合会; (食品、烟草和旅馆业工人联合会)
*WFHA-AVSC; World Federation of Health Agencies for the Advancement of ; Voluntary Surgical Contraception; 促进自愿绝育外科手术世界保健机构联合会; (促进自愿绝育外科手术保健机构联合会)
*WFM; World Federalist Movement; 世界联邦主义者运动
*WFMH; World Federation for Mental Health; 世界心理卫生联合会(心卫联)
*WFMW; World Federation of Methodist Women; 世界卫理公会女教友联合会(卫理公会女教友联合会)
*WFNMB; World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology; 世界核医学和生物学联合会(核医学和生物学联合会)
*WFOT; World Federation of Occupational Therapists; 世界职业病治疗人员联合会(职业病治疗人员联合会)
*WFP; World Federation of Public Health Associations; 世界公共卫生协会联合会(公卫协联)
*WFP; World Food Programme [ESC; FAO]; Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM); 世界粮食计划署(粮食署);世界粮食方案(粮食方案)
*WFSA; World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists; 世界麻醉师学会联合会(麻醉师联合会)
*WFSF; World Future Studies Federation; 世界未来研究联合会(未来研究联合会)
*WFSW; World Federation of Scientific Workers; 世界科学工作者联合会(科工联)
*WFTC; World Federation of Therapeutic Communities, Inc.; 世界治疗机构联合会(治疗机构联合会)
*WFTU; World Federation of Trade Unions; 世界工会联合会(世界工联)
*WFUNA; World Federation of United Nations Associations; 联合国协会世界联合会(联合国协联)
*WG; weight guaranteed (wg) [Chartering ang Shipping]; 担保重量;保证重量
*WG; working group ; 工作组
WG 4 - "Future Containers" [ISO]; 第四工作组—“未来的集装箱”
*WGAFM; Working Group on Administrative and Financial Matters [UNDP]; 行政和财务事项工作小组(行政财务小组)
*WGC; World Gold Council; 世界黄金理事会
*WGE; Working Group on Evaluation [GSE]; 评价工作组
*WGET; United Nations Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications; 联合国紧急情况电信工作组(紧急电信工作组)
*WGISL; Working Group on International Shipping Legislation [UNCTAD]; 国际航运立法工作组
*WGO; Working Group on Operations [GSE]; 运行工作组
*WGP; Working Group on Planning [GSE]; 规划工作组
*WHA; World Health Assembly; 世界卫生大会(卫生大会)
*WHF; World Hindu Federation; 世界印度教联合会
*WHL; World Hypertension League; 世界高血压病联盟(高血压病联盟)
*WHO; World Health Organization; 世界卫生组织(卫生组织)
WHO/AFRO (Regional Office for Africa); 非洲区域办事处
WHO/EMRO (Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean); 东地中海区域办事处
WHO/EURO (Regional Office for Europe); 欧洲区域办事处
*WIC; West Indian Commission [CARICOM]; 西印度群岛委员会
*WICE; World Industry Council for the Environment [ICC]; 环境问题世界工业理事会
*WICEM; World Industry Conference on Environmental Management; 关于环境管理的世界工业大会
*WID; women in development; 发展中妇女
*WIDE; Women in Development Europe; 欧洲发展中妇女组织
*WIDER; World Institute for Development Economics Research [Helsinki; UNU]; 世界发展经济学研究所
*WIDF; Womwn's International Democratic Federation; 国际民主妇女联合会(民主妇联)
*WIF; Worldview International Foundation - Kenya; 肯尼亚世界观点国际基金会
*WILPF; Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; 国际妇女争取和平与自由联盟(妇女和平自由联盟)
*WINGS; Warrant into Governmental Securities [USA]; [Warrant which allows the purchaser to acquire, within a specified; period of time, at a fixed price, a US Treasury bill of specified coupon rate and maturity.]; 购买政府债券许可
*WIP; Workgroup on Indigenous Peoples; Werkgroep Inheemse Volken; 土著人民工作组
*WIPO; World Intellectual Property Organization; 世界知识产权组织(产权组织)
*WIR; World Investment Report; 世界投资报告[年刊]
WIR 94; World Investment Report 1994; 1994年世界投资报告
*WITASS; Association of West India Transatlantic Steamship Lines; 西印度横渡大西洋航运公会
*WITS; World Integrated Trade Solution; 世界综合贸易方案
*WIZO; Women's International Zionist Organization; 国际犹太复国主义妇女组织(犹太复国主义妇女组织)
*WJC; World Jewish Congress; 世界犹太人大会(犹太人大会)
*WLRA; World Leisure and Recreation Association; 世界文娱协会(文娱协会)
*w/m; work-month; 工作月
*WMA; World Medical Association; 世界医学协会(医协)
*WMC; World Meteorological Centre; 世界气象中心(气象中心)
*WMC; World Muslim Congress; 世界穆斯林大会(穆斯林大会)
*WMCW; World Movement of Christian Workers; 世界基督教工人运动(基督教工运)
*WMD; World Meteorological Day [WMO]; 世界气象日(每年三月二十三日)
*WMM; World Movement of Mothers; 世界母亲运动(母亲运动)
*WMO; World Meteorological Organization; 世界气象组织(气象组织)
*WMS; World market share; 世界市场份额 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*WMU; World Maritime University; 世界海事大学
*WOBO; World Organization of Building Officials; 世界建筑管理官员组织(建筑管理官员组织)
*WOCCU; World Council of Credit Unions; 世界信用合作社理事会
*WOCE; World Ocean Circulation Experiment; 世界海洋环流实验
*WONCA; World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic; Associations of General Practitioners; 国立普通医生学院、学会和学术团体世界组织
*World Bank; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); 国际复兴开发银行(世界银行;世行)
*World Scout Bureau; World Organization of the Scout Movement; 世界童子军运动组织(世界童子军局)
*World YWCA; World Young Women's Christian Association; 世界基督教女青年会(基督教女青年会)
*WOVO; World Organization of Volcanological Observatories; 世界火山观测所组织
*WP; working paper; 工作文件
*WP; working party; 工作组
*WPA; with particular average (wpa) [Chartering and Shipping]; 单独海损险;承保单独海损
*WPA; World Psychiatric Association; 世界精神病学协会(精神病学协会)
*WPC; World Peace Council; 世界和平理事会(和平理事会)
*WPFC; World Press Freedom Committee; 世界新闻自由委员会
*WPO; World Packaging Organization; 世界包装组织 (包装组织)
*WPTLC; World Peace through Law Centre; 以法律求世界和平中心
*WPS; Working Paper Series [World Bank]; 工作文件系列
*WPS; World Population Society; 世界人口学会(人口学会)
*WRC; World Relief Council; 世界救济理事会; World Relief Corporation; 世界救济组织
*WRDC; Water Resources Development Centre; 水资源发展中心
*WRI; War Resisters' International; 反战者国际
*WRI; World Resources Institute; 世界资源学会(资源学会)
*WRO; war risks only (wro) [Chartering and Shipping]; 仅保战争险
*WSB; wheat soy blend; 小麦大豆混合物
*WSBI; World Savings Banks Institute [formerly: ISBI]; 世界储蓄银行协会
*WSCF; World Student Christian Federqtion; 世界基督教学生联合会(基督教学联)
*WSE; World Society for Ekistics; 世界环境生态学会(环境生态学会)
*WSEC; World Sustainable Energy Coalition; 世界可持续能源联盟
*WSIS; World Summit on the Information Society; 信息社会世界高峰会议(信息社会世界峰会) (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*WSO; World Safety Organization; 世界安全组织(安全组织)
*WSPA; World Society for the Protection of Animals; 世界动物保护学会(动物保护学会)
*WSSI; World Seismic Safety Initiative; 世界地震安全计划
*WSTS; World Sea Trade Service [DRI/TBS]; 世界海运贸易服务社
*WSV; World Society of Victimology; 世界受害者研究学会
*WTCA; World Trade Centres Association; 世界贸易中心协会(贸易中心协会)
*WTDR; World Telecommunication Development Report; 《世界电信发展报告》(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*WTMU; Wildlife Trade Monitoring Unit; 野生生物贸易监视股
*WTO; Warsaw Treaty Organization; 华沙条约组织(华约组织)
*WTO; World Tourism Organization; 世界旅游组织(旅游组织)
*WTO; World Trade Organization; 世界贸易组织(世贸组织)
*WUCWO; World Union of Catholic Women's Organization; 天主教妇女组织世界联合会(天主教妇女联合会)
*WUPJ; World Union for Progressive Judaism; 世界进步犹太教联盟(进步犹太教联盟)
*WUS; World University Service; 世界大学服务会(大学服务会)
*WUSC; World University Services Canada; 加拿大世界大学服务会(加拿大大学服务会)
*WVA; World Veterinary Association; 世界兽医协会(兽医协会)
*WVI; World Vision International; 世界展望国际组织
*WVF; World Veterans Federation; 世界退伍军人联合会(退伍军人联合会)
*WWB; Women's World Banking; 妇女世界信贷会(妇女信贷会)
*WWC; World Wilderness Congress; 世界原野会议
*WWCTU; World Women's Christian Temperance Union; 世界基督教妇女戒酒联合会(基督教妇女戒酒联合会)
*WWD; weather working days (wwd) [Chartering and Shipping]; 晴天工作日; WWD SHEX; WWD, sunday and holiday excepted; 晴天工作日,星期日及例假日除外(不记入装卸时间); WWD SHINC; WWD, sunday and holiday included; 晴天工作日,星期日及例假日也记入(装卸时间)
*WWF; World Wide Fund for Nature; 世界大自然基金; World Wide Fund for Nature International; 世界自然基金国际协会
*WWF; World Wildlife Fund; 世界野生物基金会
*WWI; World Watch Institute; 世界观察研究所
*WWPP; World Women Parliamentarians for Peace; 女议员争取世界和平协会(女议员争取和平协会)
*WWW; World Weather Watch; 世界天气监视网; World Weather Watch Programme; 世界天气监测方案
*WWW; World Wide Web (W3); 环球网[计算机网络]
*XB; extra-budgetary; 预算外
*Y; Y chromosom; Y染色体
*¥; Japanese yen [Monetary Unit of Japan]; 日元
*YAR; Yemen Arab Republic; 阿拉伯也门共和国
*YAR; York Antwerp Rules; 约克—安特卫普规则
*YBK; Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan [Malaysia]; 消除贫穷基金会
*YCS; young catholic students; 天主教青年学生; International YCS; 国际天主教青年学生会
*YD; Yemeni dinar [Monetary Unit of The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen]; 也门第纳尔;也门民主人民共和国第纳尔
*YDC; Youth for Development and Co-operation; 青年争取发展与合作协会
*YES; Youth Exchange Scheme [EC]; 青年交流计划[短期培训]
*YFE; "Youth for Europe" Programme [EC]; “青年为了欧洲”计划
*YMBA; Young Men's Buddhist Association [Burma]; 佛教青年会
*YMCA; World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations; 世界基督教青年会联盟(基督教青年会); Young Men's Christian Association; 基督教青年会
*Yrls; riyal of the Arab Republic of Yemen [Monetary Unit of the Arab; Republic of Yemen]; 也门里亚尔;阿拉伯也门共和国里亚尔
*YWCA; Young Women's Christian Association; 基督教女青年会; World YWCA; 世界基督教女青年会(基督教女青年会)
*yuppie; young urban professionals (yuppies); 雅皮士;大城市里的年轻专业人员
*Z; zaire [Monetary Unit of Zaire]; 扎伊尔
*ZACPLAN; Zambezi Action Plan; 赞比西河行动计划
*zaitech; financial technology [Japan]; 金融管理技术[原文是日文;zai的汉字是“财”]
*ZANU; Zimbabwe African National Union; 津巴布韦非洲民族联盟; ZANU(PF); ZANU(Patriotic Front); 津巴布韦非洲民族联盟(爱国阵线)
*ZAPU; Zimbabwe African People[s Union; 津巴布韦非洲人民联盟
*ZBB; zero-base budget; zero-base budgeting; 零基预算;编制零基预算
*ZCP; zona de commercio preferencial [Portuguese]; 优惠贸易区;优惠贸易地区
*ZDA; Zinc Development Association; 锌开发协会
*ZEG; zero economic growth; 零经济增长
*ZEP-RE; PTA Reinsurance Company; 东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区再保险公司; (东南非优贸区再保险公司)
*ZERO; Regional Network of Energy/Environmental Experts [SADC Countries]; 能源与环境专家区域联络网
*ZI; Zonta International - International Service Organization of Executive; and Professional Women; 国际崇德社—女主管和女专业人员国际服务组织(崇德社)
*Zl; Polish zloty [Monetary Unit of Poland]; 波兰兹罗提
*ZPG; zero population growth; 零人口增长
  • 深圳业务部-刘生
  • 深圳业务部-Jim
  • 广州业务部-Josee
  • 配音业务部-Michelle